Wrestlers Real Name: Bill Burns
Wrestlers In Ring Name: Burnside
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 315 lbs
DOB(Date of Birth): 01/03/80
Hometown: Trenton, New Jersey
Picbase: Matt Morgan
Manager: Johnny Marconey
Manager Pic Base: Bruce Willis
Chosen Division: Singles(BioHazard Title and Demon Seed Title)
Wrestler Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music: Everlong by Foo Fighters
Description of your entrance: Johhny Marconey comes down the ramp with Bill Burns sahdowing him the whole way down. As they get to the ring Bill starts to roll his sholders and hop on his feet stretching for the match.
Finishing Moves(Up to Two):
The Tommy Gun- Black Hole Slam
Moves(At least Ten, No More then Twenty)
1.- Choke Slam
2.- Big Boot
3.- stale suplex
4.- DDT
5.-Ankel Lock
6.- face crusher
7.- Abdominal Stretch
8.- Running Splash in Corner
9.- Middle rope elbow smash
10.- Tringle Choke hold
(Bio): Bill Burns, is the muscel for crime boss, Johnny Marconey. Marconey, wants to make an impact int he wrestling world and who else is better than his body guarnd do the impacting.