<xmp><body> <!-- START HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> <!-- END HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> </xmp> Allister Black

Part One-Bossing People Around

Before the scene ever fades in the sounds of the machines can be heard, as the scene fades showing Allister in what can only be described as his new look, the blue jeans, the white shirt, the black trench coat, and world title belt. He has a smile on his face but as he begins to talk and it is apparent that the machines are too loud for him to be heard over. He makes the cut sign and the machines begin to slow down and then stop. He nods and then begins to speak again.

Allister-I'm going to start off today with one man, not Shadow, not Chris, not Johnny, no just one man. C.C. Magnum. Our new boss. I sat down and went to watch Thrill like I do every week to check up on how everyone looks, how good one person or the next, to see the laughs, the boos, and the such, and really I was not impressed this week. Not only did he have something to say about me at the beginning of the show, but the show itself was crap. We had to hear about most of the matches from what I can only say is the lamest announce team in history, but we also had to hear about how I'm such a liar. Before I go into this though, let me let you all in on a little something that goes on here at Stylez Corps. This place itself makes almost Ninety-Nine point Nine percent of all equipment used by the professional wrestling industry, it has for nearly six years now, that includes, tables, chairs, cages, title belts, and replica belts, and just between you and I, they don't do crappy work on the fakes.

He brings his hand down and knocks on the one around his waist it makes a dense gold sound. He walks over to the assembly line and begins doing the same and each and every one of them make the same sound as the one around his waist and the one on Thrill did. He looks back at the camera with a smile.

Allister-You see C.C. I knew you would pull some kind of shit by having one of your bitches come down and take the title, or attempt too, I figured it would be Dayne, but you know, I've noticed he's been absent recently, and you did seem like a hurt little boy who had his heart stepped on at Thrill. What? Did you and Dayne get in a fight? Is that why the show was previously recorded? Wait, were has Dayne been anyway? Anally Rapeing Kid X or something? Oh and as for me not being smart enough to come up with something like this. I orchestrated the greatest mass beating of a single stable of all time, stealing a little title from you, and then setting up replica's with almost the exact same gold to metal ratio is not a hard thing to do. You see when you buy a Stylez Corps product you pay alot but you get quality, unlike WAW Thrill shows apparently. What it really breaks down into is this C.C is this, who do the fans trust more? C.C. Magnum, the man who either bought or was given WAW and since that point in time has only really did one great thing and that was to sign myself, he jipped the fans out of there well earned dollars by giving them a announce team and then a couple of nice little snippets of the show, or do they trust me? The man who has made it his goal to keep people like Johnny, like Rich, and like Tyber from ever disgracing the World Title or any title for that matter again. The man who has always stuck to his word, and my word is that if I am defeated that I will give the world belt back. So lets let the fans decide, over conceded boss or employee who is trying to do the right thing by the fans?

He smirks and shrugs before walking from title to title, the camera following him as he does, he makes his way out of the factory and the sound of the machines starting back up is heard. He stops once again and looks back towards the camera.

Allister-You know C.C., really I have nothing against you, but you want to push me, I will bring my full wrath down upon WAW once again. You must know what I can do, you must know what I have done, so I won't pull a Dudley Boy and start naming off the things I've achieved again, but I will say, know your talent, and know who to back, because so far, your doing a craptastic job, and your approval rating is bombing worse then George Bush's. I will be world champion, and soon enough the real world title will be around my waist, I will promise that. So go on Thrill this next show and tell the world that I'm a lair again, but I promise you, the fans, they'll be backing me, and not some pus...anyway. Like I said, pick who your friends are carefully, back the right people, or you'll end up as the next Mike Adamle without the originality.

He begins to make his way out of the building proper and to the parking area. He walks to the car and slowly gets in and the prototype Dodge Viper, starts it up and begins to back up, but the window rolls down. Allister has a pair of shades on now and his custom smirk on his face.

Allister-One last thing, and I'm done with you for now C.C. If I ever hear the word Liar and my name in the same sentence again, I will rip your tongue out of your mouth and shove it up your ass. I really hope I've made myself clear. Now if you'll excuse me I got some training to do, I do have a match to get ready for, well if it's televised that is. So boss man, see you at Thrill, and Yes..You may piss yourself now.

Allister messes with the radio and tunes in American Pie by Dom McClean. He smirks and looks back at the camera as he begins to sing the song and rolls up the window and pulls out of the parking lot. The scene begins to fade to dark as he pulls out unto the road and then to static as the car vanishes down the road.

Part Two-Just E-Fedding around

The scene fades in and Allister is standing outside of a house in a smaller town. He is wearing his normal git up and is arguing with someone off screen, he shakes his head a couple times before the audio kicks in.

