Location: |
Pontiac Silverdome | Pontiac, Michigan |
Date of Event: |
September 25th, 2005 |
Main Event Match: |
Cody Carson [Vs.] Mike Young {World title ladder match} |
Edition #: |
1 |
Opening Sgement… |
[ The camera fades in to the packed Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan. People screaming holding up their signs, as silver and blue Pyros go off. As the excitement of the crowd rise, the arena darkness without notice.
The crowd is a bit confused, and unsure if they should be worried, or should continue their cheers. Just then on the Titan-tron the words AWA -4- Life flash, and a shapely blonde woman is seen standing at the top of the staging ramp.
She is about 5"6, and 105 lbs, with brown eyes, and layered blonde hair. She stands there with a microphone, as the crowd begins to become restless. She raises the microphone to her lips, and speaks. ]
Blonde Woman: " Good Evening, fellow AWA-ers ! As we all are aware some unfortunate circumstances have arrived. And the future of AWA very much indoubt."
[ The crowd begins to grown, and some boos can be heard rising up. ]
Blonde Woman: " Settle down...Settle down. You see, a good friend of mine the sexy Ms. Brandi James has contacted me."
[ The crowds boos thicken. As the woman laughs. ]
Blonde Woman: " Ah, I can see you love her already.......Any how, my name is Lexus Malone. I will be taking charge of AWA until the powers that be return. As for the show that was suppose to start on Saturday. Well that will not be happening as of yet. We we have a weekly house show...Sunday Adrenaline is now Born !
Now there are a few rules...."
[ Lexus stop, and smirks. Than she raises the microphone to her lips. ]
Lexus Malone: " Rule number one....The show WILL ALWAYS GO ON !"
[ The crowd begins to cheer. ]
Lexus Malone: " Rule number two....I'm willing to do make sure each and everyone one of you get your moneys worth. Hell you paid to put your asses in those seats. The least we can do is make it worth your time. "
[ Excitment again begins to rise. ]
Lexus Malone: " And the last rule....Everyone have a good time ! When Lexus is in charge...You can be sure the ride will be smooth ! "
[ Pyros go off as "You Shook Me All Night Long" blares over the PA system. As Lexus raises her voice, and blows kisses to the crowd.]
Lexus Malone: " Now without further adue...I'm pleased to present to you...."Blood is Thicker Than Water." Enjoy the show everyone."
[ Lexus nods, and walks back stage as the "Blood is Thicker Than Water video package runs on the Titan-tron. ]
Welcome To Blood Is thicker then Water! |
[the cameras cut to Mike and Dan getting all there things ready at the desk. We focus in on mike.]
Mike OxBig: hello folks and welcome to Blood is thicker then Water. I am your host Mike Oxbox and beside me is my partner in crime, Dan "Heywood" Jablowme. ANd this night is jammed back with action beyond you wildest dreams.
[The Cameras then zoom out and you see dan.]
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: Thats right mike, with all the rumors flyign around about A3 memebrs breaking up, and cody Carson becoming the next world champion, who knows whats going to happen.
Mike OxBig: Thats right man, what about the brandi, tiffany match?
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: That match as gotten my attention. Brandi James against Tiff again, this time with brandis toy and tiffany's husband as the guest ref. Rick young is going to have his nhands full, I thibnk i shoudl go and help him later tonight.
Mike OxBig: Don't forget about the A3 vs A3 match tonight.
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: Thats right, Manson vs Cantina, we have been waiting for this match for some time. It should be a boom.
Mike OxBig: And our main event tonight. Cody carson takes on Mike young for the world title, in a ladder match.
Dan Heywood Jablowme: Well mike young is going to have his hands full tonight with Cody Carson. But when Cody carson is in the right, who can stop the kid. He has been in mike youngs head for the past month and you can bet that everythign won't be solved here tonight.
Mike OxBig: Well, one more important match up is Simon Sensation taking on Angela Jameson in a Unification match. Boy, tonight will be packed, lets get started with the action.
Jimmy Styker [Vs.] Nick Stellar Single Match {Continental #1 Contenders Match} |
(St Anger begins to play again, and we go to a live shot of The Silverdome and the thousands of screaming fans in attendance. The cameras pan over the esctatic fans, who shout at the top of their lungs as the camera pass them. The hold their signs up for the cameras to see. The cameras slow down and we see signs that say "XWL 4 Life", "Plese Don't Go, Mike Young!", "Welcome Back, J Sane", and "Where is Seth?". The cameras then go to the announce position, where Mike OxBig and Dan "Heywood" Jablowme are ready to call the pay per view.)
Stryker vs Stellar
(Any comments are cut off, as St. Anger fades away and "Never Met A Mutherfucker Like Me" by Kid Rock blasts through the arena. The fans boo loudly as Jimmy Stryker makes his way from behind the curtain and onto the entrance ramp.)
Mike OxBig: "Well, I guess we'll be going right to the action. What a way to kick off this event than with a Continental title number one contender's match?"
(The bell rings three times.)
Betty Bangzer: "The following is the opening contest for Blood is Thicker Than Water. It is scheduled for one fall and will be a number one contender's match for the Continental championship. The referee for the match will be Johnny X. Introducing first, Jimmy Stryker!"
(The fans boo loudly and Stryker slowly makes his way to the ring. He climbs onto the apron and looks at the nearly sold out arena. The fans boo even louder and he steps into the ring and awaits his opponent. "All That You Are" by Mudvayne hits the PA and the fans give a mixed reaction as Nick Stellar steps onto the rampway.)
Betty Bangzer: "And his opponent, from Hell's Kicthen, New York. Nick Stellar!"
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Stellar making his AWA debut here. What a first impression this could be if he wins here and goes on to face either Manson or Cantina for that Continental title belt?"
Mike OxBig: "There's no doubt he has the potential to succeed here in the AWA. I've heard nothing but praise regarding this young gun."
(Stellar runs down the ramp and into the ring and the bell rings again and the match begins. Both meet in the middle of the ring and begin pounding on each other with steady rights and lefts. Stryker is the first to flinch, and stumbles backward. Stellar runs into the ropes and hits a Thesz press on Stryker and then follows with a steady barrage of lefts and rights. Referee Johnny X breaks it up and Stellar gets to his feet and the fans give him some cheers.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Stellar has gotten first blood here."
(Stryker gets up and lunges for Stellar, but he drop toe holds him and Stryker falls into the ropes. Stellar launches himself into the ropes and goes to dropkick Stryker right in the back, but Jimmy moves and Stellar slides out of the ring.)
Mike OxBig: "Stellar's momentum being stopped here for a second."
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "What the hell..."
(Stryker launches himself over the rope on to Stellar, who is just getting up. Both land hard on the arena floor and the fans begin to chant "Holy Shit".)
Mike OxBig: "Stryker launching himself over the ropes, I wonder if he's okay."
Dan "heywood" Jablowme: "I don't know, it looked like he landed hard on his right leg, but that's just what I saw from here."
(Almost on cue, a split screen instant reply comes on the screen and shows the suicide dive. Indeed, it shows Stryker's right leg hit hard. It fades and we go back to live action. Stellar is up, and Stryker is favoring his leg and is rolling around in pain on the arena floor. Stellar picks him up and rolls him into the ring. He then climbs onto the apron and waits as Stryker gets on one knee, and launches himself over the ropes and hits Stryker with a legdrop that drives his face right into the mat.)
Mike OxBig: "Stryker eating some canvas.."
(Stellar covers him and Johnny X counts.)
Johnny X: "1....2...!"
(At the last second, Stryker gets his shoulder up. Stellar then gets up and drags Stryker to the middle of the ring. He takes his leg and tries for a single leg Boston crab on the right leg. Stryker kicks him into the ropes and flips him over with his feet on the rebound. He gets up and Stellar walks into a back body drop. Stryker waits and Stellar gets up, and walks into a clothesline, then another and another. Stryker then reaches into his tights and pulls out some brass knuckles.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "It looks like he's going to go for The Devil's Kiss."
(At the last second, Johnny X grabs them from him. Stryker than turns back toward Stellar, and is greeted with a kick to the stomach followed by a DDT. Stellar than climbs to the top rope and it looks like he's trying to hit a moonsault. Stryker gets up and even with his right leg hurting manages to hit a german suplex. He gets an arm over Stellar's chest.)
Mike OxBig: "Goodnight, this has got to be over!"
(He makes the pin.)
Johnny X: "1....2....!"
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Hot the hell did Stellar kick out?"
Mike OxBig: "Stellar, out of instinct got his arm up. Stryker really looks pissed off."
(Jimmy Stryker then looks angrily at Johnny X and claps his hands, 1, 2, 3. He gets up and in the meantime, Stellar has come around enough to get to one knee. Stryker turns around and is greeted by some straight rights and lefts. Stellar finishes it off by kicking Stryker's bad leg and Jimmy falls to the mat and screams in pain. Stellar picks him back up and lifts him up onto his shoulders.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Stellar mounting a comeback here."
(At the last second, Stryker elbows Stellar on the side of the head and jumps off. He pushes Stellar into the ropes, and Johnny X gets caught up between Nick and the ropes and gets leveled. Stellar looks down at X and don't know what to think. Meanwhile, Stryker has found the pair of brass knuckles he had earlier and waits for Stellar to turn around. When he does, he kicks him in the groin and then levels him with the knucks. He places them back in his tights and pins Stellar just as X comes around.)
Mike OxBig: "No! Not this way, damnit!"
Johnny X: "1.....2.....3!"
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "The ever opportunistic Jimmy Stryker walks away with the win here."
Mike OxBig: "What heart displayed by Nick Stellar in his debut. This kid almost won here..."
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Almost doesn't count. Stryker is the next in line for a Continental title shot."
Exactly Who's There? |
[ The camera focus's on a door backstage that reads Brandi James. The door is left open half way, and Brandi seem ready for her match already dressed in her wrestling shorts, and boots. As the camera pans in Brandi can be heard talking to someone, who is yet unseen. ]
Brandi James: " You know, I've been thinking about that. Infact that's not all I'm thinking of."
[ Brandi giggles. Then moves a bit out of sight. ]
Brandi James: " Damn, I love the way you just said that.......Mmmmm...now you better go."
