<xmp><body> <!-- START HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> <!-- END HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> </xmp> Allister Black

Part One-The History of a Sin.

-The scene slowly fades in and Allister is standing in the middle of his library. Books up three stories, some old, some new. Allister is dressed in his usual black attire, and with the old familiar smirk on his face. He walks to one book case and grabs a book out of it, opens it and begins to read it.-

Allister-I find it soothing to start any story off with Once Apon a Time, but would a autobiography start that way? I don't know off hand. Many of you wish to know what I am, or rather what I truly am. Lets see it all started well, ok, this part is going to sound a little bit outrageous, but it all started before recorded history, Adam, before Eve, before what the bible recorded, and not the cavemen, that happened after also. Lets just say A LONG time ago, I lived on earth, my brothers and sisters did as well. We where normal for all purpose, although we where the first, the mold that all others where made out of. When our Lord God made the other, it was our mission to watch over them and rule over them, and if it came down to it, destroy and start all over again. Our Lord wished for us to create a perfect Utopia, but sadly human nature is flawed and myself and my brothers and sister failed at our test, along with the first humans. We fell to sin and therefore where made into the first Avatars of Sin, but despite all this our Lord took pity and took us in, he striped us of our physical bodies and made us into the first of his Angels, and then created one more Human, this of course was within a course of a million lifetimes, a million deaths, a million redo on our part. Now this part of the story leads us to the history of man, the "first" man, and his first wife. Adam was created and unlike before he created him in his image along with his first wife Lilith, so Adam and Lilith lived in the a beautiful Garden.

-He stops and looks up and smiles.-

Allister-I'm sorry if this bores anyone, but the time has come to officially tell my history. Now inside the garden Lilith and Adam lived, but Lilith was given too much free will and began to question Gods word, and she was banished from the Garden, as a punishment to Adam, he took away his free will and put it into a seed and planted it, out of the seed a tree grew and flourish, the tree of knowledge. One bite from it's delicious fruit would give anyone free will of there own. He told Adam that out of all the trees he could not eat from that one tree. We all know what happened, or at least you all should, but what you don't know is that our Lord God gave us a second chance, we where to watch over the Garden and make sure that Adam did not come to harm. We did so, but as we know Adam become lonely. During all this Lilith found her way to The Great Morning Star. Sadly the mightiest of Angels could not withstand her temptations and he fell. They made there way to the Garden and as we begun battle with Lilith, The Morning Star made his way into the Garden, he tricked Eve into eating from the apple and with that the deed was done, she in turn got Adam to eat from the apple, and our one mission was failed. We where punished as if we had given the apple to Adam and Eve ourselves and we where banished, not to the pit but banished. We soon where told of great battles between The Morning Star and Micheal forces, and we went further into solitude knowing we could not fight along side our king and redeem ourselves.

-Allister takes a breath and it would seem he was fighting back tears as he looked back down at the book and continued.-

Allister-It was hundreds of years before we were granted an addiance with our Lord. He had a new mission and stripped us once again and told us since we where the original avatars of Sin in the world that is what we would remain, that we would do his bidding so he did not have too. We where to watch over the world, but only Seven would be known, the Eighth would be the most lethal and the decision on if we where to start over. In modern terms we where the worlds reboot system. We did our job a hundred times over, each time being reborn in a new host. Each time deciding if the world should be left for another generation or restarted. We decided many times to whip out the world, we also chose to leave it alone. Other methods where some times given, destroy a city or two or make a river turn into blood. Each time the Avatars grew more into there new skins. I on the other hand, each time I forgot, only to learn the history later, only to learn and feel remorse and have to decide what to do with the world this time.

-He pops his neck and closes the book and looks into the camera.-

Allister-This is the first time our history have been told, and Shane, if you ever question or make jest my true power again I will make a point of what my true power is. You see, I am the Eighth, the Avatar of Addiction, the most deadly of all Sins, the strongest of all sin. Although I did leave out a small part of the story to come after. My decision on this matter is coming, and as the time approaches, my power increases, and my want to use the power increases, so if I must make an example or two at Ecstasy I shall, and I will love what I do to each and every one of the pathetic human scum who has come to inhabit the world in the past four thousand years. Oh what fun we shall have Shane. You have entered into Dominion territory, and this week we make our mark. We show this world what it is to be truly alive. Your Lord God Allister Black demands respect, my previous loss has really opened my eyes, and I'm ready to accept my destiny as the destroyer of this world. In the meanwhile I'll have my fun with my toys inside the wrestling ring. You see I have grown rather fond of WAW and GOW, inside the ring feels like home.

