Welcome To Adrenaline

Location: Adrenaline | MGM Grand - Las Vegas, Nevada
Date of Event: November 19th, 2005
Main Event Match: Johnny Arnette [Vs.] The Rumbler
Edition #: 5

( An AWA video package plays as "Dope Show" by Marilyn Manson blares. The package finally comes to a close at an AWA logo. We cut directly to the Adrenaline studio in the American Wrestling Alliance offices in Las Vegas, Nevada. We see Lexus Malone and Maxwell Williams sitting at their desk, smiling. Maxis smoking a cigarette as Lexus casually sips on a drink. They look directly into the camera. )

Lexus Malone: Welcome everyone to Saturday night Adrenaline!

Max Williams: Yeah, yeah. Fuck you. Start the show. Hopefully Ryba or Manson showed up this week. We're already ready.

( Just as Max is about to send the show does to the commenators in the booth the phone rings. Lexus picks up the phone and is silent for a moment then speaks.]

Lexus Malone:"You have to be kidding me? Manson really thinks that he can hold our show hostage? Does he realize he no longer has that kind of power here?....Tell him NO DEAL!"

( Lexus hangs up the phone and looks at Max )

Lexus Malone:"We have a tiny problem."

Maxwell Williams:"And that would be?"

Lexus Malone:"Michael Manson is not showing up this week. He feels that he needs to " renegotiate " his contract. Apparently he feels that he's "out performed" his contract, and wants more money."

Maxwell Williams:"Are you Fucking kidding me?"

( Lexus shakes her head no.)

Lexus Malone:"Nope, I'm not."

( Max slams his fist down on his desk and gets up from his chair.)

Lexus Malone:"Where are you going?"

Maxwell Williams:"To declare Rymba the winner."

Lexus Malone:"What about Manson?"

Maxwell Williams:"What about him? He lost it's that simple. I can't belive that he's pulling a Terrell Owens on us. Fuckin' Punk."

( Maxwell walks out of the office leaving Lexus sitting behind the desk as he heads down to the ring.)

Michael Ryba [Vs] Michael Manson

Betty Bangzer:"Ladies and Gentlemen..Please Welcome..Maxwell Willimas."

( "Fire Starter" by Prodigy Maxwell Williams walks to the ring like a man on a mission. Michael Ryba is already standing in the far left corner of the ring. Maxwell jogs up the steps, and takes the microphone from Betty. He gives her a little kiss on the cheek, betty blushes then steps out of the ring. Maxwell looks around at the crowd and speaks.)

Maxwell Williams:"You people deserve alot better than this."

( Maxwell sighs and looks down disappointed. He then raises his head up.)

Maxwell Williams:"Unfortunately Michael Manson thinks he's better than the rest of the boys in the locker back there. He thinks he can pull a Terrell Owens on Myself,Lexus, and Samantha and get away with it. So Ryba...You get the win tonight buddy. I know it's not the way you would have wanted it, but atleast you can take it easy and enjoy the rest of the show."

(Ryba begins to pace then turns around and punches the termbuckle out of fustration. He walks up to Maxwell and stares coldly at him, then shakes his head. He exists the ring and walks up the ramp)

Maxwell Williams:"Hey, Ryba, There's nothing I could do man. Blow that steam off somewhere else and never look at me that way again."

("Fire Starter" blares over the pa as Maxwell drops the mic and exits the ring.)

Welcome Back

(The scene openes up to the backstage arena of the MGM Grand. A tall blonde hair genetleman is seen walking around. He looks at each door as he passes. Until he finaly stops infront of the door that reads "Brandi James". We see him from only the back as he knocks on the door. With in seconds the door is opened by Brandi.)

Brandi James:"Hey......"

( She automatically pauses as her face becomes pale white, and her jaw nearly hits the floor.)

Brandi James:"I...I...wow.. I can't believe that you're here. How?...When?...Why Now?"

( Brandi's voice softens as the man hugs her. She pushes him away when she notices the camera.)

Brandi James:"You can't be here...Rick will go phsycho...You need to go!"

(Brandi slams the door quickly. The man stands there still looking at the door, and chuckles.)

Mystry Man#4:"You can slam the door if you want to, but I know you still Love me Brandi!"

( The man touches the door, and runs his fingers over Brandi's name.)

Mystry Man#4:"I know I still love you."

( The scene fades as the man walks away without us ever seeing his face.)

Aspen Jacabos [Vs]Skylar Black

( We cut to the ring to see that Aspen Jacobs and Skylar Black are already ready to fight. Aspen and Skylar stare at each other from across the ring. They circle around a bit as Aspen just sits back and smirks at Sklyar. Skylar charges towards Aspen, as she simply jumps into the air and drop kicks her in the face. She falls to the ground, and lies there a bit before slowly getting up. Aspen just walks around to her side, and kicks her in the back of the head and she tumbles forward a bit. She jumps up, and charges at Aspen, and Aspen goes for another drop kick, but Skylar stops, and kneels down, and Aspen winds up falling down into a back breaker type of move. ]

Dan"heywood"jablowme:"Wow these two lovely ladies aren't messing around."

Mike Oxbig: "Fuck, I really wanted to see a bra and panties match."

Dan"heywoodjab"blowme:"Well maybe another time."

[ Aspen moves around on the ground holding her back as she screams in a bit of pain. Skylar sizes Aspen up as she drops a quick elbow, and jumps back up. She sizes Aspen up again, and drops a nicely done and executed fist drop. She jumps up again, and drops back down with a legdrop right across Aspen's throat. Skylar stands up, and plays it to the crowd as they cheer her on. She turns around a few seconds later, and is planted with an implant ddt by Aspen, and she just lies there as Aspen stands over her and laughs. Aspen reaches down, and grabs her by the hair, and lifts her head up, and hooks on a dragon sleeper as she begins screaming. After a few seconds of this torture, she releases the hold, and she too begins to play it to the crowd. )

Dan"Heywood"jablowme: Nice match so far..

