'the promo: episode four' (( Kodak Hespeler made his big-time wrestling debut in a Hardcore Championship Rumble in dWo. Hespeler managed to pin Dice before being eliminated by Notoriou$. After some time of scrapping in the Hardcore division, he was given some new life. FWL legend Hell Raiser came to Kodak with an idea. Hell Raiser knew that he wouldn’t be in the ring much longer due to his long and illustrious career taking it’s toll in him. Hell Raiser saw the potential in Hespeler to take over the mantle, and they went on to be a formidable team. Working with Hell Raiser brought the best out of the young man, and he seemed to just get better and better. But things didn’t work out. Hell Raiser turned on Czecher and the two went on to have a bitter feud, bringing out the sadistic side of Hespeler as he struck Hell Raiser with a sledgehammer. At that moment there was a transition. A change. This man was no longer Kodak Hespeler, a polite young man trying to make it in the ring. He was Czecher, gentleman outside the ring, animal inside. Czecher went on to taste not only hardcore gold, but also dWo Intercontinental gold. He was a rising star. Czecher took a break from the ring to get married and returned in Scott Palmer’s x2w. Here he had a fierce rivalry with Stryfe, and the two battled on many occasions for the coveted International Title. It was here in x2w where Bill Dynamite would return to the ring. )) (( Dynamite won the World Title within a month and the locker room wasn’t happy about his sudden arrival. Bill knew he needed protection, and who better to be hired as his personal bodyguard but Czecher? Czecher took to the role like flies on shit, and Dynamite soon noticed that this young man with a complex for shovels was someone he could rely on, not only as a bodyguard but also as a friend. Bill has always needed someone by his side to turn to. And since best friend Notoriou$ flew back to England with a career ending injury, Czecher was a perfect replacement. So Bill and Czecher went about their business. Bill would get people mad, and Czecher would hit them with a shovel. Not just any shovel, Captain Shovel. Czecher left wrestling to take care of his family, which had grown by one. Dynamite went on without Czecher in x2w, with D.O.G.S Dynamite Official Goon Squad. But Dynamite didn’t look the same. D.O.G.S turned on Dynamite and sided with x2w’s new boss Andy Harmon, they became H.O.G.S. That seemed to be the straw that broke the camels back and Dynamite left wrestling. Only to return in p:xW as Commissioner. But Bill missed not being in the ring. He wanted to fight again, and despite putting on a few pounds, he joined EWO to join Czecher. Chapter 2 of the Bill & Czecher story starts here. Czecher vs. Bill Dynamite. World Title Tournament Semi Finals. Will this match weaken their friendship, or enhance it as the best man wins. )) (( It’s Friday in Tampa. Less than 48 hours until Violence. As Bound for Glory approaches, the Main Event for EWO’s first Pay Per View will be decided this week. Bill has been released from the hospital and has received full apologies for the misunderstanding that lead to Bill spending 2 nights in a psychiatric ward, high as a kite. His stomach has been pumped and all medication has been flushed, and I mean flushed from his system. I mean, the man emptied a bag. He splattered the bowl. Incidentally, Jack, the man Bill was mistaken for, turned up last night in Senior Citizen’s Nursing Home, sniffing underwear. There’s an upside to every story, Bill lost nearly 16 pounds as result of the stomach pump and the laxatives and Jack spent the night in a cell with some brothers. Bill has vowed that his weight will only go down from this moment on. True to his word, Bill has called Louise, his personal trainer once more. This time, Louise has managed to get Bill through an hour of a hard-as-nails workout despite Bill’s frail condition. Bill slumps into his armchair and goes to crack open a beer. Louise snatches the beer from his hand and passes him a mineral water. )) Louise: Oh no, Bill. No beer for you. Not on my regime. You’ll only drink water and protein shakes. Bill: Ahh man. I know it’s doin’ me good and all but why can’t it taste good? Louise: Because that’s the rule. If it tastes like shit, it’s good for you. Bill: I dunno about that. Ever eaten out of a dumpster? Louise: Bill shut up and just chill. Bill: All right… Does that mean I can’t have burgers? Louise: Every once in a while, sure. Bill: Every once in a while like… Every day? Louise: Stop it. No burgers. Bill: Fine. Be that way. Louise: I was hired so that you get back in shape and become the champion we all know you are. You’re not paying me $600 an hour to sit and eat burgers. Bill: $600 an hour??!! AN HOUR?! Ah man… I’m ruined. Get the hell out of my house, I can’t afford you even sitting there on my sofa! Louise: Don’t worry. I only charge you for the hour that we’re working out. Bill: Oh well that makes it OK then. Louise: Bill, stop whining. I’ve never met a guy who whines so much. All you do is bitch and moan. I’m here so that you advance in this tournament, win the World Title and get back to the shape you had back in x2w, when you buried British Brawler alive for the World Heavyweight Championship. Oh god just thinking about you two beating the hell out of each other in the dirt just makes me so hot. Bill: Better open a window, because if you think this old dog has anything other than gas inside him after the week I’ve had, you’re very much mistaken. Plus, I need some rest. Violence is gonna be huge this week. But the one thing I’m pissed with the most is that ‘The Dildo’ Dylan Dunn has got the Main Event AGAIN! It’s starting to piss me off royally. What does he have that tops the bill? NOTHIN’! I don’t see what he has that impresses AJ Epic so much. Epic must hope he’s gonna get a little love in the shower afterwards. Well from what I’ve heard, Dunn will be nothing but obliging to that request. All I hope is that he can cheat his way through another victory so that I can whip his worthless ass in the final. But one thing is for sure, I may have a contract here in EWO, but if I get screwed out of the title, I’m outta here. I mean it. I’ve had a lot of offers elsewhere, and if Epic wants to play games, then he can play games. But his game will be less one player. The biggest player of them all, Bill Dynamite. I just needed to get that off my chest. Hell, I’ll tell Epic about it myself. Louise: I’m sure AJ Epic and the rest of EWO staff know what they have. I’m sure they know they have someone who’s head and shoulders above the rest. They wouldn’t be that stupid and try to screw him over. Would they? Bill: I don’t know. But I do know that on Violence, Dynamite versus Czecher, there will be no screw job. There will be no cheating. It’s gonna be an exceptional display of technical ability. Wrestling against wrestling. No cheap shots. No chair shots. But I would like to warn Czechs, that when I’m in the ring. He’s just another opponent. I may not ever show respect to my opponent, but I have nothing but respect for Czecher. But, the world title means a lot to me. Advancing in the tournament means a lot to me, and I will do whatever it takes to do that. If that means a vulgar display of power, then that’s what I’ll have to do. But I will not go into this match with an intention to cheat. Louise: I hope not, Bill. Be honourable. Be a man. Bill: Yunno, that’s what my father said to me… Louise: Oh yeah? Bill: Yeah… Right before I set fire to the house with him and my mother inside… … … Louise: … Heaven save me…