Fractal Point

VI. The Anarchist Past

It’s funny...or at least I think it’s funny, as to how things can change in over a year. Well...not funny in a sense where I find everything that has changed, to be hysterical. It’s more like it just feels kind of strange. And it’s only strange to me, only because of the way how I felt about things last year. Even though I still have some of those same feelings from last year, the vast majority of those feelings have been diminished...dramatically. And there’s only person who I can thank for all of this...

Can it be true? Maximus, actually wants to thank someone? Who could that be...?

It will come to a surprise to all of you, as this would be the last person that I would be thanking, for anything....So I think Jon Brown should take this time to go on ahead a take a bow, for having such a vast influence on me. Thanks to Jon, I was able to build up an extreme disliking for the XWF. Thanks to Jon, I was able to go ahead and do things my own way. Thanks to Jon, for me not being able to trust not one single soul in the XWF. Thanks to Jon, I will never trust a man of power. Falling into the traps of his, or her, propaganda. Thanks to Jon...I’m able to feed my family...

Most importantly...thanks to Jon, I grew to hate the Thursday Night Anarchy program. Why? Well since Raziel is no longer here in the XWF, I guess I am the only person who can explain this.

Before I go ahead an do that, I just have to ask a quick question. Because ever since I’ve been here in the XWF, I’ve always wondered what was the purpose of the Anarchy program. Was it meant to be Massacre’s rival show? Or was it meant to be only the second runner-up, as being the best program in the XWF?

Even though there has been quite a few “Massacre vs. Anarchy” events. Massacre always came out on top as the best show. With my recollection in recent history...Massacre has proved to be the better show. As it has been around for the longest. But there has always been times where Anarchy has taken the place of Impact. It being the show where all of the younger stars went to, to reach their potential and get their “big break”. And a year ago, when I was still around, that was what Anarchy was all about....that was what I was all about. Just trying to go and get my “break”.

Obviously, that didn’t happen, only because I feel victim to the lies, and bullshit, that Jon was feeding once again, I will say it loud and clear...THANK YOU JON BROWN!!! For being the biggest douchebag in the entire XWF...

So off with my story...I was away from the XWF for some time prior to my meeting with Jon. The only thing that I can remember about my departure prior to my return, was that the XWF had closed down for some time, and when it came back to life, I didn’t want any part of it’s resurrection. So the months had gone by, and I was still working all over the world. Wrestling in different promotions, in different countries, making money, and doing what I loved doing...Far away from the XWF.

And I was enjoying my time away from the XWF. I was happy, working in the Indy circuit, honing my craft, and making my name synonymous in the world of professional wrestling. I had no need to be apart of a company, that only showcased cartoon characters, and booking them in horrific gimmick matches. Then one day I get a phone call...

...From who? From none other than Jon Brown himself. As quick as I was to hang the phone up on him, he was quick enough to say the right words...or what came out to be the right words...Jon explained to me that he needed “stars” to come back to the company, and I was one of the “stars” that he would’ve loved to see come back to the ring....and he also said that he was going pay me double of what I was making in the Indy’s and in how could I argue with that?

Well, as far as the money was concerned...I couldn’t. And I wasn’t going to. The only thing that wanted to discuss, was where I was going to be placed in the XWF. Last time I was around, I was still in the Hart Division. I was only known for being in the Hart Division, and the thing that a few people can remember about me, was that I had dropped the Hart, and left the company afterwards. And I didn’t want to go back to being that just that “guy” who was in the Hart Division, which was something that I thoroughly expressed to Jon. Then to my amazement, he agreed....yes, Jon Brown actually agreed...and I was stupid to believe that I was going to get something totally different from what I was normally getting...

Stupid me...stupid...stupid...stupid me...