Mike Oxbig: Yes, it sure is.. Lets hope it stays like this..

[ Aspen stands there, waiting for Skylar to stand, and when she does, she throws her to the ropes. When she comes back, Aspen jumps into the air for a hurracanrana, and Skylar charges faster, and grabs Aspen, and drops her with an elevated powerbomb. Both Aspen an Skylar lie there on the ground regaining themselves. Skylar is the first up, and she wraps her arms around the head and shoulders of Aspen. then knees her a few times in the head. Skylar runs to the otherside of the ring, and she comes running back, and suddenly Aspen leaps up, and places Skylar down with The Dead Man's Hand! Aspen falls face first after hitting the move, and so does Skylar. )

Mike Oxbig: Well, if Aspen can get up, the match will be over..

Dan"heywood"jablowme: Hey.. Don't count Skylar out..

( Aspen slowly begins getting up, as Skylar just visibly begins to move. Aspen rolls a few feet, and lays an arm on top of Skylar, and the ref. slides into place. )


( Skylar kicks out almost not in time, and rolls ontop of Aspen for a pin of her own. )


( Aspen kicks out without hesitation. Aspen slowly makes it to her feet, and grabs Skylar by the head and lifts her to her feet. Aspen boots her in the stomach, and she bends over, and she hooks her arms, lifts her in the air, and drops her with a double arm backbreaker. She bounces off her knee, and rolls to the outside of the ring. Aspen falls to the ground a bit, and uses the ropes to get up. As Skylar uses the ring apron, Aspen charges across the ring, and slides towards her with a baseball slide, but Skylar moves, and Aspen slides out to her feet. She turns around, and Skylar slaps Aspen across her face. Aspen turns and falls to one knee, and stands back up, but Skylar slaps her again. Aspen turns and looks at her, and she goes to slap Aspen again, but Aspen catches her arm.)

Mike Oxbig: All I can say is wow....

( Skylar then tries to kick her in the stomach, but she blocks that.. She looks around a bit confused, then smiles as she.. headbutts Skylar! Aspen lets her go and holds her nose as she slaps her a third time, and she falls to the ground. Aspen crawls on the ground, and gets up, still holding her nose and face, and turns around. As Skylar scoops Aspen up, and drops her with a body slam. )

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: And again, Skylar gets on the offense.. Who said nice girls can't defend themselves

Mike Oxbig: Offense, Defense.. They're all alike i guess..

( Skylar rolls back into the ring. She then hops on the middle rope, and leaps over the top, and lands on Aspen with a knee. Aspen screams as she rolls around again. Skylar grabs Aspen by the head, and raises her up, and slides her into the ring. She jumps onto the ring apron, and then goes to catupult herself over the top rope, but Aspen moves, and she lands on her ass and elbow. Aspen slowly stands up, and lifts up Skylar, then hits her with a gutwrench suplex. Skylar goes flying across the ring. Aspen begins to slowly, and cockily walk up to Skylar. She kneels down next to her and grabs her arm.. From there she proceeds to give her an.. INDIAN ROPE BURN! Skylar screams in pain as the ref. checks for her submission.. )

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Odd tactics taken by Aspen Jacobs

Mike Oxbig: Well, you do what you got to do, and why not this?

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Have you ever gotten one of those?

Mike Oxbig: No..

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: COME HERE!

Mike Oxbig: AAAH!

( The fans begin to cheer as Aspen lets go of Skylar's arm, and looks down the ramp way to see.. Tiffany Phoenix ! She starts walking down to the ring, pointing and yelling at Aspen. Aspen tries to ignore her as she lifts up Skylar and hits a quick snap suplex on her. She then kicks her in the head as she wanders over to the ropes, and begins pointing and yelling down at Tiffany. Tiffany laughs as from behind, Skylar drop kicks Aspen in the back, and she falls forward. Tiffany jumps up on the apron and helps Skylar roll Aspen up with a school boy pin. Tiffany then jumps down before the ref see's what has just happened. The ref. Johnny X quickly slides into place, and with a count a little faster then usual begins the count.. )


Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Skylar Black JUST BEAT Aspen Jacobs! Thanks to Tiffany Phoenix. I wonder what business she had out here.

Mike Oxbig: Really? Well, i'm not blind, so i could see that.. And simple Skylar is the Fem-X Champion. If I were Tiffany, I'd want my husband to notice me again. And the best way to get Rick's attention is to have title.

Dan"heywoodja"blowme:" And you think she'd rather face Skylar?"

Mike Oxbig: "Sure, I do...Aspen can kick both their Asses....There was a screw job performed here tonight Dan...A screw job I tell you!"

The Revolution Will Be Televised!

( The Titan-tron flickers and the crow goes nuts as Jimmy Stryker is seen on the Titan-tron. He's wearing his new T-shirt "The Relvolution Will Be Televised!"

Jimmy Stryker:"Hey kids! Are you sick of old people? Are you sick of your bitch mom, and asshole dad trying to tell you what to do every minute of your life? Do you want Freedom from the everyday such ass world?"

( The camera pans back to show a full shot of Jimmy.)

Jimmy Stryker:"Well, tell them all FUCK YOU! That's right uncle Jimmy is giving you children full permission to flip your old man and old lady the bird. You know the finger, the ole good luck Hawian salute! I'm not going to feed you kiddies a bunch of shit! You know telling you to eat your veggies and take your vitmans, that's sheer bullshit!"

