Piece of Mind

Prologue. In the mind of an angry man. Before the tragedy

Date:June 24th, 2007 - Bad Medicine 2007

The Xtreme Wrestling Federation, a place where incompetence reigns supreme amongst everything else. Leaving this place always angers me. Not because of how much money I’ve walked out on. I get angry because I see how much of a waste of time this place has been for me. I look around and I see the top guys putting great performances against one another. Challenging for the richest prizes that the company has to offer at every other event. Only to be congratulated by everyone who puckers up and demands that they pull their pants down and bend over. Guys like Hardcore Smitty, Lee Stone, Dynamic Dynamite, Kore, Centurion, Brad Peirce, the list just goes on and on. Sure what I just said was that this was “a place where incompetence reigns supreme”, and I just mention some of the greatest wrestlers in the company. Key word, “some” the rest of guys are jokes in my book. Just as those great wrestlers would be praised after every single match they went through, young up and comers who want to be the same level as those guys don’t even get a second look. Guys like Zach Rizza , Arch Angel, Honkey Lighthouse, Shawn Christopher and Christian Phoenix. They work just as hard as the top stars, but yet when they go up against dudes like Mike D, who can give them credit for winning a match like that? This place is full of non-talented, incompetent fools, who’s dreams get crushed in a matter of seconds. No talent I tell you, no talent what so ever. They give their word about for a match that you have with them for the night, but don’t even show up to put in one single lace through a loop. Or instead you get guys who are so bad that you beat them in 2 minutes. And that’s a shame. Guys like, Zach, Arch Angel, Honkey Lighthouse have to put up with this crap just so that they can to go Massacre, where the “real talent” is. And the way how I feel now, is that the pace isn’t speeding up here on Anarchy. Uh.....this gets so frustrating.

Every single time I come back. It’s like I can’t get one single decent match. Someone always has to not show up. It seems like Jon likes throwing these guys in front of me, so I can “dominate” them. These guys can’t even see straight walking into the arena, yet alone getting into the ring with me. Hell, the last great match I had in this company was with Chris Cage. And he’s long gone from here. I guess Raziel can give me something to look forward to this Thursday. Best of luck to him tonight, I guess he’s going to need if he wants to move on up in this company. Me on the other hand I have to make a statement. Well, I always try to make a statement. But tonight I think things will be different. I mean, no one cares about Dangerous Mike D, if there’s anything dangerous about him. No one cares about Maniac, if you can even call him that. If his name is Maniac, then he should be in the Xtreme championship match for tonight, shouldn’t he? But there isn’t one. Too bad for Maniac. I know that no one cares about Dirty T and Dre. So Jon decides to bring me back in the company and has the audacity to not even put me on the card for the Pay Per View tonight. Yet these four losers are in there making a mockery of this place. I can’t stand it, and it sickens me. It always sickens me!!! I don’t know why or how I let this jerk-off trick me into coming back into this company in the first place. Only just to thrown in there with incompetent losers. Well now he’s going to know not to do this while I’m around. He’s going to know better from now on. I’m not just another idiot who’s head you fill up with propaganda. I’m going to show everyone what I’m about around here. I might not be in a match tonight, but I’m definitely going to put on a show right here tonight. There’s not a damn thing that Jon can do to me, physically. And firing me won’t really be effective, because I plan on leaving soon anyway. Now I’m just going to stand here and watch this atrocity that Jon Brown decided to put together.

Does he really think that this is fair? Treating me like this every single time? You would think that I’m The Brand, the way how he talks to me when he calls my home. Like I’m a favorite cousin that he hasn’t heard from or seen in a while. I let it get to me. I really do. I the promises that he makes, the goals that he wants me to accomplish. It never fails. I wonder how many other people he does this too? I wonder how he does it. He proposes the money I guess. That’s one of the main reason why I always came back. I get to stay home in the States too. Jasmine, my loving wife, doesn’t like it when I go away to Japan. In the back of my mind I think Jon believes in me in some shape or form. But then he ignores me, and doesn’t live up to his word. And that what let’s me know that all the things that he says to me in our conversations, prior to my return to this company, is all a lie. I’m basically tired of it. Ever since I started wrestling I’ve dreams of going out to the ring and giving the people the best performance in the ring that they ever saw in their entire lives. Sure, I had to make some adjustments over time, and I did by the way. And ever since I came here I knew I had to step my game up some more. For me, the only way I could do that was by going against good wrestlers. And I never really got that here. Every time I assumed that there would be a change here in my time spent in XWF, I would be proven within the first few weeks. This time was no exception. And I can’t stay here anymore. I refuse to stay. I’m getting pissed off right now just thinking about it. It never made sense to me as to why I decide to comeback. As if the guy is right. I will dominate the competition on Anarchy. Or I will dominate the Hart championship division. Now I see that he’s told Raziel the same thing. He’s claiming to be the “King of Anarchy”. The man is talented and he’s over like a mother fucker. Don’t know why Jon would tell Raziel the same thing’s that he told me. The sad part is, that I believed him. What makes it even worse, as soon as Raziel comes back, he jumps on his coat-tail and build him up to be a star. And good thing that Jon is doing that. I personally have nothing against Raziel, it’s just business, and he’s taking advantage of the opportunity that’s being offered to him. Where as mines, I have to take. I have to fight for mine, literally. And that’s what I plan on doing tonight.

