Roleplay Number:
70] [
2007 W/L/D Record:
31 - 6 - 0] [ People Used: JaeVeli & Alizé] [ People Mentioned: Bozzman ]
"Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly."-Albert Einstein
... I will not fail - but instead take you to Hell ...
Bozzman. False man. You call this rap? I call this getting my point across. The Trap! You're caught. In the Gangsta Grip. Even when you faught. Pretty tough for a brit.Still smoke you like this blunt I just lit.. Your opinion of this is no meaning? Because I'm talking about gettin' high and so drunk I'm leaning? I got you gleaming. Mr. Dreams? And frankly, I can do it in reams. From you to Mr. McGuire. I hope you don't retire.. With the aftermath of Unhallowed Desires. You wanna sing to me? With another's words? But, here I am with my own shit. Running you over like a herd. With your master's degree in English? So what? Here I am about to dish.. Mr. Hot Shot. Mr. Cock Block. Told you I was takin' you to hell. Inside one cold dark cell. Can you see me? BOOM! Can you beat me? DOOM! Through playin' - 'bout to start layin' Layin' you down. With the beating of your career. A goddamn meeting to FEAR. So, man up. Fleeting is queer.. I'm not goin' anywhere. I'm right here..
-JaeVeli tha TrapStar
|| October 28th, 2007, 5:23pm. Madison Square Garden, New York city. ||
[Scene opens in a Madison Square Garden locker room. Hours before the start of SIW's 2007 Unhallowed Desires. The locker room is empty, for the exception of Alizé and JaeVeli. Whom are watching Bozzman's lastest promo on a monitor, from a locker room couch.] Alizé: *sarcasm* This guy looks pretty skinny, baby. You gonna be able to handle that? JaeVeli: Don't let it fool you. It's not the size of the man in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the man.. Alizé: So you're worried about this guy beating you? JaeVeli: No. I mean, the guy's a future legend here. But, no. The guy's a former SIW Champ. But, NO. If anyone knows just how hard I've worked to get here, it's you. And you should know I have this match under control, to the utmost of my ability. Alizé: So you're not worried about this guy, at all? JaeVeli: Of course, I'm worried. It's the SIW. Anything can happen. But Bozzman doesn't strike fear in my heart. He doesn't make me sweat. He's an awesome wrestler, with great skill. And I realize that. But he doesn't scare me. I didn't get where I am today, by luck. Or luck of the draw. I busted my ass. With pride, and determination to be better than the rest. Just a cut above the rest.. Alizé: Well, I hope Heaven wins tonight. She can't be buried alive! JaeVeli: Least of my worries. This is a Pay-Per-View for both brands. We have twice the size of any normal PPV. A lot stuff can happen at once. And there's a few over on the B show that don't like to play fairly. Brawl has to watch it's back, and each others, before, during, and after the show. There's a lot of jealousy and envy over there. They know deep down that Brawl is the chosen show. No matter what. It has the most popular spot on TV. Monday night. Everyone's at home getting over the weekend. While they're working on Friday nights. When people are letting loose. And TV is the last thing on the mind. Alizé: Mmm.. That has to suck. JaeVeli: Anyway.. [Jae's interrupted by Chris Macavedi walking into the locker room. Jae jumps up off the couch and sizes him up, from a distance. Making Alizé get up, looking worried.] Alizé: Okay. Boys! We better behave. Right? JaeVeli: Always. [Jae said with a smirk] JaeVeli: What's up, Chris? C-Mac: Just stopping by to wish you luck tonight, wanksta. Watch out for Bozzman. He can be tricky for his size. JaeVeli: Thanks, f*cka. Good luck with your match against Liana. She can be deviant. C-Mac: Come on, man. It's a girl. One K.O.D. and she's out like a drunk b*tch.. [C-Mac said and just left abruptly. With no goodbye or sign of leaving.] Alizé: Weird. Is it just me, or has there been a 180 turn in Chris? JaeVeli: He hasn't been the same since he vacated the Heavyweight strap. And spent 40 days in a cell. Maybe he was.. [Alizé pushes him stopping him from finishing his sentence.] JaeVeli: I'm kidding. I'm sure C-Mac carried his own weight in there. He isn't a bum. But I heard in the news earlier today that midgets can't use tampons anymore. Alizé: What? JaeVeli: Yup. They keep stepping on the string. Alizé: What?! What are you talking about? [Alizé tries not to laugh, and only creeps a smile.] Alizé: That's mean. JaeVeli: I know. I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. Alizé: Riiiiiight. JaeVeli: Anyhow.. listen closely. This is about my match tonight. Don't under any circumstances throw a towel in on me tonight. Do you understand? Alizé: Umm.. I guess. JaeVeli: No. No guessing about it. This is my match. I control it. So, don't do it. Alizé: Fine. Whatever. JaeVeli: I know what I'm doing. I am a professional at what I do. You know this. I am clutch. And this is crunchtime.. [As Alizé sits on the couch, Jae paces back and fourth, slowly.] JaeVeli: I'm in a corner. And getting nothing short of deranged wouldn't hurt. But, I really wanna keep my cool. And pace myself. This will be a long match. Stamina will be of the greatest importance. By not over doing anything. And only doing what I can. While keeping pace with myself. Play it smart. And ignore Bozzman's slandering of me. An attempt to get under my skin and look cool while doing it. I won't fall for it. I'm keeping my cool. And keeping my eyes steady on the prize. At all times - looking for the upper-hand. I won't be denied. I am JaeVeli, the SIW Heavyweight Champion. I won't be denied. I won't be made a fool. There isn't nothing short of having to break this guy's neck tonight, if I have to. He wants to act as a thief. Then I'll treat him like a thief. And beat his ass like he stole something! This is a new era in the SIW. This isn't 2006 Unhallowed Desires. This isn't the past. This is 2007 Unhallowed Desires. The PRESENT. And the only future I can foresee is me inside that ring with Bozzman. Nothing more. Nothing less. Words are words. The talking is OVER. The action shall begin. I've never been so ready to whip up on another human being, before. This is it! This is what I worked so hard for, too beat the best. At my best. My dick is getting hard thinking about it. Alizé: What?! JaeVeli: Figure of speech. [Jae said as he began to jog in place.] JaeVeli: Bozz has his dream of getting the Heavyweight gold. A belt he hasn't held. Well, I got my goal of truely putting my mark on this fed, by beating one of the best wrestlers in the SIW. Prove my worth. Earn my keep. [He stops jogging and begins to pace, again.] JaeVeli: I'm about to take this mothaf*cka to hell. This is my time. My match. My Pay-per-View. My show. MY Heavyweight Championship.. Reality Check.. Served.
[He said with passion, as the scene faded.]
 2007 © Sik-Widdit Productionz.