It's that time once again people. Entertainment time. Originality with the lack of stupidity, unlike your average Simon Sensation, Michael Manson, or even your World Champion Cody Carson.

So without further adieu, I bring you a Brandi James promotional, one hundred percent entertainment, idiocy free.

[ Have you ever realized that you've taken something or someone for granted? May sound like an odd question, but it was one that I was finding myself asking. And if so when you do realize this? Exactly when did you notice? The sun was setting over the beautiful city of Miami, with it's usual brilliance. The way the pink and purples blended together in the soon to be night time sky is always is beautiful. Something that they put on the postcards you send to your friends to make them jelous. Jelous you live in such a picture perfect place. I walked into my house after stoping at CVS to pick up some advil, and film that I had dropped off. I tossed my keys on the ends table near the stairs. Flipping through the photo's I called out for Rick.]

Brandi James: "Baby, I'm home....hello....?"

[ I paused and heard the silence in my house. It was about 5:30 which meant normally Rick had just completed his normal daily workout, and was relaxing on the couch watching "Pardon The Interruption" on ESPN. I stayed still just a second longer thinking maybe he put the tv on mute, but it wasn't he just wasn't there. I looked down at the photos in my hand, and smiled. As I looked at a picture we had someone take that was walking by us while we were at the beach a few days ago. It was suppose to be an even exchange. He took the picture of us and then we'd give him an autograph. Yeah was his honor to have even taken the picture, but I digress. We look so good together, me standing infront of him with his arms around me both of us clearly happy. I slide the 5 x 10 photo in the corner of an 8 x 10 that Jalie and I had taken of us at an amusement park, where we were dressed at bad ass girl gun fighters. It's one of my favorite photos of Jalie and Me, She's actually one of the few people I still keep the photos up of around my house. I put me and Rick in the bottom left corner of it. Then looked at the answer machine to see 2 messages flashing. I hit the button and heard the first, which was a message from Jalie. ]

Jalie Thomas: "B....You better not be making any more of those sick videos! You're smexy,, alright...Everyone knows it."

[ She laughed, I loved how when Jalie was trying to be sarcastic to me sometimes, she couldn't help but laugh. ]

Jalie Thomas: "Anyway, call me woman, Don't make me kick know......Love you, take care."

[ I laughed and put the photos down next to the answer machine as the next message played, it was from Rick. ]

Rick Young: "Hey Sweetheart, I just wanted to call you to tell you that my flight landed, and I'm home now. Which is a good thing, because these stupid fuckers don't even have barely half of the work done yet....But I'm going to go lay down, because I'm really fuckin' aggrivated. So If I wake up early enough, I'll give you a call....If not, I'll just call you in the morning...I......"

[ He paused, as if he stopped himself from telling me that he loves me. Which is something the two of us have yet to say to each other. ]

Rick Young: "I...So yeah...I'll call you later. Sweet dreams baby, talk to you soon."

[ And with that he hung up. I looked at the clock that now said quarter of six. I thought about picking the phone up to call him, but if he already was sleeping I didn't want to wake him up. Deciding against the decision to call him, I walked by my front door, and locked it. Then walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I entered my room, and saw Rick's White Sox jersey laying on my foot stool at the end of my bed. I shook my head, and picked it up. ]

Brandi James: "I don't know how many times, I have to tell him to pick up his stuff and atleast toss it in the laundry basket."

[ I said sort of laughing as I looked at the laundry basket. Which by the way was only about fifteen steps away. I was about to toss it in the laundry, when I realized that he barely wore it. That really shouldn't have mattered much, but I could smell his Cool Water cologne still on it. I put it on my bed, and took off my light pink tank top, and low rise blue jean. I slipped his shirt on, and picked up the front of it a bit, holding it close to my nose, and smelled the shirt. I love the smell of his cologne, and wearing his shirt made me feel really close to him. For that brief moment, I didn't seem to miss him as much. I put my fuzzy black slippers on, and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed myself a pepsi from the fridge, and picked up my cordless phone, and dialed up Jalie's number. I walked back into the living room, and curled up on the couch as I picked up the remote. Unfortunately I got Jalie's answer machine. ]

Jalie's machine: "Hello?.......Ha! Thought I really answered didn't you? Ha,ha...Seth and I aren't home at the moment, Leave a message with three worthy reason for us to return your call and we'll think about it...start now..."

