" Dead Presents Represent Me....."

Jay-Z - Dead Presidents

He moistening his fingertips before shuffling his hands through the thick stacks of money in his hands, smiling as if he has no care in the world, Jason counts and endless amount of money that he has removed from his pants pocket.  Standing in front of a jewelry store clerk, he looks down and smiles before handing over a wad of cash to the women, over $20,000 for a custom made Movado watch.

 The woman asks “Do you want this to be wrapped sir?”  as she collects the watch and places it back on the proper casing. 

No, I’ll wear it out. “  Jason smiles as she turns around to put the money into the register. He replaces his old rolex watch that he had on his wrists with the new black and silver Movado.

Jason Richard Maserati, he was born in Miami Florida, knows nothing other then the trust fund given to him by his father, who was the C.E.O of a very successful business that sold insurance to private contractors.  Most of his life was spent on the road, as his fathers business got bigger, so did the travel time, but also so did the wallet.  Jason attended schools but with his father being so wrapped up in his business, it lead his son Jason to fall down the wrong path.  Drugs and crime filled his life early, and the life of a street kid seemed glamorous to him.  His father would be to busy to make things work with his son and tried everything to stop the virus that plagued his life and potentially could be bad for business.  Jason was very good at athletics and played a number of sports such as baseball and basketball.  The rough and touch style of the streets became apart of his reputation however when he started wrestling.  Jason was a very bright man and still is, when old enough to take care of himself he became suddenly interested in his fathers business.  For a few years he cleaned up his act and worked for his father for a few years after he graduated high school while attending RutgersUniversity off an Athletic Scholarship, however like his father, Jason is a master of manipulation.

  The dream of the streets was still seeded in Jason, a mix of his father’s cockiness and his street smarts eventually got himself partial ownership of the company.  Having a say in what goes on and how things work.  A combination of hard work and a lil suave negotiation, Jason eventually gained control over more portions of the company then his father, replacing some of the founding fathers of the board with younger hungrier men, men who would only answer to him; weaker and submissive.  Jason’s lust for power and money lead him down a path to getting more then he dreamed of, however his love was in being an athlete. 

It is said Jason Maserati’s net worth is over $100,000,000.  His Insurance Company is said to be partnered with Gieco and a few other major insurance enterprises. No stranger to power and money he searched for another conquest.  Then someone mentioned the RWA and the next up and coming wrestling organization on the resurgence.

Jason’s eyes looked like they had dollar signs in his eyes.  No wonder they call him Money Maserati, “The Ultimate Opportunist “

Jason collects his receipt and looks at the women “You know, we can make this a regular thing.” 

She smiles and asks “What do you mean Mr. Maserati?

 Jason attaches the watch to his wrists and moves it towards the sunlight to search of fingerprints and smudge marks. “ It’s no secret you are a beautiful women and lets face it, you don’t need to work in a job getting close to minimum wage,  dressing in department store clothes with your hair looking the way it is now, which is something out of a bad Frankenstein movie.  You probably leave here every night thinking you have life all figured out when you don’t.  You’re probably still paying off school loans just waiting for this recession to pass you by.  Reality is that you will never recover and as beautiful as I can make you, you can become a star.

 Jason looks her up and down as she stands there in shock unable to even speak.  Her eyes start to squint as her fists clench up behind the counter and before she could even open her mouth to give a response, he utters “ Don’t,  forget about it, you’re a lil flabby around the arms.

 Jason walks out of the store and gets into his Maserati Coupe and presses the ignition button.   The music blares out the pioneer speaker system as he rolls down his windows.  “Miami never felt this good.” He mumbles to himself.

Is it “Live” , Or is it Maserati

The thing about my life Is, I’ve always seeked to impress.  I’m no stranger to wrestling or danger, and I’m pretty good at everything that I do, if not the best at what I do.  I am the sitting chairmen of the board of one of the biggest insurance companies on this side of the Atlantic Ocean, and I didn’t get there just by my stunning good looks.  I take a look at the RWA and I see potential, I see the type of revenue that this place can bring.  The idea came from a good friend of mine who will be coming in later on, she wild beautiful, can be very deadly; and these are the kind of people I only surround myself with.

