The time for Phoenix Rising is right around the corner...and I must say, that I feel very honored to take part in this event.
Anyone who knew AJ would, and should, be honored to be taking part of this event.
Well...I didn’t really know AJ. My memory of him slightly vague. Now with what everyone has been saying about him, being a great man and all, makes me feel bad that I didn’t get the chance to know him.
Don’t be Max, I’m pretty sure you taking part of this event is a great thing. Anybody who has touched the harts of all of the men in the XWF, deserves to honored. By all of the men in the XWF, from everyone who knew to those who didn’t. I’m pretty sure that AJ is watching all of the people in the XWF right, smiling, and giving a big thank you for this.
I hope that he is. This is a great thing, for the entire XWF. And it was great for Zach for putting all of this together.
Bet your ass it is...Zach truly has earned a lot of respect for setting up this event.
He most certainly has...Regardless of the fact that he and I are no longer allies, and have had two disputes, he has earned my respect for this. A great and tremendous amount of respect.
That’s great to hear Max. It’s great to put your feelings aside for one particular person, and show some respect for him.
Yes, and I’m pretty sure that everyone else has, regardless of their personal feelings towards Zach. Everyman in this event is definitely doing that. Especially against their opponents.
Even better...why have an event that’s commemorating the death of a falling friend, only have the wrestlers attack each other with insults before the match?
I have no idea, but I know for a fact that I’m not going to be doing that against my opponent.
That’s great to hear Max. Even though any other day you would be shooting the insults out of your ass at Lunatic.
Oh there’s no doubt about that. If this was any old match between Lunatic, I would have a dozens of things to say about him. Maligning all of the things that he has done in his XWF career thus far. But that won’t be necessary for this event.
Aren’t you glad that it isn’t though? to elaborate?
Sure, you have all of these great names coming back to the XWF just for this event. Then you have the great names that are here in the XWF right now. Why go around and listen to each and every one of their promos and hear them belittle their opponents for a match? In a event that has nothing to do with stupid feuds?
That would be pretty stupid if that was to happen. For the first time, I’m not even looking forward to talking trash about my opponent. I rather just get in the ring and perform to the best of my abilities. Which is what I do every night anyway.
Now that it’s in the honor of AJ, I’m pretty sure that you’ll do more than just perform at your best...
Yes, I most definitely will. But how will I be able to do that?
I have no idea Max. That’s something you’re going to have to do yourself. Everyone know’s how great of a wrestler you are. Wrestling in the honor for another great wrestler, who’s life was cut short, should only help you go up and beyond your top game.
I’m sure it will. I hope Lunatic feels the same way. This isn’t for gold, or to see who’s the better man. This is for AJ, and that’s what is important come Phoenix Rising.
Then you know what you have to do right?
Most definitely...
Then you go out there and have one of the greatest matches that you have ever performed in your entire career. Let AJ know that he will never be forgotten. Through words, through you’re performance, and through the thank that you will be giving the man who made all of this possible.
That won’t be a problem. Win or lose, I don’t really care. I’m there to put on a great performance for AJ. Come tomorrow, everyone will see how AJ’s Phoenix has Risen, and how he has went above and beyond. Flying to a place that is Far Beyond the Sun.
For AJ!
And only for AJ...
Wit h that said, a tall figure can now be seen standing in the dark. As this figure begins to come into the light, the man known as Terry Mortale, XWF superstar Maximus, can be seen walking out of the darkness and into the light. Maximus leaves the location, and begins to wonder about. In the room itself lies an old wooden chair, and standing in front of it, a tall mirror. With the chair just sitting there, staring at it’s own reflection.