[ I giggled as I listened to her message, no matter what it was always funny to me. ]

Brandi James: "J....It's me, I'm returing you're call before you kick my ass ! And if you exspect me to leave three worthy reasons, well....Me being Brandi James, your best friend is reason enough...If you get in soon call me back woman, say hello to Seth for me, I love you guys...bye."

[ I hung up the and put it next to me on the couch, as I curled into the corner. I searched for something on tv, but found that I was doing nothing but endless channel surfing. ]

Brandi James: "Unbelievable...Over three hundred channels, and I can't find a God damn thing decent to watch."

[ I clicked the guide button to view the time. Seeing that it was nearly 6:30, I sighed. ]

Brandi James: "Atleast the Astros game will be on soon...."

[ I settled for watching Law and Order re-runs on TBS. I figured that it was the best thing on tv until the game came on. During commerical I got up, and fixed myself something to eat. Nothing too fancy just a turkey sandwhich with swiss cheese, and some plain chips. Sometimes with all the fancy places I'm use to going and the way people view me, they don't realize that I'm just a simple girl, that contary to popular belief isn't as high maintance as some may amuse. I went back to the couch and eat my food, as I watched the remaining time for law and order. I kept watching the time when the commericals came on. It wasn't that much longer till the game was on, and I'd get to watch "The Rocket" Roger Clemens pitch. He's such a great athlete, and I love Texas pitchers. They really are hard throwing with filthy stuff. Nolan Ryan and Roger Clemens are really my favorites, I'm sure they're everyone's though. You really can't count Kerry Wood in that bunch because he's always on the disabled list. I most likely would put my former boyfriend Josh Beckett on that list, even despite his recent shoulder problems. I guess that's what he gets from jerking off so much, now that we're not together. Still when Josh could get good location on his fast ball, and get his breakball working, and not hang his curve ball, he was what the pros call "lights out". He truly had nasty stuff. I sighed thinking how I blamed Cody Carson for us not being together any long. In Carson's insane quest to prove to me that I was really in love with him, and he's always been the man of my dreams he reuined my relationship with Josh. Atleast something good came out of it all. I ended up getting Rick, no matter how Carson feels about that. Enemy of his or not, he needs to realize that Rick and I are together. Jalie may not like my choice to be with Rick, but she accepts it, in her own way. I rested my head on the couch, and said loudly.]

Brandi James: "This game needs to come on...I need a distraction."

[ I bet you're laughing right now, but it's not that I'm saying things out loud. You're laughing because you know we all do it. When no one is around, just say random things aloud even though there is nobody around to hear them, or answer. I popped some popcorn during a commerical right before the game, then sat down watching another brillant Roger Clemens performance as Houston slated their place in the World Series for the first time in their franchise history. I exspect the phone to ring, and have it be Rick already taunting me, how it's so on between his white sox and the team I chose to root for the Houston Astros. I shut the tv off, but the phone didn't ring. He must still have been sleeping, I'm sure all the yelling at the jackass that are working to repair his house nearly drained him. I hung the phone back up on the receiver then headed up stairs. I turned the lamp next to my bed on, and looked at my bed. I didn't make it when I got up this morning since I was in a rush, and the sheets were a bit messed up from Rick and I playing around last night. Still I didn't care, I figured why bother making it now, I'm only going to sleep in it. I crawled into bed and moved the blankets a bit to get comfortable. I layed on my side of the bed putting my hand across the side Rick sleeps on. I turned the other way then ended up flat on my back looking at the ceiling. I was thinking about reading for a bit, but I really felt too tired to even keep my eyes open. Reaching over I turned my lamp off, and tried laying on Rick's side, but just couldn't.]

