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Kurt VonHeimlich

Real name:
Adolf Hestand


125.65kgs/ 277 lbs.

Date of birth:
22nd May, 1978

East Berlin, Germany

Pro debut:

Trained by:
The streets of East Berlin, and later Klaus Hess

Entrance Theme:
"Freak on a Leash" by Rammstein / Korn

The Aryan Superman

Heimlich Remover

Finisher Description:
A bear hug, applied from behind, with his powerful arms encircling the mid section of his opponent, jerking inward and upward forcefully every few seconds to drive all the air out of the lungs, rendering his foe weakened. Then a side slam to finish the job, and a float over and a hook of the far leg for the pin.


VonHeimlich grew up on the streets of East Berlin, Germany. he lost his family at the age of 15. He fell into a gang of street toughs who initiated him into their gang with a brutal beating. When he got up and looked them in the eye, and refused to run away, they quickly accepted him as one of their own. He became street wise and a fierce brawler, known all over as one of the toughest who never quit fighting. Most times he won, sometimes he lost, but his opponent always knew he was there. He began wrestling professionally at the age of 21 when Klaus Hess discovered him and turned him into a wrestler. He worked his way up the ladder of the Championship Wrestling League of Germany. Learning skills from all the technical wrestlers in the federation, he combined them with his brawling skills to become a well rounded fighter. After 8 years, the last 2 as champion, he was encouraged to bring his brand of wrestling to the USA. He seeks your approval to make his American debut here in the WccW


Notable Feuds:

Favorite Moves

Standing vertical suplex (executed perfectly every time), dropkick, lariat clothesline, full nelson, Hindenberg Hangover - Reverse neckbreaker, Blitzkreig- Flying headbutt off top turnbuckle, Berlin Crab - Same as Boston, Berlin Wall - Abdominal Stretch, Holocost - Same as Jeff Jarrett's stroke