Roleplay Number:
67] [
2007 W/L/D Record:
31 - 6 - 0] [ People Used: JaeVeli & Alizé] [ People Mentioned: Bozzman, Scott Chambers ]
"Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly."-Albert Einstein
... Aye! Welcome to the Good Life. Aye. Welcome to my Hood Life ...
Good life, fire in my eyes. Hood life. Now, stop the lies. Feelings I feel? I Can't explain. So, fuck it. Sit back, smoke Mary Jane.Ideas, creativity comes like rain.. You can't stop me, block me. You jock me, and rock me. I keep this boiling. Next Champ? I'm foiling? No! What I look like? Your hoe? Bitch nigga, fuck no. Suck 'dro. Tuck that dick and cluck, hoe. Before I ever say 'I Quit'. This my shit. High, and I never quit. Step back and sit.. Watch JaeVeli bring that shit..
-JaeVeli tha TrapStar
|| October 22th, 2007, 11:23pm. Nassau Coliseum, Long Island, New York. ||
[Scene opens after Monday Night Brawl went off air, backstage. The camera shows JaeVeli walking through the hallway, from his front side, as the SiW Heavyweight title rest over his left shoulder, Bozzman and Barry McGuire are seen in the background walking toward the locker room, Jae doesn't notice. When he's approached by a glowing Alizé.] JaeVeli: Why you look so happy? You find some candy in your pocket? [Alizé grins as she pushes him with a friendly gesture.] Alizé: Noooo. We didn't. JaeVeli: We? You got a mouse in your pocket? [She grins again with the same friendly push. He gives her a salty look and asked.] JaeVeli: Why you keep pushin' me? Alizé: Why are you obsessed with what's in my pocket? JaeVeli: Because I can. Alizé: Eww. What's wrong with you? JaeVeli: Umm.. I lost? You know I hate losing. Alizé: You didn't lose. You won your match. JaeVeli: Well, I didn't win 'beat the clock'. I lost. [He said looking down.] Alizé: Well, baby, for every lose - you gain something. And every win - you lose something. JaeVeli: What!? Alizé: For every lo.. [He interrupts her.] JaeVeli: I heard you. That's not what I wanna hear right now. Alizé: Me sorry. But, I did get a phone call tonight. [She said with a big smile.] JaeVeli: AND?! Alizé: And.. it wasn't any normal phone call. JaeVeli: *Sarcasm* Woooo. Would you like to share? Or keep me in the dark for a few more sentences? Huh? Alizé: Well, I really don't wanna talk to you, at all. With that attitude. JaeVeli: *a hint of sarcasm* Ugh. I'm sorry, baby. Please tell me about your abnormal phone call. Alizé: Well, my doctor called me, during your match.. I'm pregnant!! JaeVeli: Pssh. I don't have time for games. [He said, as he walked away.] Alizé: Jae! [He stops and turns around.] JaeVeli: What? Alizé: I'm serious. I'm three weeks pregnant. It explains why I haven't had my - 'time of the month', yet. JaeVeli: Sssshit. Alizé: What do you mean, shit? JaeVeli: What are you gonna do? Alizé: Uhh.. what am I gonna do?! You mean 'WE'?! JaeVeli: Yeah. What are WE gonna do? Alizé: Have a baby? JaeVeli: Ummm.. Alizé: Ummm.. You're starting to piss me off, Jae. JaeVeli: I can't deal with this right now. I'm tired. I need a shower. And you're just springing this on me. Alizé: Grrrr.. Are you listening to yourself? Seriously?! ..Ugh. I'm gonna go find Heaven, and check on her. You need to think about how you're acting, and grow up!! [She screamed as she stomped away.] JaeVeli: What?! What did I do? [She ingnores him, as she continues to walk away.] JaeVeli: Whatever. [Jae turns around to head to the locker room, and there is Johnny Jobber standing there off to the side, shaking his head in shame.] Johnny Jobber: That was very insensitive of you, Jae. You should really think about what you're saying. JaeVeli: I'm at work. You just don't spring that kind of news on a man, at work. Johhny Jobber: Riiiiight. Whatever makes you feel better. JaeVeli: Okay, Dr. Phil. Johnny Jobber: I'm just saying. JaeVeli: I'm just saying - why are you eavesdropping, anyway? Johnny Jobber: Hey, I was just minding my business. I was here first. JaeVeli: Minding your business? Clearly. [Jae shrugs as he walks away.] Johnny Jobber: See ya' around, buddy! [As he walks away, he replies with his back turned away.] JaeVeli: Shuuuut up.
