Updated: October 17th, 2010
Updated : Rankings
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Live! October 26th, 2010 from St. Louis, Missouri
Round IV in the Best-of-Five Classic
Ten-Person Mixed Tag Team Elimination Match
Gary Barber - Rebella DeCesare - Shawn Sanders - Leda-Sophia Watanabe - Hammer
Tommy Purr - Mrs. Robinson - Gerard Angelo - Amber LeBeau - Riley Robinson
ESW Triple Crown Championship
Craig Williams © Vs. Greyson Blaze with Dr. Merci Jackson
Mixed Tag Team Match
Vindicater & RC Pride Vs. Vise & Oopsie Daisy with Damien Shaw
Four-on-Three Mixed Tag Team Handicap Match
Bombshell - Kira & Hoshi Yakamoto - Jack Spade
Bishop Spade - Mr. Garth Rivers - Kannon
Sixth Spot in the Survivor Title Six-Pack Challenger at "Whispers of Immortality"
Prozac Vs. Christian Pierce
DEADLINE FOR ROLEPLAYS: Tuesday, October 26th, 2010 (11:59pm, Pacific)