<xmp><body> <!-- START HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> <!-- END HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> </xmp> Allister Black

Part One-Black Hole Sun

-The scene slowly fades into Allister in his normal black attire, and long black trench, he is in the police station in Ogden, Utah. He has the police chief of the town looking down at him as he just smirks back at him. Finally the cop begins to talk.-

Police Chief-Everyone seen you with the sword Black, and I have a arena filled with witnesses to the murder you committed.

-Allister laughs and shakes his head.-

Police Chief-You realize your looking at a murder charge and you'll never see the daylight again.

-Allister shakes his head again.-

Police Chief-Why so silent? You where all talkative last week and at your wrestling match.

-Just then another man is allowed into the room. He has glasses and a suit and Allister's smirks widdens as he finally speaks.-

Allister-Your late, thanks for finally showing up.

-He looks at the police chief and laughs.-

Allister-Look you fat sack of shit, I did what I had to do for the Dominion to be noticed, not only in GOW but to the world, soon we will be the greatest force in the world when it comes to it's religion. I'm sorry if you do not condone what we did, but don't cry for the dead, there the lucky ones. Don't be angry for all I did was liberate the weak from a world that would do nothing but prey on his weakness. You see, one of the many parts of the bible that's wrong is the part that states, "The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth". It's not true, I did it, I'm not going to lie, I have never lied. I have always told the truth to the people I'm facing and the people in my personal life. I have no fear because your laws do not effect me. Your "Murder" charge will not stick, interview all the witnesses but in the end I will not be held accountable for these actions. Now if you have any other questions, my lawyer from Stylez Corps will answer any questions you have for me. Wait no, one last thing, Mr. Thombs, you deal with criminals all day. Why ask me why I did it? You see it more then I do, you tell me why I did it.

-The Police Chief looks at him perplexed as he goes to answer but then he stops as Allister's lawyer starts in.-

Lawyer-I'm Andrew Cheatem, from the law firm of Dewey, Cheatem and Howl. One thing we would like to make you aware with is that Mr. Black is an ambassador for the Island nation of Silvana. As such the law of the United States do not apply to him. You can hold him but do not hold him for more the twenty-four hours, if you do we will hold the US government in contempt, and we will sue to the fullest. Also the rest of the Black Rook Dominion are royal guests of the Silvana royal family therefore any charges on them will be dropped as well.

-The police Chief lets out a growl.-

Police Chief-Your damn right that I'm gonna hold him for all the time I can, but know this, I'm putting him in with general population, if he tries anything we will hold him longer.

Allister-I won't hurt anyone unless provoked. Do be warned though, ANY of the general population does ANYTHING at all be warned that I will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to defend myself, and as I am sure you know there are ways to kill people without using a sword.

-The police chief gets up and grabs Allister by the throat and slams him into the wall. Allister begins to laugh as the lawyer runs to the door.-


-More police officers rush into the room grabbing the chief as Allister grabs his throat as the chief is screaming at him. He laughs as his lawyer looks at them once it calms down.-

Lawyer-On another hand, I do not feel this place is safe enough for my client, and since he laid his hand of Mr. Black, I will not only ask for any bail to be taken away, but also if it goes to trail I will ask for a mistrial. Lets go Mr. Black, that outburst has taken away any right they had of keeping you.

-Allister puts up a finger and tells his lawyer to hold on. He walks over the police chief after the others have calmed him down and whispers in his ear just low enough for him and the camera's to pick up.-

Allister-You messed up, just like you mess up every time you put your cock in your daughter you sick fuck. You think your above the law, your wrong, one day your judgment will come and I hope it is by my hands, you see a righteous murder is a just murder, what you do every night with your daughter has no just. I'll be seeing you chief, sooner or later the reaper always comes for his prey.

Police Chief-I'LL KILL YOU!

-The lunges at Allister who jumps back and the other officers catch and hold him back as Allister and his Lawyer walks out of the room. They get his things and leave the police station. Allister stops before looking around and taking in the night air. He finally looks at his lawyer.-

Allister-You can go, thanks for getting me out of there.

Lawyer-You did all the work, and gave me what to work with, they can't legally touch you anymore. I would watch out, I don't know what you whispered in his ear but people do have alot of revenge in mind sometimes.

