Ain't No Stoppin' Me...Now!
[Forward goes here...
Scene #: One
Scene Title: A Run In With The Mangina.
Scene Location: Gund Arena, Cleveland, Ohio
Scene Date: 1-29-09
The scene opens up with the GWA cameras going live to the backstage area where broadcast team member Todd Grisham is standing by with a microphone in hand. In the distance the sound of Edge’s theme music can still be heard playing over the PA System after his victory over the “Guru Of Greatness” John Morrison. Then from behind the black curtain that leads out onto the staging area walks edge, sweating profusely and limping slightly on his left leg after Morrison’s constant attacking of his knee. Todd walks up Edge who clearly is not happy to see him at this point in time.
Scene #: Two
“Metalingus” by Alter Bridge blasts throughout the arena from the PA System and moments later Edge walks through the from cloud of smoke and stands atop the ramp way looking out over the crowd…
GWA’s Mangina || Todd Grisham “Edge I see that your knee’s hurting a little so I won’t take up much of your time I just wanted to get your thoughts on how your match went tonight.”
An out of breath Edge just stares an unnerving stare at Todd before leaning into the microphone.
Rated R Superstar || Edge “How it went….It went exactly how I said it would, I stand here one match under my belt…and one victory in the win column in the record books. Morrison like I said isn’t in my league not even close to being either.”
GWA’s Mangina || Todd Grisham “Some say he controlled at least 55% of the match tonight though…”
Rated R Superstar || Edge“What people may or may not be saying makes no iota of a difference, no matter the percentage whether it’s 55%, 65% or even 95% cause you see Todd opinions are like assholes everyone‘s got one and most of the time they all stink. At the end of the day I‘m the one standing here with the win. And that‘s all that really matters.”
GWA’s Mangina || Todd Grisham “And what of next week…”
Rated R Superstar || Edge“Next week Todd, next week will be just the same as this week. Two matches under my belt and a second mark in the win column, No matter who I face off against Whether it’s The late great “Mr. Perfect” Curt Henning back from the for one last stab at greatness or whether it’s you. Nothing or nobody is going to stop be from achieving my goal of entering and winning the royal rumble, God himself could come down from the heaves above and you know what would happen Todd. I’d spear the lord a saviour in two. It’s not going to make a damn bit of difference who I go up against next week, man woman or child nobody will deny me my right to be in that royal rumble.
Edge shoulder bumps past Grisham and goes to walk off down the hall but only gets to far before Todd gets his attention again
GWA’s Mangina || Todd Grisham “your opponent for next week has already been named…”
Edge walks back into camera shot and stands in front of Todd.
Rated R Superstar || Edge “who?”
GWA’s Mangina || Todd Grisham “Sean O‘Haire…it‘ll be you going one on one with Sean O‘Haire no matter the outcome of The Randy Orton Sean O‘Haire match later tonight.”
Rated R Superstar || Edge “Sean who, Where‘d I know that name from. Man that’s annoying, It‘s on the tip of my tongue but I just can‘t get it.”
Todd interrupts
GWA’s Mangina || Todd Grisham “Sean O‘Haire, He‘s a former three time WCW tag team champion, He was part of the invasion that happened back in 2001 in the WWE. He also tried his hand at Mixed Martial Arts with a match record of three wins and two losses.”
Edge has a puzzled look on his face listening to Todd talk about O’Haire.
Rated R Superstar || Edge “No, no none of those sound familiar…He was apart of the invasion, are you sure? You’d think I’d remember him from that after all 2001 was when my career began to skyrocket as a singles competitor. Wait a minute I think I got it, Jacked up hair cut, little goatee black short’s with blue flames am I right ?”
GWA’s Mangina || Todd Grisham “Yeah that‘s him….”
Edge cuts Todd off mid-sentence
Rated R Superstar || Edge “No wonder I couldn’t remember him, I couldn’t remember cause there was absolutely nothing worth remembering about that guy. And after next week the only memory I’ll have of him will be a far, far distant memory of how good it felt spearing him in the middle of the ring and taking one step closer to the Royal Rumble and fulfilling my destiny as the first ever GWA Royal Rumble match winner.”
Edge once again shoulder barges past Todd and heads off down the corridor in the direction of his locker room.
