<xmp><body> <!-- START HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> <!-- END HOME FREE HEADER CODE --> </xmp> Allister Black

Scene One-Six Months Ago

Six Months Ago.

-The lights where bright and Allister had already been in the match for about forty-five minutes. The sweat was pouring over his body and he was breathing heavy, but he also had the advantage. The match was for a Indy federation called IGW. The man he was facing was a down and out brawler by the name of Andrew Keith, he was a little worse for wear, his eye had been busted open by a Pale Kick hit about ten minutes before. Allister had everything heading his way as he sends Andrew into the ropes, he comes off of it and Allister hits him with a chop as the fans go WHOOOOOO! Andrew is floored and Allister grabs him and picks him to his feet. He kicks him in the stomach and sets him up for the Allister Driver. All of the sudden he feels a pain in his back and as the camera pans back you can see someone in a mask with a steel chair that had just been cracked over Allister's back. He crumbles to a knee letting go to Andrew who looks back and shouts something and both begin to put boots to Allister. The ref begins calling for the bell but they don't stop, suddenly the whole roster empty's from the back and floods the ring. The two men back off but then they all laugh as they take turns pounding Allister to the mat, then they begin exchanging finishers. By the time the camera can see Allister once again he is a bloodied mess and he is left in the middle of the ring as the blood drained from his forehead. The Paramedics rush to the scene as the crowed is silent. Allister is picked up as he drifts in and out of conciseness. He looks threw glazed eyes at one of the paramedics as they try to speak to him.-


-He fades out again but then the next voice he hears is not a paramedic. It's a dark, low voice with a hint of a growl.-

???-Allister, you've become weak, your worthless to me now, unless you wake up and get over this.

Allister-Wh..Who are you? Where am I?

???-I'm you Allister, you know where you are, wake up and face them, kill them, place judgment on the weak, they do not deserve to live after what they did to you. Place your final Judgment on them, place OUR final Judgment on all the infantile, on all the worthless scum this world has breed. Find those who you share a common interest with and place Judgment on the weak who deserves to be Judged. You are the one to do this Allister, WE are the one to do this.


???-Yes, WE. Us, we are one, Addictio and Allister. Always and Forever.

Allister-My Avatar.

Addictio-Yes, the Avatar of the Eighth. Who we truly are. You must awake, we have great things to finish.

Allister-WHy me.

Addictio-It's always been you, you have done this time and time again Allister. You know this, you have the dreams of the Seven, you are the one who sets it all into motion. Your the one who brings either Salvation or Destruction to the world. Are we ready to choose?

Allister-No, not yet, for all that is bad in this world, there is still good. I can't make my decision until I make sure that even the good has bad, or if the bad has good.

-The voice does not respond right away. The darkness begins to lift slightly as he can hear another voice.-

Doctor-Can you hear....I'm so....still....

-Allister fades out again, and the voice of Addictio returns.-

Addictio-Are we ready to wake?

Allister-No I don't think I am yet.

Addictio-No, no your not, we are not one.


Addictio-Yes, we must shed the boundary that separates us and we must become one. We must become one for the betterment of this world and all of the people in it including Alexis.


Addictio-To be with her in the end you must get her out of your mind. We must become one without any distractions, without any friends. Our boundaries consists of your friends and family who care for you, you must shed them out of our mind so we cam focus on cleansing the world of the weak.

Allister-But how do I do something like that, I'm not like the others, I have human emotion, why am I the one who is chosen for this? I feel for people, I can fall in love. All these things still make me just like one of them, even if I'm stronger, faster, and better then they are. I have been cleansing the world of the weak already. I've been doing this for the last two years since I first started having the dreams.

Addictio-That was just the beginning. Now you must focus on purging yourself of everything that connects you to those you now have to judge. Merg your mind with mine, two becomes one, and one becomes all. Your already one of the avatars of Sin, that already shows that you have the ability to do so, they all have already. Only you and Acedia have refused to give in to your true nature. We need you to shed who you are to do what you need to do. Allister, just focus, and soon I will fade, and we will be one.

-His voice again begins to fade as another fills its place and the lights begin to brighten and this time he can see someone.-

???-Thats right Al, we planned the whol...

-He drifts out again but this time it's Allister who speaks first.-

Allister-I'm all in. What must I do?

