Ramirez Silva is the CEO and founder of No Limit Wrestling Federation. Having spent the last three years of his
life in a management role, Silva has devoted the last year of his life to making the PWR THE best federation out there.
Real Name: Joe
Contact: Silva@NLWF.com
Carmine Vestiere, formerly a silent partner of Wrestling Unplugged and former owner of IWS, is the
man that jump at the idea of helping Silva create a promotion that is worthy of Federation of the year. Serving as an executive for the company, Carmine is the man to see with a request. He along with Silva control the East and Direct Hit.
Real Name: Johnny Boy
Contact: Johnnyking315@live.com
His name is Bert Hales once was owner of EWA, and was a GM over at TEWF but Steve the owner of TEWF never gave Bert full control over there show. After a few years keeping a low profile Bert Hales has signed on to NLWF to bring new life into NLWF Legacy. And this time they will have freedom of control!
Real Name: Bert Hales
Contact: N/A
C.W. Gibson has always been teamed up with Bert Hales. They were togther when they attempted to bring there Pulp Fiction style to there very own TEWF brand show, but Steve the owner of TEWF said there style was to Bold and just not what the public was intrested in watching. It wasn't long before C.W. Gibson left TEWF. Who could blame the guy. He has been doing a few projects here and there, but after getting a phone call from Bert Hales about NLWF and about being co-GM of Legacy and in charge of the whole Wester brand of NLWF C.W. quickly signed on.
His name is Francesco Rossi but should be call Johnny Come latley, but when he is around does his thing. Rossi is a friend of Silva, and was the former CO-GM of the West Brand. But after two weeks of lack luster raitngs Silva replaced Rossi with the team of C.W. Gibson and Bert Hales. The New West team didn't want to put Rossi out, so they offered him a job. He may not be GM but he still plays a decent part to the west. When called upon for certain duties, Rossi assists when needed, and isn't afraid to throw a fit at a misbehaving roster member.
Real Name: Francesco Rossi
Contact: N/A