“I have raised my hands for the last time.  There can be no more thoughts of this dream.  Put everything in a box and throw it to the bottom of the ocean. “ 

[ We find ourselves at Strike Tower Studios sitting down with Reno Destiny, former 2 x world heavyweight champion.   Also sitting with him is long time friend Jeff Dypko.  Who was owner of the XCW back in 2001.   Reno looking around taking his leather jacket off  and resting it on a production box as he looks up to the ceiling. ]

[ Reno ] I have spent the better part of my time away thinking about the words that my mentor told me right after I lost the world heavyweight championship to Annika last year.  Hatred filled my heart and as my resistance to the establishment grew, I became fond with the idea that this could all be over.  I never wanted to be that one guy who stuck around to long after his prime,  the one that stayed for the money, or to pad stats; I was a man who had to much heart to give up on the one thing that eluded him his entire career.  People know the credentials; I am a former 2 time world champion,  I have held over 15 World Championships in my career.  Maybe it was the sense of pride that wouldn't let me stay away. 

[ Jeff ]  Pride?  Come on bro, you were on top for a long time and now you are setting your own stage for a comeback.  People are going to keep asking the same questions. 

[ Reno ] I suppose when people ask me the question " Why did you come back? "  there can be multiple answers.   People will have their own set of answers but there will only be one answer.  People will ask " what is the one thing you could have changed about your career? "   That answer is the same as the first one.  It was never about titles, it was never about the friendships.  It was all about making a name for myself and making history.  I defied the odds, and broke boundaries when I stepped into the squared circle.  I pretty much ended careers when I stepped into the ring.   When I started off, you remember what I said to you Jeff? [ Looks toward Jeff wit a stern look on his face ] I said to you that if you or anyone got in my way it would be lights out.  I have based my whole career off such notion.   I really don't know where I went wrong in all this,  heroism and the greater good.  Nevertheless I forgot how to be who I was originally.  Someone like me can't be in the annals of greatness as the hero,  people don't want the hero.   People want action, people want the unexpected.  You see for to long Jeff I have been that one to save the people.  I have been the one who ran down the ramp and fought for what people believed in, and the funny part about it is, I don't even care about the others in the back.  So why am I the hero? [ Reno sticks his hands in his jacket pocket and takes a big sigh out from his lungs. ]

[ Jeff ] I think that is the one thing that only God can answer for you.  I have seen you rise from the bottom,  even in Strike Towers.  You walked around these narrow hallways like a ghost. Holocaust , D Generation X , Rayn Of Destiny, pretty much made you. [ Jeff smirks a little as his eyes look up and down at Reno ]

[ Reno ] That is my point; No one remembers how I defeated Myris for the World Championship.   No one remembers me beating Kyle Murphy for the World Championship.  They remember Reno and Rayn ,  Nirvana and the Holocaust.  I chase after the hall of fame because of the fact that I do not have my own name and I have captured the world title twice.  Play time is over Jeff.  I stand alone , again.

[ Reno takes his bags and begins to walk away from Jeff.  before he exists the door he turns around and looks back at the Strike Towers sign behind him.  He smirks and begins to walk out of the door.  The wind at his neck and the sun in his eyes,  he throws on his shades and heads towards his car..... ]


" Reno, are you awake? "  Kamryn Nicole asks wrapping her arms around him kissing his shoulders and squeezing him tight. "  It's time to get up sweetheart.  You will be late getting on the road. "  Reno looks her up and down as his pupils adjust to the light and rolls back over. " Babe, you have to get up! "  She throws a pillow and smacks him on the back of his head.  Reno turns to the ceiling and thinks to himself, this is jus another day at the office.

I keep myself honest,  integrity doesn't come without a price though.  I was finished doing this,  I was finished being the whipping boy that everyone thought I was.  So this is what leads me here.  Laying in this bed looking up at my roof talking to myself inside my head, and does that make me, insane, whack job?   There could be a lot of things that could keep me from being the same, normal , white picket fence type of man that everyone would love to make me out to be.   Its almost to bad that I have to make the ends of the two world meet and make people see the true side of a man who really doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.  Surprised?  Some people would be. 

I wake up everyday to the same routine.  Girlfriend waking me up making disgusting coffee, reading the news paper to see what's going on in the world.  What exactly did that bring me?  Take for example, me returning to strike towers.  Before it was a bunch of cut throat tools here trying to make Reno Destiny out to be a fraud, a paper champion as you would.  No where did anyone congratulate me for defeating good opponents or become a favorite in the back.   Maybe that's my fault, as I made myself out to be some sort of a douche bag.  I lost my drive and walked around the halls like a ghost with no one at my side besides Rayn,  for whom I have thanked many times for standing by and watching my back.  Nevertheless I made a mark without any glimpse of a good job from anyone.  So what's next?  Well that is the question of the day isn't it.

Josh Konnely,  Former World champion is here to await his sentencing.  He probably goes through the same everyday problems.  What is the solution to this sort of problem you ask?  Well the only answers I can provide are going to end with his shoulders on the matt for the 1.2.3.  You are a former world champion Josh and can't no one take away from your impressive credentials.  Come this pay per view, I am going to have to show the world how wrong they were in thinking that this man that stands before you is cut from the same clothe as the rest.  That the hero is no longer walking among them waiting for a hand to save.  That the everyday is never again.  Josh Konnely

"baby?" Reno said to Kamryn.  " Yes hunny."  She replyed sneaking her head back into the doorway. " I think I will sleep in today. "

= to be continued =