Allister-Do not worry, I know what I'm doing. I won't have to worry cause I seen deep inside him, I know his inner most sin. So I'll see you, I think I might take a walk back to the hotel and get my stuff ready, I'm sure I have some explaining to do.

Lawyer-Well you know how to get in touch with me, just call my number and if that don't work Mr. Stylez can always get a hold of me.

Allister-Will do, and I'll be seeing you.

-He says nothing back and walks to his black Lexus. He gets in and drives off leaving Allister at the steps of the police station. He flips open his cell phone and he has thirty missed calls. Of course there all from Alexis and he dials her number. It rings a couple times as the voice on the other end is ecstatic.-


Allister-I killed a man tonight in Ogden, Utah.

-He begins to talk as he walks as she is still almost screaming in his ear.-

Alexis-OH MY GOD. WHY?!?

Allister-Sometimes to establish yourself as a force to be dealt with you have to do things that are controversial. I did that tonight, not only by forming the Black Rook Dominion, but also by taking someone's life. Alexis, you knew when you got with me that my life was not a normal one, not one like others lead. I do things that I must to make a simple decision.

Alexis-But you can't just define yourself on the one decision.

Allister-Your wrong Alexis. That decision is what will end my life along with the life of everyone else or save every one. My existence on this planet will end when I make my decision, this is why I am trying what I can to upset the normal order. If you and I are to live normal lives I must become something more then what I am now.

Alexis-But it's not right, or fair to us.

Allister-No one ever said it would be, I am a Reincarnated Sin. I live for one purpose.

Alexis-I know.

-Allister looks around and realizes he is not to far away from the hotel and goes in.-

Allister-I need to go, I'm at the hotel and I need to find out where the next show is and who I'm facing. Love you.

Alexis-Love you too.

-They hang up and as Allister walks into the building a worried looking Lee runs up.-

Lee-Mr. Black they told us you where brought to the police station.

Allister-I'm fine Lee. What do you have to report?

Lee-You have a match.


Lee-It's the Dominion vs Shane Hunter, Johnny Dangerous, Toast, and Typhoon.

Allister-Hmmm. Come we must get ready, where is the show at?

Lee-Phoenix, Arizona, and before you ask, we already have a flight it leaves tonight, whenever we get there.


-He smirks and begins to walk towards his room as the scene slowly fades out to dark.-

Part Two-I've Been Rooked

-The scene fades in a day later with Allister at the Phoenix, Arizona airport. He was waiting for his car to arrive as he stands there with Lee. He looks over at him.-

Allister-I have a house show to be at in ten minutes. I thought you said the car would be here,

Lee-I'm sorry sir. They told me it would be here.

Allister-This is Jus's doing, he is trying to punish us by messing with my air time. So you know, why do it in front of his fans. I'll make another house show later before the show. So cameraman get ready.

-They do and focus in on Allister. He shakes his head looking once more at the airport car waiting area. Still no sign of the car so he shrugs and looks at the camera.-

Allister-Last night you all seen the destruction the Dominion can cause. You seen that we are willing to do ANYTHING to prove our point, and do whatever we want to do so. You see last week was just the beginning, this week with more targets for us to legally get our hands on we will show our dominance once again, as the team of the Black Rook Dominion takes on Johnny, Shane, Typhoon, and Bread. We have gathered together because we have a common goal, that goal is to make GOW our own and to established ourselves as the Gods of Wrestling. I will say that I have looked at the numbers, and I know that coming off with the win this week will not get me into the main event at the Pay Per View, but know this, some how I will get myself into the title picture, I will make myself the God of Wrestling Champ. So whoever are crowned the top four, and for whoever wins, I will find myself into the next title match, no matter who I have to beat. My first warning is going to go out to Jus Huntley. Do not get in our way, and I know you'll end up doing the right thing by the Dominion. We are going to be the driving force in GOW, its about time to start backing the right team.