So...later on, I called Jon to confirm that I was going to be on Massacre, and when my first match was, my opponent, etc. Turns out, I wasn’t going to go to Massacre...oh no...I couldn’t go to a show where all of the top stars were, who supposedly were “busting their asses” day in and, no. I couldn’t go over there. As I wouldn’t have been able to handle the “competition”. So...after I got angry...Jon goes on to explain that Anarchy was the better show for me. Since I was away for so long, Anarchy had become the second tier show...for the me. Jon was very confident in my abilities to go over to work against guys who weren’t on my level...What? So instead of sending me over to a show where my abilities were going to really be put to the test, he thought it would be a better idea to send me to a show where my abilities were not going to be able to reach half of it’s full abilities...wrestling against guys like Dangerous Mike D...are you serious?

Apparently he he continued to tell me that the show was meant for a guy like me. The man who had the ability to make it onto the next show. It was my time to build some credibility, and to make my name known in the XWF. I was promised...yes, promised...the spot of the top guy on Anarchy. As “promising” as that sounded...I didn’t want it. I hated the idea of being the “Big Shark, in the small pond”, and I didn’t want to do.

But after you just had a new born baby, and your wife is constantly nagging you about being away in another country all of the time...What do you do?

You sell out...that’s what you do...And yes, I sold out! I sold out for the money, only because I wanted to take care of my family...maybe if I had stuck to my guns, then maybe I would’ve ended up on Massacre. Becoming the “Small fish in the big ocean”. I would’ve been happier, being the “small fish”, beating the crap out of the “big fish”, in the giant ocean of mediocrity!

Even though Jon did believe was only to a certain degree. As he didn’t want me to go over to Massacre. He made that very clear, but I had to put my family first, and I did it. And I was going to do what I had to do, in order to get off of that show. I wanted to do it in an expeditious fashion. Working my way through opponents, who didn’t know what the fuck was going to hit them, once they stepped in the ring with me. But there was one simple problem with that...


For an entire entire fucking month...of nothing, on that piece of shit program. Their “stars” wouldn’t even give me the courtesy of a phone to let me know that wouldn’t be able to take part in our match.

Here was what I would do when I would come to an Anarchy event...First, I would come to the arena. Probably a hour before the show started. I would get dressed, and get ready for my match...and stay in my locker room, until I was called to go out into the arena and wrestle. Then I would go out into the arena...the people still cheered there asses off for me then too...I would get inside of the ring. And wait...and wait...and wait...until someone would come and tell me that my opponent wasn’t coming to the ring. Then I would walk back to my locker room, looking like a dick head for actually coming out myself...and then stay and watch the rest of the show. I would then go home, and wait for my paycheck to come in the mail....

So basically, I was getting paid for doing absolutely nothing.. But if you want to count, standing in the ring and looking like a douchebag, as doing something, then please do so. But as far as I was concerned...I did nothing.

But someone else was getting a whole lot more than what I was getting...That man was Justin “Raziel” Jones. And apparently, Jon had told Raziel, the same thing that he had told me. Raziel just appeared on Anarchy, with the intentions of becoming the “Big Shark” of the “small pond”. What was I do to? Get angry and beat the shit out of him? Or, not care and let him have his glory? Well, I say that I picked either one, as it was kind of in the middle. As much as I wanted to get off of the show, I didn’t want the huge spotlight as being the big dog in a shitty junk yard, full of week and pathetic puppies. He wanted it more, and he showed that by verbally stating that was what he wanted to do. So then why not let him have it then? With Raziel proving that he was the biggest asshole in the entire company, then I could move along quietly...but my plans never fully worked out in my favor back then...poor me...

So as all of the plans with Raziel were falling through, I was beginning to falter out of the spotlight...the one that I was never in...The one I was suppose to be in. I was really pissed off by this. Only because I watched a promise, get broken right in front of my eyes. It was only suppose to be me as the top guy on Anarchy. Then when I went back to Jon to express my frustrations, he told me that it was all apart of his diabolical plan. To have me and Raziel fight for the spot to be the number one guy...which was pretty clear that he had won that, even though he and I haven’t even had our match yet...