-The smirk returns as he closes the book and puts it back on the shelf. He walks over to a chair in the middle of the room and grabs his coat and puts it on. He turns and looks back at the camera.-

Allister-You see everything that I've gone through, over all these millennium leads me to my destiny to become the God of Wrestling, but as I do I will also Evolve into a God myself. Not a God Among men, I'm already that, but a God among Gods. Nothing anyone can do or say will stop me from my destiny. NO ONE! Before I am done in GOW I will have everyone bow at my feet. Jus Huntley you have bitten more then you can chew hiring me back. You see, your problems with Dante Rook is just the beginning. The Dominion is the new Order in GOW, but don't fret my pets we are not here to destroy, we are here to govern, we are here to save you, from yourselves. We are stronger, faster, better, therefore we must lead you to the promise land. GOW get ready for the Black Rook Dominion, our reign begins this week, and we shall make our first sacrifice this week as well. Someone on the GOW roster is going to die, but don't worry your glorious sacrifice will be for the glory of our new world.

-He stops and looks at his watch. He laughs and shakes his head.-

Allister-It would seem that the time has gotten away from me. I'll have to continue the gospel of the Dominion at a later date. Just remember though, sooner or later you all fall by my hands. You all fall at the hands of your God King Allister Black.

-He smirks and walks out of the room as the scene slowly pans in on the book. The spine of the book reads "The Art of War" as the scene fades to dark.-

Part Two-The Sinners Prayer.

-The scene opens and Allister is now standing in a large group of people. He is making small talk as the group gets larger, he shakes a couple hands then nods and begins speaking.-

Allister-My friends, my name is Allister Black, I am here to tell you of the Dominion. The True Religion, the True power of the universe. Does God exist? Yes he does, I've talked to him, he has told me to destroy your world, but I don't want to do that. I must do my part to save our world. I must do my best to save you all. I understand, you may be sceptically to believe in a religion that a professional wrestler has created, but I promise you that the Dominion is not another gimmick created by some kid at a computer. It is the truth behind all religion. We need people who believe, who truly want to make a difference in this world. A new world can be reached. I ask you for no money of your own, my financial backing comes from Lance Stylez and the Stylez cooperation and the Island Nation of Silvana. We only wish to use the GOW as a gateway to teach the ways of the Dominion, and yes, some of the things we do may be old fashioned, our sacrifices may seem brutal, but they are necessary to make our new world what it has to be to thrive. I'm not a rich man, but I'm also not a poor man. I have made my fair share of money from my music and from wrestling, but all that beside I am just like you. With your help I can make this world a better place. So who would like to sign up to be the first to join the Church of the Dominion?

-The crowed by this point had gotten slightly smaller, but still a large group of people have stayed, Lee and a couple others are now on the scene with paper work to sign, they are all wearing black clothing and hand out the paper work to those who wish to sign.-

Allister-I understand the hesitation I see in some of your eyes. I too felt scared at what I knew I must do, of what people in this world, but do not fret, together we shall go to the promise land and together we will show the doubters like one Shane Hunter who is the true God King is. Being a Dominican is a choose you must want to make, something no one will ever try to force on you, and if you ever do please do not question calling me, do so and tell me and I'll handle my acolyte. We require nothing from you but your faith and support. Something I know alot of people give to a unjust God thats image has been warped into a violent and vengeful god. Can he get angry? Yes, but he would never strike out against his ultimate creations. The one's he love more then anything. Thats why he created me and my brothers and sisters. We are the ones he created to destroy your world, but I will no longer do that. I have chosen to bring you all into peace and happiness, that will take sacrifice from us all, this is why I'm starting small and in GOW and then as our word spreads and our power grows we shall influence everything.

-He looks around and there is alot of people with paperwork filling it out, he walks over and shakes a couple more hands, a small group of people walk up to him. None look too happy with him as he smiles and extends his hands, they don't return but instead begin to protest.-

Man 1-What do you think your doing here?

