<xmp><body> <!-- START HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> <!-- END HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> </xmp> Allister Black

-The scene fades in and Allister is seen next to a fireplace looking at the camera. He smiles before he begins.-

Allister-Tonight you will see the pilot for a show that Fox had come to me about doing, but really If you want to watch something else..House, Stargate, or whatever, I don't really care, but what I do care about are the ad's during the shows. Why you may ask, because I paid for some time between each break and you will want to hear what I have to say, and plus, I am sure they'll be playing the presidential ad's as well. So tune in, or don't, and enjoy the pilot for Forever Hero.


-The scene fades from him and the show begins. It fades in on a small Texas town during the 1950's, the population about two hundred or so. It pans out showing varies people doing different things, then it shows Allister walking down the street wearing normal 50's clothing along with everyone else. He stops and smiles as he sees a girl and he walks over to her. She smiles at him and he nods over to the corner of the street, it was not nearly as busy.-

???-Hey Lucy, you gonna finally go out with me tonight? I got a picnic planned and everything.

Lucy-How many times have I told you Austin, no, my dad don't want me dating the son of no good plumber.

Austin-Oh come on now Lucy Ann, you know as well as I do that you pops don't control you. We were making out under the bleachers for the football games long before you became a daddy's girl.

Lucy-You just hold it right there Mr. Lewis, I don't need to hear your mouth. My dad is going to be out of the house tonight and I have to be a good little daddy's girl.

Austin-And your mom? I know she loves me, remember the time you came home with that scrapped knee? She nearly had a attack when she seen the little trickle of blood.

Lucy-Oh she'll be gone too, but she told me no boys allowed.

-Austin smiles at her as he leans in and kisses her on the cheek and gets close to her ear. Lucy gets red but smiles hearing his next words.-

Austin-Good thing I'm not a boy then right?

Lucy-Well that may be the case, but I still invite you, maybe thought if you would just show up to fix a leak, then really I would have no reason to not invite you since there going to be gone for a week.

Austin-Oh then you got a leak, I'll just have to come over and fix that for you. How does Eight sound?

Lucy-It sounds good. See you then Mr. Lewis, and don't think your charm will get you anywhere out of the kitchen.

Austin-Oh me, I would never.

-She smiles and he nods gentlemanly. He does not smile until he leaves the store and is around the corner.

The scene fades out as the main title begins as Leave out All the Rest by Linkin Park plays and it shows different scenes from the show and then who is in the show in some of the most action packed scenes. As soon as the title goes off the first commercial break airs.-


-In the first ad there is a John McCain presidential ad, then a Burger King, and then a advertisement for a new show on Fox, then it all fades out and Allister is seen inside the same house as before, but not in front of the fire place. He has his custom smirk on his face. He walks away from the bookshelf he's at before beginning.-

Allister-I hope your enjoying the show, although really we all know why you have tuned in to watch, I know that millions of WAW fans are watching this show tonight just to find out what I have to say about my match this week against the could be President of the United States, Robert Goodman, but I must disappoint for now. I will talk about my match but everyone knows that there is one thing that I must bring up and address before then, and that is the fact that I was blind sided last week in my week. If my fans know me at all they know what type of fighter I am, they know that I win by my ability and my ability alone. They also know what happens when people who interfere in my matches rather in my favor or not. By now I am sure you know who I am speaking of, ain't that right Rich. Rich, you and I are going to go round and round, whether it be this week, next week, or sometime soon, there will be a war, and based off my past crusades I am all but sure I will come out victorious. You see Rich, the simple truth, and this is really the one truth of this situation is that our paths are destined to meet, and honestly when it comes down to that meeting, all those little friends of yours will not be able to help you from the pain that I will put you in. Baboon Pants, Johnny Notso Dangerous, Maxxie Pad, and that other guy, none of them will be able to help you. Thats the one simple truth. You see I have seen the future, I know how this all ends, I seen myself once again world champ, I seen myself as the crusierweight champ, and you, your going to be in the gutter with your friends begging for hand outs from the boss, and you know, he'll give them to you, and I'll take them away from you. I am the most dominate champion period, you may be the "last" world champ, but your also the man who dropped the ball and had it stripped, I am the only champion who defended his title successfully in WAW out of the last three world champions. So Rich, when your time comes, do me just one favor, don't soak your pants with piss, cause when its time for you to face the reaper your going to want too.