[The scene fades to another scene. 10 minutes later. JaeVeli is seen naked with a towel around him, as he walks into the locker room's bathroom/shower. He looks into the mirror for a moment, at himself, in deep thought, with his hands on the counter. Before he begins to speak to himself.] JaeVeli: Pregnant? ..Damnit, man. I'm not ready for that. Psssh. At least I got eight months to figure it out.. [He chuckles in fear.] JaeVeli: Fucking clueless. [Randomly, he raises his left arm and smells his armpit. One sniff, and his face expression becomes salty.] JaeVeli: Damnit, man.. [He shakes it off, and walks to the urinal, clearing his throat. With his back to the camera, he slowly begins to urinate.] JaeVeli: Ahhhhhhhhh.. Better than sex - ..almost. [As he continues to urinate, he is reminded of something.] Jaeveli: Scott Chambers? Is that guy serious? Talking about I've been ghosting it. Please. I've worked about as hard as anyone all year long. If not harder. From January, to now. The end of October. 10 months! Straight throwin' it down. Getting the job done, consistantly. And some two month - maybe? Rookie is questioning me? Go six. Then talk to me, son. And let's be real, look at what you've been beating. Get it? Been there - done that. Mr. Hardcore Champion. Been there - done that. You got some balls talkin' like you are. You got people pattin' you on the ass, like a baby, makin' you feel good about your 'ability'. Been there - done that. Don't let it go to your head. Wait. It already has? Tainted. You got no respect. And you're losing grasp on Reality. Fast. I thought you had 'it'. But, come to find out? You're just like the rest.. [Jae shakes his hip a bit, dropping the towel back over him. He drops the lid, and flushes it, as he takes a seat on the toilet.] JaeVeli: Chambers, your kind comes through here all the time. Thinking your shit doesn't stink, and that you're a cut above everyone else? Yeah. You'll be cut back down to size. And it just might be me. [He winks at the camera.] JaeVeli: You better pray I don't. [Jae said with a smile.] JaeVeli: Bozzman, Bozzman.. Welcome back, man. Too bad it can't be on better terms, between us, huh? Though, we were never really close. And yes, you beat me, as a rookie. A much needed lose, I would say. I needed a good slap in the fast. A Reality Check, no pun intended. And you did it. And I respect you for it, highly. A big step in my career. You just don't know. Because, like Alizé said - "When you lose, you gain something. And when you win, you lose something." This is the truth. 95% of the time.. And we come from completely different walks of life. You're a brit. I'm an american. You're white. I'm black. You're a future legend. I'm just tryin' to make a name for myself. And leave my mark. I'm not done yet. I know you wanna walk in here, and just take my place. I understand. Completely. But, I'm not done yet. I still have the fire in my eyes.. I am not a flashlight - I am a star. I will shine. Shine bright and long. It's my destiny. I come from a broken-home. Where my father wasn't around, and my mother was just to caught up in her own bullshit. I had to teach myself how to shave. Teach myself how to protect myself physically, from anyone. Teach myself how to drive, play sports, do the right thing, to be a man. I fell down, over and over. And I got up and rolled with it, over and over. You may the experience inside the ring, Bozz. But, in life? You can't see me. And I mean no disrespect. I just know where I come from. And in life? I am the master of my domain. Tough skin. Heart of a champion. And the mind of an old wiseman. I've had my heart broken, more than once. I've seen death. I've come close to death. I've seen people I hold close to my heart, die a slow painful death. I've seen domestic violence, street violence, GANG violence. I've met some of the smartest people that this world could make. Yet, I've seen the dumbest. More than needed. The pretty, the ugly, the horrible. Trials and tribulations have set me on my path through life. I may be the strongest mentally, that you'll face, Bozz. That's a bold statement. But, I'm speaking from the heart. This is me. This is real. I'm not attempting to be conceited or arrogant. Nor am I trying to disrespect you. Although, you are disrespecting me. The current SiW Heavyweight Champ. By walking in here, and automatically thinking you're just gonna put another trophy on your wall. But, I'll give it to you, since our 'beat the clock' contest? You're realizing this isn't going to be easy. Something I already knew, from both sides. From both shoes. Yours and mine. I do respect that. But, I know in the back of your mind, you're thinking, you're putting another SIW trophy on your wall. Another notch on your belt. Either