And so it begins

[ This is the first day of the rest of you life! Or atleast that's what Skylar Black tries to tell Mike Young. As many of you are aware the lovely Ms. Black has been given the task by Maxwell Williams of getting the former World Champion sober after yet another fall from grace. For those of you who aren't all too familar with Mike Young, I'll just tell you in short that the man has an extensive history of mental break downs. Needless to say his recent break up with upper managements Samantha Raines hasn't helped his situation much. You see Mike has always wanted a woman he could trust that he could live happily ever after with. He actually thought that he may have found the right woman when he and Samantha had gotten involved. Sadly it was not meant to be for the two of them. Samantha left Mike for her bodyguard and his brother Rick's divorce from high school sweetheart Tiffany Phoenix hit Mike especially hard. It actually hurt Mike more then it hurt Rick really. Regardless of that fact, Mike still had a very hard time dealing with his reality that the life he knew was rapidly changing.

I know folks...I know....No one has a perfect life and frankly Mike Young needs to grow a fucking sack and be a man, instead of behaving like a child. No matter what it still doesn't change the fact that he's taken everything that is happening to him and let destruction become the path of his chosing. Which is what Skylar's mission is, to help him kick his habbits of decadence. Maxwell knows that if there is one person to get such a job done it's AWA's closest thing to a Saint....Skylar Black. It's common knowledge by now how virtuous the woman is. God help you know Skylar Black, for you do not realize the job you have just taken on.

Today looks just like the warm beautiful days that Miami has to offer. It's not a wonder that it's such a popular place for people to want to reside. Sunny in the high 70's is the perfect type of wheather that Mike Young is enjoying as he is lounging on a float in the Olympic size swimming pool of the home of his brother Rick Young and Brandi James. Needless to say even though Mike was a bit hasty about moving into Brandi's guest house, it appears that he's really taken to the thought of staying. His daughter patience has made friends in her new school and enjoys spending time with Rick. And well Mike....C'mon people Miami is a party town. While Rick is practicing being a daddy...Mike has been taking advantage of the many bars on Ocean drive. As Mike relaxes Skylar has just stepped out of the guest house wearing an adorable pink sundress and sandals to match. She looks around and notices Mike floating in the pool with a can of coors light in his hand. Skylar puts her hands on her hips and shakes her head as she walks over to the pool. After a moment of looking at Mike she clears her throat to get his attention. ]

Skylar Black:"Em....hmmmm..."

[ Trying not to pay Skylar much attention Mike casually leans his head to the side.]

Mike Young:"Yes......"

[ She crouches down a bit, and points to the beer in his hand.]

Skylar Black:" What's that?"

Mike Young:"What's...what?"

Skylar Black:"Michael, you know exactly what I'm talking about."

[ Mike raises his hand and looks at the beer.]

Mike Young:"Oh....right....I know...I know...I'm not that found on Coors light myself, but apparently Brandi did this commerical for them way back when before she started wrestling, and the CEO still sends her gift baskets for christmas and what not. So since my brother is so big on this my house is your house thing, well I figured on helping myself to what's in his house..."

[ Standing up Skylar crosses her arms as Mike says under his breath.]

Mike Young:"Even though this isn't Rick's house....cuz if it was I'm sure I'd have no problem finding the hard liqour....what a disappoint."

Skylar Black:"What?"

Mike Young:"Nothing, I just meant that I'm surprised my brother doesn't have the beer he likes to drink..that's all."

Skylar Black:"Rick, has informed me that there is no booze in the house. He's doing it intentionally that way it makes things easier for you."

Mike Young:"Oh, how big of him....Im sure the fact he knocked Brandi up and since they can't drink...well she can't...."

[ Looking a bit confused at Mike, Skylar asks.]

Skylar Black:"Do you even have a clue of what you're talking about? What does Brandi being pregnant have to do with this?"

Mike Young:"Never mind.....I'm just saying..."

Skylar Black:"Yes, well maybe you should start thinking a bit more before you just start saying anything."

