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XV/Epilogue. The Victory Bell September 7, 2008 9:53 PM Charlotte, NC After the Shark Tank Match at Mutiny “The Xtreme Wrestling Federation, a place where incompetence reigns supreme amongst everything else.” ....Those were the words I said about a year ago, when I was pissed off at Jon for not booking me in the Bad Medicine 2007 event. Did I really mean it back then? Hell the fucking yeah I did! Now....I can’t believe I’m eating those words, because I’m laying here in the back of the Time Warner Cable Arena, all beat up, and cut up, from that grueling match that I just endured with Chad.....what a match....regardless of the fact that I proved that I was the better man, I’m paying the price for participating in the match. Yes, I didn’t even want my match with Chad to be a Shark Tank match....but I wasn’t afraid. Regardless of the idiotic things that he said, I still came out on top. The “pussy” didn’t want the match to be a Shark Tank match. Why? Because I thought it was fucking ;lame....boy was I wrong. It was actually the best match that I ever had in the XWF. So incompetence no longer reigns supreme in my eyes anymore. I did what I was suppose to do, against someone who could’ve taken me out in any which way that he wanted to...but he didn’t, and for that I shall remind myself to commend him on a job well done....that’s if I don’t knock him the fuck out the moment I lay my eyes on him. To think that this man had the nerve to call me a pussy.....was he fucking high? I guess so, because the “pussy” came out on top. That’s what usually happens when a dick can’t handle the greatness that the pussy in it’s possession. In my case, the “dick”being Chad, couldn’t handle the “pussy”. He wanted to stroke it fast, thus succumbing in the climax, rendering him to go limp....like the limp “dick” that he really is. Would do a match like that again? Damn right I would, but first.....I have to get stitched up. The scene then opens to Maximus sitting on a doctors bed, in the medical room, in the back of the Time Warner Cable Arena. With Maximus sitting on top of the bed, there are two doctors on different sides of him. On doctor on his left, and one doctor on his right. The Doctor on Max’s right is placing stitches onto Max’s head. While the other Doctor is wrapping bandages around his wounded arm. While of this is going on, Maximus sits there quietly, and holding his newly won Canadian Championship in his left arm. Maximus winces from the pain whenever the Doctor starts pulling and tugging on his skin, while putting in the stitches. The Doctor on Max’s right finishes wrapping the bandages on his arm, and then he begins to talk to Maximus. Doctor 1: So....was it worth it? Maximus is unable to look up at the doctor, due to the fact that he’s still getting his stitches placed in. Maximus: It depends on what you’re talking about.....please be more specific. Doctor 1: You winning your match. Was it worth it? Maximus: Do you see me holding something. The Doctor then looks over to see Maximus holding the Canadian title in his left hand. Doctor 1: I most definitely do. Maximus: So there’s your answer.... Doctor 1: Hm....I don’t know how you guys are able to do this stuff. Just for a little piece of bronze... Maximus: Gold.... Maximus interjects Doctor 1: Excuse me? Maximus: It’s gold, get it right. After all of the years you spent in college, couldn’t you at least know the difference between gold and bronze? Doctor 1: Well.....I....I.... Maximus: You can get out now.....and thank you, by the way. Doctor 1: Right.... Doctor 1 then walks out of the room and just leave Doctor 2 and Maximus in the medical room. Doctor is just getting in the finishing touches on placing in the stitches into Max’s head. The second Doctor finally finishes and then takes his rubber gloves and begins smiling at Maximus. Maximus is finally able to look up at the Doctor. Maximus: What? Doctor 2: Oh nothing...it’s just that the other Doctor tried talking to the other guy. He wasn’t as pleasant as you were. Maximus: Me? Pleasant? Doctor 2: Well....not so much. Just that you didn’t really have anything negative to say about the outcome of the match. Maximus: Why would I? I won. Doctor 2: Of course you wouldn’t, but he lost. And he didn’t seem to happy about it. Maximus: So....not my problem. Doctor 2: No shit it isn’t your problem. But think about it. Your head is bloody, and you just lost in front of thousands. Wouldn’t you be just a tad bit angry at that? Maximus: A tad bit angry.....? I’d be fucking livid! Doctor 2: And that’s what he was. Maximus: So why should I care? Things could’ve gone either way, but I was just the better man. Doctor 