Hell, I’m not even suppose to be here tonight. I was ordered by the boss man himself to not show up here tonight in Tampa. Too bad, I have a problem with listening to authority. I make my own rules and I do as I please. The famous line that use every now and again, “I do what I want, when I want, because I want too”, isn’t just some silly little phrase that I came up with while I was running rampart in New York City when I was a adolescent. It’s the truth basically. No can tell me what to do, and no can stop me. Does this guy think I’m going to sit on my couch, pay for the event on cable, when I actually work for the company, and take the pay check with big smile on my face? I don’t think so. I work for my money. This isn’t really just another job to me either. This is my life. This what I love more anything. And to not even giving me the chance to show case my talent in front of millions across the world really insults me. It really makes me feel like a dishonorable wrestler. I won’t have it. He take it his fucking money and shove it. I don’t want it. And what ever else he wants to give me, he can keep it. I didn’t come back just so that I can sit on watch everyone else perform. Even when I’m better than half of them. There’s no need to run to him and to start complaining, and there’s no need for me to tell him I’m quitting to his face. He’ll only just beg me to stay anyway. Why? I have no idea but he just does. The phone messages, and the emails don’t seem to be too much trouble. It always works out.

Ever since Thursday night, I’ve been out at bars drinking my head off. I’m not even close to being drunk, because my system is that strong. But I’m hear in St. Pete Times Forum, and I’m the mood for to fight. It’s the alcohol that’s done it to me. Any other time I would be in a fun mood. I drink when I really want to have a good time. To open up to my wife, tell a stranger a few secrets of mine. That’s only because of my mind set before I drunk. Now I was in the mind set of snapping someone’s neck before Anarchy went off the air this past Thursday. I’m still in that mood, and after two more bottles I’ll be good to go.......I hope Mike D, Maniac, Dirty T, and Dre have good insurance.

I have a six pack of Heineken on me as I walk through the arena.

I pick one out. I take out a bottle opener that I keep in my back pocket. Open the bottle and I begin to drink.....

I finish it in a matter of seconds, then I pick up another one.

The faster I drink, the more I think it’ll calm me down. Things only get worse. I continue to walk around the arena, seeing if Jon will jump out of nowhere and kick me out.

I finish my second, and then I pick up my third.....

I decide to stay put for a second. Look around and see that everyone is getting ready for the show to start. No one notices that I’m here. I see Mike D, Maniac, Dre, and Dirty T getting ready to go down to the ring for the first match. I decide to follow them yet so far but close enough to see the action from a monitor.

Their match begins and I take out my fourth bottle.

Okay, these guys fucking suck. I’m drinking this bottle very fast and I haven’t eaten anything all day. I know I’m buzzed by now. So this match should at least be some-what entertaining to me. Instead it’s beginning to bore me. And I can’t take this anymore.

I have two left. I take the fifth. I open it, I drink , and I continue to watch the match.

I can’t believe I’m not on the card for this show. It really sucks, but I’m going to change all of that right about.

My last and final bottle. I'd hate to go out there now, but I have to. Well I actually I want to. It needs to be done.

I look at the sound guy to hit my music. And he looks puzzled, asking himself “why?”. So to make things easier for him, I smack him in the back of the head so that he get’s the message. He then does his job, by pushing just a simple button and my music starts blast through out the arena.

I’m sorry I had to be mean to the guy like that. But this not the time to be hard headed. So I’m walking down this ramp. Listen to all of my “adoring” fans cheer their heads off. And now I’m looking at all 4 of these men, watching me walk towards that ring. They know I mean business. Even though I’m tipsy with a Heineken in my hand. I’m guessing they heard about me. They know I’m not coming in there to congratulate them on a job well done. I know Jon is running towards the stage right now screaming is fucking head off. He’s going to yell at the sound guy for the next 2 to 3 minutes as he watches me pounce these guys as he watches through the monitors in the back. Well, I hope the EMT’s can get the glass out of Mike D’s eye..........