[ Resting his head back Mike takes a sip of his beer.]

Mike Young:"Why don't you losen up a bit?"

Skylar Black:"Losen up?"

Mike Young:"Yeah...You know I just don't fucking get it."

Skylar Black:"What are you trying to get?"

[ Mike puts his free hand in the pool and paddles towards Skylar. He gets close and grabs the edge of the pool so he doesn't move.]

Mike Young:"Ok....this is what I don't get....Rick is always on my ass to have fun...and to have a good time. He tells me how I need to get out more and meet people...You know try to have a good time. But what I don't get is...when I try to do those things Papa Rick gets on my fucking back...and all I'm doing is what he's telling me."

[ Taking a deep breath Skylar crouches down and looks at Mike.]

Skylar Black:"Mike....I don't think when Rick said to have a good time that included you going into McDonalds asking why Ronald McDonald doesn't offer footlong hot dogs on his meanu and calling them meat prejudice."

[ Mike laughs as he sips his beer again.]

Mike Young:"Yeah...they had no clue what to say to me."

Skylar Black:"I'm sure....and I'm sure it also doesn't include you going to disney and refusing to get off of the It's a small World ride......After you threw up in the boat.."

[ Mike smirks and points..]

Mike Young:"And they say Disney is the happiest place on earth...bullshit.....and for the record I didn't refuse to get off the ride...I just wanted to stay on till I felt happy."

Skylar Black:"Mike you left Patience standing there...she got off the ride way before you did.. You left your daughter standing next to the guy that operated the ride while you continued to go to country to country on it."

Mike Young:"She wasn't there that long..."

Skylar Black:"The man sent your daughter a christmas gift and invited her to his daughters birthday party....You left her there for over four hours."

Mike Young:"It didn't feel like it was that long."

Skylar Black:"Well it was...Rick had to come get you because the park officials wouldn't allow you to leave with patience. You're very lucky they recongized you and knew who you were and called Rick."

Mike Young:"Some luck...You know since hooking up with Brandi, Rick thinks he's so fucking tough. Like he can tell me what to do."

Skylar Black:"You obviously can't take care of yourself.."

[ After a short moment of silence Mike looks at Skylar.]

Mike Young:"Hey, why don't you come in here and relax with me."

Skylar Black:"Because you're getting out and we're going to go for a work out."

Mike Young:"I don't want to..."

Skylar Black:"Stop acting like a baby..."

Mike Young:"Stop treating me like one."

Skylar Black:"I'll stop treating you like one when you start to be more responsible."

Mike Young:"Why don't you go lecture Rick about responsible...he's the unmarried one that's living with his pregnant girlfriend in her house. Hell...we should just give him a skimmer and call him the pool boy."

[ Before Mike can even react Skylar reaches over and pulls the beer from Mike's hand. ]

Skylar Black:"I think you've had enough of that. Especially since it's only 11am." [Trying to grab it back from Skylar, Mike slips off the float into the pool.]

Mike Young:"Jesus....that's cold.."

Skylar Black:"You know, You really shouldn't take the lords name like that."

Mike Young:"Like Jesus or God even give a fuck about me. Look at what they've allowed to happen to my life!"

Skylar Black:"You can only blame the lord for so much wrong in your life Mike. At some point you need to take blame as well......You know when I was little and would say cuss words my momma would tell me that every time I said a bad word that it would make the baby jesus cry."

Mike Young:"So?"

Skylar Black:"You don't want to make the baby Jesus cry do you Mike?"

[ Mike pulls himself up and out of the pool. Skylar hands him a towel to dry off.]

Mike Young:"I don't believe in God....Now gimme back my beer!"

Skylar Black:"Sorry no can do..."

[ Skylar pulls her hand back as Mike reaches again for his beer. She turns and walks into the guest house and dumps his beer in the kitchen sink.]

Mike Young:"The Lord will punish you for that !!!!!"