[ Brandi turns around seeing the door open. She walks toward it, and looks at the camera. ]
Brandi James: " Get the fuck out of here, this is none of your business."
[ Brandi slams the door, as we head down to the ring. ]
Alex Wilkins [Vs.] Hell's Guardian Single Match {World Heavyweight #1 Contenders Match} |
Alex Wilkins vs Hell's Guardian
Mike OxBig: "Ladies and gentleman, our next match is a number one contender's match with the winner getting a shot at the whoever wins the Cody Carson-Mike Young World's Heavyweight title match later this evening."
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "This should be good, Mike."
("Swamped" by Lacuna Coil hits the PA system and the fans raise to the their feet as Alex Wilkins makes his way onto the entrance ramp and walks down to the ring.)
Betty Bangzer: "Ladies and gentleman, the winner of this match will be the number one contender to the World's Heavyweight championship! The referee for the match will be Jason Margolis. Introducing first, from Birmingham, England. Ladies and gentleman, this is Alex Wilkins!"
(Alex jumps onto a turnbuckle and poses for the crowd.)
Mike OxBig: "This should be one hell of a match, Dan."
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "This match will definately be a styles clash. You'll have raw power versus pure speed. Not to mention both these guys have vast technical abilities."
("Hell's Bells" by AC/DC hits the PA system and Hell's Guardian walks out onto the entrance ramp, followed closely by Mr. Mike and Simon Sensation.)
Betty Bangzer: "Introducing his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by The Enterprise, Hell's Guardian!"
Mike OxBig: "Wait a minute! What the hell is Simon doing out here? He don't have a manager's license!"
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "How do you know that, Mike? He could have a manager's license. Who's to say he's just not here to enjoy the match?"
(The bell sounds as Guardian gets in the ring and the match is under way. Wilkins runs up to the big man and tries to take him down with a clothesline. The big guy doesn't even move and Wilkins tries it again. The result is the same. He then knife edge chops Guardian, but the big man still doesn't move. Guardian then reaches back and chops Wilkins right in the chest. The force of the blow sends him falling backward into the ropes.Guardian then runs toward him and clotheslines him over the top rope and to the arena floor.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "What impact from Hell's Guardian right there."
Mike OxBig: "Look at this!"
(With the referee trying to keep Guardian from going outside, Sensation picks Wilkins up and slaps him in the face. He then lifts him up and rams him shoulder first into a ring post. Wilkins screams in pain, and Margolis turns around to see Sensation standing by the fallen Wilkins. He then tells Simon to leave and Simon goes berserk, hitting the apron.)
Mike OxBig: "Jason Margolis has just kicked Simon out, which he didn't really belong out here anyway."
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "There's no reason to kick him out! he didn't do anything!"
Mike OxBig: "Right, and I suppose Wilkins tossed himself into the ring post?"
(Mr. Mike calms Simon down and he leaves for the backstage area. Meanwhile, Wilikns has gotten back in the ring and the match continues. Guardian goes to clothesline Wilkins again, but he dodges the big man and launches himself into the ropes. When Guardian turns around, Wilkins leaps up to nail him with a flying forearm. The big man catches him, and locks in a bearhug.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Things are looking very bad for Wilkins right now."
(Guardian keeps the hold locked in and Wilkins begins to fade quickly. The referee raises Wilkins' arm and it falls. he does it again and it still falls.)
Mike OxBig: "My god! Guardian is one second away from winning this!"
(Margolis raises Wilkins' arm again, and at the last second, he keeps it up to avoid loosing the match.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: " Wilkins is fighting back!"
Mike OxBig: "Let me tell you this, Wilkins is one hell of a competitior, but he really needs to figure out a way to take Guardian down or else he's doomed."
(Wilkins hits the big man with some straight lefts and rights and finally he releases his hold on him. Wilkins sees an opportunity and nails an enziguri. Guardian just stumbles back, a little dazed. Wilkins can't believe it and runs into the ropes. He hits a springboard moonsault, but Guardian catches him and goes to slam him down. Wilkins breaks free of his grip and falls down behind him. He chops blocks Guardian's right leg anbd the big guy falls into the ropes for support. Wilkins launches himself off the ropes and clotheslines him over the to rope like he did to him earlier. The big guy falls to the arena floor and Wilkins sees an opportunity to go high risk. He climbs a nearby turnbuckle and waist for Guardian to get up. Whe he does, he flies off with a missle dropkick that has such impact it sends Guardian into the barricade.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Holy shit!"
Mike OxBig: "What a missle dropkick that was, now both men are down and Margolis is beginning to count both of them out."
(Margolis makes it to four before Guardian gets up and walks over to Wilkins, who landed hard on the shoulder Sensation rammed into the post earlier. Guardian lifts Wilkins up into a military press position and tosses him in the ring over the top rope.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: " Look at the strength of Hell's Guardian!"
(The big guy rolls into the ring and waits for Wilkins to get up. When he does, Guardian nails him with a big boot.)
Mike OxBig: "Wilkins' head nearly came off there!"
(Guardian picks Wilkins up and places him in position for The Pit of Hell. At the last second, Wilkins falls to his knees and tries crawling between Guardian's legs to escape. The big man grabs one of Wilkins' legs, but is greeted with another enziguri. Guardian falls into the ropes again, but he comes back and nails Wilkins with a clothesline that causes Wilkins to do a three sixty.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Wilkins was just turned inside out!"
(Guardian then grabs Wilkins' arm and locks in an armbar. Wilkins screams in pain, as his shoulder has been worked pretty good during the match. Guardian drives his knee into Wilkins' shoulder and he screams even louder. After keeping the hold locked in for what seemed like an eternity, Guardian lifts Wilkins up and grabs him by the throat.)
Mike OxBig: "If Guardian connects with a chokeslam here, this could be over!"
(Guardian lifts Wilkins up, but Wilkins leaps behind Guardian and shoves him into the ropes and tries to roll him up.)
Jason Margolis: "1.....2.....!"
Mike OxBig: "The first pin attempt of the match and it's a near fall."
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: " Wilkins almsot won it there."
(Wilkins gets up and sees the big man getting to his feet as well. He goes and tries to nail a Straight Shot, but Guardian dodges it. He then runs at Wilkins, who nails the Face Rule Brittania spine buster.)
Mike OxBig: "What a spinebuster from Wilkins!"
(Wilkins gets his arm over the big man's chest and goes for the win.)
Jason Margolis: "1.....2....!"
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Wilkins, even after nailing that spinebuster, couldn't get the win."
(Wilkins gets up and climbs a turnbuckle. Guardian still lies on his back, feeling the effects of the spine buster. Wilkins leaps off and tries to nail a flying elbow when Guardian rolls out of the way and Wilkins crashes and burns.)
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Wilkins' shoulder has taken a beating in this match, and I'm sure missing that elbow drop won't help it any."
(Guardian gets up and casualy walks over to Wilkins. he picks him up and whips him into the ropes. he catches him with a spinning side slam and hooks his leg.)
Mike OxBig: "This has got to be over. Wilkins has suffered a beating here tonight."
Jason Margolis: "1.....2.....!"
Dan " Heywood" Jablowme: "This match has so much riding on it, I think both these guys would go through hell and back just to win it, which is happening here right now. I'd bet Wilkins is in hell with that shoulder which could be seriously injured."
(Guardian gets up and looks frustrated. He lifts Wilkins up and locks in the 666. Wilkins screams in pain, as his shoulder is being affected by the hold.)
Mike OxBig: "Wilkins is in a world of hurt right now."
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "Guardian has dominated the tempo of most of this match. I wouldn't be surpirsed if Wilkins taps out right here."
(Guardian keeps the hold locked in and shows no sign of loosening it up. Wilkins tries desperately to grab the ropes which are close by. Finally, he lifts his legs up and kicks the ropes. This sends Guardian backward into the referee. Margolis falls down and Guardian finally breaks the hold to try and revive Margolis, realizing that if the ref isn't up, he can't win. Wilkins uses the ropes to pull himself up using his good shoulder. As soon as he does, Mr. Mike makes his prescence known for the first time in the match by getting up on the apron behind Wilkins and holding him. He yells at Guardian to nail him. The big man rushes forward and at the last second Wilkins moves and Guardian hits Mr. Mike. Guardian looks down at Mr. Mike while Wilkins rolls him up. Margolis is still in la-la land, but manages to count.)
Jason Margolis: "1.....2.....3!"
Betty Bangzer: "Ladies and gentleman, the winner of the match and the number one contender to the AWA World's Heavyweight championship, Alex Wilkins!"
Mike OxBig: "He's done it! Alex Wilkins has fought off, practically, the entire Enterprise to become number one contender!"
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "What a win for Alex, but Hell's Guardian really put up a good fight."
Mike OxBig: "Well, Guardian did a good job of keeping Alex grounded for practically the entire match."
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: "He certainly did and he has nothing to be ashamed of in this loss....what the hell!"
(While Alex celebrates on a turnbuckle, posing for the audience, Guardian gets up and nails him from behind. He grabs Wilkins and tosses him off the turnbuckle and into the middle of the ring. Mr. Mike, in the meantime is back up and tosses a chair into Guardian. The big man nails Wilkins right in his bad shoulder and then tosses the chair on the canvas. He grabs Wilkins and hits The Pit of Hell on the chair. Wilkins is out cold and Mr. Mike comes in the ring to stand next to Hell's Guardian, who is standing next to Wilkins admiring his work.)
Mike OxBig: "My god! Hell's Guardian has snapped! Alex Wilkins is out cold! Someone get some help out here!"
The New Boss |
[ The camera fades into the backstage office area where Lexus Malone sits at her new desk. She is bent over organizing some paper work. When a fist slams on the front of her desk. Lexus looks up to see Jimmy Stryker. She batts her eyelashes at him, and smiles. ]
Lexus Malone: "Yes Jimmy what do you want? Something?"
[ Jimmy laughs, and place boths hands on the desk, and leans over. ]
Jimmy Stryker: "You're sweet ass wouldn't be a bad thing for starter."
[ Lexus rolls her eyes. ]
Lexus Malone: " Don't make me puke Jimmy. Now what do you want?"
Jimmy Stryker: " I want Rick Young, taken out as the get referee, in Brandi's match. I want it to be my job."