Addictio-Just close your eyes.

Three Months Ago.

-The camera zooms in backstage as there is a slew of broken bodies everywhere in the backstage area for IGW. It would seem no one was left from the onslaught and the backlash that Allister was reeking on anyone and everyone. He had done his research, the masked man was none only then the champ Alex Smith, the same man Allister now had by the back of the head and was dragging to the ring. As he gets down to the ring the ring announcers where going crazy. Allister tosses Smith into the ring with a one handed thrust and slides in after. He shows his first smile since the whole ordeal begins as he grabs Smith and hits the Allister Driver on him through the chair. He gets out of the ring and grabs a mic as the owner of IGW comes down to the ring with one of his own. The owner, who's voice Allister remembered from one of the times he was barley conscious. His name was David Tell, and he was making a B-Line for the ring, and for Allister. When he gets into the ring Allister grabs the chair and threatens David with it. David backs away but stays in the rings.-

David-What are you doing? Why are you doing this?


-He slams the chair into David's head with such force it drives him down and the chair wraps around his head. Allister looks dazed for a moment before he smiles.-

Allister-Now, now we're going home.

Two Weeks Ago.

-Allister stands outside the WAW HQ and on the door there is a note saying that WAW was no longer open. Allister put his fist into the door as the glass shatters. Allister pulls back a bloody hand as turns. He walks past a newspaper machine and glances, but continues to walk, but then stops and looks back again. One of the major headlines was about a new wrestling organization opening up. It was being ran by...Jus Huntley. The smirk returned to Allister face as he walks away.-

One Week Ago.

-Allister is face to face with Jus Huntley, he slams his contract into Jus's chest and gets in his face.-


-Allister walks off screen, leaving just Jus.-


-The scene fades to dark as Jus gets back to signing important documents.-

Scene Two-Home

-The scene slowly fades in from dark as Allister is in a dark Alleyway, the time seems to be midnight if not a little later. His clothing was ragged. He looked happy though. The rain had been coming down for nearly three hours and he was soaked to the bone but Allister did not seem to care as he looked at it with a strange curiosity. He finally stops and looks at the camera with a smile. He points up as the camera zooms up, and when it comes back down Allister is gone. It heads further down the alleyway as finds Allister once again. He is smiling as he finally speaks.-

Allister-Hello GOW, we would like to thank you for signing us to GOW. We have such big plans for GOW. Becoming the World Champion, such as we where in WAW. First though we are going to become a different champion, and there is much fun for us to have. So many toys of the us to play with and punish and judge everyone with. Smashing a chair into someones skull, or putting them into a bed of thumbtacks. Oh and my play dates for the Tenth of this month, oh so much fun to be had, and a title to win to add to this. Let me see if I do remember there names, each of them are different just like these raindrops and like the snow that the rain creates, but for all there differences they are alike as well. One such likeness is the fact that they will all fall down to us, they are nothing compared to the King. King Us! Reminds me of playing checkers, maybe we'll shove some checker pieces down someone's throat, making them gag on them. Cutting off the O2 to there brains and in the end choking them out or killing them. Or maybe we could use some barbed wire and tear and rip at your skin cause you all to bleed. Now what where those names that the nice women had told us.

-Allister thinks a moment before smirking.-

Allister-Oh yes, we remember. First person is BANG BANG Brian Gunn, who put this guy in with the big boy, actually who put this guy in GOW with us? He isent in our grouping, was Jus that desperate to open up his doors to nobodies and losers? Jus...Jus...Jus, or wait no I'm talking about Brian now. Brian...Brian...Brian, what are we going to do with you? HOW ABOUT...HOW ABOUT WE DESTROY YOU! We have Judged you, you do not amuse us with your silly human antics. You wish to destroy us, to cause our destruction. Silly Rabbit, you've been in six places, and won title after title, We've been in one, WAW, and we are a HOFer. Billy we feel saddened by your departure from the company and hope that the assman can find a job somewhere else. Oh and Jesse don't feel bad that your not better then Allister Black, GOW is better then the Experts anyway. Wait who are we talking about? Brian? Oh right, sorry Billy, sorry Jesse, wrong person. we're rambling again, our thoughts keep going EVERYWHERE. Brian, the simple fact of the matter is this. Allister is better then you, cry cry all you want, you shall get no sympathy from this devil.