Later on into the night the Orton, O’Haire match has been underway fro some time and in his locker room is Edge. Watching every minute of the action. Sitting on a steel chair he’s crouched forward, eyes glued to the television set. On the screen O’Haire begins to lift Randy up and atempts to hit the Widow Maker but Randy breaks free and pokes him in the eye and nails his signature backbreaker move, Orton then begins stalking him signalling for the RKO. O’Haire gets to his feet and Randy goes for the RKO, but O’Haire shoves Randy away before he could nail the RKO. getting up to his feet Orton turns to face O’Haire but when he does O’Haire hits him with a kick to the gut and nails the Widow Maker and goes for the cover 1…2…3. As the referee hand hit the mat for the three the camera pans back to Edge who’s now up right running his hands through his long blonde hair with a look of misbelieve on his face. He takes the steel chair he was sat on, throws it across the room with a loud clatter. He picks up his gym bag, tossing it over his should and walks out of the room and down the hall in the direction of the exit of the arena. As the scene fades out to black.
Scene Title: Sean O’Haire, The human vacuum cleaner, managing to both suck & blow.
Scene Location: Civic Center, Mobile Alabama
Scene Date: 02-05-09
…He walks down the isle as the fans boo him yet again, heading up the ring steps he enter the ring throw the middle rope collecting the microphone from Lillian Garcia. His music cuts off as he takes of his shades, he raises the microphone to his mouth and begins to address the audience.
Rated R Superstar || Edge “This week on tonight’s show I find myself stepping foot in this very ring to go one on one with a guy who so far since coming to Global Wrestling Entertainment has remained undefeated. An Undefeated streak of two matches with two wins. First off his tag team effort with my fellow Canadian Eric Young. Hitting his widow maker on Shelton Benjamin and gaining the victory over the self-proclaimed ‘World‘s Greatest Tag Team’ Then there was just last week when again hitting his Widow Maker and getting the cover on Randy Orton. One of this industry’s biggest names. Well as far as Benjamin and Hass there‘s a good reason why they‘re only known as the self-proclaimed ‘World‘s Greatest Tag Team‘ because the absolutely suck. They haven‘t done a damn thing in this business to even be considered a mediocre tag team. A couple titles reigns a Tag Team Champions doesn’t make you the world’s greatest. And if there‘s someone who knows anything about what it takes to be considered a true world’s greatest tag team competitor It‘s me.
Then there‘s your victory last week, beating Randy Orton, the youngest World Champion in WWE history, And then again who hasn’t beaten him Orton. I myself hold consecutive victories of him so that’s two wins over three people I’ve already beaten from piller to post in the past and three individuals that I already know that I’m superior to. So you little wins over them haven’t proven a damn thing to me nor have they shown me that you bring anything to the table that I need to worry about. I mean in your first match everyone saw that it was Eric Young that did all the work and just came in and picked the bones clean. In fact you almost reminded me of my entire partnership with Christian when he used to do the same exact thing when I carried his ass for all those years. And your match with Orton will I guess even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.”
Rated R Superstar || Edge “You want to know why you never maid it in this business Sean it’s because nobody cares about Sean O’Haire, the WCW locker room didn’t care, the WWE defiantly didn’t care and now not even GWA cares and the fans still don’t care enough about you to want to see you in big match scenarios. You see these moronic fans might despise the very ground I walk on but what they won’t be able to deny is that I brought them to the show. Whether it was see me kick the living crap out John Cena in are long drawn out feud. Or whether it was to see make bring it to and beat The Undertaker banishing him from the WWE, or even taking the hardcore legend Mick Foley to the limit in the most extreme match that any WrestleMania had ever saw. All these things and a lot more is the reason that despite the fact that management and myself might not always see eye to eye on things and I might from time to time say or do something that causes lots of controversy for the company but I still bring in the fans, the money and the ratings. Something you could never do or never will do. ”
“It all comes down to experience and respect, experience O’Haire that you just don’t have and respect that you will never get. The experience and respect that I’ve earned with over ten years in this business. Ten years of my blood my sweat and my tears and two broken marriages. I’ve given my everything and that’s why I get the respect from management, the locker room and the fans. And that’s why after ten years that I’m able to stand atop of the mountain that you same the be claming stake to. Think of it as Mount Olympus which would in turn make me Zeus, king of the gods, the ruler of Mount Olympus and the god of the sky and thunder. And just like Zeus I will strike down with furious anger and vengeance on anyone who wishes to lay claim to my throne at the top of the mountain.”