(The camera turns to a phone room with people ready to answer the phones in front of them.)

Jimmy Stryker:"You can start by ordering one of my shirts. Be part of something worth while. Order a shirt and tell the AWA that Jimmy Stryker is it's soul support. All profits line my pockets baby! Since the AWA wants to censor me, wants to try to silence me. They aren't getting a piece of my merchandise money! Fuck You Lexus! Fuck You Maxwell! And a huge Fuck You Sam! You're not bigger than ME!"

( Jimmy grabs the camera and sticks his face into the lens)

Jimmy Stryker:"The army is building. Forget the warriors, forget Hulkamania...Forget anything or anyone you've ever know! My Revolution will be live! It will be unlike anything you fuckers have seen! Believe that bitch!"

( Jimmy shoves the camera to the ground as the phone can be heard ring like crazy and the titan-tron becomes snowy.)

Angela Jameson [Vs]Ridge Perkins

Betty Bangzer:"Our next match is scheduled for one fall. First making her way to the ring from St. Augustine,Florida... The Youngblood Champion...Angela Jameson

( Make me Bad by Korn blares over the Pa system. Angela Jameson stands at the top of the ramp and pumps her fist with the Young Blood title over her right shoulder. She walks down to the ring to a mix of cheers and boos. Angela runs up the steps,and hops over the top rope. She raises her title over her head as thousands of flashes go off. As her music fades she looks at the top of the ramp waiting for her challenger.)

Betty Bangzer:"And from...."

( Before Betty can finish her sentence "You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC hits. Lexus Malone comes out holding a microphone. She looks to her left then her right, and makes a slashing motion across her throat to signal to cut the music.)

Lexus Malone:"Angie...I'm so sorry to do this to you, but unfortunately Ridge Perkins feels he's above fighting you."

( The Crowd boos as Lexus shrugs her shoulders.)

Lexus Malone:Yes...I'm mad about this as well....however on our Super Pay Per View show you will face the opponent of your choice. Now should you choose Ridge...he will be forced to show up. And if he doesn't it will result in immediate termation."

( Angela at first didn't seemed pleased that she came prepared to fight only to be told her opponent is a no show. She smiles once she hears the terms of the following weeks big match. Lexus looks at Angela and smiles.)

Lexus Malone:"Oh and did I mention that it will be in a match of your choice?"

( Angela nods smiling now ear to ear and points at Lexus.)

Lexus Malone:"So take the night off and enjoy the rest of the show...You get the victory on this easy one!"

Betty Bangzer:"And the winner of this match by count out....Angela Jameson!"

( Make Me Bad by Korn plays as Lexus claps her hands and acknowledging Angela. Who begins her way up towards the back stage.)

Jalie in the Cupboard!

[ The scene faded in backstage. The halls were empty, and nearly silent. A hurried whisper was coming from a door directly ahead. The sign across it read "Janitorial Closet". The scene switched to the inside, where Jalie Thomas was now visible along with her trusty manager Hobo Nick. He was making a rushed conversation while Jalie swatted cobwebs from her face.

"So you see? You should at least talk to him. Do something. Let him know how you feel. This isn’t gonna go away all on it’s own. And you ignoring it is just making him think you’ve got something for Cody."

Jalie retched.

"Precisely." Nick added. "So, all in all, I think it would be wise to put your ego aside and at least speak to your husband. How hard can it be?"

"It’s not the speaking to him that’s hard… It’s getting him to listen." Jalie pointed out.

"Well he has a match with Sexton tonight. You at least want him to know you’re still there, right? Go down to the ring with him. Show some support."

Jalie made a face reminiscent of a child being forced to eat spinach. "Ahh… Fine!"

Nick nodded his approval. The two sat in silence for a moment before Jalie finally asked the question that was on everyone’s mind.

"Nick… Why are we in a broom cupboard?"

Seth Thomas [Vs] Glen Sexton

(The stage darkened and "Polyamorous" by Breaking Benjamin began to play. The crowd was a deafening mix of raucous cheers from the Cody Carson haters, and a chorus of boos from the few others. Whatever side they were on didn’t matter to Seth as he walked out onto the stage. His cocky smirk was in place as usual as he sauntered down to the ring. He slid inside and stood up to lean against the ropes.

Mike OxBig: Seth looks to be in good shape for his return.

"Never Gonna Stop" by Rob Zombie cut over the PA and out came Glen Sexton. Seth looked bored, checking his non-existent watch and feigning a yawn. When Glen hit the ring Seth dropped his antics and charged him. The two were on the ground and Seth was laying punches to Glen’s forehead. Glen finally got some defense in and was able to shove Seth to the ground. Sexton nailed a dropkick to Seth’s forehead and dashed up the opposing turnbuckle. He flew off, trying for a senton bomb but Seth rolled out of the ring. Glen, being the acrobat, was able to soften his landing by leaning forward into a sitting position.

Mike OxBig: Now that’s flexibility.

Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: Dude. Eww.

Mike OxBig: …What?

( In a flash he was up, hitting the ropes and sending himself flying over and out, only to miss Seth and go crashing to the floor outside. Seth had slid into the ring at the last minute and got to his feet. He tapped the side of his head, smirking as Gary crawled back to his feet.

Mike OxBig: Seth is just toying with him now…

Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: That’s nice…

( Dan’s attention was on the ramp, where Jalie Thomas was striding down toward the ring. She made her way to Seth’s corner of the ring and leaned against the apron. Seth looked at her, confused. He started to ask her what she was doing down here when he was knocked down from behind by Sexton. Jalie rolled her eyes.