-The rain slows a bit but when the rainstorm is as intense as this one is, that does not help out much. Allister looks around again with a wild look in his eyes as he runs further down the alleyway. He stops all of the sudden and the camera bounces off his back. He turns and laughs.-

Allister-Rain, Rain go away come back another day, dead birdies, dead birdies. Avian, we think we...we think we...we think we have heard of him. Yes, it's all coming back to us now. IT'S TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! MUHAHAHAHAHA! Oh sorry, Avian, Experts Extreme Tourney. We WON, wait, no we didn't win, Black Death won. Grrrrr. Avian, you won't win the Hardkore title, but we will take you up for your offer to talk soon. Ding Ding Ding. Tell em what they won Sally. Avian, we've not felt well lately, is this your epidemic, did you make us sick? -cough cough- You did, you spat in our coke and sneezed in our food, you spread your epidemic. Soon you will spread it all over the mat. What? What did you say Avian? We heard you say something about Jus's mama. Eh we heard she was a slut anyway. THIS ISENT ABOUT JUS! Come on Terry, write me better material. Something that'll beat these guys. Avian just remember this, your going to be stepping into the ring with US..Allister Black, the most dominant champion in the last, well forever, and there not a DAMN thing you can do about that. We're sorry for yelling, don't be angry. Anyway Avian, have fun spreading your mono around the school.

-He the rain begins to pick up, this time the rain seems to be almost going sideways as Allister sits on the group and begins to rock back and forth. He has a huge smile on his face though as he begins talking again.-

Allister-Nightmare, Alex Andrews. I am the BOGEYMAN...AND I'M COMING TO GET YA! Nightmare is scary, he is what we all dream about at night. Soooo scary he is, we are glade we do not dream. What dreams may come, Nightmare, we have known you for awhile now, and lets face it, we are better then you, but we need you by our sides. We want this Hardkore title, so we can win the Gods of Wrestling title, and we will do so. If we know you, we know your doing as much as we are to win the Hardkore title but we are sad to announce that today is the last day of the sale come on DOWNNNNN!! Nightmare, lets shift into turbo for a moment and talk about something else. The cruiser weight title, I will be champion even if I have to put a cage around us and fill it with tacks. Wait, what? Whoa Deja Vu, maybe that happened in a past life. Maybe we knew each other then Nightmare. Wait What? Oh shit we think our brains broken. Nightmare, are you ready?!? Nightmare you and I are going to have the greatest hardcore match of all time, add in all those other fine gentlemen and we will have a gay ol time at the opry. One last time old friends, don't get in my way, and watch out Avian's got mono, and Brian's a putz.

-Allister pops up from sitting position and grabs the camera looking in it at then looks up as if he's looking at the camera.-

Allister-Oohhhhh how does it work Mister?

-He is about to say something when Allister cuts him off.-

Allister-IT DOSENT MATTER HOW IT WORKS! The only thing that matters is that the last guy on the list to face us is the man known as Kito Msomethinganother. How does a white guy get a last name like that? Really Kito how could you let your parents name you that? We mean really? We would of slapped our mothers. OH OUR GAWD! Somebody better call our mama, and then Slap that ho. Are we making sense to you Otik? Kito...Kito...Kito, you need to get it together and be serious, like we are, you need to see the lighter side of sears. Allister Black loves women, Kito, Kito loves Sheeps. Thats why we'll win in the battle royal. One...Two...Three...Ding Ding Ding..Allister Wins and is now the NEW Hardkore title, and Kito, Kito gets nothing, cause Kito's a LOSER! And everyone knows in live there are Winners and there are losers. Wait huh? I forgot what we are talking about. Our brain itches. Kito itch our brain for us, then let us beat you. Kito we all know who the best man is in WAW, or MCW, or Collective, or GOW, where are we again? We can't be bothered by that sort of thing anymore. Kito sheep lovers get no where unless they have good leadership and my only question for you is this. What's im your wallet. Well besides this picture I stole from it a couple days ago, and awwww theirs a little Kito also.


-Allister smiles showing the picture then makes a "aww" face and throws it in the nearest garbage can. He skips off as the scene fades to dark and this time the camera does not follow as it fades out.-

Part Three-Focused

-Allister's eyes where shut, tight as he blinks them opened he is in a white room, sitting a crossed from him is himself. He raises an eyebrow as he sits up and looks at himself. He is a bit confused but he's been that way for what can only be said as the better part of six months.-

Allister-See that shit yesterday, thats why I don't let you do the trash talking.