Rated R Superstar || Edge “You‘re absolutely right about one thing however Sean you said it yourself a change will happen but it won‘t be at the Rumble because at the Rumble things are going to remain pretty much the same. Different company but same outcome, me winning when it matters yet again and proudly living up to yet another little nickname passed on to me by the people that know me best that name of course being ‘The ultimate opportunist’ by taking any opportunity that comes my way to make sure that at the end of the night you are looking at the man who‘ll be crowned GWA Royal Rumble match winner. The change I refer to though is the change that happens tonight right here in Mobile Alabama in front of all these backwoods hicks when you step into this ring with me and I put an end to your winning ways. I touched on it last week when I went up against John Morrison but I‘ll say it again leading up to the pay per view when every match has the importance that they do I’ll be treating them as if the were Wrestlemania main event. Something else that you wouldn’t know anything about Sean.
“This close to the Royal Rumble there’s just one thing constantly running through my mind and that’s victory. In these last weeks leading up to pay per view victory is essential, no ifs ands or buts, it’s the only thing that gets me to where I need to be. And where I need to be at the Royal Rumble as one of the four men holding one of the coveted golden tickets so to speak, a royal raffle ticket . I now get my chance to get my hands on my ticket my ticket to the big time here in Global Wrestling Alliance. Much as we true superstars would like to be able to coast through on our reputation from our past endeavours we know just like the rest of the locker room we too must show the desire, the heart and the will to once again be at the top. Reputation only get’s you so far the rest is up to us and Sean that’s where you come in. You Sean and only you stand in the way of me and what I want and that Sean is a position that I guarantee you don’t want to find yourself in when it comes to stepping face to face with ‘The Rated R Superstar.’”
Rated R Superstar || Edge “In all honesty Sean I listened to your little speech earlier and my god man you sound like some pissy little bitch kid who didn’t get enough attention when he was little, what’s a matter Sean didn’t mommy or daddy love you enough, did they give all your toys away to the neighbourhood kids. Seriously man up you little bitch, it’s time to forget that your own parents didn’t love you and become a man. Stop blaming everyone else for what you don’t have a take a long hard look in the mirror kid. You know why you were always over looked and under booked Sean. It’s because you didn’t have the balls to go ahead and reach for the stars like those of us who have maid it to the top. You say I needed, ladders, tables and chairs to make a name for myself. That’s where your wrong I didn’t need them but they sure as hell helped to propel me into the spotlight. You want to know why it was me that got the shots and not you Sean it’s because unlike you I didn’t sit idly by while waiting for someone to notice me I went out of my way to get noticed I got in the faces of management and I blow their minds with my innovative suggestions for matches and showing them that I was the guy who would lead the company in new directions. I did in the 90’s what Hogan done for this business in the 80’s. I along with a few others reinvented the industry into what it is today. And you want me to apologise for that, telling me I sold out to become who I am today…well screw you Sean I’ll never apologise for what I’ve done cause I don’t for one second regret making any of the decisions I’ve made in the past, They’ve benefited me and the industry. They’ve given me my nice houses, my nice cars they’ve given me the knowledge that I’m secure for life even when I can’t wrestle anymore the money I’ve made thanks to the decisions have set me up for life, they’ve made me a superstar in every sense of the word. So no Sean I’m not sorry and instead of telling me I should be sorry for my actions you should be down on knees thanking the guys like to me who made it possible for you to be a wrestler in the great industry that we have today.
With those last words Edge drops the microphone to the mat as his music hits over the PA System once again. Lifting his arms into the air his gives his trademark corna taunt. Edge then puts the shades back over his eyes before stepping through the ring ropes and heading back up the ramp and into the back as Overdose fades to commercial break.
Later on the night with just minutes to go before Edge takes on Sean O’Haire in his match tonight the cameras are in the back where gorgeous Maria Kanellis is standing by with a microphone in hand.
Brainless Beauty || MariaLadies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time ‘The Rated R Superstar’ Edge…
Edge walks into camera shot from the right side of the screen. Looking down the top of the oblivious Marie at the ample cleavage on display.
Brainless Beauty || MariaEdge your minutes away from stepping into the ring to take on Sean O‘Haire one on one…After haven listening to the scary things he has said about ending your career aren’t you worried….?
