[Scene fades backstage, as the camera is focused on Jack Kent. A smiling Jack Kent, as the camera slowly zooms out, showing Maurice Bad on Jack's right, with his hands on his hips, confidently, and SIW Heavyweight Champion, JaeVeli on Jack's left side, with his arms crossed, and the SIW Championship wrapped over his right shoulder. Jae slightly smirks, as Jack begins..]
Jack Kent: Hello ladies and gent..
[JaeVeli interupts Jack..]
JaeVeli: Jack! ..Do you watch animal porn?
[Jack looks at Jae in confusion, hesitating to answer..]
Jack Kent: Umm.. Who would..
[Maurice interupts Jack, this time..]
Maurice Bad: Jack! ..Why haven't you said 'no' yet?
[Jae hits Maurice's left shoulder, in a friendly gesture.]
JaeVeli: Hey! Who's doing this interview?
Jack Kent: Well, that would..
[Jae stops him from talking again.]
JaeVeli: Mau.. Did I pull his string?
[Maurice scratches his chin, and looks up, breifly, as if he's thinking of an answer, for Jae..]
Maurice Bad: No.
JaeVeli: Did you pull his string?
Maurice Bad: No.
JaeVeli: Hmmm.. Somebody had to of pulled it. And if I didn't do it, and you didn't do it. Then who?!
Maurice Bad: Maybe we should ask him?
JaeVeli: What fun is that? And he watches animal porn?! ..You can ask him, if you want. I'm not..
Maurice Bad: I don't wanna ask him. You ask him.
JaeVeli: I'm not asking..
Jack Kent: Listen..
[JaeVeli snatches the mic from Jack.]
JaeVeli: Who the FUCK keeps pulling his string!?
Maurice Bad: I swear, it's NOT the Baddest Man on the Planet, doing the pulling..
JaeVeli: Jack! What's that!?!
[Jae points his finger to Jack's background, making him look behind him. As he turns around, Maurice shoves him out of the camera view, Jack goes flying to the ground. A loud thump is heard..]
JaeVeli: Eww. I think he landed on his head..
Maurice Bad: He'll live..
JaeVeli: You really gotta CHANNEL that intensity to something positive, Mau..
Maurice Bad: I just did.
JaeVeli: But he's still MOVING..
[Maurice looks behind him, noticing Jack rolling around slowly, moaning in pain.]
Maurice Bad: Damn. He is still moving. Take over, Jae. I'll handle this..
[Maurice hands Jae the mic, and then puts Jack in the infamous Bad Lock, making him scream in pain.]
JaeVeli: Mmm.. That's gotta hurt. It sounds like it hurts..
[Maurice continues to hold Jack in the Bad Lock, as Jae turns his attention to the camera.]
JaeVeli: Pay attention! ..This is Mecca. And we bleed, sweat, shit, and eat, respect. Rather you like it or not. You WILL respect this. And you may not be man enough to show it, but it's inside you, and I know it! And that's..
[Jae looks over at Maurice, whom still has Jack in the Bad Lock. As he's steady moaning in pain..]
JaeVeli: Shut his ass up. I can't concentrate..
[Maurice slides Jack into a chokehold, as he begins to scream at him.]
Maurice Bad: Come on, Jack! You can't fight back!?
[JaeVeli grabs the camera, making it look at him, and not what's going on down below.]
JaeVeli: Over here, dumbass..
[Jae rearranges the SIW Heavyweight strap onto his left shoulder.]
JaeVeli: Now, where was I? ..Oh. Forbidden Xtreme.. Mr. J.D. Xtreme..
I watched your last promo. And I must say..
I'm gonna have to copyright anything I say to you. Shit. J.D.. you can't be me. Okay?
I don't think so..
Sound familiar?
I really don't know where you get off, talking about your 'little ego'? As if you've done something in the SIW?
See, Maurice here, the guy choking out Jack? Yeah. Him. A former SIW Champion. A former multi tag champ..
What have you done? Mr. Little Ego?
Won a fluke battle royal to face the Trapstar? At Summersonic?
Big fucking deal.
Keyword - Fluke.
You're just lucky Mau B. didn't bring his 'A' game, that day. Because your 'ego' would be shot to hell.
Get it?
Just because you can run your mouth, non-stop, about nothing?
Doesn't mean you have talent..
Yes. It's true.
You wanna call me out about some gay shit? AFTER you just mentioned Micheal Miller's COCK size?
And I'm gay?
You hang out with a dude, in every promo. And your ex-wife left you. Why's that?
I think not..
You and ya' boy Soule hanging out in every promo, sweet talking each other, like a couple of homos..
So, just because you're in the closet? Doesn't mean the rest of us are. I can keep a female. Hence, Alizé. What do you got? Other than hitting on Skiddalz? The SIW Transvestite.
Yeah. Don't tell me you didn't know?
I guess that makes you either really fucking stupid? Or just gay?
I'll let you contemplate on that one..
And no, I'm not gonna try to kick your ass again. I just am. Get it?
I stomp'd your ass out, TWO DAYS in a row. Remember that? And yes, you are the same lil' punk, that I beat the breaks off of, a month ago..
Talking about gaining experience? Muthafucker, you can't even spell experience. Much less gain it. Got it?
Squaking about getting a title shot. When you need to be worried about Mecca tearing your walls down, around you.
You had your chance, with that fluke BAttle Royal win. Now, back to the bottom, bitch..
You aren't in my league. And neither is your fucking partner.
And I'm gonna beat that into your fucking skull..
Rest a sure..
[Maurice hops back up, and in front of the camera.]
Maurice Bad: He's gonna be out for awhile, son.. Who are you talking about?
JaeVeli: Some dumbass roookie.
Maurice Bad: Oh, J.D.. Didn't he insult your intelligence?
JaeVeli: Can you believe that? That's an all-time low for me. Getting my intelligence insulted by a animal-porn watching, Soule cock ridin', jackass, who can't even SPELL intelligence!
Maurice Bad: Don't forget little ego.
JaeVeli: Little something, alright..
Listen up, boys.. Mecca is here. Mecca will waltz down that ramp. And Mecca will stand in victory. And there isn't nothing you ladies can do about it..
[They both keep eye-contact with the camera..]
Maurice Bad: You want some?!
JaeVeli: Come get some!
[Jae throws the mic down, as the scene fades black..]