What’s my purpose in the RWA, well that’s an easy question to answer.  I am here to stack my overwhelming wall of accolades that I have achieved in my life.  Most don’t know that I came from a shitty past, my father barley around for my basketball games or baseball outings, and the funny part about it is, that most of you don’t even care.  I walk around here without a care because for most of my life people didn’t except who I was, not even my own father.  My wall of accolades is my badge to show everyone that the man that I am, standing before you today is more then just a cocky arrogant piece of shit who has a lead pipe up his ass all the time, but to let everyone know that I don’t care either.  If I could live with my father not being accepting of who I am and what I do then just like him, I can cash you out of your life and take it all away from you.  The spotlight is what I crave and sharing it with people who are in my way will jus have to get cashed out.

I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical about this place.  It was opened before and closed down, competing with other rival companies and well lets face it, from what I have read.  The other rival company stood tall regardless of the endless wars I have been hearing about.  As you can see however that doesn’t really matter to me as I’m standing here before you today an RWA Employee, which sounds wrong coming out of my mouth,  employee?!  Nevertheless the roster is filled with other ill-talented wastes of life who are only pawns in my chess game to greatness here in Renegade Wrestling, and I see the potential in a few of these people that could possibly need me in getting to the top themselves.  I am a humanitarian, while being an asshole at the same time.  I love it.  Let’s hope my connection to this place was right, and pray that it doesn’t need help to stay afloat.

I am a young man who has the mental drive to take over a place like this, why I wouldn’t come to this place and take over and run this place like no one has ever run it before.  Very soon it wont be me saying that I am the next Shawn Walsh, or the next Shane Clemmens, while these two men have found much success before me I will find success after them, and after it is all said and done my name will not only be in the same breath, but my name will be right next to theirs on the wall of RWA.   Yeah, I said it.

6.35 peE Emm [Home town of Miami Florida.]

Why is it that you cant make things easier for yourselves.  I give you the tools to be successful but the numbers aren’t reflecting the work.” 

I work hard at what I do but you have to keep the men and women you work with on their toes to make sure the money doesn’t start to get smaller.  I am a go getter and I have a go get em attitude.  I wrap up the Board meeting and make my way back to my office grabbing my suit jacket off my chair.  I have a best friend who works with me,  a very beautiful  Karmryn Richards.  She like me, is great with words and can bring any deal down to whatever she wants.  She comes from a very different backround then me,  very smart but was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.  Daddys little girl found herself at my companies door a few years ago when she heard it was under new management.  She has school awards and Class honors coming out of the University of Florida, she even dated Tim Tebow until she realized he wasn’t going to start for any team in the National Football League.  We get along because she like me has an overwhelming lust for power and won’t be shown up by anyone, including me.  To bad im in the spot she wants from me, a spot she will never get.  Competition always brings out the good qualities though.

What is this about you taking on professional wrestling?” Kamryn says to me as im leaving the board room.

oh you know, I just want to roll around touching other men for the idea that I might actually be a homosexual.  Or maybe I just want cool pyro going off behind me.”  I said as I slip my jacket back on.

Sounds a bit sexy but I don’t think the spandex look is really you.” Kamryn chuckles.

I look back and smirk at Kamryn “ Yeah, because you would rather see me with nothing on at all.”  

She smiles back and nods her head “You maybe right,  maybe ill come with you to this Renegade Wrestling thing.”  I look at her a little puzzled. 

How do you even know what the name of the place is?”  She stands a lil closer caressing the buttons on my shirt.

What kind of women would I be for you if I didn’t know everything about you already?” She turns and walks away.  All I can do is smile.

Taking a thought while im sitting in my office on what I have to do to prepare for this new journey I am going to embark on that is RWA, not really worrying about anything, that’s just not something that I do very well.  Im well taken care of however, professional wrestling is a bit of a stretch, everything comes easy to me though so there isn’t really anything to worry about.  I pick up the phone to call my driver to come pick me up so I can head back to my house over near the beach when I get a ring on my cell. 

I have a friend from back in the day when I used to be a goon.  His name is Keyz.   He is the one that showed me the streets and how to survive as a hustler.  Many years have I almost gotten busted for a lot of things but Keyz being the slick talker that he is would always find a way to get us out of a jam.  He is also a pretty good runner.  He keeps my head level but he also will be the first to tell me to shine on the rest of the competition.  He gets just as much money as I do but the legitimacy of it may be a bit skewed;  Keyz, my Inside man.
Bro, what’s good man!”  Keyz screams through the phone.

Not much man about to head out of the office,  you got something for me?” I ask.