Because when Raziel had came to Anarchy, he was getting all of the opponents who actually would show up for their matches, and wrestle him. They would lose...but the fact remains that his opponents actually showed up. Then with him winning all of his matches, that only catapulted him to where he went to afterwards. As I got nothing...Raziel got everything...and I was promised to get imagine how pissed off I was?

I was so pissed that I attacked four men on at the 2007 Bad Medicine event. And prior to that onslaught, I finally made up my mind that it was time for me to leave the XWF once again. I thought it was going to be for good this my anger had really gotten the best of me. Then at my last Anarchy event, I lost to Raziel, and he went on to become a success...

...And that’s the end of my story. I only explained it to et all of you know that I am a little skeptical about going back to the program that I dislike the most. I’m only skeptical because of what had happened to me last year....but then again, quite a few things have changed since last year, since my return in April...if you don’t know that already.

This time around, there are no promises. And this time around, I have no Jon to feed me any bullshit about what I’m “going” to be, once I get over to Anarchy. It’s not like he’ll be able to feed it to me today anyway, as me and Jon have not had any contact with each other ever since I returned from prison. There are no young guys trying to get there break, and there are actual being one of them. And I can truly say that, as well as my peers. I won’t be going over to Anarchy this time around, trying to become something that I don’t want to be...this time around, I will be going to Anarchy, to become more than what I already am...

And there’s no need for me to explain that, who I am right?

VII. Mr. Mortale’s Neighborhood Part 2: The New “Hood”

Last time, I remember showing you guys about my early life, when I was an adolescent. While living in the “nice” and “quiet” Queens neighborhood known as Middle Village. I only showed you guys what happened on that faithful day that my old friend was shot dead by my other old friend Sean. In front of my very own eyes. You see, on that day, me and friends were just planning on hanging out, like we always do. It was a nice summer day, and we were going to do what we always do. Just talk shit, and argue amongst ourselves. Maybe antagonize a few people in the neighborhood.

But that day was different. As you all say, and from what I remember vividly, my friend Allen Leone was shot dead in front of all of us. Sean being the one who committed the crime, we were all surprised by this. We were all very sad as well. As Allen might have been a very strong person, physically and mentally, he never thought that he could be killed...I guess Sean proved us wrong.

Ah...Sean...he was a troubled kid. Sean was born in Brooklyn, NY. To a young teenage mother, who didn’t want him. Then his father had went away to Virginia to be with another woman. Then with Sean’s mother going all over place, trying to make ends meet with her young boy, she just couldn’t do it. Then she went on to blame Sean for his father abandoning them to live in horrible conditions...well, for Sean to live in horrible conditions. Sean’s mother went out and partied every night, and started doing drugs. With us growing up as children in the 80's, in New York, the crack epidemic had hit Sean’s family hard. Sean’s mom became a crack head, a would run away from home for weeks, leaving her son to be home all by himself. Finally, Child Services came and sent Sean to his maternal Grandmother’s home in Middle Village. Once Sean got over to his Grandmother’s home, he was spoiled by his Grandmother. Sean got everything that he wanted from her, and he loved receiving it. Which made all of his Aunt’s, and older sister, resent him. Then outside of his Grandmother’s home. Sean was treated as an outcast. He always got beat up in school by kids, and was ridiculed for being ugly...yea, the dude really wasn’t attractive.

I really felt that it was unfair to treat someone like this, so I stood up for Sean whenever the time came. He showed his appreciation for this by inviting me over to his home, introducing me to his family...and his video games. So we became good friends for a long time. As we met, Richie, King, Darwyn, Allen, Eric, and Stephen. Sean was still getting his ass handed to him by the rest of us...physically, mentally, and emotionally. With me, it was all in good fun. As that’s how young boys play around with each other right? I guess Sean didn’t really see it that way, as the rest of them, like Stephen, Eric, King, Richie, and Darwyn, really would beat the shit out of Sean. It kind of made me feel sorry for him, but then he would do something stupid, then I wouldn’t care about him any more. And it’s not like his Family cared for him..except for his Grandmother. But his Grandmother worked all the time, which gave his family the green light to treat him like shit....then came Archer.