Brandi James: "Maybe, I should call him?"

[ After thinking about it for a few moment, I grabbed my phone then straining my eyes looking at the barely light number called Rick's cell phone. It rang four times, and then went to his voice mail.]

Rick's voice mail: "You've reached Rick, leave a message."

[ My first reaction was to hang up, but my mouth automatcialy started to spit words out before my brain could stop it.]

Brandi James: "Hi, it's just me, I thought I'd call to say hi, but ummm I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow."

[ I hung up the phone, and put it on my nightstand. I felt as if I could finaly go to sleep, first I fluffed my pillow then rested my head down, and shut my eyes. It wasn't that long infact about seven minutes before they opened by up. There I was just laying in the blackness of my room, tossing and turning messing up my bed sheet, not even in a good way. Before too long I was sitting up on the edge of my bed. I felt anxious and like I was sufficating. Putting my hand over my chest I took a deep breath then got up. Opening the french glass doors the lead to my balcony, I walked out on it. There was a beautiful cool breeze, that felt so good. The cool night's breeze seemed to be just what I needed. I watches as the water rippled, how I loved my home with my perfect ocean view. It always made me so at ease, and would have been more perfect if Rick was standing there with me. I turned back and looked at my tossiled bedding and knew that tonight atleast that wouldn't happen. Trying to snap myself back to reality, I said. ]

Brandi James: "This isn't possible that I feel this way for him. It was never suppose to go this far. I only wanted to destroy Tiffany, just to prove the point that I could."

[ But the joke was indeed on me, I did feel this way. Feeling a bit cold I walked back into my room, and shut the balcony doors. Again I atempted to go to sleep as I crawled back into bed. Almost instanly I found myself still laying as if Rick was there. That's it, I knew exactly what to do. I grabbed two pillows and put them on his side. ]

Brandi James: "That should do it."

[ I said smiling then layed down next to them trying to trick myself into thinking that Rick was there. Ofcourse it wasn't the same. I love how he'd wrapped his arms around me making me feel so safe, as I rested my head on his shoulder. People don't understand because they don't see that side of Rick. Secretly I love that that only I do. We would lay there just talking about our pasts. Realizing how very similar our pasts our. A sigh excaped my lips, as I thought about how when we'd talk, he'd take his fngers and twirl them around the ends of my hair, or the way he'd rub his foot up and down my soft silky legs. I was shocked when I looked at the clocked with it say three am. Could it be that I've been tossing and turning for nearly four hours? ]

Brandi James: "I need some God damn sleep ! This is fucking crazy ! "

[ Again I got up and walked into the bathroom. I flicked on the light and opened my medicine cabinet. I saw a bottle of sleeping pills that had been prescribed to me about five months ago when I was having trouble sleeping. Really I don't have many vices, but sleeping pills is one of my few. Rolling my eyes I opened the lid, and put one in my hand. I looked down at it still debating if I wanted to take it or not. ]

Brandi James: "If I don't I'll never get to sleep, besides it's only one night."

[ Quickly I popped the pill into my mouth and swallowed it. I turned off the light in the bathroom, and got back into the bed. Still I was uncomfortable, and I hit the pillow next to me. ]

Brandi James: "Maybe it's the sheets.."

[ Thinking that was restlessness was caused do to my bed being messy to start with. I got up and made my bed in the dark. Now much more happy and feeling a bit better I got into my perfectly made bed. Again place two pillows next to me, trying to make up for Ricks abscene. But it was useless, tonight we wouldn't be together, holding each others hands as we talk about our now future. Tonight I wouldn't feel his lips kiss my forehead just before we went to sleep. All I could think of is I hope he wouldn't be gone too long. ]

Brandi James: " I miss you, Rick."

[ I said mumbling, as the effects of the pill started kicking in, and I no longer had to fight going to sleep. Thanks to the help of my sleeping pill. I drifted off to sleep after all, dreaming of more pleasant things. ]

Match Talk

Your moment of pain is over. Dry those tears, your sorrow is no longer necessary - for yet another Brandi James award winning promotional HAS graced your television screens.