No brotha, I heard you going into the RWA, man I LOVE that show. Shawn Walsh and that nigga tony barerra or whatever his name is.  They be doing those crazy ass moves that no one in their right minds can do. Shit how you get in there,  I been wanting to get my hands on a few of those guys.”  Keyz says with excitement in his voice.  I sit my face in my hands and laugh a little bit at the fact that he even knows about it.  I have to many people that can find out a lot of things.  Figuring out if that is a good thing or not.

Yes, and actually my first event is right here in Miami.  Facing some kid named Livewire.”  There is a pause on the phone before Keyz begins to speak again.

I have heard of live wire.  He is from Miami also.”  Keyz says to me

Is he from out Carol city, where you’re from?”  I ask Keyz

All I know of this nigga is that he from dade, heard of some moves he been making around here. Fresh blood like you, I know a few of his homeboys around the bridge.  He is a real favorite around here.”  Keyz explains to me.

There isn’t a worry; this just makes things a little more interesting.  The second event of the RWA held in our home town of Miami.  Can’t really get any bigger then this can it.

“Interesting to say the least, should make for a good show.  Hope he knows what he is getting himself into.” I say to keyz

Nigga you better know what you getting yourself into.  People still see you as that rich kid from the suburbs of Miami.”  Keyz says.

But you know better then that Keyz.  Who fought with you when them boys came and tried to run you for that brick you had in that busted Jansport back you had?” I ask Keyz laughing a bit under my breath.

Yeah nigga now it’s a Louie Vaton Bag that holds this weight now.  You got the cash nigga and I taught my young boy well.  Livewire is going to bring it.  Don’t bring that white power shit out now, I will fuck you up.”   Keyz laughs on the phone with Jason but he stops before Jason.

Yeah let me call you back in a lil bit. I’ll meet you over by the spot.”  Jason hangs up the phone and gets up out of his char and leaves his office.  The sun shines bright through the glass as he enters the elevator, Kamryn follows.

So, what we doing tonight?” Kamryn asks

“ I look down at Kamryn and direct my eyes back to the numbers on the top of the elevator” My face between your tits sounds like a good plan but I have some other things to do tonight, but if your available I do take after hour contacts.  Make sure you leave a voicemail.” I tell Kamryn as the elevator opens.  I’m walking out the door to the parking lot, thinking to myself how come I never ran into livewire before if we are from the same place? Miami isn’t that big is it?

Livewire -- to sick got more viruses then limewire

So we are both from Miami, The event: Shockwave is in Miami.  How fitting for 2 young stars to put off against each other in their hometowns. The crazy part about this whole thing is that I have no inkling of who you are.  You mean to tell me I have been running these streets all my life, moving from New York back down here and I have never heard of a livewire.  Maybe my reach from the city life wasn’t that big, or you were just nothing to be noticed.  Either way it wont matter in the end.  I’m getting ahead of myself though.  This Sunday at shockwave, I will formally introduce myself to you and the rest of the RWA Universe, but this will do for right now.

I am Jason Maserati, There is more to me then just what you see.  I have the money to buy whatever I want.  I have the money to do whatever I want, but the money isn’t the thing you should be afraid of.  While my presents alone should awe you,  you should be afraid of what I can do to you in the ring.  We seem to have been running in the same places while growing up and to some that might be an advantage to me.  I know the streets that you have stepped in, I know that life.  Now you could go as far as to say I never lived the gutter life, that I haven’t experienced the oppression and the hardships to run with a tough street kid such as yourself.  Let me remind you that I brought myself and my friends out of poverty and made them into money making machines.  My friend Keyz up in Carol City runs his business through connections that I make with my over seas accounts. A number of men I have set up for greatness is seeing more green then a kush leaf in a green house.  The only difference between me and you is my obvious good looks and our skin color. 

You have to find a median livewire.  You have to come to terms with the very simple fact that you are the first in a long line of men who are going to be set up as the example.  You are right about one thing, the new blood will take over the RWA soon enough,  but in place has to be a leader far more capable then you are to thrust this new era of talent into the highest reaches of what some people call “ the top “ . 

