King of Dx, once a small time name back with Joe's Wrestling Federation now a contender to the King of the Throne. This week King of Dx made his out of ring Debut when he took out Jasper Rayne after Jasper destroyed Bobby Ocean. King of Dx wanted to leave the crowed speechless, and steal himself a easy pass into the King of the Throne match.

But he wasn't prepared for what the Pulp Fiction team had in mind for him, They assusred him he would get a fair shot to be apart of the Pay Per View, what they didn't tell him was that he would have to fight for it against none other then the Hall of Famer himself, Johnny Styles. The Pulp fiction team offered Styles a deal of a lifetime to exit his 4 hour retirment and become a member of the West Roster. A deal that incluided a shot at King of Dx with the winner going on to King of the Throne