-Allister points at the entrance and tells Lee to keep an eye out.-

Allister-Now, I'm going to keep this short and talk about just a couple things concerning my match at this time. Well actually when I say things, I mean people and the first of these people is Shane Hunter. The man who fell at the hands of his God King. I spared your life, but I am not a fool, I will not ask you to come to the ring and bow at my feet. You would be wise to do so and swear your loyalty to me, but I know you won't. Your one of those, that even with your life spared by me, who will not learn your lesson, you'll come back for your punishment, each and every time. Shane, I have beaten you once, and I understand in this type of match that I might never get a chance to tie up with you, but honestly what fun would that be? I want to be in the match with everyone. I want us all to prove to you, that not only are you the weaker team, but we will dominate. Shane, Typhoon and Johnny will carry your team because we all know that your not smart enough to come up with a plan like the Rook is. We will be the better strategical team, the better team, the stronger team, and more importantly the winning team. Shane, your Money will get you no where, you have earned no respect, and you have no power.

-He looks over at Lee who shrugs and Allister looks back at the camera. He walks over to one of the seats and sits down as a crowed who has formed follows. Some have signs knowing he would be there protesting, but Allister ignores them. He looks around and begins to talk again.-

Allister-I already said Typhoon and Johnny would carry the team so I'll leave them out for now. I'll just focus on Bread, or Toast, or whatever his name is. I don't understand why things like this keep happening. A piece of bread, a kitchen sink, a box, and a snowman. There just a couple of objects that can't move, but yet what? They are signed to wrestling promotions. As a joke perhaps? Or maybe because people are so crazy that they actually think that something good will happen by bringing a piece of toast or a cardboard box down to the ring. They get some sick pleasure in thinking that this thing that gives them power will be able to maybe become something more. You see I'm over looking the Toast for a moment and looking and speaking right to you Mr. Smith. I know you have problems, I've met someone before like you, back when Orphan was wrestling for a promotion called AWA. They had the Box, but his manager is the one just like you Smith. Hobo Nick, alot like you except he might actually of smelt better then you. Mr. Smith, when it comes to wrestling and perhaps even in this match I may be the best man going in. You almost ended up as a chopped up piece of shit. So Smith as you look down at Toast and the BRD carved into it, just know this. Nothing here in GOW is beyond us.

-The protesting begins to get louder as he begins to yell.-

Allister-Now, everyone knows that I am Allister Black, the former World Champion in WAW. They should also know that I will be the God's of Wrestling Champion in GOW soon enough. What they don't know is that I and a God King. I have come to make a point that the Black Rook Dominion is the driving force for the Religion known simply as The Dominion. Since by car has not arrived I am going to allow you all a little insight. Lee has information for anyone who does not know and if you decide that the Dominion is right for you just ask to sign up. Nothing is required, and we have no commandments. Do as you will and allow your new God make his way to dethrone the old, out of date, one. I have been in his presence and I know it will not be a easy war to win, but with your faith, which is all that is required, it is a war we can win. We will make this world a better place for all to live in. No fear, that is the true purpose of the Dominion. We will wage the holy war so you don't have too. Thank you for your time. If anyone has any questions, now would be the time.

-He looks around as one of the men with BRD crossed out on a sign raises his hand.-


Man-Why did you kill that man?

Allister-I won't answer that question, I already answered that question before I did it.

-Lee points as the car points up. Allister begins his way without saying anything else. Lee takes some of the papers that where filled out and walks after him. The scene slowly fades to dark with Allister and Lee getting into the car and driving off.-

Part Three-Dominionized

-The scene fades in about an hour later they are arriving at the US Airways Center, the house show had already been going on for over an hour and he was supposed to come out first. He is walking into the locker room area to get dressed. As he walks in he is approached by the main backstage tech.-

Tech-Your late.

Allister-My car did not get to the airport. I think your boss tried to prevent me from showing up. So let me just let you know I'm going out there, and I'm already pretty damn pissed off cause I had to do the first part of my promo in a fucking Airport waiting terminal. So either you warn whoever you have in the ring right now that I'll be coming down, or I'll just go out there and I might bring my shiny new sword I got.

-Lee walks up about this time as the man looks nervous.-

Tech-Yes'sir, I'll see what I can do.

-He rushes off as Lee looks at Allister.-

Lee-Ummm, you don't have a sword.

Allister-He didn't know that. Anyway, go make sure they have everything ready for me. Nothing fancy, they don't deserve that. Just the basic.