Archer came from the same background as Sean. They both share the same names, as Archer’s first name is really Shawn. So to not cause any confusion within the group, we called Archer by his last name. And boy was Archer a fucking psycho...seriously. He was quiet, which made him even more dangerous. You never knew what he was thinking, and you never knew what he was going to do.

So apparently, Archer was in a very serious gang in the neighborhood, which was something Sean wanted to be apart of. Neither Sean, nor Archer told us about this gang, until after Sean went and killed Allen.

After the crime was committed, Archer managed to get away from us. Both Sean and Archer left town, and rumor has it that they have been working for the Mafia ever since. I have yet to run into either one of them, and I quite frankly, I don’t want to.

I left Middle Village a long time ago, and I comeback once in a while, to see my ma, and that’s about it. The neighborhood was never the same afterwards. I had no reason to go around the neighborhood and make new friends, and re-create what I lost with my old friends. Nowadays, we all have lost touched with each other, only because our goals were much different from another. I now live in the really quiet, and boring neighborhood, known as Manhasset, out in Long Island, NY. I have decided that this place will be much better to raise my children, than my old neighborhood. Or is it....?

September 27th, 2008
2:15 PM
Manhasset, Long Island, NY
Maximus’s Home

It’s a nice beautiful day in the neighborhood of Manhasset. Autumn is in full effect, and the air is cool and breezy. The sun is out, and it’s bright. All of the leave are falling on the very well manicured that brings more of a suburban atmosphere to the neighborhood. All of the children are outside, playing in on their lawns, as their parents sit outside and watch them play around.

It’s a weird day, as all of the people on this particular block are outside, with their children, and also mingling with each other. A few people are walking over to there neighbors lawns, and are communicating with each other, and they all seem delighted to do so. Every neighbor on this block, except one...

That’s right. Maximus is the only one who isn’t really getting involved with this neighborhood activity. Maximus can now be seen sitting on his front porch, wearing his casual attire. In his front yard are his two children, Cory and Estella. Cory is running around chasing his little sister, in which she is joyfully playing with the falling leave. Maximus just stands and watches his children enjoy the time that they are spending together. Maximus continues to watch them both, and then Maximus feels something warm touch his shoulders, and Jasmine’s voice, speaking to him.

Jasmine: You should put this on. It’s getting nippy out.

Maximus then look over his shoulders and sees that Jasmine brought a black zip-up hoodie for Maximus to wear. Maximus puts the hoodie on, and then Jasmine comes and sits next to Maximus on the porch. Jasmine then puts her arms around Maximus, and lays her head his shoulder. She then looks over at their children playing in the yard.

Jasmine: Aren’t they wonderful Terry?

Maximus begins to speak in his usual deep voice, but he sounds a little bit more on the delightful side.

Maximus: Yes...very.

Jasmine: It just feels so nice to watch my babies play in a peaceful neighborhood. It makes me happy when I see this. Don’t you feel the same way too?

Jasmine then looks up at Maximus and smiles. But Max’s eyes are still focused on his children.

Maximus: It most definitely does, I like knowing that my kids won’t have to deal with the same crap that we had to deal with growing up. I like this environment.

Maximus then turns his head and looks down at his wife.

Maximus: And I love the fact that we’re both enjoying it.

Jasmine: Aw...Terry. You’re so your own way, when you want to be.

Maximus and Jasmine share a few butterfly kisses for a moment. Then Maximus begins to speak again.

Maximus: You really think? All this time, I just thought I was being an asshole all the time.

Jasmine let’s out a little giggle.

Jasmine: Well, you are an asshole. But you always makes up for it, when you’re being sweet. Sometimes I don’t think that you even notice that you’re doing it.

Maximus: Um...I don’t.

Jasmine: That’s what makes it all better. You never say things to just to say them. When you do say something...”nice”, it makes me know that you really mean them. Which let’s me know that you really love me and the kids.