Lexus Malone: " Jimmy, you think you can just come in here, and start demanding shit?"
[ Jimmy shrugs ]
Jimmy Stryker:"Why the fuck not?"
Lexus Malone: "It doesn't work that way Jimmy. Now, Rick was made the guest Referee for a reason, and I promised Brandi that I'd keep a close eye on him."
[ Jimmy begins to mock Lexus. ]
Jimmy Stryker: "But...I promised Brandi....blah,blah..
Lexus Malone: " Cut the shit Jimmy ! Look, you have such an interest in this match, than you can join Mike and Dan at the commentators table ringside. But that's as close as you're getting. Do you understand? Or do I have to speak a bit slower for you?"
Jimmy Stryker:"Maybe you didn't hear what I wanted."
[ Lexus stands up, and places her hands on her desk, and yells in Jimmy's face.]
Lexus Malone:"OH, I heard you, you arrogant fuck. Now either you take a seat with Dan and Mike, Or...I'll have you removed from my building right now..I mean you have already wrestled tonight. So there for I have no further use for you to be here."
Jimmy Stryker:"You wouldn't dare!"
[ Lexus raises her eyebrow.]
Lexus Malone:"Really? I wouldn't?"
[ She pauses, as she glares at Jimmy.]
Lexus Malone:"Now, just say, yes Ma'am...and walk the hell out the door. Are we clear, Jimmy?"
[ Jimmy sighs, and bows his head. ]
Jimmy Stryker:"Yes, Ma'am"
[ Jimmy turns around, and walks out. As Lexus stands proud crossing her arms, as she smiles.]
Lexus Malone: " I'll teach him to mess with me."
Cody Carson Master Plan |
the cameras cut to the back where cody Carson is sitting on his couch, staring into the tag team title. Strangly, she also has Derek Cantina's title sitting beside him. A Knock at the door is heard.
Cody Carson: Come in.
Hunter davis walks in and smiles at Cody.
Cody Carson: Ah Hunter, whats up?
Hunter davis: Are you ready for your match?
Cody Carson: Yeah, but I'm glad your here.
Hunter Davis: Whats wrong Cody?
Cody Carson: Well, first off, its not mike young, I got him begging me to end his title run. But it is MY stable.
Hunter Davis: I'm not following.
Cody Carson: Deathstroke, hasn't been around, and The Rumbler has been cutting it. With Cantina and Manson fighting each other, I'm affaird we might fall apart.
Hunter Davis: Well, your the leader, you have to hold them together.
Cody Carson: I can hold Manson, but Cantina might get... Wait, I don't want to get into this. Can you give me promission to do what ever I want before the cantina match?
Hunter Davis: What do you got in mind...?
The cameras cut out as Cody smiles.
J Sane [Vs.] The RumblerChaosWeight Title Hardcore Match |
Betty Bangzer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is the Chaos Championship match and it is scheduled for one fall.
[ The crowd begins to stand up in preparation of the harcore event that they had been waiting for all night long. ]
Betty Bangzer: Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada, J Sane!
[ "Scars" by Papa Roach hits the P.A. system as J Sane appears on the entrance way. He is carrying some weapons such as a kindo stick, a steel chair, and a fire extinguisher down the entrance ramp. He gets ringside and throws the weapons over the top rope and into the ring. J Sane then slides into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle to the middle rope and raises his hands as he slyly smirks at the crowd.
Mike Oxbig:" This man looks like a very sneaky individual. This match should be an awesome one! I can’t wait to see what Rumbler has in store when the hardcore legend, so he calls himself, gets to the ring."
Betty Bangzer: And his opponent, from Syracuse, New York, The Rumbler!
[ The crowd rises for Rumbler as he enters the on-ramp. Rumbler is rolling down a cart of assorted objects. He stops at the top of the entrance ramp and raises his hands high above his head. Then he rolls the cart down to ringside and throws all of the objects into the rings. ]
Dan"heywood" jablowme: What a way to get this match off in the great state of state of Michigan! Listen to this reception from the crowd Mike! Just listen!
Mike OxBig: I hear it, I hear it! What’s so great about this Rumbler guy anyway? Who cares? My money’s on J Sane!
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Well here we go!
(The match starts out as The Rumbler and J Sane grapple up. J Sane gets Rumbler into an armbar off of the lock up. Rumbler rolls out of the armbar and gives J Sane an armbar in return. As J Sane is riving in pain from the pressure, this gives The Rumbler time to reach down to the ring and get a stop sign that was conveniently placed there when Rumber threw all of his weapons into the ring. Rumbler then proceeds in clocking J Sane over the head with the stop sign.)
Mike OxBig: Woah! I heard that! Things are certainly not going in J Sane's direction at this moment in time.
Dan"heywood" jablowme: You’ve got that right! And J Sane is planted right in the middle of the ring thanks to The Rumbler.
( Rumbler stomps away at J Sane. Rumbler then picks up J Sane and throws him over the top rope and outside the ring. Rumbler waits for J Sane to get up and he then jumps over the top rope, however, as J Sane was getting up, he had grabbed a broom stick handle, and when Rumbler went for the cross body over the top rope, he was met with a blow to the abdomen with the broom stick handle. J Sane goes for the cover.)
Mike OxBig: We’ve got a cover!
Ben Dover : 1... 2. Two!
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Only a two count on that exchange.
Mike OxBig: NO WAY!
Dan"heywood" jablowme: What?
Mike OxBig: You can count that high?
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Impressive ain’t it?
(The two competitors had worked their way into the backstage area as Mike and Dan were exchanging insults and J Sane had taken the most recent advantage over The Rumbler. J Sane has got a garden hose wrapped around Rumbler’s throat as Rumbler is gasping for breath. Rumbler finds the strength to get up and he elbows J Sane in the lower extremities sending him to the concrete. Rumbler pulls J Sane by the shirt into the nearest locker room and begins destroying everything in sight.)
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Look at this... that’s Hunter Davis’s VIP room! These two men are going all out tonight!
Mike OxBig: Well of course they are! This is an AWA Chaos Weight Title Championship! But I don’t know how smart it is to be battling in the owner’s locker room.
( Rumbler notices a glass champagne bottle on the counter in the suite. Rumbler wastes no time in grabbing the bottle, as J Sane begins to rise to all fours, Rumbler nails J Sane over the back of the head with the glass champagne bottle.)
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Woah! What the hell was that!? That’s gotta be it for J Sane! Here goes Rumbler with the cover.
Ben Dover : 1... 2...
(The count is interrupted by a kindo stick to the back of the head on Rumbler.)
Mike OxBig: What the hell is that?
(The camera reveals that the man holding the kindo stick is none other then Hunter Davis.)
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Woah its Hunter Davis!
Mike OxBig: You never know what to exspect from him! What an impact he’s made so far with that attack on Rumbler. He's probably just pissed about his VIP Room!
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Well this is a Hardcore match. Anything goes Mike!
Mike OxBig: He’s going for a cover!
Ben Dover : 1... 2... Two!
Dan"heywood" jablowme: He kicks out! Wow that was a close one! But Davis is in the presence on that exchange and he does not look very happy.
( J Sane pulls Rumbler back into the hall in the backstage area. He then enter the boiler room. Rumbler is then put in a headlock as J Sane go for the suplex on the steel floor. Rumbler counters in mid-air and turns the "rumble drop" into a penetrated DDT.)
Mike OxBig: Impressive! Both these men are down but it looks like Rumbler is trying to recover.
( J Sane gets to his feet but Rumber is already up and waiting. Rumbler grabs a fire extinguisher off the wall before J Sane can fully recover and sprays the icy mist into Sane's face so that he is temporarily blinded. Rumbler then dropkicks J Sane off the double storied boiler room all the way to a table below.)
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Good god! J Sane has fallen... that had to be about a ten foot fall all the way to the lower level of that boiler room!
Mike OxBig: This isn’t good Dan! Sane is out and I don’t think he’s getting up.
(Rumbler picks up the staggering J Sane and puts "The Pain" on J Sane. Rumbler decides to release the hold and punish J Sane a bit more, he then picks J Sane up again.)
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Wait a minute. What is Rumbler doing? He had "the pain" on J Sane what else is he going to do?
( Rumbler notices another table lying next to the one he first threw Sane through ten feet below to the lower level. Rumbler then tosses J Sane off the top level through the table below.)
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Oh my god! No way!
( Rumbler looks around for a second, then he looks down at J Sane. Rumbler then takes a leap and lands stomach first on J Sane ten feet below.)
Mike OxBig: You’ve got to be kidding me! I have never seen anything like this!
Dan"heywood" jablowme: He’s going for the cover!
Ben Dover : 1... 2... 3! Ring the bell! Ring the bell!
Mike OxBig: Yes! We’ve got our Chaos Champion!
Betty Bangzer: The winner, and Your AWA Chaos Champion, The Rumbler!
Dan"heywood" jablowme: Damnit! I was so set on J Sane! I was so sure that he had the win!
Tiffany Phoenix [Vs.] Brandi James ©Fem X Title Singles Match{Special Referee: Rick Young} |
[ "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge hits, and Rick Young stands at the top of the entrance ramp with his wife Tiffany Phoenix. The crowd rises to their feet. Tiffany points to the left of her, and gets a huge pop from the crowd. Rick crosses his arms, standing there at first taking in the crowds reaction. Tiffany places her hand on Rick's shoulder, As the two make their way ringside. ]
Betty Bangzer: "Now introducing the special guest referee hailing from Ragley, Louisiana, Rick Young, along with tonights challenger Tiffany Phoenix."
[ They walk down to the ring, hyping up the crowd. Rick jogs up the steps then holds the bottom rope for Tiffany. Tiffany jumps up on the far right turnbuckle, posing for some pictures. When she is interrupted. Purple and silver pyros explode, and Enemy by Sevendust hits. Standing at the top of the entrance ramp is the Fem-X Champion Brandi James. Brandi pats her belt that's placed over her left shoulder, and glares at Tiffany. ]
Betty Bangzer: "And now Your AWA Fem-X Champion making her way to the ring from Miami, Florida.. Brandi James."