Allister-What do you mean I have to do this? Really? Come on this guy..this guy ain't worth my time to hang around with, and hell he did not even win some sort of contest to get to hang out with me.

Off Screen hand-He said he had something to show you though. Seemed pretty sure it would help you out with your match this week. So we figured why not fly you out here to no where Texas.

Allister-Shit, fine, but if this guy is some sort of stalker or weirdo, all of you are fired, and you don't even work for me. You hear me, fired and will never work for this business again.

Allister makes his way to the door and knocks. A white women wearing a dinner outfit answers. Allister rolls his eyes.

Allister-You gatta be shitting me.

Women-Can I help you?

Allister-Where hear to talk to Jeremy, Jimmy..

Off Screen hand-Jeffery.


The women looks at them and then back in the house. She seems reluctant to allow them in, finally after a few seconds there is the voice of a male coming from inside the house.

???-Hey mom, whats going on? Who's at the door?

Mom-Just some men, they said they want to talk to you, but I've never seen them before.

As the mom finishes a younger boy probably about the age of seventeen appears at the door and when he sees Allister he has a look on his face like he had just craped his pants. The boy looks at his mom.

Boy-Don't you know who he is mom, you watched wrestling with me..that, thats Allister Black.

Mom-Allister Black, you mean that asshole from that WAW wrestling show you watch Jeffery, the one you act like your the wrestlers in the e-fedding thing you do?

Jeffery-Shhh mom, and yes thats Allister Black. Can he come in please?

Mom-I guess they can come in, but I don't like all these camera's around here.

Allister-They can stay out, or come makes no difference to me really. So lady make up your mind, and then go wait at whatever dive it is you work at and let me just find out what he has to say.

Jeffery-Yeh mom, just go to work, they won't tear anything up, I promise and if they do I'll clean it up.

Mom-You know, your grounded if anything happens, and I'm going to be fucking late, so do whatever you want to do.

She brushes past Allister and gets into her car and drives off lighting up a cigarette as she does. Shes mumbling as she does. Allister shakes his head and looks over at the boy again.

Allister-So what? Are we going to go or not? If not this has all been a waste of my time, and I have a feeling no matter what you have to say it'll be a waste.

Jeffery-Oh no, I wanted to tell you about some things.

Jeffery finally opens the door and they all come in and the boy leads them to a room. A computer is set up in the room. He sites down at it and turns it on and Allister stands at the doorway.

Allister-So what? A computer? What the fuck does this have to with me?

Jeffery-Well really it dosent to be honest, I wanted to show you this site. You see there is a thing called E-fedding...


Allister cuts him off and it seems to annoyed Jeffery. Allister smirks and then starts talking again.

Allister-What the fuck is a e-fedding?

Jeffery-I was getting to that. For people who like to write and for those who do and enjoy watching wrestling, there is a game or hobby known as E-fedding. We either make our own wrestlers or in my case we are in feds where we pretend to be real wrestlers. Well I am in WAW based E-Fed and well I play Shadow.

Allister-Really? Your a fake wrestler, what kind of nerd actually does this E-Fedding crap?

Allister turns and looks right at the camera and smirks before turning back towards Jeffery who does not seem ammused.

Jeffery-Well as I was saying, I play Shadow, and well there has been rumors that next week it's going to be Allister's handler vs me, and I really wanted to meet the real Allister to see if his handler was anything like the real one, and so far besides being a asshole he pretty much isn't.

Allister-Just to let you know, I would be sad if some pimplied punk like you was to play me good. So was this whole waste of my time was to see if I was like this kid?

Jeffery is not paying attention he is looking at the site that he had just brought up and had his eyes wide. Allister walks over and looks over his shoulder. On the screen is a couple pictures of a girl. If there was a ranking system she would be about a nine or so. Allister raises an eyebrow and looks at the kid.

Allister-So who is that? Your girlfriend?

Jeffery-Oh I wish, no thats the handler of Amy Vixen.

Allister-So what? E-fedding, a bunch of ugly ass guys and pretty girls? Am I to take it like that?

Jeffery-Eh, alot of the girls are pretty, shes the hottest in WAW handler wise, but really if you think I'm ugly I could show you one ugly ass mother fucker. J0k0res handler.

Allister-I don't wanna see the real J0k0re, what would make you think I wanna see some ugly ass wanna be J0k0re?

Jeffery-Well I can't close out the page without showing you it.

Allister-If you show me the picture I will murder you and leave you for your mother to find your cold lifeless body here in the computer room, and they will not have to worry about booking Allister vs Shadow in your E-Fed.