Mike OxBig: Jalie not too pleased with Seth’s rookie mistake there.

( Glen attempted to pick Seth up but was caught with a right hand to the jaw. Seth hooked his arms around Sexton and leveled him with a german suplex, followed by a dragon suplex, and a tiger suplex to complete his Trifection. Jalie was cheering for him, and yelling for him to finish it. Seth dropped down, landing a knee to Glen’s back, then pulling him over to lock in Muerte Lenta. Within seconds Glen began tapping furiously. Seth finally let go and got to his feet as Jalie slid in the ring. She pushed the referee out of the way and took Seth’s hand. The two shared a meaningful glance as she raised his arm.

Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: Seth’s victory seems to have brought these two a little closer together.

Mike OxBig: I told you not to get your hopes up.

(Jalie led the way out of the ring. She and Seth headed up the ramp and backstage together

AWA Merchandise

Be the first to own your very piece of AWA Merchandise. Get your C.O.A...( Center of Attention) Brandi James T-shirts, or Skylar Blacks trade mark butterfly necklace.

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Kids under 18 get your parents permission before ordering!

Call 1-888-AWA-OWNS

Mike Young[Vs] Brandi James

( We cut back to ringside to see that Mike Young is already in the ring. All of a sudden "My Goddes" by Exies plays as the lights dim and violet strobe lights flash about the arena. Brandi James- struts out with Rick Young by her side with his arm on her shoulder. She pauses on stage, smirking at the crowd, recieving heavy boos in reaction to Rick grabbing her and the two making out at the top of the stage. She and Rick walk slowly toward the ring and finally slides in. As Rick stares Mike down on the outside of the ring. The lights come back up as the ref rings the bell. )

Mike Oxbig: And we're underway!

( The two wrestlers run at each other and grapple. Brandi gets a hammer lock but it is reversed by Mike into another hammer lock. Mike tosses Brandi into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but misses. Brandi bounces off the other rope but this time Mike connects with a dropkick. Mike begins stomping away at Brandi. Brandi gets to the corner and the ref breaks it up. Brandi gets up and begins pounding away at Mike with a series of right hands. She tosses Mike to the ropes and hits a big clothesline. )

Mike Oxbig: Hey Dan, wake me up when this match starts going somewhere.

( Brandi picks Mike up, but Mike kicks her in the gut and plants Brandi with a DDT. He goes for the cover... 1…2…kick out! Mike picks Brandi up and tosses her into the corner. Mike puts Brandi on the top turnbuckle. Brandi attempts a shooting star press off the top rope but Mike catches her and turns it into a short powerbomb. He hooks the leg of Brandi... 1…2…Brandi gets a shoulder up. )

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: That was a little too close for Rick Young I'm sure. Who is helpless on the outside of the ring.

( Mike Young picks up Brandi by the head and tosses Brandi into the ropes and then backdrops her over the tope rope and on to the floor below. )

Mike Oxbig: Oh no! If Brandi is hurt, then this shitty match will have to stop! What could we do?

( Mike steps out on to the apron and goes for a leg drop on the fallen Brandi but Brandi rolls out of the way just in time and Mike Young hits his tailbone hard. Brandi slowly gets up and tries for a DDT but is kicked in the knee by Mike. Mike then picks Brandi up for a tombstone piledriver and her flat down on her head. Mike picks Brandi up and lays her flat on the Announcer’s table. Mike Young climbs to the apron and gets on to the top turnbuckle nearest Brandi. He points to the commentators. )

Mike Oxbig: Don’t even think about it you dumb bastard!

( As soon as he opens his mouth Mike jumps off and goes for a huge splash, but Brandi is already up. Thanks to Rick lifting her off the table. Rick stands there, and meets Mike mid-air and delivers a 3/4 Turn Neckbreaker straight through the table! )

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Hey that's not fair! This match is only suppose to be between Mike and Brandi. Not Mike, Rick and Brandi.

Mike Oxbig: "Heh, Life isn't fair Dan, it serves that dumb son of a bitch right.

( Rick and Brandi stand over Mike as he is lying face down motionless in the rubble. The crowd in their disapproval for the pair begin chants of "slut, slut, slut"... Brandi shrugs them off an eventually kicks Mike in the ribs to get him up, She climbs into the ring and waits for Mike. Mike gets up and crawls into the ring but brings the ring bell with him. Brandi kicks Mike in the gut and Mike drops the ring bell. Brandi gets him in a full nelson and delivers a bridging pin Dragon Suplex. 1…2… kick out! Brandi climbs to the top turnbuckle as Mike is getting up, Brandi leaps off and attempts a double axe-handle but out of nowhere Mike Young nails her with the ring bell. )

Dan "Heywoodja"blowme: Mike is going to beat Brandi James. Even with his brothers interfernce.

Mike Oxbig: Do you really think Rick will allow that shit?

( Mike makes the cover but Rick lunges into the ring, and takes Brandi's leg and hooks her leg on the bottom rope: 1…2…3! The ref Johnny X ....sees the leg and doesn’t call for the bell because the pin is no good, but Mike Young is already running around the ring in celebration. Brandi gets up slowly as Rick jumps into the ring over the top rope, Brandi and Rick walk up behind Mike who is celebrating on the corner turnbuckle with the crowd. Brandi gives him a double kidney punch after she punches Mike, Rick Lifts Mike up for a vertical suplex, but hits Twist of Fate and then falls.... . )

Mike Oxbig: Ahhhhhhhh! First the Razor Blade DDT on his wife and now Rick Young has given Mike Young his own brother his own finisher!