Look at the results of Bad Medicine 2007 to see what happened........

I. The Mirror Stage

Really can’t believe this shit sometime. It’s been nearly a full year since I’ve been away from XWF, and yet I’m just now getting a call from this guy. This isn’t the first time this has happened in recent months. I got a call from Jon back in September.......or maybe it was in October, or maybe it was November. Well, it was one of those months. It seems as if no matter how many times I try to get away from XWF, it seems like Jon wants to pull me back in. As if he really “misses” me. Man this guy is really full of bologna.

So then why didn’t you go back when he asked then?

I didn’t want to. Didn’t really feel that the XWF was the place. Hell, I felt that this never was the place for me. As many times that I failed at achieving what I wanted to accomplish. The way how I was used. The people who I always went up against. And the things that always got in the way.

Like what? Who if you don’t mind me asking?

Well my wife and my kids. They need me more that anything. It’s bad enough I wasn’t in my sons life for the first five of his life. Now I have a daughter. Jasmine needs me as much as she ever does now. The kids are growing up, and she can’t handle it all on her own. I had let that get in the way of my success in the XWF. I chose my family over the company. Don’t get it confused, I have been wrestling in the independent circuit and in Japan. I’ve made most of my money in Japan. I still have to feed my family regardless. Of course I would get better every single night. Honing my craft, putting my ring psychology to the test. Establishing myself as a great wrestler. Making sure that I get better in the ring, regardless of anything else. It’s just that being at a very high level of success in the XWF takes an awful amount of time, that I just didn’t want to put in. I really felt I had no need to.

And you do now? You spoke to Jon just a week ago and you’re going back to work for him this Saturday. What do you plan on accomplishing now with all of the “time” that you have to put in with your family? Why are you going back now? And how much time are you willing to put in?

Well now, yes I feel that I do. Why? Because I’ve always felt that I was the best that the company had to offer. I always felt that I had to be the top guy. Even though I wasn’t really given a fair chance at it. That’s just how it is. Things might be going in my favor, either way I have to overcome the odds and make things happen. And I came to a realization with my family. They don’t really need me around that much. My wife is a strong woman. My son is very intelligent for his age, and my daughter already knows who “Da Da” is. They’ll be fine, we’ll be fine. Plus, Jasmine is the one who wants me to go back to XWF anyway. And the time I’m willing to put in? Let’s just say I’m going to be clocking in for every shift. I’m going to work my way up from the bottom all over again. I plan to go further than I ever have before. Getting the ultimate prize is my ultimate goal.

And there’s no need for us to ponder about what that is? Aim for the stars. Let your dreams come to reality. And let your destiny be fulfilled.

Funny thing about my “destiny”. I don’t know what the hell it is. Am I destined to be just a low card jobber. Destined to be the Hart champion, who’s just another low mid-card wrestler. Or maybe an upper mid-carder who jobs to main eventers. I don’t know what my “destiny” is, and quite frankly, I don’t want to know. I rather let my skills speak for itself. And starting this Saturday, I’d have to say it will.

Confident aren’t we?

Damn right “we’re” confident. I can’t let my past get the hold of me now. What happened then isn’t going to happen to me now. I highly doubt that. Well, except maybe winning the Hart championship. Either than that, there’s nothing, and no one, that can stop me this time. Might get a victory over me in a match where I let my defenses down. Might even get screwed over by someone who has grudge against me, don’t think any does really. I might just lose a match cause a that particular person is just having a better day. But still, even it might be a minor setback, it won’t stop me from getting where I want to go. No one will however, break my spirit, discourage me, or even simply out wrestle me. Some might think it’s that easy to beat me, now I won’t event warn them to think twice about it. It be like a flash right before their eyes. This is confidence at it’s fullest. And I will remain confident forever and a day.

Sounds like a new Maximus is ready for the XWF. Do you think you’re ready?

No I just hope that everyman in the XWF is ready for me.

Spoken like a true fighter. Guess it’s time for you to get up and get ready to go down to Springfeild. You have a match this Saturday. You’re first match back in XWF. You don’t want to be unprepared now do you?

Of course not, and I never will. I just hope Romeo Miller is. Because I’m not some one you take lightly. I will be expected something good out of him. If not, then I will be disappointed. I better start packing.