[ Brandi slowly struts down the ramp, and stands at the bottom of the steps. Tiffany motions for Brandi to step inside the ring. Brandi laughs, and points. ]
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme :" Looks as if Brandi doesn't want to get in the ring, with Mrs. Young"
Mike OxBig: "Are you insane? Brandi's been waiting for this all day!"
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "Yeah, and you know this how?"
[ Mike slaps Dan in the back of the head. ]
Mike OxBig: "Because I know everything, you fucking hick."
[ Brandi stands there, tapping her foot as if she's waiting for Tiffany. Then looks at Rick, and blows him a kiss. She smiles then yells to Tiffany. ]
Brandi James: "Want me so bad? You fucking come get me."
[ Tiffany shrugs her shoulders, and climbs to the top rope. Just as she's about to leap, Brandi runs up the steps, and gives her a clothes line knocking Tiffany back ward with her legs caught in the rope, as she hangs upside down. Brandi stands over her laughing. She slides her title to the far side of the ring, and delivers a couple of chops to Tiffany's chest. When "You never met a Mother Fucker like me" by Kid Rock hit. ]
Mike OxBig : Well Dan looks as if we're about to be joined by Jimmy Stryker.
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : Gee wonder what we did to deserve that...
Mike OxBig : Shut up Dan, this is your lucky day.
[ Jimmy Stryker stands in back of Dan, and taps him on the shoulder. ]
Jimmy Stryker: "Push aside Fat boy."
[ Mike laughs, as Dan lowers his head, and slides over for Jimmy to sit in the middle of them. ]
Mike OxBig: "Jimmy it's excellent to have you at Ringside, Congratulation on you first of many victories here in AWA. "
Jimmy Stryker: " Thanks Mike, atleast I know someone around here appreciates true talent. Get ready for the New Era of Entertainment boys and girls."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: "I never said.."
Jimmy Stryker: "Dan...don't wreck this match for me...do us all a favor and shut the fuck up."
Mike OxBig: "My thoughts exactly."
Jimmy Stryker: "Jesus, look at Brandi..."
[ Brandi notices Jimmy sitting at the commentators table. She leans over the top rope, and starts yelling for Jimmy to the hell out of there. As she is distracted Tiffany knocks Brandi over the top rope. Brandi falls flat on her stomach, as Tiffany gives her a flying elebow from the left corner of the ring. Brandi picks her head up in time to notice Tiffany setting her up, Brandi slightly rolls out of the way. Tiffany only gets half of Brandi's body, and lands in an awkard position. Rick runs to the ropes, and looks down at both women laying there. ]
Jimmy Stryker: "One thing about Brandi. She's always aware of her surroundings."
Mike OxBig: "Hell, I'd like to be anywhere in her surroundings.."
Jimmy Stryker: "Yeah, you and me both buddy...but Tiffany isn't a bad second prize."
Mike OxBig: " True, but is there really a choice?"
[ both Jimmy and Mike laugh.]
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: "It sickens me the way you two are talking about these beautiful women, like their meat."
Jimmy Stryker: "Hey...All I'm saying is there is good...which is Fillet Mionoin, then there's just well rump roast."
Mike OxBig : "Exactly, both are good, but come one, no one actually will say no to a great stake."
[ Dan shakes his head, as both women get to their feet. Brandi slides into the ring under the bottom rope as Tiffany walks to the other side of the ring to buy some herself some time. Brandi looks at Rick who has started the count....1,2,3,4,5,6,...Tiffany climbs back into the ring, and charges at Brandi. Brandi side steps her, and Tiffany slows down before hitting the corner. The crowd begins to cheer Tiffany's name loudly as Brandi rolls her eyes. Tiffany makes another go, and leaps at Brandi knocking her down on her back. ]
Jimmy Stryker: " See, now both Tiffany and her husband have had Brandi on her back ! "
Mike OxBig:" ha,ha,ha, Stryker, I'm telling you man, you really need to come to ringside more often."
Jimmy Stryker: "What can I say, I couldn't pass this up."
[ Tiffany and Brandi roll around the ring with Tiffany trying to pull Brandi's hair and smashing her head into the ring. Rick leans over, and breaks the two apart. He pushes Brandi into one corner than Tiffany into another corner. The women catch their breath then circle each other and lock up. Brandi grabs Tiffany, and bends her arm in the back of her head the pushes Tiffany forward. Tiffany stumbles a bit , as Brandi stands there doing a few jumping jacks. ]
Jimmy Stryker: "Look how athletic Brandi is ! "
Dan'Heywood' Jablowme: "Oh, yeah..pushing someone out of your way is impressive."
Mike OxBig: "Dan, I can't stress this enough just shut up."
[ Tiffany stands walks back and forth and stretches her arm. the woman lock up again, and Tiffany puts Brandi into a headlock. Brandi tries to fight her way out but, then Tiffany sweeps her back leg down for the take down, and tries for a roll up pin. Rick slowly bends and counts...1....Brandi kicks out. Tiffany stands up, and smack her hands together telling Rick the count should have been faster. Rick shakes his head, and put up his index finger indicating it was only a one count. ]
Mike OxBig: "Atleast Rick is being fair."
Dan'Heywood' Jablowme: "Fair? You called the fair? Tiffany should have nearly had a 3 count not a one...bah, fair my aunt fanny."
Jimmy Stryker: "Ewww, lets not bring your over weight aunt into this.."
Mike OxBig: "Agreed ! "
[ Brandi stands and pats herself on her back then delivers a few stiff elbows to Tiffany and whips her across the ring. Tiffany gets caught in the ropes, and Brandi pulls her out, giving her a body slam. Brandi drags Tiffany up by her hair, then puts a sleeper hold on her, Rick raises Tiffany's arm, but it goes down. She raises it again, and before it can go down Brandi turns and gives Tiffany a "Final Nail". Brandi stands there smiling, then rubs her hands as if she's washing her hands of the match. Tiffany lays there for a moment than gets to her feet a bit dazed. Brandi grabs Tiffany's arm then flings her into the corner. Brandi charges at her, but is met by Tiffany's foot. Brandi caughts it, and flips Tiffany down bending her into a Boston crab. Brandi bends her leg, and Tiffany Struggles to get the rope. She reaches the rope, and Rick doesn't notice right away.]
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: "yeah so much for your "fair ref"
[ Tiffany pulls herself closer, and Rick tells Brandi to break the hold. Brandi does, and Tiffany tries to regain her strenght. Once to her feet again, Brandi tries to kick Tiffany who knocks her foot down. Tiffany looks at Brandi motioning to her. Brandi glares then again charges at Tiffany who moves out of the way. Brandi runs straight into Rick. Rick is push back into the corner. Brandi looks up at him, and smiles. She slowly backs away, and is picked up off her feet by Tiffany who body slams her. Tiffany hooks Brandi's leg...Rick counts...1...then looks up at his hand, and at Tiffany...2...Brandi wiggles her shoulders up and kicks out. ]
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: "Wow, Tiffany should have had that one."
Jimmy Stryker:" Wah, Wah...should of, would of, could of...fact is she can't keep Brandi down."
Mike OxBig : "You said, Jimmy..."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: " Gimme, a break.."
[ Brandi gets to her feet, as Tiffany now pulls her up by her hair. Brandi elebows her, then backs up enough to kick her in the stomach. Brandi backs Tiffany into a corner, and flips over wrapping her legs around Tiffany's head, and takes her down. Brandi hooks Tiffany's leg for the count. Rick begins...1...then pause. He stands up, and pulls Brandi off of Tiffany. Brandi looks shocked, as Tiffany lifts her head, and smiles. Rick extends his hand, and helps Tiffany to her feet. She looks lovingly at her husband. Feeling safe she steps back a few steps, Rick looks at Tiffany, and smiles...when out of no where he grabs her by the hair and delivers.........A Sensation Driver............ Rick stands up, and then motions for Brandi to cover her. Brandi hooks Tiffany's leg, and Rick slides down on the matt to count....1,...2....he raises his hand, and looks at Brandi and winks.....3. ! ]
Jimmy Stryker: "oh, fucking blow me..."
Mike OxBig: " that's fucking great ! I miss the old Rick Young."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: "Glad someone does."
[ Rick stands up, and takes Brandi's hand. He pulls her up, and close to him. They look around the arena, then Rick grabs Brandi's and passionately kisses her. ]
Mike OxBig : " I definately see tongue ! "
Jimmy Stryker: " hey, that might not be all we see..."
Dan'Heywood' Jablowme : "Please this is suppose to be a PG rated show."
[ Rick puts his arms tightly around Brandi. Brandi returns rubs her nose against Rick's, and smiles. He looks at her, then takes her hand. They walk by Tiffany, then Rick backs up. He stands over his wife, as Brandi watches him. Rick looks down at Tiffany, then at Brandi. He takes a deep breath, and raises his left hand. Rick smirks as he takes off his wedding ring, and drops it down on Tiffany's chest. Rick leans over and yells. ]
Rick Young: " I won't be needing this anymore ! And Tiffany, I sure as Hell WON'T be needing YOU! "
[ Brandi and Rick laugh, as Tiffany places her hand over Rick's wedding ring that lays on her chest. Rick steps over Tiffany, and takes Brandi in his arms and again kisses her. Rick then holds down the rope for Brandi to walk through. She leaps down to the floor, and Rick follows. Rick and Brandi walk up the ramp, pointing and laughing at Tiffany. As Rick raises his hand pointing to his hand that no longer has his wedding band on it. Brandi and Rick head back stage as Tiffany slowly makes her way still shocked out of the ring, walking up the ramp, not taking her eyes off of Rick's wedding Band. ]
Property Of...Mr. Rick Young. |
[ As Rick and Brandi walk through the backstage area. Waiting for them clapping her hands, is none other than Lexus Malone. Brandi nudges her head towards her, she and Rick walk over. Brandi hugs Lexus, as both women laugh.]
Lexus Malone: "Great, as always Brandi! It's like I told you earlier in your dressing room. You really know how to work the crowd."
Brandi James:"Thanks, but...Lexy...Allow me to introduce you to Rick Young."
[ Lexus extends her hand and shakes Rick's hand. ]
Lexus Malone: Nice to finally meet you, Rick."
Rick Young:"Yeah, same here."