-Allister shakes his head and turns to go back to the book case and the scene fades out to one more commercial about pimples and how to get rid of them before the show starts up again.-


-The show fades back in and Austin is driving the back road's to get to Lucy's house. He is enjoying himself and thinking of what was to come but he was so distracted that he did not see the giant flaming thing falling from the sky towards his car. All of the sudden it smashes the ground in front of him, his car is thrown forward and lands upside down as he does not move and checks himself mentally. He finally gathers himself up enough to scramble out of the car the best he can through the busted window. He has a small cut above his eye and his arm is hanging to his side limply. He stumbles to what crashed in front of his car and find a giant hole in the ground and in the middle of it is a something that looks like a large rock, but as Austin walks closer he realizes it is metal and not stone at all. He makes it over and brings his good arm over and touches it, he is expecting heat to burn his hand, but instead its cold as ice, and when he touches it, there is a blinding light and then a sound of something opening. As the light subsides Austin looks in and sees a smaller man inside. He looks down shocked, the man seems badly beaten, and in not so good of health. He brings a hand out and touches Austin on the head, he blinks, but it does not happen again for a few minutes. The next time it does he blinks a few time.-

Austin-Wha..Whats this?

Man-You now have all the knowledge of my race. Use it well, they will be -cough- be after you now, use your new abilities with honor, or you will end up like me, but bare ware evil forces are at work and it will just be a matter of time before they find that I am dead and I have passed my powers to you.

Austin-Po..powers..what powers?

Man-You will have all of time to find that out, I -cough- I do not have much time left. Go now, you must leave this all behind.

Austin-Why? I have everything I have ever wanted. Why would you do this to me?

Man--Cough- I uggg I -cough- I'm...

-He says nothing again and Austin still grabbing his arm walks slowly back to his car, he soon notices that his arm is fine, and he no longer has the cut above his eye. He blinks a few times. It pans into his eye as he blinks a couple times and then as he opens them the scene is completely different. The skyline of futuristic Los Angeles is bright lights. A voice over begins in Austin's voice.-

V/O Austin-That was over a hundred years ago, I have not aged a day since, I have lived a couple life times since then, helping when I can, running when I have too. Los Angeles seems to be the place I have landed this time around. This city has changed, most of the world has changed since those simple days back in the Nineteen-Fifty's, but I did not take the old mans words lightly, yes I did resent him for a time, but I realize now that I am stuck with all of this and I am going to have to do something to prevent our planet from being destroyed. I have had a couple run ins with the guys who beat the old man silly, but nothing too bad yet, they seemed to of been just scouts, but I fear the worst is yet to come, and here I was beginning to really like what I had going.

-The scene fades to Austin kneeling looking over the skyline, he is wearing a long black jacket and a pair of shades. He is soon joined by a younger boy, he is dressed in what could only be called the best futuristic fashions. He walks over with a limp and trys to sneak up on Austin, but he's too fast, before the kid can get to him, Austin does a hand stand and pops himself up doing a back flip over the kid.-

Austin-Better off next time kid. What you got for me Ace?

Ace-Yo Mr. A, I don't know about you but I herd about this crack house on the other side of town, and you might wanna do something about. There getting kids in and they was trying to get me to come on in, but I new betta.

Austin-That's good, were was this at?

Ace-Down the road on first.

Austin-Good job Ace.

Ace-It aint no thang.

-Austin nods and takes a noise dive off the building landing on the ground he begins to make his way to the crack house as the show goes to it's second commercial break.-

-The second commercial has a ad for the Obama Presidential campaign. and then one for Subway, then one for House. Then it fades into Allister standing in the house, this time he is in a TV room with the TV on, but it is unknown what it on. He turns and looks at the camera and stands to his feet.-

Allister-By this point I am sure that you are all wondering if I'm going to start talking about Robert Goodman, the man who wants to be the president. I would like to hold off, because I do have one more thing to say before I get to Robert Goodman. I would like to talk about. The state that WAW is in right now. We have all these stables forming, We have people biding for power, and everyone over looking one man, they are over looking the King, not the would be President, but the King, CC, Rich, Johnny, Beckman, you look down the list, and they all know it, but there scared to admit it. I am the greatest thing going period. We have already had one champion crowned. Amy Vixen, she seems to be the best choose for a womens champion as any here in WAW, but time will tell. Thats about all the time I got for this time around, see you on the flip side, and hope you enjoy the rest of Forever Hero.