Who am I?  The kids up north wouldn’t be able to lace my boots up let alone fuck with a man who for most of his life figured he had nothing to lose.  I have this wealth, this fame and fortune but no one really knows why I am here.  Why risk my life and my greatness and waste it on low brow no talent lackys like you?  Simply because I can.  I have the luxury of doing things when I want them to.  In the streets, on the courts, I dominated.  This wrestling shit, well it’s a whole new game for me to conquer.  Its nothing like basketball I already understand that, but who wouldn’t get a kick out of beating the shit out of someone night in and night out, especially if it comes naturally? I have—wait no I am a GIFT from the gods of wrestling.  I make and break careers professionally and it will be proven in the ring.  All morale will be gone and your chance and qualifying for ANY belt will be gone out the window.   Don’t worry livewire, ill make sure I give your family a nice check after I’m done seeing as you won’t get any good contract matches. 

Sit back and let the ride happen my friend.  This is just getting started.

[ Outside the Colony Hotel - Downtown Miami ]

This is the part where you fall down.”  Jason looks at the women and she looks confused

What are you talking about? “She utters back to him

Where you fall head over heals in love with me. “ he laughs after words.  Jason walks away from the women while holding a glass of Jack Daniels on the rocks.  Downtown Miami, a place called the Colony Hotel.  A man with a bandana hanging from his pocket walks out of a Mercadez Benz and walks towards Jason.

This is the place” the man says.

Oh and we don’t know how to say what’s up brotha keyz!?”  Jason grabs his hand and chest bumps him.

shut up muh fucka.  Look this is the place.  His manz ownes this Hotel.  He used to Boost cars back in the day, some cat named Ramon.”  He says as he looks down at Jasons cup. “ Where the fuck did you get a cup from?!

Jason pointed towards the bar near the hotel, beach view and outside sitting for smokers.  Keyz makes his way over there without saying a word screaming “Wheres the Spade at?!”  Jason stands outside for a little while and then I get back in my car.  He sits for a few minutes and sees ramone leaving.  Keyz enters the car at this moment with a cup and a cigg in his hand.

So yeah son,  I used to know him to.  Always wondered where he was at.  He used to get money from them cars man.  Lot of us kids looked up to him in the beginning, you know ; getting money , getting bitches, its apart of the lifestyle brother.”  Keyz blerts out. 

Crazy part about this whole thing is, How come I’ve never ran into livewire.  This man is ghost in my town” Jason says. “Your town?” Keyz says.

Soon we will see who the king of Miami is.” Jason cuts the car on and Keyz with a puzzled look on his face gets out of the car. 

Beautiful Miami

Isn’t the blue sea great livewire?  Take this the wrong way if you want but you probably have never seen the eyes of the ocean in your life have you?  If you have it wasn’t on my side of town.  I came to realization when I was on my way to this place of mine.  You don’t know me, and I don’t know you, yet we live in the same town.  Atleast I can say that for the opening match that the RWA is getting the best of both worlds here.

Truth is livewire you don’t need to know much about me to know that come Shockwave, there wll be only 1 outcome.  When my hands are raised in the air as the winner moving on to qualify for whatever title they want to put me in,  you will realize it just as I did.  Jason Maserati is an enigma and the epitome of what wrestling is.  You have been around these morons long enough to know that the same old faces have been here fucking shit up for the youthful and obviously more good looking young talent, so it is not far fetched that you would subject yourself to the embarrassment because you got something to prove, well this is one thing I can tell you.  You will make your point, and you will prove it well.  Only difference is that your point will be that you tried really really hard and you failed miserably.  While you don’t know me the only thing you need to know is that you can’t put in what god left out, and in you he left out some brains and the talent to step into the ring with me.

You talk about mean streaks; I am a cut throat businessman with cut throat ways about me.  Ultimate opportunis and master manipulator, there is no shame in my game and I don’t hide any of it my friend.  In this world you have to do things you don’t want to in order to get ahead.  I look into your eyes and see you’re only about excitement.  You do this for the fans, you do this for the sheer thrill.  When I step into the ring, its all business pal.  If I want you hurt, you can best believe that you will be hurt in the middle of this ring.  If I want to end your career, I will most definitely end your career.  The reason why Kobe Bryant is better then LeBron James is because Kobe is a killer, and has 4 rings to prove it.  Lebron? Well he has been to the finals once before and never gone back.  The Individual accolade will come but the ultimate prize eludes him for many many years.  This is why I am the way I am livewire,  I am a killer. 

So before you go to bed tonight and brush your little teeth, pray to whatever wrestling god you pray to that I never see you in the streets of Miami.  Believe it or not small fry I know what goes on out here.  I have never seen you up and down any of my streets and its leading me to believe that your not real around here.  I wont take the streets word for it however.  I’ll cross over to Dade county anyday of the week, twice on Sunday dinner