Then out the darkness comes a tall figure, walking towards the light. Terry Mortale, better known as Maximus, walks out of the dark empty room. And in the room it appears that there is only a chair and mirror, with the reflection of the chair staring right back at it.

II. Eminence Rising

It’s been a long time hasn’t it? Well for me, it’s only felt like yesterday ever since I kicked the shit out of those four piece’s of crap in the ring back in Florida at Bad Medicine last year. I must say that it felt very good doing so. I mean, I was drunk when I was doing the damage , so it really felt great. I will always remember that moment for a very long time. It’s just that I wish that I can do it more......Oh, wait a minute!! I’m coming back to the ring this Saturday on Impact. And I have to honest with you guys. It makes me feel good knowing some unlucky guy is going to be getting the shit kicked out of him the moment he steps in the ring with me. What makes me kind of sad is that it will only be one person though. You see, I can be a very greedy person from time to time. And doing what I did that night back at Bad Medicine, I have the urge to do it to more than one loser. I guess I’m going to have to take things slowly now. It will just be me and a significant other. I will have his face close to my fist. Seems like return will have to be a violent one. It doesn’t have to be, I do have great ring psychology, talent, and skills. So there’s no need for me to be this bruiser. What’s worse? Getting your nose broken or being out wrestled? I’d have to say both, but now I want to lean more towards the technical side of wrestling here in XWF. I mean, look at this place. You have the Xtreme championship already, and then you have the True Violence championship. Not to mention the Helldome match that we all saw this past Sunday. Even though it was one hell of a match. I don’t think the XWF needs to see more brutality. Especially for a “returning star”. Now don’t get things confused everyone, Maximus will get violent if he has to, but as of right now, showcasing my skills, talent, and abilities is more important. Rather than sending inferior, and incompetent men to the hospital.

I mean, that’s all I really see around me anyway. Well, the majority of the Impact roster basically. I look at some of these guys and I see why it is the “second-rate” brand. Even though some of the guys there don't really look at it like that. But what else can they do about? Oh, wait! I can be a douche bag sometimes. They did do something about. And now I’m going to use this time to congratulate my fellow men, Krazzy Kidd and Hawaiian Hardhead. They really showed thos Massacre guys by taking three belts with them over to Impact. Must be embarrassing for the “main-eventers” to get up staged like that, especially at a pay per view. I mean, that’s where you’re suppose to showcase your talent and skills to it’s fullest. Since Massacre is suppose to be the “best” brand in the XWF right now, how in the hell could they lose to wrestlers who are suppose to be on a “second-rate” show? I guess you can’t really call Impact “second-rate” anymore then huh? If you haven’t watched the show, those two guys from Impact really showcased what they have to offer, and they made a difference. And I must say that I am proud of those men. It was job well done on their behalf. As for the Massacre guys, I just don’t know what the hell was wrong with them. So now I guess you can’t even say that Impact is “second-rate” anymore. They have half of the company’s gold. So that should be something that everyone needs to take seriously. And besides, since I’m making my comeback this Saturday, it seems that there will be a better chance for the Massacre guys to really take us seriously. Then again, since it’s me, they’ll probably just ignore Impact even more. If they do, then I guess they’ll be seeing more upsets in the near future. It can only get worse for them, and better for us.

Now the stars on Impact I’m choosing to acknowledge at this time, are the men who hold the gold on Impact. I’ve mention them already, but just incase you missed them, allow me to acknowledge them again. Hawaiian Hardhead and Krazzy Kidd. First I’ll start off with Hardhead. We all know that you’re the new Hart champion. A title that I’ve held two times before. The first time I lost the belt to Chris Cage, and the second time I didn’t lose to anybody. A knee injury had got the best of me in that title run. So I had to drop the belt and I had to leave for a while. It wasn’t something that I had planned, but it happened. Since then I haven’t really tried to get back on the run for getting the Hart championship again. The last time I was here I didn’t get the opportunity because of a certain amount of “points” that I didn’t have. But now, to hell with “points”. The Hart championship is now on the same show that I’m going to be on. And last time I remembered, if you were the Hart champion, that means you were in big trouble. But now, it doesn’t really matter. Don’t me get wrong, I would love have that belt around my waist again. But now, I just can’t put my full energy into going after something that I already had before. And as I see it right now, it’ll be like taking candy from a baby. Now I’m going take a trip down to memory lane, back when I was growing up in Queens, New York. You can say that I was very good at robbing people. I would either be sneaky about it or aggressive against my victims. So if a time comes when Hardhead and I have to meet, which side should I bring out? I don’t think I’ll be able to answer that right now. But when the time comes, we’ll see.