-His ad ends and then there is one more random ad before the show begins again.-


-The show fades back in and Austin is kneeling in front of the house hidden by the night. He smirks as he begins, he runs for the door and kicks it in. There are people everywhere doing every type of drug you can imagine, they all look up at Austin as barges in. A couple get up with knives and other weapons and charge him, but he's ready. He gets a couple well rounded kicks in to the head. One of the men do manage to get a shot at him with there knife and cut him in the neck. He brings his hand up before the blood can even pour but it is already healed, the smirk come across his face once more. He grabs the man up the neck and lifts him up and with just the force of opening his hand he send the man flying backwards. Austin looks back at all the people with a snarl.-

Austin-Get out..NOW!

-The do as ordered and Austin makes his way upstairs. He opens the door at the end of the hallway, the man standing in the room is not like the others, he is not in the same clothing as the others where wearing. Austin looks around and slowly notices that things are not as they should be. The man lets out a small laugh as he turns, his hands are blood stained as is the ground around him.-

Austin-What have you done here?

Man-What have I done? I am just here for you, I know if I told that kid Ace he would go running to tell his buddy Austin Lewis, the immortal. Yes Austin I know of you, I know of what happened to you all those years ago. I am General Gernald, and I have come to take back what the old man stole from us.

Austin-And what would that be?

Gernald-Our birthright, the abilities you know have, the abilities you have not even begun to unlock. I am only going to ask you once to give them to me, or I will take them by force.

Austin--Bleep- You!

-Austin runs at the man putting a well placed foot in his mid section sending him flying back threw the wall. He follows after kicking off of the place where Genald went threw. Austin catches up with Gernald on the way down, but the situation is quickly reversed as Genald reverses it on him and begins to punch Austin in the face. He stands up straight on his stomach and they land breaking the ground below them. Austin lets out a loud grunt as Genard puts his hand on Austin's head and things begin to glow, but all of the sudden, Austin grabs him by the hand and breaks it quickly and then swings him to the ground. He brings Gernald back up and kicks him in the stomach and hits a spinning sit down move, Gernald's head cracking against the concrete as there is the sound of bone breaking and Gernald's body goes limp. Austin stands up and begins to walk away, the sounds of sirens are getting closer and Austin vanishes down the road, the scene pans in to Gernald's arm and something blinking, it then pans out to a large shadow zooming over the planet as the voice over begins again.-

V/O Austin-Nothing bad yet, but with the last encounter I think my luck has just ran out. I must begin to finally unlock these powers if I am going to survive, if I want to truly live forever, and if I want to be a hero.

-The show fades out as the credit's begin to play, as they do end, a small preview of what is going to be on the news that night plays, and then a Robert Goodman presidential Ad begins to play, but it does not get far, it shows him in a crowed of people and then the scene stops and burns away and pans out from the fireplace with Allister once again.-


Allister-I hope you enjoyed Forever Hero, but I am sure your more likely wanting to know about Robert Goodman. Well last week I was screwed out of a honorable win by Rich when I was facing Shadow and I promise you that will not happen again this week. I have seen how much Goodman wants the world title, and I can ensure him just like I can ensure the rest of WAW I want it just as bad if not more. I will have the true world title around my waste in just three weeks time and at this point it does not matter who I face for it, I will win it. Robert, we have both been fucked with in the last show by the same person, I say no matter what happens inside the ring, no matter who wins, we leave it in the ring. No matter who does on one of us kicked the unholy hell out of Rich's ass at the next Thrill. So Robert, I'll be seeing you soon enough, good luck.

-Allister smirks and the scene fades out as the news begins to play, and the TV is turned off. The scene pans out from the TV and Allister makes a face of approval, nods, and walks away, as the scene fades to darkness and then static.-