Double J Joe Jones
“Consider yourself warned.”
Basic Info
Hometown Currently residing |
Height |
Weight |
Alignment |
Theme Music |
3-14-1980 |
East Berlin, Germany Miami |
6‘1“ |
230 LBS |
Face. |
End of the line by Devildriver |
ESW Highlights
Wins |
Losses |
Draws |
Main Events |
Titles Won |
Awards Won |
Records Held |
46 |
35 |
12 |
37 |
ESW Television Champion
ESW Survivor Champion |
None |
None |
His Skills….
Wrestling Technique : Old School, Submission
Weapon of Choice : steel chair
Specialty Match :
Trademark Taunts:
Finisher and Move set
Finisher : Double Vision HHH pedigree, but instead of face first into the mat, JJ drives your face into his knee, JJ will then roll you over into a pin.
Submission Finisher : Figure Four Leg Lock
Signature Move: Double Ender Drop kick to the crotch
Signature Move: Double Deuce Charging double knee to the knee. (Opponent in corner)
Signature Move: Double Trouble Side Russian leg sweep followed by a spring board moonsault off of the second rope
Other Moves: Elbowsmash, Forearm Strike, Punch, Palm Strike, Snap Kick, High Kick, Knee Strike, Shotei, Standing Enzugiri, Lariat, Spinebuster, Diving Guillotine Legdrop, Diving Elbowdrop, Top-Rope Missle Dropkick, Shining Triangle Choke, Body Slam, Snap Mare, European Uppercut, Arm Wringer/various arm weardown moves, Fireman's Carry, Snap Suplex, Double Arm Suplex, DDT, Exploder, Wrist Clutch Exploder, Powerbomb, German Suplex, Half-Nelson Suplex, Rear Naked Choke, High Angle Half Crab, STF, Armbar, Kimura Lock, Grounded Octopus Stretch, Nagata Lock III, Springboard DDT, Superplex
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