Now I don’t really have much to say about the Xtreme and one half Tag Team champion, Krazzy Kidd, except for the fact that I just don’t like the guy. For a guy who walks around looking like he’s apart of the Insane Clown Posse, I fucking hate clowns by the way, really pisses me off. I mean, Hell on Earth was a real disappointment for me personally. I really thought Armageddon X, or what ever he calls himself now, had the match won. But Krazzy Kidd won the match, and I do have to give him some credit here, because he does deserve it. He even won the Tag Team titles, for himself and his partner. I think it was some chick. But we all know the story, the slut got injured, so he had go in there alone. And once again I commend Krazzy Kidd for a job well done. Maybe we might get the chance to meet in the ring, well hopefully soon, before Massacre snatches him and I get stuck with James Raven and Kevin Jewart. But enough about Kidd, he’s not my opponent this week. Hopefully Romeo Miller can make my return match the will to give everyone something interesting to watch.

But then again, expecting to have good match with Romeo Miller, would be like for Raziel to stop being full of himself. It makes no sense as to why this General Manager, Nick Ryan, would book me in a match against him. But just to make a quick guess, he might be looking at this as a warm up match for me. I really don’t know and neither do I care. All I know is this, Romeo Miller isn’t going against any other wrestler. He’s going up against a very skillful, talented, and unique wrestler. I’m not someone who should be taken lightly. But as for Romeo, I won’t be taking him lightly myself. There’s no need for me to underestimate these guys on Impact. I saw what they can do, and I was quite surprised. So they will be no toying around on my end. And if I have to beat him in under a minute, then so be it. Playing around with my opponent would just show everyone that I’m not taking my job seriously. Which is something I don’t want to do. I'm going to show everyone that I’m serious and that this isn’t a joke. Which means that I have to put in a 100 percent effort every time I step into that ring. Since Romeo “Thriller” Miller has to be the first in line to experience what I can do, I guess you’re going to have to say that someone is bound to get embarrassed. It doesn’t take that long for me to get warmed up, so in the first two minutes between Romeo and myself should be smooth. After that, i hope he'll be ready for some tough, fast paced, intense wrestling. No need for the theatrics, violence, and entertainment. I’m here to show everyone something old and traditional, but at the same time, give them something new and innovative. They can have their True Violence division, and Krazzy Kidd can hold onto his Xtreme title for as long as he wants. But Romeo, what you will have to know is this, I am the best wrestler you will ever step foot in the ring against. This is what I do for a living, this is what I breathe. The year that I spent away from this company, helped me graciously. And now it’s time for me to put it to work. On you it should be a piece of cake. Then again, I can't treat it like that because I don’t want to end up looking stupid like some of those guys on Massacre. So I will be putting in all I possibly can this Saturday, no matter how great or how terrible you are. You will get nothing but the best out of me and I expect the same from you.

Now don’t think you’re special now because of what I just said. My energy won’t be fully wasted on you. But I will guarantee this, everyman will get the best out of me, no matter who that person might be. You just so happen to be the first Romeo, so consider yourself lucky. I’m not here to play games. I’m here to be the best. Even though I have to start from the bottom and work my way up once again, will prove that I deserve to be the best. You’re just going to have to look at it this way Romeo, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Throughout you’re whole wrestling career, everyone is going around telling you that “you’re not that good”,and that “you’ll never be the best”. It would really pissed me off when I would hear those comments. And when you know what it’s like to be a World champion, to have that feeling of great success, to lose it, and then never given that opportunity again, pushes you over the limit like a madman. Then to be in a company where you feel as if you’re being kept down by the owner, and where you feel like all of your peers get undeserved opportunities, when you know you’re better than them. Only to just be put down and let down every time you start thinking positive, just trying advance further into you’re career!!! It makes you work harder, it makes you take everyone seriously, it changes your whole attitude, it changes whether or not you make friends or enemies, and it damn sure determines whether or not you rise to the occasion or fall within the shuffle like the rest of the losers. And I’m tired of falling and seeing everyone else get their chances, and then fail mind you, except for me, even though I won’t and can’t fail. So even though I don’t know you, never been in the ring with, or even had the grace to shake your hand. Romeo, you’re going to be in for one hell of a match this Saturday. You better be prepared, because I know I will. If not, then you’ll be looking up at the lights as soon as the bell rings. If you decide to do so Romeo, then it will be a match worth putting my best effort up front for. Either way, I will come out victorious. So just remember this, I can do what I want, when I want, because I want to. See you on Saturday “Thriller”.

~To be continued.......