Maximus get’s silent, and looks at Jasmine deep in her eyes.

Maximus: And don’t you forget it. I will always love you and kids. Never doubt it for one minute.

Jasmine and Maximus then go into another session of butterfly kisses, and then Cory comes over to his mom and dad, holding up Estella.

Cory: Hey love birds...the baby took a dump on herself again.

Maximus and Jasmine stop. Jasmine then get’s up and takes Estella away from Cory. Jasmine then get’s up on her feet, and begins walking towards the house.

Jasmine: Might as well, change her now, and let her take a nap.

Jasmine then looks down at Cory.

Jasmine: You hungry sweetie?

Cory: Yea, playing with this little girl make you work up an appetite.

Jasmine then looks down to Maximus.

Jasmine: You want something too babes?

Maximus: No. Not right now. I think I’m going to stay out here and enjoy the weather.

Jasmine: Well, since you’re doing that, how about you go and talk to some of the neighbors. Mr. Clarke, from across the street has been dying to meet you.

Maximus then suddenly get’s up to his feet.

Maximus: I rather not. I guess eating right now doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

Jasmine then get’s a suspicious look on her face.

Jasmine: Now you want to eat? No...go and meet some of the neighbors. We’ve lived here for a year, and people think I’m a single mom.

Maximus: Well, you can let them keep think that.

Jasmine then changes her polite voice, into a stubborn and aggravated tone.

Jasmine: Oh no you don’t. Keep your ass outside and meet some of the neighbors.

Maximus: But I don’t wanna...

Jasmine: But you’re going to.

Maximus: Come on babes, you know how terrible I am with meeting people.

Jasmine: Well, maybe you need to work on your people’s skills.

Maximus: Fuck people’s skills...I’m not talking to any of these idiots.

Jasmine then covers Estella’s ears, and looks shocked at Maximus.

Jasmine: Terry! Language!

Maximus: Oh...don’t start that shit.

Jasmine then kicks Maximus in his left arm.

Maximus: Ow!

Jasmine: Stop cursing in front of the kids. Estella is starting to curse now because of you...

Maximus: So?

Jasmine then kicks Maximus in his left arm again.

Maximus: Ow! Stop kicking me!

Jasmine: Stop being a jerk!

Maximus: Whatever. Listen woman, I’m not talking to anyone. I’m hungry, now come on, let’s go inside.

Maximus starts to advance forward, then suddenly, Jasmine stands in front of him.

Jasmine: Uh, uh. You’re not coming in, until you talk to at least two people today.

Maximus: What!? You can’t keep me out of my own house!

Jasmine: Our house...and I believe I’m doing do right now.

Maximus then looks down, and begins to talk in an aggressive tone.

Maximus: Listen woman, you better let me my damn house.

Jasmine: Once again...our house. And’re coming back in until I see you talk to at least two of our neighbors.

Maximus then looks up at Jasmine.

Maximus: Can I kick their asses?

Jasmine: can’t.

Cory: Can I go in?

Jasmine looks down at Cory.

Jasmine: Sure you can sweetie. Go wash your hands and set up the table. I’ll be in the house in the minute.

Cory then walks pass his parents and walks inside of the house. Maximus then looks at the door, and then looks back at Jasmine.

Maximus: Okay, I know that you’re not going to budge here, so I’m going to do what you want. You’re lucky that you’re holding Estella, or I would knock your little ass down.

Jasmine then smiles, and giggles.
Jasmine: Shut up Terry...Love you.

Maximus: Yea...yea...

Jasmine then laughs and gives Maximus a kiss. Then Jasmine then turns around and begins to walk inside of the house. Maximus then grabs her ass as she walks to the door. Jasmine turns around and smiles at him. Then Jasmine also points that there is someone behind Maximus. Maximus then turns around and sees a short balding man, with a Yamaka on his head, wearing glasses. This man has a real Woody Allen look to him. The man smiles at Maximus. The Jewish Man begins to speak in a geeky voice.

Jewish Man: Hi!