2: That’s not what he made it sound like. It was as if he was very pissed off about losing the match. Maximus: Once again.....how is that my problem? Doctor 2: No, I’m just letting you know. Maximus: So you’re just letting me know that the guy I just defeated was expressing how he felt about losing the match? Doctor 2: Basically...like he felt that he should’ve won or something. Maximus: Really? He seriously felt that he should’ve won? Doctor 2: No...it was more as if “he deserved” to win. Something along those lines. I was just trying to keep him still so I could finish placing in his stitches. Maximus suddenly bursts out in laughter. Maximus: Ha Ha Ha! You got to be kidding me. He didn’t say that! Doctor 2: I can’t quote him word for word, but it was something along those lines, I’ll tell you that much. Maximus:...Ridiculous....utterly ridiculous.....was he serious? Doctor 2 then shrugs his shoulders and then gives a non-chalant expression. Doctor 2: I guess so, because he seemed pretty serious to me. Maximus: That fucking dick.... Doctor 2: Hey, from I’ve seen from the both of you, it looks like you both had put on a great fight tonight. Couldn’t you guys just be professionals, shake hands or pat each other on the back for a job well done? Maximus: I was actually going to do that, until you just told me this....man what a fucking dick. I swear he’s a fucking asshole!! Doctor 2 then jumps back a bit, and then slowly walks over to Maximus. Doctor 2: Is it really that serious? Maximus: I don’t know...maybe...not really...kind a sort of....I don’t know dude! Now I want to go find him and kick his ass again! Doctor 2: That’s not necessary, I think you and I both can say that there has been enough fighting for one night. The Doctor then get’s closer to Maximus and then places his hand on Max’s shoulder. Doctor 2: Listen man, you’re obviously are the one holding that belt right now. Which means you pretty much deserved it. You wanted it more than he did, that’s why you were able to get the win over him. Don’t let it bother you man. Maximus then looks over at the Canadian Championship. Maximus: I didn’t just want it....I needed it. Doctor 2: And now you have it. There’s nothing that Ch....Chiz.....Jizz....Chack....? Maximus:.....Chad. Doctor 2: Yea that’s right....Chad.... So there’s nothing that Chad can do to change it now. What’s done is done, you won. The Doctor then pats Maximus on the back. Doctor 2:I’ll leave you alone now. The guys in that Tables match are going to need some medical attention after their match is done. You go ahead and enjoy the rest of your night Maximus: Yea, you too. The Doctor then walks towards the door. He then stops, and turns around to and looks at Maximus. Doctor 2: I will....and one other thing. Maximus: What? Doctor 2: Congratulations..... The Doctor then walks out of the room, and the door closes behind him quietly. Maximus then picks up his Canadian Championship, and then places it on his shoulders. Maximus continues to sit on the bed, and then he looks up a the ceiling. He then looks down at the Canadian Championship again, and then a silent tear begins to slid down his cheek. That was all I needed to hear that night. Just a simple congratulations. I really appreciated all the ones that I got afterwards....which means nothing, because I got nothing from anyone else. Which is fine, because I wasn’t expecting a total praise from the XWF Legends themselves.....at least one couldn’t have hurt though. Then what Chad had said after our match was over.....seriously dude....what the fuck? It really pissed me off. Regardless of what the kind hearted Doctor said to me afterwards, I was still pissed. I heard what had to say afterwards, and I’ll get more on that later....well, in just a short while. I’ll just enjoy my ride home with my old friend Justin. * * * September 7, 2008 10:53 PM Charlotte, NC The scene now opens up to Maximus and his old friend Justin driving down a dark freeway. Maximus is sitting on the passenger side, reclining back in his seat. While his old friend Justin, has his eyes fixated on the road, with a big smile on his face. There’s no music playing in the car this time, as it seems that Maximus is definitely not in the mood for any loud music right now. This doesn’t matter to Justin as he still seems excited for what just happened for the night. Justin then begins to chuckle for a little bit, which then grabs Maximus’s attention. Maximus: What’s so funny. Justin, still smiling, then begins to talk. Speaking his upbeat and brash, southern accent, added on with a lisp. Every time he speaks, he just reminds you of Dusty Rhodes. Justin: Nah man, ain’t nothing funny. Ain’t nothing funny ‘bout