Perhaps, but one can't be sure of that. I can be sure of one thing though. You people will be entertained.


I know what you're all thinking. This is AWA -- Entertainment does not exist here. Well, times are changing people. As Brandi James approval rating rises, so does the entertainment level of AWA. The AWA staff needs Brandi James on your television screens to bring in the dollars. Can you believe it, the AWA staff have finally caught on to what I have been telling them for months now.

Brandi James is Ratings.

Brandi James is Money.

Brandi James is your Your wrestling Goddess!

Brandi James has everything that this industry requires you to have if you are going to be a success. She has the looks. We don't call her the wrestling Goddess for nothing. Men want to sleep with her, women want to be her. And its pretty clear that the woman has the talent, despite what people have been saying. Brandi James has it all. The total package if you will. When Brandi James appears on your television screens and brightens up your rather dull and boring lives - it means money for the AWA.

And we all know how Samantha Raines needs the finances.

She has to pay her many hospital bills. And with the roster being loaded with mediocre over paid competitors ****Cough****Sensation****Cough****it's important that AWA get as much money as possible. otherwise.. it's bankruptcy. I've seen it happen, on many occasions. Which is why it is hugely important that Brandi graces our tv's.

Groan all you want, but this is a business. And businesses are out to make money.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

But the AWA...executives have nothing to worry about. There investment is in safe hands, with Brandi and now her enforcement with the arrival of Jalie Thomas. And who is going to be able to stop Them?

Simon Sensation?

The man that has a huge ego for no reason. This kind of stupidity annoys me. And it really pisses me off that the masses actually like that bullshit. This man epitomizes what is wrong with AWA. This is wrestling. Not a fucking circus. What's next? Tight rope walking elephants? Please. What happened to the days when it was just two ruthless ring generals engaged in a thrilling battle of wits, and athleticism.

I liked those days.

We need that back.

The industry has turned into an ugly mess. Pre-teen boys with a foot obsession, Crack Whore baby mothers, Old has-beens. It's a disgrace. It's making a mockery of this business. This is not entertainment, this is stupidity.

We simply will not allow it.

Brandi James this Saturday on Adrenaline is going to fight Alex Wilkins. A man that once showed so much promise. A man who next week has a shot at the now World title holder Cody Carson, but yet has not found the time to show up, and grace us with his prensence.

And we're going to reward him with a World title shot. Alex Wilkins doesn't deserve that honor. Hell Seth Thomas would deserve that honor more. His name carries more weight, and has generated more buzz then Alex Wilkins even when Alex did show up. Seth could come walking down to the ring. We would all be in sheer delight watch Carson shit in his pants. Seth would bitch slap Carson, and final give the world title some meaning once again. We know you would hate him for it, but we couldn't care less. It would to be for your own good.

Alex you may be feeling sorry for yourself after Brandi exposes you for the fraud that you are. You're going to be calling Brandi every name under the sun, but that's okay. We're fine with that. We'll be wanting a thank you when AWA is the number one promotion in north America thanks to your wrestling Goddess. But of course you people are too stubborn to thank the great Brandi James, so we won't be holding our breath.

We're not expecting anything from you.

You're nothing.

Brandi James doesn't need your apology. She doesn't need your admiration and she doesn't need your respect. She has her looks, her talent and her money, and now Rick Young. She has it all.

Lets get one thing clear here, people. There is no possible way Alex Wilkins will over take Brandi. Shit like that just doesn't happen. Alex you've nearly been forgotten about.

Accept, disguard...Now move along.

This is going to be as easy as one, two, three. After there will be a glorious celebration with Brandi and her friends. Too bad for the rest of you it's by private invite only. Brandi doesn't care to associate with those who are beneath her, or the untalented, or the stupid, or the old tired bitter veterans.

But until then..

Shut the fuck up, you're giving us a head ache.