Maximus doesn’t sound too enthusiastic to talk to this man.

Maximus: Hey....

Jewish Man: You must be Mrs. Mortale’s husband...Mr. Mortale!

Maximus: What a great observation...

The Jewish Man starts laughing.

Jewish Man: Yea I’m sorry about that. I didn’t get your name.

Maximus: Terry...

Jewish: Terry that’s such a cool name! My name is Arnold...pleasure to meet you.

Arnold extends his hand for Maximus to shake. Maximus returns the favor, and shakes Arnold’s hand.

Arnold: Yea man, it’s great finally being able to meet you. I always wondered how a Latino woman could have an Italian last name. Then I figure that she must have a Italian husband.

Maximus: Uh...yea. That’s me, full blooded Italian.

Arnold: Yea, that’s great. My wife is Italian ya know. She’s from Bay Ridge..ya know, in Brooklyn.

Maximus: I know where Bay Ridge is...

Arnold get’s excited by this news.

Arnold: Oh really! Where are you from?

Maximus: From Queens...

Arnold: Oh man! That’s awesome!! My sister lives out in Queens. I’m from Staten Island...I know some people might say that Staten Island is boring...

Maximus: ..It is...

Arnold: Well...ya gives ya lemons pal...Man it’s great to finally meet you. Your wife told us that you’re a wrestler.

Maximus: Yea...

Arnold: Man that’s awesome! This is the first time I’m getting to meet a real life pro wrestler!

Maximus then slowly shakes his head. Maximus then looks back up at Arnold.

Maximus: Can I ask you a question man...well a few questions?

Arnold responds in an eager tone.

Arnold: Yea, sure man!

Maximus: One, where is the closest bar from here?

Arnold: Well...I wouldn’t know. I don’t drink alcohol.

Maximus: Okay...then that kind of cuts off the rest of my questions. Last one...why in the hell are you so damn hyper?

Arnold: Well...uh...what?

Maximus then starts to chuckle.

Arnold: I don’t understand?

Maximus: Don’t worry about it...

Arnold: Well, if you say so. Hey listen though. Since me and my wife are close with Jasmine and the kids. I was just wondering if you wouldn’t coming to my sons Bar mitzvah. I would appreciate it if you would come..

Maximus: I don’t know man...I’m very busy, with work. Always traveling. Actually I have to leave tomorrow night. I have an event to wrestle for tomorrow night...

Arnold, starts sounding very persistent

Arnold: can just stop by for a minute. My son will appreciate it, if you stop by. A big, strong, and great wrestler, like yourself. Just think...oh...hold on a sec.

Arnold’s phone starts ringing. Arnold then takes the phone out of his pocket, and looks very interested at the phone.

Arnold: Oh...excuse me Terry, this won’t take long.

Arnold then begins to talk on his phone. But now Arnold’s voice suddenly changes. Arnold’s voice no longer sounds high pitch and nerdy. Arnold’s voice suddenly becomes low, and serious...very serious.

Arnold: Hey...what’s up...that bitch got the money? What do you mean no...? Didn’t I say...didn’t I say...shut up faggot I’m talking!!

Maximus get’s taken aback. Arnold then looks over his shoulder and smiles at Maximus.

Arnold: Do you know how much a kilo of yay cost nowadays? Do you!? Of course you don’t...because you’re a fucking moron.! I don’t have time for this shit! You know what...tell that fucker he better have my better have it...not you! Yes...Jimmy...not you, you dumb fuck! What am I going to do...I’ll tell you what I’m going to do...I’ll throw his fucking body in the East River...yes, he’ll be the tenth person...I don’t care if he’s my brother! Your all fucking idiots...all of you!!

With that said. Arnold hangs up the phone, and then turns around and looks over at Maximus once again. Maximus looks stunned by what he just heard. Arnold starts speaking in his high pitched, nerdy voice again, and he does it with a smile.

Arnold: So sons Bar mitzvah. It would mean a lot to him.