[ As introductions are being exchanged, Rick notices a stage hand checking Brandi out. He looks to his right at him.]
Rick Young: "Problem?"
Stage Hand:"Ummm, No..."
Rick Young:Sure about that? 'cuz I swear, you're checking out my girl."
[ Brandi leans against Rick, and rests her head against his shoulder.]
Stage Hand:"You're girl..but I thought, that you're Tiffany's..."
[ Rick interrupts ]
Rick Young:"Well, you thought wrong asshole."
[ Rick notices a prop table, and walk over and grabs a black magic marker. He walks over to Brandi who wrestled wearing her white "Worship Me" Tiny-T. Rick looks at the stage hand, then at Brandi. He softly kisses her cheek, then in large black letters writes across Brandi's chest, and stomach.
Righ on the front of her shirt. "Property, of Rick Young.". After Rick is done, he throws the marker at the stage hand.]
Rick Young:"Any further questions, junior?"
[ The stage hand just shakes his head, while Rick whispers something into Brandi's ear. ]
Brandi James:"Ok, Lexy...We're out..."
Lexus Malone:"Have a good time."
[ Rick smiles. ]
Rick Young:"Oh, we intend too."
[ Brandi and Rick walk out of the building. As we returned back to ringside.]
Angela Jameson © [Vs.] Simon Sensation ©Champion Vs Champion X/Prime Unification Match |
Mike OxBig : "Well folks it is that time we our Finsher only match..Between Agnela Jameson, and Simon Sensation !"
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "That’s right, it’s time for Simon Sensation, who I'm sure, people are underestimating him, I'm one of them I'll admit, to go one on one with Angela Jameson, And Mike, I'm sure Sensation will shut Angela up tonight for good!"
Mike OxBig : "Perhaps, but Angela has proved herself time and time again how good she really is and well Dan she makes no exceptions for her being a woman. Plus this match is huge it will be a Finsher only match it will be either put up or shut up. So lets not stall anymore and lets get this thing started with Betty Bangzer!"
Betty Bangzer: "The following contest is our Finsher only Title unification event and is a scheduled for one fall match up! Coming to the ring first standing at five foot six inches and weighing in at one hundred and twenty pounds, and she hails from St. Augustine, Florida. She is your Prime Time champion "The Fallen Angel" Angela Jameson!!! "
((“Make Me Bad” By Korn hit’s the arenas cheap PA system and the fans erupt with a huge amount of heat for Angela Jameson who steps out from the back. She looks around the arena once and then shakes her head as she looks a little disappointed and begins to walk to the ring.)
Betty Bangzer: "Her opponent standing at six foot, three and weighing in at two hundred and twenty seven pounds. Hailing from Las Vegas, NV. He is the AWA X Champion. Simon Sensation!! "
("Shoot To Thrill" by AC/DC begins to blare out of the PA as Simon Sensation, Walks out from the back to a mix of cheers and boos as he has the title hanging over his shoulder. Sensation walks down to the ring and slides in. As he gets to his feet he throws his arms back in a motion of power with his title belt in hand. The music fades as both Angela and Simon hand their the titles to the ref.)
(Angela begins taunting Sensation. Taking the bait, Simon Sensation moves closer to Angela as he confronts her face to face. With a quick motion, Angela grabs Sensation and throws him over the ropes to the floor with a loud thud. As Sensation slams down to the floor, his back smacks against the cold hard concrete causing immense pain to shoot through his body.)
Mike OxBig : "Angela takes the early advantage in this match, it looks like she came to play tonight!"
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "You can say that again, did you hear his back smack on that floor!? It was music to my ears!"
Mike OxBig : "You are a sick, sick man Dan."
(Angela now jumps down to the floor where she continues the assault on her opponent. Angela pulls Sensation to his feet and sets him up. She hoists Sensation into the air and brings him down with a vicious back breaker. Angela repeats this twice more before finishing off with a big body slam which sends Sensation right back onto the ground, injuring his back even worse. Angela steps back for a moment as she admires her work before moving back in for the kill. Sensation has different plans however as he catches Angela with a drop toehold when she moves in. Angela drops face first onto the hard steel of the ring steps causing her head to be sliced wide open. Angela’s head quickly begins to drip blood onto the floor as a small puddle begins to form. Gaining himself some time, Sensation pulls himself to his feet and backs away from the fallen form of Jameson.)
Mike OxBig : "Look at the carnage in that has already happened in this match!"
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "This is great!"
Mike OxBig : "Both wrestlers are showing what their made of here."
( Sensation pulls Angela to her feet and rolls her into the ring. He then follows his opponent’s body into the ring were he pulls himself to a vertical position once again. Once on his feet, Sensation begins to pull the bloody Angela to her feet only to have his hands slapped away. With one swift movement, Angela grabs the stunned Sensation by the neck and starts choking him. Angela then spins Sensation around and brings him to the top of her shoulders in a reverse death valley driver position. She keeps Sensation up in this position for a minute before dropping down sideways and laying him out with a reverse Death Valley Driver!)
Mike OxBig : "When is this going to end!?"
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "I hope it doesn’t! This match is so brutal, I love it!"
Mike OxBig : "You would."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "How can you blame me?"
(As Sensation wriggles on the ground in pain from the last move, Angela walks to the ropes and rolls out of the ring. Outside of the ring, Angela grabs two steel chairs which she throws into the ring. Angela now returns to the confines of the ring and sets one of the chairs up in the corner of the ring. Angela then pulls Sensation up and sits him on the set up chair. Angela walks to the opposing corner where she picks up the second steel chair. With a full head of steam, Angela now runs over to the corner where Sensation is, she jumps up in the air, and dropkicks the chair, right into the face of the sitting Sensation. The force of the blow snaps Sensation’s head back. Lifeless, Sensation slumps to his side and falls off of the chair and onto the mat now bleeding from his head as well.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "What the hell is this!? This is supposed to be a straight up singles match and Angela Jameson just brought chairs into play."
Mike OxBig :"And? You make it sound like a bad thing."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "Only you would think of it like that."
Mike OxBig :""That’s because I want what the fans want. Stop being such a wuss this is what the fans really want."
(Angela moves in and begins to pull the beaten and broken Sensation to his feet. This revives Sensation just enough to score with a desperation eye scratch on Angela. Angela doubles over in pain and turns away from Sensation as she covers her eyes. Seeing an opening, Sensation clips the knee of Angela from behind with a hard shoulder which brings her down to the mat. Sensation begins to circle Angela who is still down on the mat holding her knee. Deciding to take advantage of the opportunity, Sensation grabs a hold of Angela’s ankle and stretches out her leg. He then measures his shot and drives his elbow down into Angela’s already injured leg. From this position, Sensation quickly locks in a side leg lock on Angela. Angela begins to scream out in pain on the mat as Sensation wrenches back on his knee with all his might. After a few moments, Sensation releases his hold on Angela’s leg and returns to a standing position. With a sadistic look in his eyes, Sensation moves towards the corner of the ring. He then ascends to the second rope. Sensation then wipes the blood that is dripping into his eyes off his brow before diving off with a driving elbow into Angela’s uninjured leg. Angela Jameson lets out a howl of pain as Sensation springs back to his feet like a man renewed.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "Fiscus is just showing no mercy here tonight for Alex Fiscus!!"
Mike OxBig : "I'm still not a believer yet Dan."
(Sensation once again climbs to the second rope and goes for another driving elbow to Angela’s knee. This time however Angela gets her boot up and catches Sensation with a stiff shot to the chin. Unable to capitalize on the situation, Angela drags herself over to the ropes and begins to pull herself to her feet. Angela however can not move fast enough as Sensation once again makes it to his feet. Seeing Angela trying to do the same, Sensation runs at Angela and delivers a devastating spear to her lower back. The force of the move sends both of them through the ropes and out to the floor. Now hurt even more then before, Angela crumples to the ground in a heap. Sensation however seems to be running on pure adrenaline as he quickly gets back to his feet and begins kicking at his fallen opponent.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "Angela is hurt and he is hurt bad."
Mike OxBig : "Hurt doesn’t even begin to describe Jameson right now."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "Why doesn’t Sensation just go for the cover and end this match?"
Mike OxBig : "I'm not supporting him . Simon Sensation is here to make an impression tonight. . . an impression that nobody will ever forget."
(Sensation now pulls Angela back to her feet and proceeds to roll her back into the ring. It does not take long for Sensation to follow in order to continue his assault. Keeping his momentum going, Sensation pulls Angela back to her feet with an armbar. Using his positioning to his advantage, Sensation plows forward backing Angela into the corner and breaking the hold. He now scores with a heavy knee to the stomach of Angela. Knowing that he now has an advantage, Sensation takes a few steps back before leveling a hard backhand chop to the chest of his opponent.)
Mike OxBig : "Woah! Did you hear that chop echo? That had to hurt. Just imagine someone with as much power as Sensation slapping their hand across your chest. It’s gotta sting horribly."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "You know, that’s just like you Mike. Thinking of a man slapping your chest. You’re sick."
(Keeping his advantage strong, Sensation lines up and nails Angela with another vicious backhand chop to the chest. Sensation now backs up once again before firing off yet another hard back hand chop to Angela’ now welted chest. Angela looks to be dazed from the beating she is receiving in the corner. As she leans forward clutching her chest that is now beet red from the chops, Sensation drops Angela down to one knee with a heavy driving forearm blow that connects with the back of her neck. Sensation now pulls Angela back to her feet and whips her hard across the ring using all his might.)
Mike OxBig : "Look at the power shown there by Simon Sensation. He may not look that big but believe me when I say that there is some amazing power packed inside his frame. I'll give him that."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "I agree."
(With a full head of steam, Sensation charges across the ring towards his opponent. He is however caught off guard as Angela swings her elbow back and connects with his jaw in desperation. Sensation staggers back a few steps giving Angela just enough room to gain enough velocity to take him down to the mat with a clothesline. As Sensation’s skull bounces off the mat, Angela drops down for the pin . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . Kickout!)
Mike OxBig : "That was a close call for Sensation there. He’s not gonna give up that easy though and he’s making sure Angela knows it."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "yes but Jameson has a lot of heart, it’s gonna take an army to keep her down. And the last time I looked, Sensation is not an army."