( Rick delivers a RazorBlade DDT on his own brother. Mike Young lands hard on the mat. As the crowd begins to chant "Rick screwed Tiffany...Rick Screwed Tiffany!" )

Dan"Heywoodja"blowme: So unfair the way, this match is done!

( Brandi hooks the leg and goes for the pin: 1…2…kick out! )

Mike Oxbig: Damn it! I was ready for this piece of shit match to be over!

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Learn to be nice.

( A very frustrated Brandi walks out of the ring and gets a chair, and climbs back in. The ref is yelling at her not to use it, but Brandi just shrugs him off. As Rick is pounding on the mat telling her to hit Mike with the chair. Brandi picks Mike up and bounces him off the ropes. Mike ducks it and delivers a swinging neck breaker. )

Mike Oxbig: What a whiff by Brandi!

( Mike climbs to the top rope and waits for Brandi to get up and face him. Once he has the chance, he jumps off and goes for a dropkick but Brandi smashes him across the face with the chair. As Rick nods in approval clapping on the outside of the ring. Mike lands with a thud spitting blood everywhere. Brandi lifts the head of Mike from the mat and begins slamming Mike’s face into the mat repeatedly. Brandi picks Mike up but Mike in a desperate attempt delivers another kick to her knee and Brandi drops the chair. Mike takes Brandi to the corner turnbuckle and puts her on top turnbuckle and signals for a Superplex on the chair, The ref Johnny X has already moved the chair to the outside. Mike yells in fustration at the ref for doing so while he hooks the head of Brandi for the Superplex, but Brandi blocks Mike. Brandi then gets a hold of her own, leaps off and delivers a huge front face DDT. )

Mike Oxbig: That was huge!

( Brandi slowly climbs to her feet once more and looks down at Mike. She runs back to the corner and leaps to the top rope. She poses for the crowd and suddenly leaps off, nailing her finishing move Foreplay [corkscrew Moonsault]!!! She lays on Mike for the pin. 1... 2... 3!!! "My Goddes" by The Exies blares over the PA System as Brandi climbs to her feet and raises her arms to the crowd. As Rick slides in the ring lifting Brandi up in the air in celebration. The crowd boos as the two begin pointing and laughing at mike as he slowly makes his way up the ramp and through the back stage curtain. )

Betty Bangzer: And here is your winner... BRANDI JAMES

The Bikini contest

( Canceled )

Alex Wilkins [Vs] Jimmy Stryker

Alex Wilkins is already in the ring as "Never Met A Motherfucker Like Me" by Kid Rock begins to play. The fans boos carry over from Wilkins to Stryker as he struts out on the stage. He makes his way down the ramp, yelling at the occasional fan on his way. He hops up on the apron and steps through the middle rope only to be met with a running charge by Wilkins.

Mike OxBig: Damn, Alex isn’t wasting any time here.

Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: Can you blame him? With how he’s been performing lately he’s got to do something to win.

Jimmy scrambles into the corner as Alex nails him with a few boots to the head. Alex steps out of the corner and takes a walk around the ring. He gives the fans a few hand gestures before turning back to Jimmy. As Alex gets closer Jimmy pulls himself up and hits Wilkins with a couple hooks. Alex stumbles out to the middle of the ring where he gets taken down by a spear from Jimmy. Stryker gets Alex in a headlock and continues to feed him right hands. Finally Jimmy gets up and bounces off the ropes, driving an elbow into Alex’s face.

Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: God forbid anything happens to his face…

Stryker picks Alex up by the hair, but before he can do anything Alex shoves his thumb into Jimmy’s eye.

Mike OxBig: That can’t be pleasant.

Alex runs at Jimmy and takes him down with a hard clothesline. Quickly, Alex bounces off the ropes with an asai moonsault but Jimmy gets his knees up. Alex bounces around on the mat a little and Jimmy gets to his feet. He picks Alex up and takes him over to the corner. He lifts him up on the turnbuckle and climbs up behind him. He hit’s the Whole Fucking Show in sequence and the ref goes to count.

1... 2... 3!

Jalie Thomas [Vs] Chris Presler

"Starless" by Crossfade began to play across the arena PA system. Chris Presler emerged from behind the curtains and dashed down to the ring. Directly when he hit the ring, the lights dimmed. Black lights flashed across the stage as "Twisted Transistor" by Korn began to play. The crowd began to cheer predictably. Jalie bounced out onto the stage, throwing her arms in the air and signaling the crowd to get louder. Predictably, they did. She sauntered down the ramp and slid inside the ring. The lights came back up and Presler made to charge at Jalie. She side-stepped him, looking bored. His shoulder connected with the ring post and sent him tumbling outside the ring. Jalie made a mad dash for the turnbuckle, flying off when he got to his feet and taking him down with a hurricanrana.

Mike OxBig: She could have just smacked her head off the barricade! She’s insane!

Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: And you’re just now realizing this?

Jalie got to her feet and rolled Presler inside. She followed after as Chris got to his feet. Jalie got in his face, shouting obscenities and laughing at him. Suddenly Presler clocked her and sent her crashing to the mat, but not before her head collided with the turnbuckle. Jalie’s lower lip was bleeding. She put a hand to it and drew back at the sight of her own blood. Her eyes welled with tears and suddenly… She fainted.

Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: …You’ve gotta be kidding me.

Presler’s eyes went wide. He kneeled down to check on her, cradling her head. Jalie continued to lie motionless. Finally Chris stood and started yelling at the referee to call for EMT’s. The ref was occupied at the apron, signaling for medical help. Jalie opened one eye and the crowd erupted. Presler turned to look at her and her head dropped back down. When he turned away, she crawled to her feet and put a finger to her lips, silencing the crowd.

Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: You heard the woman! Shhh!

She dropped Presler with a low blow while the referee was occupied, then ascended the turnbuckle for the second time. She flew off with a corkscrew plancha, rolled to her feet and bounced off the ropes to hit a lionsault, completing Muerte Roja. She screamed for the ref to do his job and dropped onto Presler for the cover.

1... 2... 3!

Adonis [Vs] Rick Young Guest Ref. Cody Carson

Betty Bangzer:"The next contest is scheduled for one fall..First from Heaven..Please welcome..AWA's First teen Idol ! Adonis!"

( In control hits as Adonis makes his way to the ring. He's being carried on a thrown with four huge men carrying him down, two men on each side of the thrown with four beautiful goddess like women throwing rose petels infront of the him as he carried down. He soaks up the cheers fromt he crowd as he blows them kisses on his way being carried to the ring. Adonis gets down and gets in the ring.)

Betty Bangzer:"And your special guest ref. "The Resolution" Cody Carson!"

( Faint" by Linkin Park by linkin' park hits. A red cloud of smoke appears and Cody Carson jumps through it. He stands on the top of the ramp and pats his chest, and pops out his ref shirt, then points down to the ring. He runs down and flips over the top rope He stands there looking down at Adoni's bare feet, and shakes his head. )

Betty Bangzer:"And his opponent hailing from Ragely, Lousiana....being accompanied by Brandi James. Rick Young."

[ The arena all of the sudden is plunged in to complete darkness as the AWA tron lights up with a white back drop. The white back drop isn’t there for very long before the sound of something slicing through something is heard as three slits are made in to the white back drop turning the white in to black spots, but it isn’t long before the black spots starts to bleed a dark red color that starts to take over the white part of the back drop. That’s when a series of small explosions along the entrance goes off leaving in to…]

Fear will kill me, all I could be…

Lift these sorrows…

Let me breathe, could you set me free…

Could you set me free…

[ The fans in the go ape shit hearing “Metalingus” by Alter Bridge as the dark blood like red color fades away in to clips of Rick Young long storied career. The boos are almost deafening as Rick Young makes his out on to the stage decked out his trademark black cargo pants, but with a white silk shirt on instead of his sleeveless blood red trench coat. Rick and Brandi slowly make their way down to the ring not really paying attention to the fans booing him. ]

On this day I clearly see everything has come to life…

A bitter place and a broken dream…

And we'll leave it all behind…

On this day its so real to me…

[ Once Rick got down to the bottom of the ramp he took off and ran to dive in to the ring underneath the bottom rope. Rick jumps up to his feet and then climbs to the top of a turnbuckle and flashes the crowd his trademark “Violent One” pose which causes the fans only to boo more. He turns to look down at Brandi still holding his fingers posed with the smile still on his face. Brandi walks up to Betty and take the microphone away from her. She taps the top of the mic and speaks. ]

Brandi James:"Adonis, you little minx. Tonight you won't get to face my hunny. You see Rick isn't feeling well....He has a bit of a cough."

Mike Oxbig:"Awww...Poor Rick!"

Dan"Heywoodja"blowme:"Poor Rick? C'mon Mike, we both know he's not sick!"

Mike Oxbig:"If Brandi says he's sick then I believe her!"

Dan"Heywoodja"blowme:"Well, you're the only one than."

( Rick paces back and forth and pretends to cough. Brandi makes a sad face, and rubs her hand over Rick's back.)

Brandi James:"See...and I know you'd want a healthy Rick...So..I think.

Dan"Heywoodja"blowme:"This is silly! Where's Lexus or Max to put a stop to this."

Mike Oxbig:"Brandi is just being honest. My God...You really think a woman as pure as Brandi would lie?"

Dan"Heywoodja"blowme:"That witch would do anything for Rick. Ofcourse she would lie."

( Before Brandi can finish that sentence Cody Carson grabs the mic from her.)

Cody Carson:"You think? Ummm Brandi it's funny..You know these walls around here are so thin. And I had to be the unlucky bastard with his dressing room next door to you and rick."

( Rick steps infront of Carson and stares him down.)

Cody Carson:"Yeah, that's right asshole. I know you're not sick. That's why you were just nailing Brandi about 20 mins ago."

Mike Oxbig:"And what Carson isnt' telling you, is that he now has no kleenex in his dressing room..because of hearing Rick nailing Brandi."

Dan"heywoodja"blowme:"I don't get it."

Mike Oxbig:"I know you don't Dan!"

( The crowd starts chanting "Rick's still Married"..." Carson laughs, and shoves Rick's shoulder.)

Cody Carson:"See...You can't fool anyone Rick..They know you're faking. What did Brandi make you too tired to wrestle?"

( Cody starts looking Brandi over from head to toe, and licks his lips.)

Cody Carson:"Hell you know, I won't tire that easy Brandi."

( Brandi smirks, she places her hands on her hips and rolls her eyes.)

Brandi James:"Cody, knock it off."

Cody Carson:"Oh, I'll knocki it off alright, just as long as Rick doesn't think he gets a "free pass"..."

Brandi James:"He's got a cough due to cold..Carson>"

Cody Carson:"My Ass he does!"

( Before another thing can be said Cody calls for the bell. Adonis leaps on Rick's back before you can say "Village People". Adonis covers Rick's eyes as Rick spins around trying to get Adonis off of his back. Brandi charges at Adonis and Rick, but is met by Carson. Who points to the out side of the ring. Brandi raises her hand to try to smack Cody but Cody catches her hand and laughs. He picks Brandi up and flings her over his shoulder. Carson flips her down, and she lands on the out side of the ring on her ass. Cody turns around and see's Adonis still spining on Rick's back as he slaps Rick's ass. Cody laughs then walks over to them.)