-He leaves and Allister takes off his shirt and puts on a different one. He throws on his coat. He sits down on the bench and waits for them to call him. He takes a breath and looks up and standing there is Orphan. Allister raises an eyebrow as he gets up and walks over.-

Allister-Your the last person I expected to see here.

Orphan-Why is that? You killed a man on live TV, you don't think I'm not going to come and see what the fuck your thinking.

Allister-Your first lesson was to make an impact no matter how. We did that, and I don't feel bad about it at all. Justin Impact was nothing, he's now in a better place.

Orphan-You better watch out. If you where anyone else, you would not have my lawyers to help you out of this.

Allister-If I was anyone else I would of had the balls to do what I did.

Orphan-Good point.

-Before he can answer the tech returns.-

Tech-There ready, the match is over.

-Allister smirks and gets up and walks past Orphan and out to the curtain. His music hits and he makes his way down to the ring, he has a mic waiting for him and he grabs it as he slides into the ring. He brings the mic to his lips and begins, the fans are booing him it's almost so loud you cannot hear him.-

Allister-Now, it would seem since I'm late that I don't have nearly as much time so I'm going to just go into it. I already covered Shane and Toast, so that would leave me with one of the two of the other men in the match. I'm going to start with the Most Dangerous man in the GOW. Well at least that's what he claims. I think I proved that I deserve that title. Johnny, it's been awhile, we never faced off one on one, so this will be a interesting match up if you and I get into it. You see unlike the others we will not be intimidated by you. Sadly for you, your out of your prime a dieing lion that's looking for one last match, one last great moment in the spot light. Oh Johnny, one thing before I go on. Happy late Birthday, how old are you now? Twenty-Nine. I know in normal time that may make you young, but honestly man, get with the times, a new, younger breed in this business has come out, and we are hungry, only the strong survive. We will show you that you are not one of the strong ones, even if you will probably carry your team.

-He smirks and shakes his head, and calls for something. They throw him a bottled water and opens it and takes a drink and brings the mic back to his lips when he finally can talk. The fans are giving a odd mixed reaction as he continues.-

Allister-Now that I am done with Johnny, lets go on to the final man, the number one ranked guy in GOW right now. The man people think is the odds on favorite to win the GOW title. I don't care about odds. All I do know is about Facts, and the fact is this, I carried a team with Fayth Hardy in WAW against the Team of Typhoon Vance and Kid X and defeated them in WAW. So Typhoon, with one win over you, I am not going to lose this match. You see, with a partner you couldn't beat me, what makes you think three other men, well two other men and a piece of toast will do ya? People look at you and see muscles so there scared, what I see if a man who has shoved a needle into his ass one too many times and has a small cock because of it. You wanna take your 'roid rage out on us, just try, your facing off against the best damn group to ever step into the ring. I promise you, when you step into the ring with the Black Rook Dominion, all those muscles will not mean a thing. After this week someone in the Dominion will be the top ranked star, you will of lost your first match, and when it is all said and done, someone in the Dominion will hold the GOW title.

-He drops the mic as the fans continue to give him the mixed reaction and he slides out of the ring as his music hits once again. He makes his way back up the ramp and back to the locker room where Orphan is still waiting. He claps his hands and shakes his head.-

Orphan-Your heading down a road with this religion thing, a bad road, something I never went down.

Allister-You know me Lance, I learned from your mistakes and will not make the same ones as you. Your a fool for ever coming, but I do thank you for getting me off the hook.

Orphan-Next time you might not be as lucky.

Allister-What does that mean?

Orphan-Nothing at all man. Just a simple warning to watch out what your doing.

Allister-We know what where doing.


Allister-Just go Lance, I'll watch my ass, just keep those lawyer's on standby, you know I'm still your best chance at keeping the piece between Silvana and the US.

Orphan-Not if your killing people.

Allister-It was to make a point. We made it, and were willing to do it again. Religions are based on fear, I am here to take the fear out, but sometimes a good guy must do bad things before good can come to the world.

-Allister waves him off and gets up and begins his way out of the locker room. Orphan goes to say something but Allister shakes his head no and just keeps walking, the scene cuts to black and then static as Orphan watches him leave shaking his head.-