(Seeing that Sensation still has some fight left in him, Angela moves in and proceeds to whip Sensation into the corner. She follows up with a running clothesline. Now taking a firm control in the match once again, Angela climbs the ropes in front of Sensation and appeals to the crowd before she begins firing off punch after punch to her opponent’s head. Angela’s offence is cut short however as Sensation maneuvers his arms and head through Angela’s legs to grab Jameson in a torture rack submission as he moves out of the corner. Sensation hunches himself over slightly to hold his opponent up as he walks out to center ring. Once there, Sensation then stands up straight and quickly drops to his knees causing Angela’s back to almost snap on impact. Sensation rolls on top of Angela for the cover . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . Shoulder up!)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "Close call"
Mike OxBig : "If only the ref counted a little quicker! I hate it when our referees don’t know how to count above two!"
(Frustrated, Sensation pulls Angela to her feet before grabbing a handful of her pants and using them as leverage to toss her out of the ring over the top rope. Sensation follows stepping out onto the apron and dropping down with a leg drop off the apron. With Jameson down, Simon rolls back into the ring and decides to see if the referee’s count can give him the win.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "What the hell Simon is taking the cheap way out!"
Mike OxBig : "Whatever it takes to win Dan. Whatever it takes to win. All is fair in love and war especially when the referee will go along with it."
(The referee starts his count on Angela . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . Angela begins to stir, 4 . . . 5 . . . Angela makes it to one knee, 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . Once back to her feet, Angela rolls back into the ring breaking the referee’s count at 9. Before Angela has a chance to get to her feet however, Simon moves in. He pulls Angela to a bent over position and sets her up for a powerbomb.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "This one is gonna hurt. At this stage in the match, any high impact move may end it. Angela better do something quick."
Mike OxBig : " Simon wants the win and he’s about to take it right here. Angela has no chance, stick a fork in her cause she’s done."
(Sensation shakes his head no and changes up to grab Angela's arm and throws her down into a Crossface!)
Mike OxBig : "What!? That's an awesome Crippler!
(Sensation tightens the hold as Angela thinks about tapping. Angela starts to fight back as she heads to the ropes and makes it! The ref has Sensation break the hold.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "How are either of these two still going!?"
Mike OxBig : "I have no idea!"
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "This match is a classic!"
Mike OxBig : "Yeah, a classic example of how to shorten you career due to injuries."
(It seems as though having her title slip away, with a finisher used against her was the spark Angela needed as she pops back to her feet like a woman renewed. Sensation makes it back to his feet as well but, but he is quickly grabbed by Angela and whipped to the ropes. Sensation however manages to counter and sends Angela to the ropes instead. Jameson bounces off the ropes and is met with a huge lariat to her face that takes him right back off his feet and down to the mat. Sensation peels Angela off the mat only to knock her right back down with a hard right reestablishing his control of the match. With Angela down, Sensation pauses for a moment to soaking in the fans who seem to be cheering?!? before pulling Angela up once again. Sensation goes for a big right but his fist is caught by Angela who applies an arm wrench on him. Sensation quickly reverses as he pulls Angela into a full nelson. In response, Angela drives her hips backwards into Sensation’s mid-section breaking the hold. Angela runs to the ropes and bounces off. She dives over Sensation and attempts a sunset flip. Sensation however holds his balance and reaches down between his legs grabbing Angelas’ hair. Using her hair for leverage, Sensation flips Angela over and drives his knee into the back of her neck. Sensation begins to pull Angela to her feet but instead gets rolled up in a quick small package . . . 1 . . . 2 . . .Kickout!)
Mike OxBig : "Wow, it could have been over just that quick!"
(Both wrestlers quickly get back to their feet. Sensation moves in without hesitation and scores with a knee to the gut doubling Angela over. Sensation quickly runs to the ropes and bounces off. As he charges at Angela, Sensation delivers a stiff dropkick to the side of Angela’s head. The impact sends Angela to the ground in a heap Sensation drops in for the pin as the referee begins the count . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . Kickout!)
Mike OxBig : "Can she make it back to her feet?!"
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "Yep, oh well it was good while it lasted."
(Seeing that there is still life in Angela Jameson, Sensation moves back in and pulls her off the canvas. Simon delivers a hard lariat knocking Angela straight back down to the mat. Sensation then drives the heel of his boot into the stomach of the downed Angela before pausing to pose for the crowd once again. Sensation pulls Angela back to her feet once again as he hooks her up and takes her over with a snap suplex. Angela makes it up to one knee as Simon quickly gets back to a full standing position. Sensation attempts a kick but his move is blocked by Angela who grabs a hold of Sensation's foot as she gets back to a full standing position. Angela releases her hold on Simon’s foot as she scores with a kick to the stomach of her own that doubles Simon over. Angela now scores with a big swinging neck breaker. Both wresters quickly get back to their feet but Angela scores with a clothesline that sends Simon right back down to the mat. Sensation pulls himself to his feet once again only to be caught with a few stiff forearm shots that stagger him back towards the ropes. Angela goes for an Irish whip but Simon reverses and sends Angela to the ropes instead. Angela however holds on to the ropes causing Simon to miss his attempted hip toss and turn his back to Angela.
Seeing an opportunity, Angela grabs a hold of Simon’s head from behind and drops down into a sitting position driving the back of Sensation’s head to the mat in the process. Now dazed Simon forces himself to his feet where he is once again caught with a couple stiff forearm shots that stagger him into the corner. Angela hoists Simon up and sits him on the top rope. After a short exchange of punches, Angela makes her way to a standing position on the top rope in front of Sensation. Angela calls out to the crowd before reaching down and pulling Simon up and setting him up for a top rope powerbomb. Sensation see's this and begins to fight back! Simon gains control and gets Angela into a bent over standing position on the top rope before hoisting Angela into the air and leaping backwards. Angela Jameson and Simon spin through the air finally landing hard in a sit-out powerbomb! With Angela down and out cold, Sensation goes for the pin . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "Oh my god! Did you just see that!? Simon just hit the sit down powerbomb off of the top rope!"
Mike OxBig : ".....no comment"
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "What an amazing move!"
Mike OxBig : "Fine I admit it, dammit! I'm a believer! Happy!"
Betty Bangzer: "You're winner and New Unified Champion Simon Sensation"
[ As Simon raises his hands in Victory. "You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC hits on the PA system. Lexus Malone is seen at the top of the ramp."
Lexus Malone:"Great,...just great guys...But Angela. I'm sure you're going to want another crack at this jerk. "
[ Angela picks her head up off the Matt and nods. ]
Lexus Malone:"And so you shall...Sunday on our New Show...It will be you against Simon Sensation...NO DQ's...
[ With that Lexus smiles, much to Simon's dismay. As she head into the back. ]
Got Feet? |
Segment Name Here |
[ Backstage, standing infront of what seems to be a
locker room door, a man wearing a black suit waits
impatiently. He glances at his watch and looks like
he's under quite a lot of stress. But suddenly, he
sighs as he notices someone approaching. ]
Man: Jesus! Where have you been? You're late!
A girl, in her thirties, also wearing a suit, smiles
as she stops near the man. She passes a hand through
her long black hair.
Girl: I'm sorry. That obscene guy kept being... his
usual self. I almost had to fight to get out of it.
But I'm here now.
Man: Okay, okay. There's no time to argue. This client
is a very important one. The GM is counting on us. We
need the money. So you get in there and you do what
you best. If you succeed, I'll let this "lateness"
slide. Deal?
[ The girl nods with a rather confident smirk. ]
Girl: Trust me.
[ The man looks at her for a moment before stepping
aside. The girl enters the locker room and closes the
door behind her. Inside, a young man with a familiar
boyish face to the AWA audience is lying face down on
a leather couch. His eyes are closed. But a little
smile is formed by his lips. He's wearing a dark red
t-shirt, dark blue jeans and white socks. His shoes
are on the floor. The girl smiles. ]
Young Man: I was beginning to think I had been lied
to. Almost felt like leaving and never coming back.
Girl: I'm glad you sticked around then. Otherwise you
would have missed out on the best time of your life.
Young Man: I'm not easily satisfied, I warn you.
Girl: I've never had any complaints so far.
Young Man: Let's hope you keep that record.
[ The girl goes to sit on the couch. The young man
raises his legs to let her have a seat and then lowers
them back on her lap. She starts to rub the bottom of
the feet, through the socks, with her fingers. After a
moment, she pulls off the socks and take one foot in
her hand and lifts it up to her chin, with the bottom
facing up, and starts to massage it from heel to toes.
The young man seems to be enjoying it. ]
Girl: It feels so soft. That's nice.
Young Man: I treat them well.
Girl: How come?
Young Man: They are my best weapons.
Girl: You're going to use them in this place?
Young Man: I did it before. With quite the success, I
might add. That's why I was offered this little
session to "sweeten" the deal. The GM knows me.
Girl: You're one of a kind. I've never met a wrestler
like you before.
Young Man: I'm unique.
Girl: Of course. Didn't quite catch your name though.
Is it Mr. Unique?
Young Man: Heh heh. No. My name's... Adonis.
Girl: It's a pleasure to meet you, Adonis.
Adonis: I know.
Evil IS Lurkin |
(Rumbler’s shown walking down the hall towards Carson’s personal locker
room, and when he finds it he’s knocks on the door.)
Carson- Come in.
(Rumbler walks in and Carson smiles seeing who it is.)
Carson- Hey man. Nice match tonight. Always good to have some more gold in
the group.
Rumbler- Thanks man, but I want to talk to you one on one.
Carson- No problem man, what’s up?
Rumbler- Well I don’t know how to tell you this, but your in some deep shit
Carson- What are you talking about man? What happened?
Rumbler- You know the rumors about a mole in A3? Well I think the fact that
Derek Cantina just walked out of Mike Young’s lockerroom is more than enough
proof. (A fire begins to glow in the eyes of Carson as he hears these new
comments.) However. I just want you to know I got your back tonight. If
Cantina shows up at ringside, I’ll be one step ahead of him.
Carson- Hey man thanks. It’ll be good to have some back-up out there. I
don’t trust Cantina so it’ll be nice knowing your back here waiting to bail
me out. I’m next though man. Wish me luck.