nothing. Just still excited about what happened tonight baby. That’s all that is.... Maximus: Well that’s great to know. Try not to get too hyper please. In case you haven’t forgotten, I fell off top of the cell, crashing into the middle of the ring. Justin: How could I forget baby! I was in the front row! No what mean babes! Front row! Damn that shit was fucking intense baby! Maximus: Dude....please....calm down. Justin: Nah Terry man! I just can’t! I just fucking can’t! My excitement, my adrenaline, aye-thang, just got me pumped! Justin then starts banging his head on the wheel, and begins swerving in the middle of the road. This makes Maximus break his cool. Maximus: Hey! Calm the fuck down! I nearly died once tonight doing my job! Can’t have it happen while I’m driving with your crazy ass! Justin then starts laughing very loud. Maximus then grabs his head in pain. Justin quickly stops laughing. Justin: What’s wrong man... Maximus: Nothing....I’m cool....just keep driving. And please....please....please calm the fuck down. I don’t want to deal with any loud noises right now. Justin: Alright man...I’m sorry. You know I can get sometime. I just get carried away sometimes, you know what I mean? Maximus: Yes, I know exactly what you mean. Right now I’m just not in the mood to hear anyone get carried away. I’m just....I’m just not....I’m just not feeling too happy about everything right now. Justin: What? You want to run that by me one mo’ time....? Maximus: I said I’m not feeling too happy about everything right now....want me to write it down for you? Justin: No...no, no need for you to do that. I heard you loud and clear....just want to know why. Maximus: Assholes Streak.....straight up assholes. Justin then begins to speak in joking manner. Justin: Well they’re always fun to deal with, ain’t that right babes! Maximus doesn’t find it funny. Maximus:.....Not really. Justin get’s serious now. Justin: So it’s that serious? Maximus: Pretty much....yea. Justin: What is it about? Maximus: I don’t want to talk about it.... Justin: I mean, it’s alright, you’re upset with management, then we can roll up on they punk asses, know what I mean babes. Maximus: It’s not the management. Justin: Then what is it about....? Maximus: I don’t want to talk about it....Let’s just go man, I’m I want some sleep. Justin then calms down, and stops pressuring Maximus to talk. Justin: Alright man, we’ll be back at the condo in about five minutes. Maximus: Cool.... Maximus then turns over slightly in the passenger seat, and begins to lay his back into the chair. He then closes his eyes, and begins to fall asleep, as Justin continues to drive the freeway. Justin looks a little disappointed as Maximus has just killed his mood to have some fun and be in full excitement about his victory for the night. Justin then begins to accelerate into the night, driving faster as the seconds go by. Trying to get home as fast as he can. The car continues to speed off into the night, and so does Maximus into his own thoughts......... ~ There’s only one thing that I can really say about all of this, it’s quite simple actually. So just bear with me for a second folks, don’t fall asleep yet.....ready? Okay....the only thing that I can really say right now is......IT’S ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!!! Seriously! For three fucking months! Three fucking months! I’ve been chasing after the Canadian Championship. To think that all the time I spent complaining and bitching about facing Centurion in a match in order to win this fucking title, only to just whip Chad’s ass in a fucking cell, I would have never done it! Now, don’t get it confused folks, I didn’t mind getting into the ring with Centurion, Drake Komodo, Darkhan, and Armageddon X, when I did. I would’ve preferred winning the Canadian Championship in anyone of those matches instead of the one that just passed.....seriously. Regardless, I finally got what I’ve been after for the past 3 months.....and god damn it feels good! It felt great finally holding it, and it felt great holding it up in the air in front of everybody in that arena. I held up that title for the whole entire world to see...and that I did, and that I will continue to keep on doing, every time I step out into arena’s across the world....when the Canadian title is in my possession. I don’t want to keep you guys here for long, as I have been putting off that I have been boring the shit out of everyone who decides to listen to my rants of what it is that’s on my mind. So let me get straight to business.....because God knows that there is a lot to be taking care of....... Chad....Chad....Chad....Chad. What can I say about you that hasn’t already been said