Maximus then looks at Arnold in complete

Maximus: Okay..I’ll pretend that I didn’t hear that.

Arnold then smiles at Maximus, and retorts in an completely innocent tone.

Arnold: Hear what? Man, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Maximus then shakes his head and laughs.

Maximus: Okay dude...I see where this is going. Alright dude. I’ll try to make to your sons Bar Mitzvah. Just give my wife the details later. And I’m sure she’ll get back to you.

Arnold: Right on! Terry, you are the man. Well it was great talking to you. And one more thing...

Maximus: What’s that?

Arnold’s voice suddenly goes back to the way it was before, when he was on the phone.

Arnold: Don’t tell anybody about

Maximus just smiles and replies in a non-chalant tone

Maximus: Don’t worry about me. I’m never home...remember?

Arnold: Yea, that’s right. And the best bar you can go to, is only a mile away from here. I’ll let you know later man. I gotta head out to the city and take care of

Maximus: Yea...sure thing dude.

Arnold: Alright, later.

Arnold suddenly walks off, without even shaking Maximus’s hand. Maximus just chuckles to himself as he sees Arnold, walk across the street to his house. Maximus then turns around, and walks back to his steps and sits back down on his porch steps. Maximus then looks up to the sky, and then goes into deep thought....

~To be continued

VII. Face the Invictus

It’s been what...? Three...four days, and yet I’m already going into another title defense. Well..I can’t bitch, and I won’t complain. I have to do what I have to do in order to show everyone who I am, an what I’m made of. I thought Sunday was going to do just that...then again you have to get serious for a quick second and realize that I could’ve taken both Marisol and Scott down without much difficulty. I’m not trying to sound cocky or anything, but it’s true.

I will give credit, where credit is due. They both had put on a valiant effort. Both pinning me in situations that I thought I wouldn’t have been able to get out of. To my surprise, they...well, Marisol close to actually winning. I never thought that a female could make me use more than 50 percent of my potential. Yea I said it...50 percent. Did you guys really think that I was actually go out there and put all of my effort into beating them? Surely that’s what it looked like, but that was far from the case. It was more of a warm up in my opinion. I don’t know how the rest of you saw it...but that is how it was. I guess neither of were able to figure it out. If they think they had any advantage, then they will be sadly mistaken. Let me explain...

You see, ever since I won my title. Things weren’t looking too good for me. As you all can remember, I lost that Six man tag team match, with Kore and James Raven. Then I lost my match with Reggie Fresh. And the only way how both of things managed to happen to me, was that my mind wasn’t fully focused. I was still taking in the fact that I actually, and finally, managed to win the Canadian Championship. I kind of lost site as to what is was like to fully, and truly, perform at my highest caliber. Which was to combine both of my physical and mental abilities and combine them as one. Usually when I do that, my performance level makes me damn near flawless in the ring. And I haven’t been flawless ever since Mutiny...well up until Rage in the Cage.

And Rage in the Cage was a great even, all by itself. I’ll commend Jon for coming up with this great concept, it was great, and I liked it. Coming from me, that should mean something, because I never like the things that this man does. Even though the matches were picked at random, some of the matches were expected to lack luster, and have a lasting effect on the fans, and the guys in the back. I was proven wrong, as we all saw that Alias has proved himself to be a great competitor. Brian Cady showed everyone, including me, that he’s worth a damn here in the company.

How about we give those tow guys a round of Okay...moving on...

Both guys faced off against two of the best men in the company, for the richest prizes in the company. Even though they did great, I’m not worried about them. They have there own agendas, and I have mine. And my agenda is still the same as it was last week. And that is to retain my Canadian Championship, in every match that I’m forced to defend it in. I guess every other champions agenda is to keep on defending theirs. Then you have the guys who don’t have any titles...and I guess they’re the ones that one them. The man that I’m facing this week looks as if he wants to win some gold of his own. With the Championship that he won a few months ago is no longer active, I guess him winning the Canadian Championship will be a huge stepping stone for him.