(Carson starts to head out the door as he pounds fist with Rumbler before
heading out.)
Rumbler- Yeah good luck Cody… come tonight you’re gonna need it.
(Rumbler smiles before camera fades to black)
Micheal Manson [Vs] Derek Cantina Singles Match {Continental Title} |
"I Let Go" by Eighteen Visions hits and Micheal Manson comes bouncing out onto the stage. He is in a A3/quicksliver red hoodie and a red bandana. He runs down to the ring and slides under, pushing himself to his feet and stipping off the hoodie. He gets into a ready postion, not wantign to waste any time.
Mike OxBig: Well Micheal Manson looks ready for the tile match with his fellow A3 member.
Dan "Heywood" Jablowme: Well, Mikey and Cantina have had some bad blood... Check this out folks.
We cut to a movie. Micheal Manson is seen winning the contendership to the Continental. Manson throws a punch intending on hitting Jameson, but she ducks under it and he nails Cantina instead! Then it shows Cantina going to a superkcick, as someone ducks and he catches Manson in teh face. Its shows manson boncing on his toes with a smirk on his face then cuts to Cantina taking a swig of JD. Then is shows the two right in each others faces. Nose to knows. Writing pops up under the frozen picture. 'Can A3 hold?'
Mike OxBig: That has been the question. Can A3 withstand two of its top guys beating the holy hell out of each other.
"Have A Drink On Me" by AC/DC starts to play the fans rise to their feet to cheer for the only face memeber of A3. Derek Cantina walks out ontostage and he and manson lock eyes. Its no flashy enterance today as the two stay deadlocked in a stare. Cantina walks to the bottom of the ramp and suddenly his music cuts. And faint by linkin park hits. everyone looks at the stage as cody Carson walks out with both tag team titles on each shoulder. He pulls a mic out of his back pocket and taps it. The fans start to boo.
Cody Carson: You fuckin boo me already and you don't even know why the hell I'm hear.
More boos start.
Cody Carson: Shut up and let me speak. Now Derek, Mr Davis has given me promission to run this plan out, and in the long run, It will show who deserves to be in second command of A3 and who deserves to be my tag partner. See, I don't know how to tell you this, but, You have everythign to lose here man. See, if you lose, you will lose your singels title, and this title. I'm not being a dick, I know you earned thsi title with me... But, I need A3 to be strong.
Dereks jaw drops.
Cody Carson: Now, That might make your night alittle more important to you. You might aske me why. Well, Soem rumors have been floating aroudn that tongith is teh night that the mole will show himself and leave A3. I'm calling you out Cantina, Your the fucking mole... The rumbler told me he heard you talking to Mike young. Givign him the advantage over me eh?
Cantina looks shocked. He raises his hands to the side and says what the fuck. Suddenly, Cantina is taken down by a moonsault from Manson.
Cody Carson: One last thing, I'll be here at ring side, and the match is now, My rules. So basically, there is no rules.
Cody walks down to join the annoncers as Manson gets up.
Mike OxBig: Someone is leaving A3, and this match is for half of the tag titles.
Cantina fights to his feet still alittle shaken up from the attack. Manson is on him like a fat kid on a cupcake at a weight watchers convention. Manson starts to feed Cantina lefts and rights to the face. HE then knees him in the stomach, then in the face. Manson gets alittle to fancey early on. He hops over cantina onto teh ramp and backsflips. Cantian prodicts the mover and shoots both legs out, catching Manson before he touchs the ground under the chin and flipping him backward.
Mike OxBig: Shit, that will shut him out.
Cody Carson: No body turns their back on A3.
Mansons tarts to get up and is met with a few rights by Cantina. Manson starts to fight back with a coupel of rights of his own, but Cantina block a right hand and knees Manson in the gut, hooking his head under his arm and going for a DDT. As Cantina falls, Manson over powers him and pulls hoim back up in a notherlights suplex. Cantina holds onto manson's head na dplants into aswell his his body into the ground. Manson rolls arounf holding his head as Cantina grabs his back. Manson starts to get up before Cantina however, shaking his head and using the apron to hold himsefl up. Cantina gets up and lunges at Manson, manson is the quicker of the two though and lands a stiff hard kick to the midsection of derek cantina, doubling him over. In one flowing motion Manson garbs Cantina's head, jumps onto the railing, flips over him and lands a reverse DDT onto his knee. Cantian grabs his neck , but manson don't let up in the least. He runs and drop kicks Cantina in the back of the head.
Mike OxBig: Manson shows no compation for fellow A3 memebsr eh Cody?
Cody Carson: Is this the AWA or a hug and love place. Manson is doing what he has to to get gold around his waist. And he knows that if you wins this match he and I can form the greatest damn tag team to ever grace sports entertainment. So shut teh fuck up and learn your place. Dan is the only one that can speak to me.
Manson slides into the ring and runs to the far ropes, bouncing off, grabbing teh rop rope on the otehr side of the ring, and front flipping off onto Cantina's awaiting shoulders. Manson goes for a hurricanrana but Cantina hooks him in a hangman, then suddenly drops forward, planting Manson face into the ground. Cantina gets up and rolls manson over, he then mounts him and tsrats pounding on his skull. Shot after shot Manson's head starts to swell. cantina gets up and pulls Manson pul, whippign him into the ring post head first. Manson staggers back and cantina jumps onto teh barricade and runs at him. Jumping off, hooking him around the head and plating him head first into the very thin mats on the outside.
Cody Carson:Shit, to bad mike young can't put up a fight like these two eh?
Mike Oxbig: What ever you say Cody.
Cody Carson:Did I say speak you little bitch?
Mike Oxbig: No But,
Cody Carson:Then why the hell are you talking. Jesus man, its seems like people with the name mike don't have any mantality at all. SHut the fuck up and watch teh match.
Cantina flips to his feet and pulls the now bloody manson up. She starts to punch him in the head, then rolls him into the ring. Cantina rolls in aswell and the match is finally underway. Cantina covers manson as soon as he gets into the ring. 1....2...Manson grabs the ropes. Cantina pulls Manson up and pushes him against teh ropes, whipping him across and going for a drop kick, Manson sees it coming and holds onto teh ropes. Cantina drops hard to the mat and Manson quickly grabs his legs and flips over him in a pin. 1....2...Cantina using his legs and pulls manson back into a pin of his own. 1...2... Manson rolls back ward and dropkicks Cantina in the face as blood flys from cantina's mouth. He rolls over and starts to spit out blood and Manson gets to his feet. MAnson waits for Cantina to get up, a very bad move. Manson swings at CAntina, who ducks under and grabs him in a german suplex. Cantian lands one and holds on, he goes for a second but manson blocks an rushes him into the corner, Cantina doesn't let go, turning out of tyhe corner and landing another, popping up and lnding a third, the fourth. Then the last one on manson. Cantian jumps up and flips off cody carson, landing a shooting star press onto manson, completeing Cody Carson Sensational Assault.
Cody Carson: Ha, I taught him that.
Cantina gets up and pulls manson up, quickly landing a snap suplex. He again pulls manson up, this time grabbing his leg and landign a picture perfect dragon screw twist over into a leg lock. Manson quickly grabs the ropes but Cantina uses the five coutn and lets go on four.
Cody Carson: I will give the trader credit, he's takign manson out of his game.
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme: How so?
Cody Carson: See without Manson's legs he can't fly, and with all the suplexs and shit, its destorying his match. You can tell Cantina has learned well.
Cantina gets up and pulls manson up, going for another Dragon screw. Manson goes to an insiguri, but misses, landing on his foot and back kicking catchign cantina in the mouth.Manson starts to get up but fall. Cantian rolls onto his stomach and pushes himself up to a knee. Manson pulls himself together and stands up. Cantina seeing the knee open, dives and crops it out from under manson. Manson drops but catches the ropes and pulls himself up before Cantina get get to a verical base. Manson waits for him to get to his knees then hooks him in a piledriver, Cantian seemingly reverses but MAnson holds on and landing a flipping piledriver. Cantian starts to shake then lays motionless and Cody Carson gets up and walks over to the ring. Get grabs a ladder from under the ring and slides it into manson who is waiting for it. HE sets it up on the far corner of the ring and climbs up it. CAtina rolls to his side and starts to get up as Cody walks back and hits down edmiring his work. Cantina starts up the lader and is met with stiff rights from manson. cantian fights his way back and hooks Manson in superplex Manson however is the one doing the lifting, simpley dropping him like a slam off the ladder. The imnpact sends Cantina rolling almost the full way across the ring. Manson stands ontop of the ladder, he looks down at Carson and nods hitting his chest and Giving the A3 sign. He then goes for Synthesthesia (720 Splash), but he only catches part of it, seeing as the distance. He slams his face into cantina's chest, both men are knocked out, but manson has his arm over cantina...1........2......3!!! Cody Carson jumps into the ring and pulls the lifeless Manson and hands him the Contanantal Title and half of the tag team titles.
Controlling Minds? |
The Cameras cut to the back where Derek Cantina is sitting holding a picture of he and Carson. He is getting his face stitched up from the match.
Derek Cantina: You.... Call me.... A trader..... How dare you question my loyalty? The rumbler.... told him... Wait a second....
Suddenly the lighst in the door go out for several second and when they come back on Derek Cantina is on the floor busted open badly... Suddenly the door slams and you see a glimps of the man...
Mike Oxbig: Cantina was just in match.... Who would attack him?
Dan 'heywood' jablowme: What was he gettign at. Saying the rumbler...
Mike Oxbig: Coudl rumbler have set carson up?
Dan 'heywood' jablowme: No, he wouldn't be that stupid.
Mike Oxbig: Well the match we have all been waiting for is up next. Lets check otu what has lead up to this match.
[the AWA Tron cuts to a video with Mike youngs Theme song playing, when I'm gone. Cody Carson and simon sensation are exchanging blows when mike young smashes him in teh face with a chair. Suddenly it cuts to A# beatign mike young agaist the steel steps. Then Mike young landing his finisher on cody carson. Then Cody Carson pounding on mike with brass knuckles. Its cuts to mike young a bloody mess then Cody acrson spitting up blood. Then as the course hits, Mike young pulls Cody carson out of the back of a an ambulance. Then Cody carson suplexs him onto the hood of a car. Then the two exhanging blows... Then to a still frame of mike and Cody side by side with the world title apparing tween them both. "Two men, One title, and a ladder." ]
Cody Carson [Vs.] Mike Young Main Event{World Title} |
Mike OxBig Wow...that Lexus is hot, and taking charge already..but This next match is our Mainevent will see Cody Carson taking on World Champion Mike Young. Mike Young has to have the advantage going into this match up.