before? Let’s see....I can say that you suck, and that you’re a loser, but then again that would be childish and immature. Why state the obvious right? No, I’m going to talk about you in a different way right, because ever since last week, there was something that has been on my mind ever since I won my Canadian title..... You see Chad, everyone knows that you’re an asshole behind the scenes....I didn’t want to believe it...and I damn sure didn’t want to end up joining the bandwagon of those who think you are scum, because that’s what you seriously are. What am I talking about? I’ll tell you what I’m talking about...right after Mutiny was over, I heard you go off and complain how the match wasn’t put in your favor, or how the you felt that match just didn’t really go your way....or something along those lines. You wanted to go ahead and complain and have the audacity to say that you deserved to win the match!? Are you fucking kidding me! You obviously have not been in the right frame of mind for the past few weeks haven’t you!? You want to sit there and have the nerve to go ahead and criticize my promo’s, when your’s never came as close to being half as good as mine! Yes I said it...you dumb piece of shit...you can read again, as long as it doesn’t bore you. If you really wanted to win the Canadian Championship Chad, then you should’ve put more effort into winning. Don’t think for one second that you can get over for one fucking minute thinking that your half-assed performance was decent enough to be on the same caliber as to what I worked for. Regardless of how boring you think I am, and regardless how good you think you are....only a retard would seriously think that someone putting in half-assed garbage was going to get over on someone’s work, in which they put in a lot of effort into! And for to go ahead and did what you did after Mutiny was a real bitch move...a serious bitch move. So next time you want to go ahead and complain about losing a match Chad, make sure that your effort was up to par with that of your opponents. If you still have no idea what I’m talking about...then come see me personally, and we talk about this like men. So fuck that little bullshit Street Fight challenge that you made last week on Massacre. If I’m to fight you again, I swear to God that I’ll beat the shit out of you, like no one else ever has before. So fuck your dignity, fuck your pride, and most importantly.....fuck you Chad. It kind of hurts me to say that, only because there was a time where I actually did have some respect for him. I was actually excited that I was actually going to be facing him....then as the weeks went by he just had to ruin it by being a fucking dick. I’m guessing it al started after when I did my promo against Sam Hain. Forget about how long I was talking, and forget about all of the other shit that I was doing in my promo...what business was it for Chad to drop in his two cents about me? What really offends me the most...what seriously...absolutely...most definitely offends me the most, was when the man had the nerve to actually shoot down my work, when his work is as crappy as Honkey Lighthouse. It’s not I’m Brad Preice, or what ever his name is, it’s not like I steal people’s work, and put it out there as my own. I work hard to do what I do, and I put in a lot of time and effort to make sure that I do my job right, better than the vast majority of everyone else here in the XWF. So far I’ve been doing a great job....a really fucking great job! It’s pretty fucking obvious that you don’t like it...so just do me a favor Chad...please shut the fuck up, or take your sorry ass to Impact so that Alias can slap your bitch ass around. If Chad is to ever challenge me again, there will be hell to pay...and that’s not a threat...that’s a promise. Now, I’m wiping my hands with him...I can’t, and I don’t, want to ever work with him ever again for as long I continue to work in the XWF. I do, whoever have other people to look forward to working with, and in fact they are much better people to work with. Personal feelings aside....let me get back to business. So this week, we all know that the Main Event on Massacre involves the like of James Raven, Kore, and Myself. Taking on the likes of Boondock Saint, Centurion, and Sam Hain. Should it be a great main event match? I have no idea, but we’ll when tomorrow night comes. But what makes this match so special? Let’s see...James Raven won the World title, by knocking down his own ally, Centurion in order to get it. Then you have Kore who finally won the Universal Championship, thus knocking out Boondock Saint out of the competition. Then me and Sam, are basically there just to be there....? Maybe