Jeffery-Ok, ok, I won't show you the picture, but I will admit I don't have anything really to tell you about your match, just that really to be honest, if someone would not of already of taken most of the WAW stars by the time I joined I would of picked you to be, cause Shadow, in WAW is a loser.

Allister-Well I guess we'll have to see coming up now wont we?

He stops and looks at the boy.

Allister-So is that all?

Jeffery-Actually theres one last thing I wanted to show you.

Allister raises an eyebrow.

Allister-And whats that?


He presses the page reload button the before the computer can load the page the scene suddenly cuts out but the audio keeps running. There is the sound of a chair being send backwards and then Allister's voice.


As he finishes the audio is cut and there is nothing but white noise.

Part Three-After the Blindness

The crowed is getting restless, the house show had just begun and no one had been seen yet. Of course the techs and what not but no wrestlers or anything. Suddenly Back in Black hits and the fans give a mixed reaction to this as he appears high in the crowed and works his way down. He jumps the barricade and slides into the ring. He grabs a mic from a ringside tech and brings it to his lips. He drops the mic and takes the trench off and tosses it out of the ring. He smirks and picks the mic back up, he brings his free hand to the belt around his waist. The fans stop they are thinking about the comments that he had made about the world title. There is a mixed uproar and Allister takes the mic from his lips until they quiet down. When they finally do he quickly takes the moment and begins.

Allister-I know alot of you are confused, alot of you may be angry that I would disrespect my boss the way I have the last few days, and for those who think I have, or think some how I am a Lair well, fuck you, It's really that simple. I am here tonight because after talking my fill about other people, training, being blinded, and more training, I am here at this house show, wherever it is we are, it was a late flight and I forget where I was told we are at. Well anyway, back to the subject at hand. I do have a match and it's against Shadow, You really think I want to face Rich at the finals, thats funny man, cause the fact is, I don't care who it comes down too, and you seem deluted to the simple fact that I am also the King of WAW, I beat the best, including Alex Andrews, so really the fact the two of you have means, what was the word? Dick. I have defeaded Kid X in every match we ever had, and well he's beaten a lookalike, so really where does that leave you with insults Shadow, no where thats it, So Shadow, your time with the Reaper has come, and yes, you may piss yourself now.

He stops and smirks bringing the mic from his lips, the fans are cheering for him and he brings the mic back up.

Allister-Now for Chris, the little asshole who wants to talk all ghetto and wanna be gansta bastard. When your time comes, I will destroy you, simple as that, I will beat you to a inch of your life and you will know that your sins are mine to control and mine alone, I will feast on all the sins that got you in the trouble it did. Your prison stay will be nothing compared to being in the ring with a truth athlete like myself. So until then get better, for the love of the gods please get better because I might actually feel bad if you..

Before he can finish "Fixation of the Darkness" blares over the pa system across the arena. The lights fade off as a white fog rises up from above the entrance way. Chris Young, or rather a smaller version of him, walks out in a poisonous stance, appearing with his chest out and his shoulders up. He's ready to fight. The lights flicker back on throughout the arena as Chris trails down the ramp like a macho man. He reaches the ring and climbs up onto the side, flipping off each and every fan. The crowd boos, Chris just snickers evilly. He ducks under the top rope, climbing into the ring. The music stops, Chris swings vicious punches into the air, dancing around in the ring. He walks over to Allister and snatches the mic from him and starts to talk.

MiniChris-Yo, sup nigga, yo yo, sup DAWWGGG! I mean whats going on in the hiz'house! I her that shit you be spouting, and I's sick of it. It'z time to you and me'z nig to get it on like donkey kong. YO'Z YOU SPEECHLESS IN THE PRESENCE OF THE KING OF THE SOUTHEAST!

Allister is handed a new mic and rolls his eyes.

Allister-Dude come on, I told you already that when its your time I would come for you, right now you need to get the fuck out of the True King's ring. Incase your jail stay was too long for you to know, I won the King of WAW tourney and I am the King of WAW, so really you wanna call yourself the King you gatta beat the King, and I don't see any...Oh fuck this shit.

Allister throws down his mic and grabs the MiniChris and kicks him in the gut and hits the Allister Driver and goes down for a pin. A ref comes down and slides in and makes the count. He smirks looking down and then at the ref he punches him and Irish Whips him into the corner and then sets him up and hits the Serotonin Overdrive. He smirks and as his music hits and he slides out of the ring and he makes his way to the back to a mixed reaction, the scene soon fades to dark as crew are trying to get rid of bodies in the ring.