Just as it was for me...

It seems like me and Shawn Hunt have a few things in common. He seems very determined, and ambitious, when it comes to making it here in the XWF. I’m only going by what I’ve heard from him these past couple of bear with me. He has a strong disliking for Jon...just like everyone else and their mother...but either way, Shawn Hunt looks like he has a promising future ahead of him. Unfortunately I’ll be standing in his way of taking one step ahead of the rest of the people that are in his class...

His class? What in the hell could I be talking about? Well, Shawn has been away for quite sometime, and before he left he was making a name for himself when he was the True Violence Champion...which I thought was a fluke win over Ashley Divine, but regardless he was still making a name for himself. But he was in “that” field. Shawn was in that “class” of wrestlers who compete in matches, that involve the “Xtreme” aspect of the XWF. And as you all know, I’m really not to fond of that kind of style. Since I’m not, I pretty much get ridiculed by the likes of Chad. Which is fine, because Chad Faggot can’t beat me, and neither can Shawn. ...which is unfortunate.

The man does have a decent amount of talent. It was his first match back in while, when he went to face Superballs, at Rage in the Cage. Even though all three men in that match did put on a great match, I’m sad to say that I wasn’t impressed by neither of their performances. So you know that especially goes for Shawn. As much as a high opinion that he has for himself, it sucks that he really doesn’t have the abilities to back it up. Sure, he did beat Superballs this past Sunday, but Superballs was displaying a complete rust-fest in throughout the entire match. Even Shawn does have a win over a huge name like Superballs, I’ll let all of you know right now that having bragging rights for that victory, does not amaze me...not even in the slightest.

I see that Hunt is following the same mistakes that Marisol Hawkes has done before our great match this past Sunday. Which is, not taking the time to getting to know me. I mean sure...I’m not the World Champion or anything like that...but we all know that I have what it takes to become the World Champion. So I’m pretty much a big fucking deal...this is something I know...hell, this is something that everyone knows...and if you don’t, then I guess you all should take the time to find out. Shawn thinks he has what it takes...the man talks as if he’s already been through it all we obviously know by now that he’s full of shit.

Complete and utterly disgusting, constipated shit...

Surely that’s what people have...and might still feel about me, but there’s a difference between Shawn and I. I can actually prove. Over and over again, until a certain person will get tired of facing me. Just ask Hawaiian Hardhead. We all know how badly he wanted to face me...which I was happy about his eagerness to get in the ring with me...not much...but douchebags get what I’m trying to say right?

Yes...I’m pretty sure all of you do, and that is...don’t fuck with me. It won’t be pretty and it most definitely won’t be a nice, and sensational feeling once I’m penetrating you with my talents. Shawn will have to learn that the hard way, as doesn’t know what it’s like to face me. As cocky as he’s coming off to me right now, he shouldn’t be. I’m not saying that he should be respectable. But he should at least be a tad bit on the edge here. Even though I have mentioned that I’m not impressed by his skills and talents, I’m a little bit on the edge myself. As you all know, that anything can happen at anytime. Hell...I lost to Reggie Fresh for crying out loud! So I can’t over looking Shawn. It will be too risky...especially since my Canadian title is on the line. I’m not ready to let this baby go, just yet. I love this title too much, already, to let it just go into the hands of someone who I know is nowhere near better than me. Shawn better go join his fuck buddy on Brian on Impact. Better for him to get a taste of what it’s like face men that are more in his league....

Because Shawn is most definitely is not in mine...

I’m sure that he will try to prove me wrong....key word...”try”. I ‘ll tell all of you one thing though...I never try... I get the job done. Surely and truly, and on Anarchy, I will do just that. I will walk into the arena with my title in my hand, and will walk out with it. Once again proving I am who I say I am...don’t know what it is? Allow me to give you a short description. I am the man that can’t be stopped, and a man that has no equal. I can’t be taken over, and no one can get over on me easily. I am Unconquerable...I am the Invitus...and Shawn will know what it’s like to Face the Invictus