Allister-I'm preaching the one true religion.

Man 2- Your a false prophet brought to us by Satan.

-This makes Allister growl to himself.-

Allister-Leave the Morning Star out of this. YOUR kind, and I'm talking about you Christian scum are the ones who are responsible for him getting the rap he has. Lucifer was the greatest of us all. Did he make bad decisions? Yes he did, but he did it thinking he was helping, and above all we where to love you, as we loved God himself. Do not come here with your protests, I do not come into your church on Sundays and in the middle of your congregation and call you wrong. I would not do that, do I wish these people to become part of the Dominion? Yes, but I'll let them decide what religion they wish to follow. I will not be angry if they don't come to mine, I welcome anyone who does in with open arms, I wave off those who would come in anger. I would ask you for your leave now, unless you wish for me to be forceful and eject you.

-The group look at him and turn and without a fight they leave. Allister turns back to the group that is listening.-

Allister-You see the power of the Dominion is already being heard by the others, they are scared, they know that soon they will all have to answer for there sins and confess to my brothers and sister who already know what they've done. If anyone wishes to join please make sure you fill out the paper work, your name, adress, and other basic info is all we need.

-The group has gotten bigger with the majority of them sitting filling out this or that, as well as some new people. Allister smiles to himself as Lee walks up to him.-

Lee-Sir, we have gotten over a hundred people to sign. which is great for a mall.

Allister-Set up a website, let those who need to still decide sign up online.

Lee-Already ahead of you sir, I did that this morning. I have to put the updated form on there, but when I do they'll have what they need.

Allister-You have proven to be a great minion, thank you Lee for your unwavering support.

Lee-There is no need for thanks sir, I do it for the cause. I've watched you since you where first in WAW, I knew you had something to you, something more then human, no one believed me though.

Allister-You will be rewarded for all you have done. We must first get our congregation world wide, and I think that starts this week. You must help us as well, we need to be the one's the show is focused on.

Lee-I will do what I can m'lord.

Allister-Thank you, now go and check on the progress, I must go, there are a couple others I need to talk to before leaving for the autograph signing.

Lee-As you wish sir.

-Lee walks off and Allister turns. Standing there is Lexuria with her long green hair and a small white haired Kanna.-

Allister-Kanna, you where told to stay away. Lexuria, why are you brought her into a group of humans?

Luxuria-Silly brother, do not fear, she will not harm any of them, she just wished to know something.

-Luxuria looks down at Kanna.-

Luxuria-Go ahead and ask him.

Kanna-I have seen how this ends. If I was to tell you or better yet show you how it ends, would you still go on with this?

Allister-The gears of change are already in effect dear Kanna. You should know that trying to change the future is harder then to actually do then talking about it. So yes I will continue despite the outcome. I do not wish to watch, we'll see as the future unfolds in front of us. Now my Kanna, go, Luxuria, take care of her and yourselves, and tell the council they are to keep a watch of the actions of all the other races, they may try to make a move.

Luxuria-I'll do that brother.

-They leave and Allister turns, he begins to make his way out of the crowed, but slowly making sure he can talk to anyone who confronts him, he shakes hands and laughs and smiles and finally breaks away from the group. Lee and the others are still handing out paper work for those who wish to have it and the scene fades as Allister makes his way out of the mall.-

Part Three-Clouds

-The scene fades in and Allister is sitting across from a tall black man with a suit on. His face cratered up from pimple scars. The audio is not on as the camera zooms in to hear them better.-

Allister-It's been awhile Ed.

Edward-Indeed it has Allister, you pulled that disappearing act on us a couple months ago. So what have you been doing? And whats this I hear about your starting a church?

Allister-I've been getting my revenge on the sinners who have wronged me, and I have found inner peace. I just want to allow others to find it as well, and I'll talk more about the Dominion when we are on air.

-Edward laughs slightly uncomfortable. The truth was he never felt comfortable when Allister was in the room, alot of people don't, his presence sends off a aura that sends people the opposite direction. Edward fought the feeling to cancel the show and just run a re-run so he could finally get a interview with Allister. He was a busy man these days, with disappearing, reappearing, putting alot of people in the hospital, and then returning to suffer his first lose in GOW. Finally the show's director walks up and gives them the thumbs up.-

Edward-We have about two minutes Allister, you ready?

