back in toronto
Bill Dynamite .vs. British Brawler

'back in toronto'

::Bill Dynamite has a lot of memories when it comes to Toronto. Dynamite made his PPV debut at FWL Xtreme Dream in this very city nearly a year ago. At Xtreme Dream, Bill beat British Brawler's brother, Magnus Diesel, in a Ladder Match for $500,000. After that match, Magnus Diesel's life was tragically ended in a car accident. Or was it a train accident? Well it envolved a speeding train colliding with a limo parked on the tracks. Bill looks back at all the memories that he had in Toronto. The plane journey over with Notoriou$, taking a trip to Andy's Cheese, but his best memory of all is of him becoming $500,000 richer. What a coincidence that all this should come together. Almost a year on and Bill is fighting in the same City against the brother of the man he defeated and indirectly killed last time around. You have to ask yourself, 'Is it fate?'. Erin Jacobs talks about fate and destiny, Bill knows that a man makes his own fate. A man makes his own destiny. Bill knows that nothing is planned or pre-determined... But in this match against British Brawler, for the World Heavyweight Championship, Bill knows that it isn't fate that will guarentee him the victory, it's his superior strength, intelligence and ability. Of course, this match is different. This match has a stipulation that Bill Dynamite has never experienced. The stipultation is enough to give a grown man nightmares... This match at Hell & Back is a BURRIED ALIVE match. We all know that Bill Dynamite is the superior athelete and his wrestling skills are unbeatable, unbeaten. But this is a Burried Alive match, wrestling skills go right out of the window. A Burried Alive match is about beating your opponent to within an inch of their life and dropping them in a grave, 6 feet into the ground, then to win the match you must fill that grave with dirt until your opponent is burried, never to rise again. What kind of sick freak can do that to a man? Bill Dynamite can. Bill might be the better wrestler, but some say British Brawler is the tougher, most resiliant fighter. There's a huge clue in his name, British Brawler. The man can brawl. In a match like a Burried Alive match, brawling is the one attribute you need for success. So Brawler, the Champion, must be the favorite. Bill in recent weeks has claimed 2 victories over British Brawler. The 1st, an anything goes match... Bill hit the Idolizer and got the 1...2...3. The 2nd, a tag match with Scott Palmer as Dynamite's partner and Shane Masters as Brawler's. Bill once again landed the Idolizer and pinned Brawler for the 1...2...3. But in a Burried Alive match, there is no pin... There is no submission... No disqualification... No count-out... No stoppage for excessive blood loss... Bill may have pinned Brawler for the 1...2...3 twice before but he won't on Sunday at Hell & Back. If Bill happens to hit the most devestating move in wrestling history, The Dynamighty, in the middle of the ring... It's not gonna matter a thing... But Bill knows the rules. Bill knows the stipulation. Bill knows what he has to do to beat British Brawler, and he's happy with it. Bill will happily bury the man that has plagued his career since the beginning. Bill is looking forward to it::

::As expected, yet a little late, special guest 'The Idol' Bill Dynamite arrives at the Toronto Chili-off with his entourage. The 'Bill Mania' bus pulls up outside the ACC and wrestling fans sworm around it like flies on fresh shit. It's obvious Bill didn't want to arrive inconspicuously, the 'Bill Mania' bus is a huge, shiny, black coach with a huge head shot of Bill on the side. His name is written graffiti style along the side in bright blue. The lisence plate reads '1dol'. A hiss of the hydrollics and the door at the front opens. Chrome steps mechanically move down from inside the bus and slowly rest on the concrete. The crowd go nuts, some cheer, a few boo, but it doesn't matter, they're all here to see 'The Idol' Bill Dynamite and his entourage. First off the bus are 4 X2W security guards, they seperate the fans and create a pathway from the bus to the entrance. Next off the bus come Co Dubs and Napalm, otherwise known as D.O.G.S, Dynamite Official Goon Squad, Bill Dynamite's own personal security. Co Dubs is 6'9'' and weighs 350lbs. Napalm is 7'1'' and weighs 320lbs, they're 2 big muvvaz. Co Dubs walks ahead and Napalm stays at the entrance of the bus. Czecher walks down the steps holding his shovel, he's wearing a t-shirt saying 'I'm The Daddy!'. Suddenly, the crowd errupt into a frenzy as Bill Dynamite makes his way down the steel steps. Co Dubs walks forward, followed by Czecher, followed by Dynamite and Napalm picking up the rear. Co Dubs walks towards the door and walks forward into the arena. He follows the sign saying 'Toronto Chili-Off, with special guest Bill Dynamite, This Way'. The entourage walk into the Chili-Off and D.O.G.S stand either side of Dynamite and Czecher. Bill slaps his hands and rubs them together, "I'm Staving!"::

::There's nothing Bill Dynamite enjoys more than a good Chilli. Most people think the English can't take their chillies, but with Indian food being the nation's most popular dish, the English are used to foods that burn an arse hole like an aerosole can and a lighter. Bill won 'Best Chilli' at the Official London Chilli Festival in 1992. He also won the title of 'King Chilli' after eating a record 72 Jalepenos in one single sitting, beating previous Champion José Jimanez. Bill and Czecher arrive at the 1st Chilli stall. Bill looks sympathetically at the cheap looking mexican decoration. A sign says 'Ramon's Revenge'::

Bill: Did you do this yourself? Or did you get your 2 year old son to help?