Sam, because definitely not me. I say that just for the mere fact that, whether or not that I’m a World Champion or Universal Champion, I still have what it take to take on all 5 of the men in the ring, if the circumstances required us to face off each other in 6 pack match, and all three titles were to be put on the line. There would be no doubt in my mind, or in anyone else’s mind for that matter, that I would be walking out of the ring with something.... Too bad that’s not going to go down, as I am forced to team up with Kore and James raven. Kore being a man that I have always admired ever since I had step foot into the XWF, and James, being someone who I always had a mutual respect for ever since I have returned. Even though James is now getting on the cocky side now, it’s still all good, as that I can easily kick that right out of him. It’s funny how he went on to give tiny little bits of praises, and insults at the same time....anybody else catch that? If you did, then there’s no reason for me to repeat as that he and I both know that he can’t even come close to making look like a bitch, as far slapping me around like one. James better focus on helping his bitch, Mia, win a match, before he can come and step to me again....Even though our match a fluke...I forgive you James. Next time if he wants to make an excuse for not being in full health for a match, don’t use the Black Order....seriously James, it makes you like a real pussy. The Black Order kept you from having a good match with me? Please come up with a better excuse next time, or else I will be forced to come and bitch slap you around the ring myself. There always be a next time for James and I to meet in the ring...and next time, he better be ready, or else I won’t it out to be 2 to 3 minutes of embarrassment.....what it will be? We’ll just have to wait and see. Either way, I’ll kick the cockiness right out of his pretty face, the moment he decides to step to me....or when I step to him....remember he is the current World Champion.... And speaking of World Champions...I’m stepping in the ring with Boondock Saint. The only man in this company who can go toe to toe with me as being the most boring man in the entire company...or so James Raven, Jem Williams, and that faggot Chad says. But never mind that now, me and Daniel will have time to bore each other later, but as of right now, I have to get in the ring with him and take him out as well as his partners. Daniel has put on this front as being this pure, holy saved man, who’s a do gooder in the world. I think it’s bullshit, because the man had just claimed that he has gone “over the edge”. Which is fine...we all have our....”breaking points”....but Daniel’s has to come to that of a surprise to me, only because he’s the only one here who has a pure heart of gold...or whatever....don’t expect me to get it right, I haven’t been paying attention to him since my return in April. Why? It’s because I just need to focus more on myself than others. Which is something I have been doing, not caring how other people do their promos, or start talking shit about them in the back. Now my attention is being directed at Daniel, only because the man has threatened to hurt me....like seriously dude, you’re pompous, holy water drinking bitch ass couldn’t hurt me even if you had Sam Hain in the ring with you.....oh wait you do... So yay! Sam Hain and I getting back together in the ring again. Too bad he didn’t speak on our first match, because now that I hear him talking, I’m starting to realize how retarded he is. Now Sam is going to be the only person in this match who I’m going have a full on...retort session about. Only because everything he said about me was just utterly retarded..... First and foremost....our first match, you didn’t even come close to beating me. You thought you had it in the bag, as the fact that I was down, and almost out....well...that’s what I made it seem to you. Seriously, you’re about as dumb as you look. You dumb ass IWF guys really think that you’re capable of taking on the best that the XWF has to offer. Chronic Chris Page was enough....and now you? Give me a fucking break man! Sure...you did put on a decent match...and yes, you did something’s that I clearly was not expecting you to do in that match....but don’t get things twisted, you never....ever....ever....came close to beating and having me on the edge. Get that thought out of your mind right now, or else you’re just going to end up feeling as stupid as Chad. And second....I basically feel as honored to be in this match with you, as much as James Raven is...and if you weren’t paying attention sir, he isn’t too happy about it. Regardless of the mutual bond that