[ The camera comes into focus we see a stage set and reporters all around. Ofcourse that can only mean one thing..it's talk to the press time. As the reporters talk amnongst themselves Hobo Nick makes his way to the stage. He sets the box on top of a table and speaks.]

Hobo Nick:"Ladies and Gents...I want to thank you for coming. Now this isn't like your average press conference."

[ One report chirps out.]

Reporter One:"Why not?"

Hobo Nick:"For the simple reason that for every question you ask you will be required to leave a can good..."

Reporter Four:"And why is that?"

[ Hobo Nick leans over placing both hands flat on the table.]

Hobo Nick:"For the home-less you fool..."

Reporter Four:"Ah...I see..What a great cause."

Hobo Nick:"Yes..Yes I am...So let's begin...."

[ A journalist steps forward and begins to speak.]

Journalist:"Hobo Nick....how do you feel about the your client the box facing The Helminator this week."

[ Hobo Nick pretends not to hear the question. The journalist repeats it and Hobo Nick stares into outter space.]

Journalist:"Ummm...Hobo Nick?"

[ Hobo Nick glares at the journalist and points.]

Hobo Nick:"Where is your can good?"

[ The room looks around at one another..As the box begins to shake.]

The Box:"GAhdiiahodiajiaia......****&77a77az7akdj"

[ Hobo Nick turns around and leans back as the box flips it's sides up.]

The Box:"******dslsl8aid&&&&& Helminator..**S**A*Ss89"

[ Hobo Nick gasps then looks around the room.]

Hobo Nick:"Where are you can goods?"

Reporter One:"None of us knew and have none..."

Hobo Nick:"Shame on you! On all of you~!~"

Reporter One:"But we had no idea."

Hobo Nick:"And here you people are suppose to be professionals. It's your job to know and investigate."

[ Hobo Nick shakes his head.]

Reporter Four:"What did the box say?"

Hobo Nick:"well if you don't have any can goods...I can't tell you..C'mon boss.."

[ Hobo Nick picks up the box and begins to leave before he exists the room he says.]

Hobo Nick:"All I know is if your name is The Helminator..You should be worried...The boss isn't too happy..."

Report One:"Why?"

Hobo Nick:"I refuse to answer questions from people that allow a hobo to starve...good day."

[ Hobo Nick snubs his nose at the room of reporters and exists holding the box in his arms.]