Ramon: (In a mexican accent) Lis-on Homes. It's not the decoration that matters, it's the chilli.

Bill: Hmm... Very true. Czecher, you got your little shovel?

Czecher: Damn right. Ya never know who's gonna be around.

Bill: Exactly, keep an eye on this homo right here. Well Ramon, what ya got for me?

Ramon: Signor Dynamite. This chilli is gonna make you feel like you're shitting razor blades, homes.

Bill: Listen up, Ambre. If this chilli doesn't make me cough like I'm trapped in a burning hay-stack, I'm gonna have Czecher here show you how grow potatoes up an ass hole... Got me?

Ramon: Lis-on Homes. This chilli is hot, man. Hot like your momma, essa.

Bill: You're on thin ice, Ramon. Save it for the paramedics.

::Bill takes out his stainless steel spoon, especially made for chilli and dips it into the huge cast iron bowl burning on the heat. Bill gets himself a spoonful of bubbling hot chilli and gets himself a whole red chilli on his spoon for good measure. He lifts it up to his mouth and takes a gulp. Bill's face remains straight as he swallows and lowers his eyebrows in disappointment::

Bill: This disappoints me, Ramon. This is like baby food. Czecher's little baby boy could eat this whole bowl and wouldn't even cough.

Ramon: Now way, homes. That chilli made 3 grown fire fighters cry for their mommas, man.

Bill: Sure they did... Maybe because you kept playing with their asses. Czecher, show him your swing.

::Czecher draws back Captain Shovel and smacks it over the side of Ramon's head. Ramon drops to the floor in a heap. Bill shakes his head and pats Czecher on the back::

Bill: Nice work, Czechs. Take a bite.

::Czecher takes Bill's spoon and dips it in the chilli. He swallows the spoonfull and shrugs his shoulders::

Czecher: Pssh... They call that Chilli?... Oh... Wait a sec... Jesus... God... God help me! That's hot... hot... guys... hot... please... hot... help... hot. Ambulance... Ambulance...

Co Dubs: Would you like some water, Sir?

Czecher: (choking) Yes... Yes water would be good...

::Co Dubs leans over and pulls a water cooler from it's base. He holds it up to Czecher and Czecher tries to grabs a cup::

Czecher: I can't get a... Cup... A cup...

::Napalm reaches over and pulls a cup out of the tube. He fills it up with water and helps Czecher drink it::

Czecher: Oh my god... That hits the spot.

Bill: You OK, Czecher? That chilli wasn't too hot for you was it?

Czecher: No... No... I think I just swallowed a dune bug or something.

Bill: Right... Right.

::Out of the admiring rubble comes a guy in a suit. He shakes Dynamite's hand::

Suit: Hi, Mr Dynamite. It's great to have you here. I'm Ben Bateman, the guy who runs this chilli off. We know you've got skill at eating this kinda hot stuff so we'd like to invite you to our hottest known chilli... Would you like to try it?

Bill: Sure... Why not. Guys, lets go. Czecher, get your act together, man.

::Bateman ushers Dynamite, Czecher and D.O.G.S to an impressive stall. Bill and his entourage jump the queue and Bill's eyes meet with the guy behind the stall... It's his old Chilli eating enemy, José Jimanez::

Jimanez: Well Well Well... Bill Dynamite. You've come back to face your destiny. You beat my record in '92... I still haven't beaten it. It was a whole lot of chillies you ate that day, we wondered if you had laced your throat with wax.

Bill: José Jimanez. I'd say it's a pleasure to see you again. but... I'd be lying. I ate 72 jelepenos that day because I'm a double hard bastard... But you're just a little softy.

Jimanez: Well Bill. It's time for you to bow down to me. This Chili won the London Chili festival this year... It's gonna make you weap like an anthrax tampax.

Bill: Are you still hung up on chilli? Have you not moved on at all in your life? I suppose your whole world is chilli, huh. I bet if your momma died tomorrow, you'd be thinking about peppers at her funeral.

Jimanez: My mother died last year. I dedicated my chilli to her.

Bill: I'm not sorry. You're pathetic. Chilli is still your life. Well my life isn't chilli. It never was, never will be. You need to grow up. You need to find something better to do with your life. You must eat chilli everyday, I dread to think what your toilet smells like... It probobly smells like a Canadian's armpit. I'm a wrestler now. A movie-star. I'm a huge celebrity. I'm the personality Elvis Presley wished he was. I'm the talent The Beatles wanted to be. I'm the athelete Michael Jordon drives to emulate. what are you...? Just some ho making chilli... Sad.

Jimanez: Oh yeah... The big-shot Bill Dynamite. You said you'd make it big and we all laughed at you. I suppose you proved us wrong huh... Well I got news for ya, we never gave a shit about anything you did, and we still don't. You've never been World Champion and in my opinion, you're never gonna see World gold for as long as you live. I'm gonna be there on Sunday. I won tickets for my chilli. I'm gonna be there with a British Brawler t-shirt on in the front row. British Brawler is gonna tear you a new ass hole at Hell & Back.