Allister-Always, is there anyone else on the show today?

Edward-No we figured we had so much to talk to you about, we where going to give you the whole spot light for today's show.

Allister-Good, thank you.

-They count down the show and the unsettling feeling from Edward eased slightly as Allister relaxed in his seat. Edward takes a breath as the show begins. The music plays and finally the camera man points at him giving him his cue.-

Edward-Hello and welcome to Wrestling Talk 101, I'm your host Edward Martin, and today our guest is former WAW World Champion and Hall of Famer, Allister Black. We have many things to talk about, and he's given us a list of alot more so lets just get into it shall we. Thank you Allister for coming on the show today.

Allister-It was my pleasure as always Edward.

Edward-Ok, first off part of some of the notes I was given, you wanted to walk about IGW. A few months ago you where a huge part of it's closure. What happened?

Allister-What happened was that after I had left WAW and at some parts during the time I was wrestling for WAW I had joined a Indy fed by the name of IGW, the owner was named David Tell, and from all the research I did, he was scared. He and Alex Smith had a signed contract stating that for at least two years Alex would not lose his title. Which would normally be fine with me, IF they had not sent the whole Locker room out to beat the unholy hell out of me to prevent me from becoming number one contender. I was out of it until about three months ago. I came back and gained my revenge on Tell and Smith, and well everyone who laid there hands on me during the beat down. I can handle a army of men by myself, I just have to know there coming. I've went back and watched the footage and I know I probably should of used some discretion, but it's funny, when you have a weapon in your hand and facing down a group of people who want to kill or maim you and have already proven they can and will, well the choose for me is simple, begin swinging for the fences and don't let up until all thats in your way have fallen.

Edward-So you admit that you beat down everyone in the IGW?

Allister-Yes, one thing I'm not is a lair, I've always told the truth, one of the reasons is well cause I can get away with anything, being an ambassador for the Island Nation is Silvana has granted me certain privileges. Including diplomatic immunity.

Edward-So your saying that you'll do anything to make your point? Including killing someone?

Allister-If the kill is just enough, yes.

Edward-With that being established, rumors are flying that you have promised that someone on the GOW Roster will die this week, is that true?

Allister-Yes it is, the Dominion will begin it's glorious path to the heavens but we must sacrifice some to get there. The sinners and evildoers must first be cleansed and if they cannot be cleansed they will fall at the feet of there God King.

-Edward shifts slightly in his seat looking around as Allister takes a drink and he continues.-

Edward-Allister, that's something we have heard you call yourself. The God King, what does that mean?

Allister-Just like the ancient Pharaoh, my connection with God is so strong that I am destined to become one myself, but unlike the Pharaoh's I am not going to die to do this, I am going to bring my dynasty to this world and everyone will live happily under there God King. Not much will change, we'll get rid of a need of localized governments, I'll rule upon high watching over every aspect of human life.

Edward-Is this what your church is for?

Allister-Every nation on this planet is effected by religion, its always been that way, you cannot separate Church and State because they are one, they are like two halves of the same coin. I must be the cornerstone of this new church, and new religion. We begin this week, a website has already been set up and if Edward wold be so kind we might even be able to put the url up at some point doing the show.

-Allister smiles and Edward can only nod. The unsettling feeling had fully returned, but he was not about to break this interview.-

Edward-So, Mr. Black, your putting yourself on a pedestal with god himself?

Allister-Not yet, but soon as my Dominion reaches world wide and we have many followers I shall ascend into the heavens, and I will watch down and do a much better job then God ever did.

Edward-As you can probably tell I'm not the most religious man, so I hope you don't mind that I change the subject.

Allister-Not at all.

Edward-We are running short on time, anything else you should like to say about GOW?

Allister-Nothing to Shane or anyone else, just in general, all this that has happened in the past six months have prepared me for whats going to begin in GOW. So Shane, your the first sacrifice for the Dominion, thank you.

-The music begins to play as Edward gets up and shakes Allister's hand and walks off stage, its a few seconds before Allister does the same and the scene fades out to black.-