way. But, let it be clear. I'm not Chris Macavedi. And we aren't on the best of terms, right now. You might get him to say those two words, 'I Quit'. You might beat the living shit out of a rookie named JaeVeli. But, think long and hard about actually getting past JaeVeli, the SiW Heavyweight Champ.. I'm nothing like I was then. I'm cut, chiseled, and built to demolish my contender. From the mic, too the ring. My head is on straight. I've never been so focused in my career. In my life. I've realized that simply getting the job done, in any aspect of life, is of great importance. Maybe the most. That's where it all starts. Just get the job done. And everything else just falls into place. Of course, it's a lot easier to say get the job done, than too actually do it. It takes pride, determination, will, little bit of luck, short-term memory for the repetitive bullshit, and knowledge. I've gained every bit of that, through my walk of life. And I still have so much more to learn, it's scary. Almost unreal. God-like. The strength to move a million men. From words and action.. Welcome to the good life.. I've already lived the hood life. Sky's the limit. I've been rock-bottom. And I rose again. The good life, and sky's the limit.. Yeah, Bozz, this is 'your' kind of match. Yes, you beat C-Mac last year, at the same Pay-Per-View. That's great. But, that's last year. And this? Is this year. That's the past. This is the present. The present, where I'm on point. I've been in the game for awhile. You've been laying back, chilling in Scotland. While your manager seems to think you have this huge advantage over me. Has he ever been in a match of this altitude? Has he ever been the ring, period? He has no idea of what I'm capable of. I'm in a corner. And fighting is the only option. But, I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else. Or have it any different. This is where I wanna be. It defines me. It defines JaeVeli. And this is real, do what you want, but, I WON'T say 'I Quit'. I WON'T. It's not in my vocabulary. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not sayin' that I can make you say it. But, I'm tellin' you, right here, right now - I WON'T say it. I just can't. There isn't an ounce of 'quit' in my body. I am pure heart. And come Sunday night, we are gonna beat the shit out of each other, and steal the show, like we should. You're on your game. And I'm on mine. This isn't a main event for nothing. This show is ours to shine. And goddamnit, I can't wait. When the twenty thousand inside the Garden get out of their seats? The chills will run through me, like a strike of lightening. The adrenaline will rush. But, I'll be calm, cool, and collective. Focused. Living every moment to it's fullest. Appreciation is in the forefront. We are the luckiest. And no, it isn't 'the best things in life are free' - it's 'the best things in life are free of money'. This is nothing without the fans. Even though a few of them hate me. Most love me. They know deep down, I'm just being me, I'm being real. And I work hard for everything I gain. Nothing is free. Not even the sweat on your back. Or the blood coursing through your veins, constantly. Appreciate everything, even the worst. You never know when it's your last. And it's common knowledge - there isn't good, without bad. It takes one to have another. It's Unhallowed Desires. But, where's the animosity? Ha. I could come out here, and disrespect you, burn you verbally, and just have a war with you. But, I can't. I have respect for you. I'm a changed man. And I love to fight inside the ring. But, I've come along way. And I know respect needs to be shown where it's well-deserved. Bottom line. Whoever it may be. Where ever it may be. Just so happens, it's you, and the Garden. With JaeVeli. One of the most influential Champion's in SIW history. Some would disagree on that notion. Maybe even you. But, it's cool. It's not important. Just give me your respect, and you'll get mine in return. And may the best man win. 'Cause this match could very well go either way, anyone can see it. Though, a lot of voices backstage would say it goes your way. You have the experience. You have the advantage. You have the two wins over me. One by pinfall, one by contest. But, this third one? At the Garden? Is the one that TRUELY matters. Truely means something. Everything is on the line. Respect, power, Championship, pride, egos, everything. I've been there before. It's not my first rodeo. And I know the meaning of this match. I'm prepared. And you're not a stranger to me. I know your strengths. I know your weakness.. [He stands up from sitting on the tiolet.] JaeVeli: Bozzman.. Let's make history. [Jae said with a crooked smile, as the scene faded.]
 2007 © Sik-Widdit Productionz.