me and C2 have, I’m not a happy camper seeing you in the ring again....why? Only because I’ve faced you before, and I know what you’re capable of. Even though I will agree with Lee Stone, you do have potential...so don’t go to Impact...go to Anarchy...it’ll be more of your speed over there....I’m serious Sam...you don’t belong on Impact....and you don’t belong in this match....Anarchy will be more fun for you....so let me stop sucking you’re dick here, because I’m going to be kick you around like a pounded anus. Then maybe that will help you relived what had happened to you, just a few weeks ago. So...in conclusion Sam, you can crap your pants when you see me tomorrow night...hell you can even jerk off when you see me tomorrow, I don’t care. Just make sure that you give me a better challenge this time around. I can’t say I was happy with you the first time around, so maybe you being backed up by former World Champions, it might actually help boost your skills a bit...maybe...or not...you’ll still suck after I’m done with you tomorrow....or when we’re done with you. And the things that you just said, kind of makes me realize how much you like me....and how much you just want me to make you my bitch. Ha ha! This is going to be great...my first major title in the XWF, and then my first bitch.....wait what am I talking about? Oh yeah! Dude! Sam! I accept your challenge for my Canadian title....but why wait after Rage in the Cage? Shit....we can do this...let’s see...next week? It’s you’re call since you made the challenge, because I really don’t care where you want to do this. We can do it tomorrow night at your mom’s house...or in the bedroom of that cute chick you plan on starting to have a new life with...hell! We can be in a parking garage smacked in the middle of the Baisley Park projects in South Side Queens for all I care! You want to take me on Sam, for the third time and lose? Then by all means, come and do so..... Maybe facing Sam, and then defeating Sam, will just be a fluke, like it was defeating Chad. Even though I would rather face Centurion to really solidify my status as the Canadian Champion. It’s sad to say it but....why in the hell was he in the Main Even at Mutiny? No disrespect to him personally, I think he’s a nice man, but you put him up against a young guy like James, who obviously wanted the World Championship more...way more...than Centurion did. I bet Cent didn’t really need it as much as he needed to win the Canadian title back at Mega Massacre...then to just lose it a week afterwards....and to think that I thought I would’ve forgotten about that night the moment I won the Canadian title last week....Thank you C2 for putting Centurion in this match, now I can let out some of my built up frustration against him in the ring....for the second time! Yes...that match with Drake was the first....and I didn’t win that either. Which is fine, only because I get the chance to kick the shit out of Centurion again....which kind of brings a smile to my face...then it turns into a frown when I think about how badly he’s been diminished as a competitor. I wonder when Centurion will get his big burst of energy again and challenge me for the Canadian Championship? But it’s only for me for marvel about....and I’ll believe it when it actually happens. But either way...Cent, you being involved in this match, only proves that C2 picked you because he thinks you have what it takes to face the best in the XWF right now....yes Kore, James, and I are the best in the XWF right....and Big Shank is in there as well....but in this match it’s us three. Too bad, Cent has to partner up with Sam and watch him get decimated by me, while Cent and Daniel get knocked around like they did only a week ago. It really sucks too Andy....I really do hope that you and I can go ahead and put on a great match just like how we wanted to do....or how I wanted to do....I’ll just settle for this 6 Man tag....for now. So incase you getting get the hint before folks....I guess I’m just going to have to tell you all again...Maximus is finally the Canadian Champion, and my rise to the top is now. I finally...and officially, have something to show for the words that I say....when I do say....that I am the best wrestler in the XWF. Even though James Raven maybe the World Champion...he still doesn’t have shit on me when it comes to my technical prowess, mat skills, and flawless in-ring psychology. Kore might be the Uni champion...but come on, who really has held onto that title for more than five months this year? The three of us combined...we’re unstoppable....me alone....unstoppable....the six man tag team match tomorrow night.....we’ll just have to wait and see..... ~End |