Full Name:Swan Lee

Specialty Match: Hardcore

Stats: 6'0", 200lbs.

Hometown: Queens, New York

Alignment: Face

Manager: None

Finisher: Cosplay Comet (A shattering left hook that KO's opponent cold.)

Entrance Theme: It's Raining Men by "The Weather Girls"

Achievements: N/A
Biography: Hi! My name is Swan Lee, I like to cosplay....anything wrong with that? I am of a different sexual orientation. Anything wrong with that? I was flipping through my TV one day waiting for my nails to dry and I happened to be tuning into this thing called wrestling. Here was a sport where the objective was to rub together with other sweaty bulging men? Here, I am being single for a great while when, right in front of me, was a way to pick up my new biggest strongest man! And I get paid for doing it? My dreams have come true!! Just thinking about wrestling with the great stars of NLWF just makes me all we......well....I can't wait. :-)