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme Both are young hot stars, and this could go either way Mike, I cant pick a winner, but if I had to go with someone I would go with Mike Young the champion.
(Then “Faint” By Linkin Park hits and the fans give a huge cheer as Cody Carson steps out from the back. He has his wrestling attire on, Carson lifts his hands up in the air and poses for the fans. Betty Bangzer who is standing in the middle of the ring lifts the microphone up to her mouth.)
Betty Bangzer: Our next match, is schedule for one fall, And is for the AWA World Title. Introducing first, he weights in at 217 pounds, he hails from Vancouver, Canada, Cody Carson!!!!!!!!
(The fans give a huge cheer some scattered boo's as Carson reaches the steps and climbs them. He stands on the apron and then leaps over the ropes. Cody stands in the middle of the ring stepping side to side as his music fades out and is replaced by. “When I'm Gone” By 3 doors down and the fans give more cheers than boo's as Mike Young steps out from the back and along side him is his brother Rick Young. Both stand on the ramp way and they pose and the fans give a mixture of cheers and boos.)
Betty Bangzer: And his opponent, he weights in at 6 feet 1 inchies and weighs two hundred and ten pounds he hails from Ragley, Louisiana, You're AWA World Champion Mike Young!!!!!!!!!
(Mike and Rick reach the ring, Rick looks right at Cody Carson and points at him as he steps up the small steps. Rick stays on the outside as Mike steps through the ropes and into the ring.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme Cody is going to this his all tonight.
Mike OxBig Yeah, and it doesn't hurt that Mike Young brought his brother to the ring with him. Rick must have thrown Brandi a quick one. To have sometime to be there for his brother.
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme I'm sure, Brandi's in the back.
Mike OxBig: "Never said she wasn't...Moron says what?"
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme "What?"
Mike OxBig: Exactly....
( Mike and Cody stare at each other as the bell rings, both men circle each other. Mike and Carson go for a tie up in the middle of the ring but Carson ducks under it and from behind hit’s a reverse head scissors take down and Carson leaps straight to his feet and looks on as Mike Young and begins to climb to his feet. As he does Cody runs a little and then drop kicks MIke right in the face, Carson goes for the early pin but doesn’t even get a one as Mike Young's powers straight out and Carson lands on his feet.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme "Carson's showing his dedication to this match, he went for the early victory.
Mike OxBig: Going for, and getting are two different things my friend.
( Mike Young stands up and looks on as Carson runs at him, Young swings a huge right but its ducked by Carson who comes of the ropes and as Young turns Carson drop kicks Mike Young in the knee this drops Young to both his knees. Carson stands up and begins to punch the forehead of Mike Young. Another punch and then Carson bounces off the ropes and goes for a drop kick to the face but Mike Young rolls out the way and Carson lands on the mat. Young gets up and as Carson does Young rams his knee into Carson, another huge knee doubles Cody Carson over. Young grabs him by the side of the head and throws him all the way across to the other side of the ring. Carson holds his back as Young walks over, Young grabs a handful of hair and pulls Carson up to his feet. Young with a whip off the ropes followed by a big boot that sends Carson down to the mat.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme A very effective Big Boot there by Mike Young, now he has control of this match up.
Mike OxBig: I couldn’t agree with you more there, that big boot could have gave him the advantage in this match up.
( Young walks over and stands above him, now slowing the pace right down. Young leaps and lands with an elbow onto the back of Cody Carson. Young stands up and then stomps on the back of the young superstar. Young reaches down and he grabs a handful of hair once more and whips him into the corner. Mike Young runs in after him and clotheslines Carson in the corner, Carson falls down to the mat as Young stands above him and poses. Mike Young reaches down again and pulls up Cody Carson,Young whips Carson off the ropes and goes for a big boot again but Carson slides under it, and from behind Carson with his shoulder he rams it into the back of Young leg taking him down to the mat.)
Mike OxBig: Carson is taking away the leg of Mike Young, which is a pretty smart idea.
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme It is very intelligent play, but Mike Young isn’t out of this and this match is a long way from being over.
( Young holds his leg as Carson takes come momentum from the ropes and he runs and leaps and lands with his knee on Young's leg. Carson straight back up and he holds on Mike's leg and jumps with a leg drop onto the leg. Carson stomps on him once more and then walks over to the turnbuckle, and with one huge leap Carson is on the top rope. Carson goes for a "Fuck Fear" cork screw Swanton, but Young rolls out the way and Carson lands on the mat. Mike pulls him self up with help from the ropes. Mike Young walks over and grabs the pants of Carson and pulls him up, Young hoists Carson up onto his shoulder and drops him on the mat with a power slam. Young stands back. All the sudden out of no where...The Rumbler comes running down the ramp. He slids into the ring with a steel chair. Rick Young jumps up on the apron, to distract referee Johnny X...As Rumbler lifts the chair, and nails Cody Carson right over the head. Rumbler then stomps and spits on the back of Cody Carson. He nods to Mike Young then slides out of the ring, and walks up the ramp facing Carson. Johnny X turns around as he see's Rumbler walking up the ramp, but not seeing anything happen, can't call for the bell.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme I thought Carson was back in control of this match, but it looks like I was wrong. I can't believe this...I thought Rumbler was down with A3...What did he go and do that for?
Mike OxBig: When you are giving up everything Carson is, its bound to take its toll on you. but it doesn't help when you're buddy is helping the enemy."
( Young grabs Carson and pulls him to his feet, Young places his head between his legs and then poses, as he does Carson rolls Young up, ONE . . . TWO . . . TH.... NO Kick Out By Young . Young gets straight up and as Carson is getting up Young brings his forearm down across his back. Another huge club to the back stops Carson from getting up. Young grabs the hair of Carson and whips him into the corner. Young walks over and measures a stiff punch to the jaw that rocks Carson . Young whips Carson all the way across to the other side of the ring and then follows it up with a clothesline into the corner. Cody Carson staggers out and Young grabs the throat of Carson and choke slams him down to the mat, he climbs to the top rop, and hits The Suicide- Swanton Bomb Young hooks the leg. ONE . . . TWO . . . THR NO, Cody Carson just manages to get his foot on the rope.)
Mike OxBig: Young is absolutely pissed of now, look at the expression on his face.
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme He thought he had it won, looks like he didn’t.
( Young slams his hands on the mat and then stands up, he grabs the hair of Cody Carson and pulls him up. Young whips Carson off the ropes and then goes for a huge sidewalk slam but Carson reverses it into a head scissors take down. Young straight back up as is Carson , Young runs and goes for a clothesline but Carson ducks and as Young turns Cody Carson leaps and hit’s a spinning heal kick on Mike Young sending him down to the mat. Carson is back up, Young follows slowly, Cody Carson with a right to the head of Mike Young, another right and Young is now backed up against the ropes. Cody Carson goes for a Irish whip but Mike YOung reverses it and Carson i goes off the ropes but Carson hit’s a spring board Moonsault and hooks the leg, ONE . . . TWO . . . THR NO Kick Out By Mike Young.)
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme "That was a awesome move, I thought he had it there."
Mike OxBig: " Well he didn’t, this match has been a solid bout so far."
( Cody Carson gets up and as Mike Young begins to climb Carson runs off the ropes and hit’s a Halo...off Young sending him to the mat. Carson looks down at Young on the mat, Carson then begins to climb the ropes, but is too slow as Young is back up and he runs and punches Carson in the mid-section stopping him from doing anything. Young with a huge right to the face of Carson and then Young climbs the ropes, he turns Carson around so his back is facing him. Young signals for the Tragic Ending . Young grabs Carson and lifts him up for the ddt, but Carson slides down his back and performs a power bomb off the top rope on Mike YOung and then covers him with his feet on the ropes. ONE . . . TWO . . . THR NO, Rick Young informs ..ref...Johnny X...as he notices Carson is using the ropes to help him try and pin Mike Young.)
Mike OxBig: Cody Carson had it won, Mike Young didn’t even kick out. If Rick Young wasn't there, and if he just didn’t have his own feet on the ropes this would be all over.
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : It could cost him this match here tonight, and if it does that could hurt him big time.
( Carson gets up, he looks frustrated and he grabs the ref by his shirt and begins to push him. The ref is telling him that he was not allowed to have his feet on the ropes. Young is up and Carson pushes the ref once more and then turns around, only to get clotheslined down to the mat. Young takes a second to gain some energy and then grabs the hair of Cody Carson, and pulls him up. Mike Young hoists Cody Carson up into a military slam position but Carson spins around and hit’s a falling DDT on Mike Young crashing his head against the mat. Carson is up quickly and he runs over to the ropes, this time he leaps up onto the top rope and signals for the 450 splash. Carson leaps and hit’s the 450 splash and hooks the leg, ONE . . . TWO . . . THREE!!!! Rick Young stands there disgusted looking at his brother. Rick shakes his head and begins walking up the exit ramp, not waiting for Mike.)
Mike OxBig: Cody Carson...i did it, he defied all the odds, just what AWA is all about.
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : I enjoyed this contest, but Mike Young I am afraid should have won, but we will see what happens in the weeks to come, you never know both of these men could cross paths again..
Betty Bangzer: " Ladies and Gentlemen...I give you our New AWA World Champion...Cody Carson..."
[ Cody grabs the World title, and raises it over his head....then drops to his knees. He puts the title close to his face, and takes in the moment."
Mike OxBig: "Oh, God sakes...get the hell up you damn baby."
Dan 'Heywood' Jablowme : "this is Carson's moment, Mike don't wreck it for him."
Mike OxBig: "Yeah, Right...Well folks...we have a new AWA boss, for now...Make sure you join us for our new Sunday night Adrenaline Show...I'm sure things are about to get very interesting. Till then...I'm Mike OxBig, signing off for Dan "Heywood" jablowme....Good night folks."