Addictio-Oh it was all in good fun, anyway our plan is moving forward and should come together, you have done great and gather all the piece together like I said you should. Together we will take GOW by storm, and it all starts with you winning the GOW Hardkore title. Which we both know your more then capable of doing in the right frame of mind, so I'm going to leave you alone, for now, so you can focus.

Allister-Thats a good thing cause you in my head is like me trying to concentrate while listening to a Katy Perry song. It don't work. Anyway, where are we?

Addictio-In your head. Your asleep, well rather you where.

-Allister looks at him but then his face turns into Alexis's as Allister's eyes fly open. He looks around confused, but she looks even more confused.-

Alexis-Wha..When did you get home, and why do you smell like a dump?

Allister-I would answer both those questions, but honestly I don't know the answers to those. The last few days have been kinda blurry.

Alexis-Have you been drinking again?

Allister-Wha? No, of course not, I haven't drank since that one day that loser Kid X began to think we where buddies. No, something more has been happening, and I need to find out what.

Alexis-Well you might wanna start by watching this.

-She gets out of bed and grabs the sheets and throws them unto the balcony and closes the door then walks over to the TV and turns it on and then reaches down and hits the play button on the DVD player. His promo begins to play and he laughs watching most of it. As it ends he gets up and shrugs his shoulders.-

Allister-No clue, that don't really seem like drunk talk to me though. Like I said I need to get to the bottom of that, but first I need to get cleaned up.

Alexis-Yes, yes you do.

-Allister laughs and ge begins to strip off the shirt and the pants leaving him in just his boxers. He vanishes into the bathroom for about twenty minutes and then comes back out in a towel, he gets clothes and once again vanishes and comes back out fully clothed. He walks out on the balcony and tosses the sheets over and turns and looks at the camera.-

Allister-First and foremost I would like to say I'm sorry to GOW, to the fans, and too the GOW superstars that I am facing this week, my actions this week have not only been strange but they have been down right disorganized, but to be honest, I don't give a damn, any valid points make within the gibberish about Kito, Brian, Avian, or Nightmare I will stand by one hundred percent. I don't make excuses for what I say and I don't regret saying what I say. So with that being said I would like to first start off this next round of fire at all four men I'm facing off against for the Hardkore title. I don't care why any of you are. Someone I once teamed with, or someone I knew in WAW or just plan Jane new all together. I'm Allister Black, and I won't go through all my credentials cause I would hope to the gods that you all would of already read up on me. I'm the NEW Enigma Allister Black. The Harbinger of Death and the Reaper of Lost souls here in GOW. I am the physical embodiment of GOW because I am truly a god among men.

-He stops as Alexis is at the door watching him. He smirks and continues.-

Allister- Now rather or not anyone likes the fact that I'm here in GOW is one thing, I don't really care, but lets face it no one is going to dominate me, no one knows hardcore better then I do, and I shall go into the match on the tenth with all intent to win. I would hope none of you would do anything less then the same. For me there is no personal grudges going into the match, although that may not be the case with my opponents after what I said yesterday. So come the tenth I am your host Allister Black and I will bring not only the viewers at home, but the four unlucky men to step into the ring with me a night of pain, pleasure and in the end Victory on my part. You'll Laugh, You'll Cry, and in the end I'll have my hand raised up high in victory to become GOW's first Hardkore champ. Now I'll see you all very soon.

-He turns around and walks back into the apartment with Alexis. She shakes her head and he shrugs.-


Alexis-Why do I put up with you?

Allister-Your gonna put up with me, cause no one else will.

Alexis-Lucky you.

Allister-I guess lucky me indeed.

-She laughs and Allister notices the sheets are all new and he flops down on the bed and is followed by Alexis. He takes a breath and leans over and kisses her.-

Allister-Well I think I'm gonna get some rest.

Alexis-You seem to of worn yourself out today.

Allister-Yeh, I think I have, I'll make sure this crap gets edited tomarrow.

Alexis-Let them worry about it.

-He smiles and closes his eyes as the scene slowly fades to dark then finally to static then out completely.-