Rated R Superstar || EdgeWorried…why would I worry. What’s there to worry about Marie. Sean O‘Haire is just like everyone else that I‘ve ever come up against in this business, he’s full of hot air and nothing more. He’s a little kid playing in a man’s world. All he goes on about is I want this, I deserve that…blah, blah, blah. Yeah he’s threatened to end my career right here tonight in that ring but what he doesn’t realise I’ve heard that all before to. He’s not telling me anything that the Undertaker hasn’t told me before yet here I am still standing. And that’s after being sent straight to hell by the dead man himself. Don’t get me wrong though O’Haire talks a good game but lets not forget who I am Marie after all they don’t call me ‘The Master Manipulator’ and if there’s anyone who knows about mind games then you looking at him. He calls himself the career killer after only having had two matches and best I can tell there’s been no killed careers yet. Just earlier I saw Randy Orton with my own eyes so I think it’s safe to say his career is still safe and sound for the time being. Sean you talk about the fraudulent nickname I gave myself let’s get this cleared up I didn’t call myself ‘The Rated R Superstar’ because I liked the sound of it, no Sean that nickname was given to me by other through my actions. But if you want to talk fraudulent then you’re the perfect example of the very word. Look it up in the dictionary Marie and you know what it will say. Fraudulent, designed to deceive: not honest, true, or fair, and intended to deceive people and right next to that there’s the little picture of you Sean. Listen to me you little self-righteous prick you can make all the threats in the world but you don’t for one second go thinking you scare me. In my ten years I’ve dealt with bigger and badder than you and as you can see I didn’t phone sick I’m here and I’m ready beat the living hell out of you tonight.
Brainless Beauty || Maria You certainly do sound confident but I can‘t help but thing you must be a little cared, Cause if it were me I wouldn‘t even be going out there tonight…
Edge grabs the microphone out of Marie‘s hand and looks her square in the eyes. Marie who looks up at Edge with fearful eyes and starts to slowly back away but he grabs her wrist with his free hand keeping her in place.
Rated R Superstar || Edge “Listen toots was it you don‘t seem to be understanding. I am the Rated R Superstar I fear no man, living or dead on even Jesus Christ himself. When your as good as I am you don’t have to fear the inevitable, cause where you’ve been at the top of you game and at the top of the mountain as long as I have people do come knocking trying to be the one to knock you of your pedestal. One after another they’ve come and one after the other I’ve knocked them down again, Sean O’Haire you’ll be no different than all the rest. You say you’re the most evil, diabolical, sadistic individual I’ll ever be put up against. Don’t make me laugh I’ve had girl scouts trying to sell me their cookies who where more diabolical than you O’Haire. You don’t even know what sadistic is Sean, I’ve done things to people that would give serial killers nightmares. I am the definition of sadistic and your going to find out first hand that ‘Rated R Superstar’ isn’t just a nickname. You seem to think you’ve had a harder time in this business than anyone else you really think you’re the only one to have walked down broken roads you think I haven’t sacrificed for my dreams. I’ve done nothing but sacrifice for this business. I’ve lived through nights not knowing whether or not I was going to eat, sleeping on gym mats in training camps . Don’t for one second tell me I haven’t felt real pain, tonight I will let you know what real pain feels like. You also seem to think after beating Orton last week that your at the top of the mountain here in GWA Sean I regret to inform you that you haven’t even made it past the first peek. Yeah you beat him congratulations but lets not confuse skill with luck because the world knows that’s all it was Sean. You can make the all the comparencies between myself and Orton but the one thing that happened to him last week won’t be happening to me tonight. Because unlike Orton I’m not going into this underestimating you I know you’ve got something to prove tonight and that’s when a man’s at his most dangerous. But don’t underestimate me either Sean, I am at the top and that’s where I plan to stay not you or anyone else is bringing me down but I’m begging you just like you music says. ‘Come on, with what ever you got, come on take your best shot. No more talking Sean, it’s time, time to man up and put up or shut up.
Edge roughly hands back the microphone back over to Maria and once again disappears out of sight as his music can be heard playing over the PA System for the second time that night the camera then fades to ringside where King and JR are getting ready to call the action.
Gold Standard
Name: Shelton Benjamin
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 248lbs
Manager: Layla El
Allies: None
Alignment: Heel
Finisher: Pay Dirt
Theme Song: "Ain‘t No Stoppin’ Me"
Match Record: 00-00-00
Signed contract.
Vs. ??
Stipulation: ??
Event: Monday Night Raw
Not Up To Standard
List Here
List Here
List Here
Name: Michael
Age: 21
AIM: Saltire87
Layout: Michael
Roleplay: Michael
This layout was made by Me. Role-play was written by Me. Thank you for reading.