[ The camera fades into an unknown location. Hobo Nick is seen sitting on a white plastic patio chair. Next to him in a red "radio flyer" wagon is his client the box. Hobo Nick looks around thinking there is no one to be found and shoots a shot rocket from his nose. As he wipes under it he's statled by the AWA cameras.]
Hobo Nick:"Ah bunch of sneaky buggers ain't ya?"
[ He straightens up and then cracks his next.]
Hobo Nick:"As you can see the boss and I are just relaxing. We know that Sky Johnson is going to be next in long line of victims brought down by The Box."
[ The box just sits there.]
Hobo Nick:"See what all of you are experiencing right now, is the box and his quite cool."
[ Again the camera flashes to the box and the box just sits there.]
Hobo Nick:"Sky Johnson you should not only be afraid for yourself but your family."
[ Hobo Nick pauses then leans close to the box. He smiles and nods his head.]
Hobo Nick:"Right, got cha boss!"
[ Hobo Nick stands up and grabs the handle to the little red wagon.]
Hobo Nick:"The Box wishes to take a spin around the park...So now I must bid you a doo, doo...that's french for goodbye..."
[ Hobo Nick takes the litte red wagon handle in his hand, and walks aways whistling as the scene fades.]
THE BOX = > YOU~!!~