Bill: You've got a lot of learning to do. Have you been living in an ass for 3 weeks? I've already beaten British Brawler for the 1...2...3, TWICE. What makes you think Brawler will pull off a miricle at Hell & Back? You need a C.A.T scan, son. I only have to turn up to win that match. It's not gonna be an epic. It's not gonna be a classic match, I'm just gonna turn up, bury British Brawler and be named the World Heavyweight Champion... It's gonna be terrible for Brawler fans. British Brawler's reign as Champion has gone on long enough. His ability to turn it on in the big matches is uncanny, he does it everytime. But this time is different. This time, I'm gonna switch it on in the big match. You think I was looking good the last 2 times I beat him? I was only at half-pace. Just 2nd gear. We all know British Brawler has talent and he's had a good run. But it's over now. You better keep that British Brawler t-shirt you got because after I bury him at Hell & Back, that t-shirt will be an antique. Do you really think British Brawler will continue wrestling after Sunday? Do you really think he'll stay around after I take his belt at Hell & Back? Don't be ridiculous, José. I'm gonna bury him under 6 feet of dirt. It'll be a miricle if he even survives. And even if he does survive, what makes you think he'll still have any dignity? What makes you think that he'll still have the pride to show his face in public? Because he won't. I'm gonna bust his face up so much that people won't even recognise his face anyway. Do you unerstand me, José?

Jimanez: I understand you, Bill. I understand because you speak English, but the words you say are not true. One day your time will come, Dynamite. One day you probobly will be crowned World Champion... But not this sunday. Not at Hell & Back. Not against British Brawler. You don't deserve it. What you deserve, Dynamite, is a royal kick up the ass. Look at all the horrible things you've done to Brawler over the years. You were his friend. He trusted you. He brought you into FWL as his partner. His brother went to for advice when you were both in hospital back in GWC. But you turned on Magnus, and in turn, you screwed British Brawler. You contibuted to Magnus' death and if that wasn't enough... You blew up his funeral with a C4 explosive. You wrecked the moment his family could say goodbye... You're a sick man, Dynamite. You are a bastard! Look at all these people that have followed you today. Look at them... Why are they here? Are they here because they love you? No. Are they here because they respect you? No. They're here because they believe the Bill Dynamite that struts around the ring and causes havoc in people's lives is a funny act... They think you're amusing. But what they should realise is that Bill Dynamite is really an asshole. Bill Dynamite, inside, is exactly the disrespectfull peice of shit these people see on TV every week. You killed your parents. You know it, I know it, the police know it... They just couldn't prove it. What kind of son of a bitch kills his parents?

Bill: I was a son of a bitch... That's the point. That's why I did it, José. You know what my parents were like. You know my Dad was a drunken bully that used to beat on women. You know my Mother was a slut, a drug addict... Just a common junky. What makes her any different to all the other junkies that create crime in our cities? Because she was rich? Is that was makes her different? Because she didn't live in a small, shit-hole downtown? Because she wasn't on wellfare? That makes me sick. They both deserved everything they got, and I don't regret it one tiny bit. I'd do it again.

Jimanez: Exactly. That proves my point exactly. You're scum Dynamite. Pure, 100% scum, and I hope British Brawler shows you that not only are you common scum, but you're just not that good in the ring either!

Bill: You still don't get it. I AM that good in the ring. It's become quite a problem for you haters. You think because I'm such a great personality that I don't have the ability to back it up, but unfortunately for you... I do. Maybe in the past I didn't have the in-ring talent. But that's what experience is all about. I've had a lot of fights now and I've grown as a fighter. I've grown to the best. The Best. It'll all be proven at Hell & Back. I've always had those jealous fools who've doubted me over the years. Eric Poyntz, Shane Creed, there's lots more, trust me. But I'm gonna show them all. You and the rest of the doubters will be watching on Sunday. The whole world will be watching, Live from the Sky Dome... Nobody will be able to deny me what is rightfully mine and that's being the best there is!

Jimanez: One of these days, Bill, someone will come along who's more sadistic than you. Someone will come along that will show you just what being an asshole is all about and they'll hurt you. What goes around, comes around, Bill. And I think it's about to turn around and bite you in the ass. Someone will come along and show you to be the talentless little prick you are and I'll be there to see it... Or even better, I'll be the man to do it!

Co Dubs: You want me to grab this guy's head and turn it into guacamole, Boss?

Bill: Nah... I want him to stay healthy for the time-being. I want him to be there on Sunday. I want him and all the idiots who doubt me to be there in the Sky Dome. All of em in the front row... I want them there on Sunday so I can see their faces when I'm named the X2W World Heavyweight Champion.

::Dynamite kicks over the large pot of Chilli into Jimenaz's face and leaves the stall. Dynamite, Czecher and D.O.G.S make their way back to the 'Bill Mania' bus and leave the paramedics to attend to a burning spaniard::