Mike Oxbig:"I think someone should get Adonis a horse for Christmas. Hell this is the second guy he's fought that he tried to ride like a horse."

Dan"heywoodja"blowme:"Cut the kid a break Mike...Boys just wanna have fun!"

( Cody stands behind Adonis and pulls him off of Rick's back. Adonis moves in to attack Carson but Cody stops him. Adonis is a bit confused but steps back. Rick still dizzy wobbles over near Cody. Cody kick Rick in the stomach and gives him "Your Resolution". Adonis jumps up and down cheering, then stands over Rick and wiggles his toes.)

Mike Oxbig:"Get up Rick!"

Dan"heywoodja"blowme:"Too late Mike, it's piggy time!"

( Adonis smiles and then sticks his toes in Rick's mouth. Rick turns his head rapidly to try to avoid his fate.)

Mike Oxbig:"Sick....Rick you kiss Brandi with that mouth! She won't kiss you now."

Dan"heywoodja"blowme:"No kidding...we agree."

( Rick gets up and charges at Adonis but is met by a chop to the throat by Cody Carson. Rick falls backa and Carson just shrugs. He points to Adonis who lays directly on top of Rick. As Cody slides down to the mat and counts.....1....2...3...)

Mike Oxbig:"Rick just lost to Adonis. If I were him, I would be ashamed to have that on my record."

Dan:"Heywoodja"blowme:"I'm sure Adonis will take that win."

Mike Oxbig:"You said it Dan."

Johnny Arnette [Vs.] The Rumbler Main Event

Betty Bangzer: Ladies and gentleman This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the AWA Continental Championship. Introducing first, coming to use from his home town of Cincinnati, Ohio he is the challenger The Rummmmmbbbbllllleeeerrrr!!!!!

[Rumbler's music Bodies" by Drowning Pool hit’s the P.A’s and the Crowd are up on their feet. Rumbler is speed walking down the ramp with a mic in his hand and slides into the ring.]

Rumbler: Johnny! Yeah I’m more then ready for this match! It’s time to make history in the AWA in front of millions and billions of the Primetime fans. Tonight is a big night for me as you can tell and--

[Rumbler gets interrupted as the Crowd cheers chants of Rumbler]

Rumbler: Thank you, Thank you very much. Johnny you say you're the wrestler...well we'll see about that. You know there’s nothing like handing out ass whooping and I’m in the mood of doing so.

[Rumbler drops the mic and waits for Johnny as the crowd roars]

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Well Rumbler is certainly ready.

[The crowd pops one more time, but they are interrupted by the bass line of “Cochise" by Audioslave and immediately boo , Johnny Arnette steps out from behind the black Adrenaline curtain. Johnny walks slowly with an arrogant swagger as he makes his way to the ring steps and enters the ring. The Contnental title draped over his shoulder. He hands it to the ref and smiles a cocky smile at Rumbler.]

Betty Bangzer: And the Champion coming to us from Toronto, Canada. He is the RWA Contnental Champion. Johnny Arenette!!!!

[Just as the match is about to begin you hear.]

"ONE MINUTE YOU'RE ON TOP! Next your not, watch you drop...." ["You shook me" by Ac/Dc hits as Lexus Malone steps onto the stage. She holds a mic and silences her music quickly.]

Lexus Malone: Okay, I am going to make this short and sweet. Jimmy Stryker asked me to be involved in this evening...and he wanted to be involved in this match...so...

[ "You've never met a mother fucker" by Kid Rock over the speakers and the crowd goes nuts as Jimmy Stryker, wearing a striped Referee shirt steps out from behind the curtain and grins. He shakes Lexus's hand before flipping off the fans as he walks by. He rolls under the bottom rope and the fans cheer the popular heel as he stands on the middle rope. He walks over and Pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and shows it to the ref. The Ref hands him the title and gets out of the ring and starts to the back.]

Mike Oxbig: We have a guest ref.

[ Jimmy holds the belt up and the bell sounds. But Jimmy places the belt on his shoulder and stands on the middle rope rear by, raising the title. This sends the fans into an up roar of cheers. Jimmy Hops down and flashes a smiles at Johnny . He makes a motion at Jimmy and Stryker just laughs. He tosses the title out and moves around getting ready for the match.]

Dan"heywoodja"blowme:Here we go.

[Rumbler has cornered Arnette into the turnbuckle with a flurry of punches and kicks, leaving the Champion reeling. Rumbler finally pulls Arnette to the ropes and whips him across the ring, and as Arnette comes back from the ropes,Rumbler leaps into the air and takes down Johnny with a dropkick. Rumbler makes quick flip up to return to his feet, as he begins kicking away at Arnette, being sure to keep the attack on the champion. Rumbler quickly pulls Arnette up after a few more stiff kicks to Arnette's gut, but Arnette hits an inside cradle. Jimmy drops down and counts a semi quick two count.]

Dan "heywoodja"blowme:/b>A little quick.

Mike Oxbig: It’s his first time being a ref you jack ass.

[Rumbler quickly makes it to his feet and gets up in Stryker‘s Face. Arnette quickly rolls him up, grabbing the tights. Jimmy drops down and counts a very quick two count. Rumbler gets up and gets in Jimmy's Face, pushing him. Arnette just laughs. Rumbler expects a push but Jimmy just gives him the finger holding it inches from Rumbler's face. The crowd cheers and Rumbler Just shakes it off. He turns around and gets a close line. Arnette goes for a cover but again only a two count. ]

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: So far there has been 3 two counts from our so called ref.

[Rumbler kicks out and both men jump to their feet. Rumbler goes to clothline Arnette, but he ducks the arm, and then grabs it from behind, taking Rumbler down to the mat with a modified arm-bar! Rumbler's chest hits the mat hard and Arnette keeps the submission on his opponent. Rumbler slowly works his way up to his knees, and then flips over onto his back, breaking Johnny's submission hold, but Arnette hangs onto Rumbler's arm. Rumbler then jumps up to his feet and as Arnette rises to his feet, Rumbler goes to clothline Arnette again, but as Arnette holds onto his other arm, Rumbler wraps Arnette into a uniquely positioned DDT and drives Arnette's head into the canvas!]

Mike Oxbig: What the hell was that?!!

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: A... very unorthodox DDT? Like Arnette's hands where using Rumbler's right arm as a handle bar on a roller coaster right into the canvas...

Mike Oxbig: No Shit!!!

[Rumbler goes for a cover. Jimmy drops down and gives Rumbler the finger. He pushes himself to his feet and Rumbler gets up, him and Stryker starts arguing and Rumbler goes to slap Jimmy. Stryker stops him and goes to punch him, but stops. Jimmy points behind Rumbler and turns around and Arnette Grabs him By the wrist whipping him, but pulling him back and hit’s a super kick.]

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Super Kick.

[Arnette looks at Jimmy and out of the blue super kicks him. The fans boo as Stryker rolls onto his stomach and Arnette the last man standing. Jimmy Slowly Pushes himself to his feet and Arnette stares at him. Jimmy goes to call for the bell, but suddenly Stryker comes back and drills Arnette in the face sending him falling over top of Rumbler. The fans cheer as the heel falls on his ass.]

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: What the hell kind of ref is he?

Mike Oxbig: One you don’t piss off.

[Rumbler gets up and Stare at Jimmy. Jimmy walks over and hops onto the top rope and lays cockily across it in in the corner. Arnette rolls to his feet as Rumbler starts up the ropes. Arnette Chargers and hit’s the top rope, Rumbler falls in a flash and lands hard on the turnbuckle.]

Mike Oxbig:That had to hurt…

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: His manly part.

[Arnette climbs the ropes behind Rumbler and hooks him around the waist. He pushes off the top rope nailing a German suplex to the out side! Jimmy smiles and then closes his eyes. ]

Mike Oxbig: Holy…

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Shit!!!

Mike Oxbig:: Arnette just…

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: German suplexed Rumbler to the out side.

Mike Oxbig: Stop…

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Finishing your sentences?

Mike Oxbig::Errr…

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Errr…

[Rumbler rolls to his stomach holding his head and Arnette is out cold on the steps bleeding badly. Rumbler Pushes himself to his knees but drops down again. He once again gets to his knees, this time staggering to his feet. Jimmy Jumps down off of his ‘post’ and runs at Rumbler, clearing the ropes and Landing in a hurricinrana position and flings Rumbler's head first into the Announce Table. He then gets up and grabs a steel chair, slamming it into the Rumbler’s lifeless body. Jimmy then Pulls Rumbler up and rolls him into the Ring. Arnette falls off the steps to Jimmy’s Feet. Jimmy pulls him up and rolls him into the ring as well. Arnette manages to drape and arm Over Rumbler, But Jimmy is still on the outside looking under the ring. Jimmy then pulls out a ladder.

He slides it into the ring and Sets it up, ignoring the cover. He kicks Arnette ’s Hand off of Rumbler and Pulls Rumbler up the ladder. Jimmy gets to the top rope and gets a shot to the gut. Rumbler then Bends stryker back over the ladder and hooks on a Boston Crab. Jimmy screams in pain But all of a sudden the ladder falls sending both men to the out side and slamming into the Guard Rails. Arnette is standing very weakly and has a grin on his face and Rumbler and Jimmy are both out. Jimmy took most of the impact and flash is soon to his feet. Arnette is ready and waiting for Rumbler. Rumbler slowly gets into the ring. Arnette makes his move, Coming up and taking a hard right to Rumbler’s face, but Rumbler blocks and comes with a right of his own. He drops to a knee and Arnettel takes another swing. Rumbler Again blocks it and returns the shot.]

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Here we go.

[Rumbler drops to a knee again. Arnette then knees Rumbler in the stomach, grabbing him around the head and planting him on the steel chair that Jimmy tossed in. Rumbler folds his Head and the fans boo. Arnette rolls to his feet and picks up the chair. Slamming it down on Rumbler’s head. Jimmy Stryker starts to get up and head towards the ring. Rumbler rolls to the far side of the ring and the Contenetal title comes flying into the ring. Arnette picks it up and Jimmy Stryker gets into the ring behind Rumbler. Arnette runs at Rumbler who is now to his Feet. Rumbler ducks and Styrker gets the title in the face. Arnette Shurgs and turns around to be when with KO" (pedigree) into the title. Rumbler falls on top on him. Rumbler reaches over and Grabs the hand of Jimmy Stryker after several second. He slams the hand down 1.…2.…3!!!! ]

Dan"heywoodja"blowme: Jimmy Styrker the Three.

Mike Oxbig: Rumbler Counted the three.

[Rumbler jumps to his feet, but loses his balance and falls. The Contental title gets places on his shoulder.]

Mike Oxbig: The kid finally tastes gold.

Betty Bangzer: Here is your winner and NEW AWA Contental CHAMPION…..The Rummmmbbblllleerrrrr!!!!!!!!!

Dan"HeywoodJa:blow Me:"Well that wraps up another Adrenaline"

Mike Oxbig:"Indeed it does...I'm sure this leaves alot of questions...Oh well focus tune in next week!"