[ Tossing the beer can into the trash can Skylar laughs.]

Skylar Black:"I think a Hail Mary will buy me some forgiveness. Now go get changed, we have an AA meeting to go to."

Mike Young:"The church will demand an Our Father for tossing my beer as well."

Skylar Black:"I don't think so....Now you don't want to be late do you?"

Mike Young:"Yes, because I don't want to go."

Skylar Black:"My goodness, Patience was easier to get ready this morning for school. Now that's not saying a whole lot about you...When you're six year old daughter was easier to get ready for school this morning. "

[ Standing in shock Mike gulps.]

Mike Young:"You got Patience ready for school this morning?"

Skylar Black:"Yes...You were passed out cold. Since you snuck out of the house like your fourteen and went on a drinking binge."

[ Shamefully hanging his head Mike utters.]

Mike Young:"I don't remember how I got home."

Skylar Black:"I'm not surprised...."

Mike Young:"Did you come to get me?"

Skylar Black:"No...Rick did..."

Mike Young:"He did?"

Skylar Black:"Yes..."

Mike Young:"From...?"

Skylar Black:"The track..."

Mike Young:"The Track?"

Skylar Black:"Well...really the track secruity office. Apparently you tried to set the racing dog free..."

Mike Young:"I did?"

Skylar Black:"Yes...really what you did first though was kick the dog that made you lose 10 grand. Then started shouted that you weren't going to give any of them another oppertunity to allow you to use more money and they should be homeless on the streets."

[ A look of concern came across Mike's face as he lifted his head.]

Mike Young:" I lost 10 thousand dollars last night? And told racing dogs they should be homeless?"

Skylar Black:"Yes...but You may have lost more then 10 thousand. That was the amount Rick was told...only because they couldn't find any other betting slips."

Mike Young:" I lost a bunch of money as well."

[ He sighed. Skylar couldn't bare for Mike to be so hard on himself. She walked over to him and softly ran her hand down the side of his face.]

Skylar Black:"Yes...but you did a good thing by wanting to set the dogs free."

Mike Young:"Only cuz I lost money."

Skylar Black:"Let's over look that little detail and try to say deep down your heart may have very well been in the right place...."

Mike Young:"Who's going to get Patience from school."

Skylar Black:"Rick is...He has something planned for them."

Mike Young:"And you sent her to school?."

Skylar Black:"I got her up out of bed...dressed her in this cute little pink dressed...You know she has the perfect skin tone to wear pink? Anyway...I also did her hair, fed her and dropped her off."

Mike Young:"Seriously?"

Skylar Black:"It wasn't that big of a deal....Now I have to go to the main house to get us some more towels. I exspect you to be ready by the time I get back. See ya in a few."

[ Skylar smiles and pats Mike on the shoulder. She walks out the door leaving him still some what dripping water all over the kitchen floor. Mike leaned over and looked out the window watching Skylar walk into Rick and Brandi's house.]

Mike Young:"Getting Patience ready for school may not be a big deal to you...but it's a big deal to me."

[ He looks up at the clock.]

Mike Young:"I wonder how long an AA meeting actually is....Guess I'll soon find out."

[ Mike looks down at the floor and bend to wipe up a few puddles then walks out of the room as the scene fades to black.]

Match Talk:

Round Two? Cyprus, I guess we get another oppertunity to meet again. Another chance to put our skills to the test. This time however will be a bit differnt. I will not under-estimate you.

That's the main mistake I made last time. I didn't give you my full fight,my full potential and unfortunately it cost me a victory. Forunately for me, I'm not one that repeats mistakes. I learn from them and refuse to allow them to happen again.

And as much as I'm looking forward to facing you, I'm looking forward to facing Angela Jameson the most. Please don't take offense to that.

Angela is definately one of the top women in AWA. Right now she's in control of her own destiny and has moved beyond the women's title. Not that there's anything wrong with being the woman's champion, but Angela has challenged herself to display more than the average woman in this place.

That is something that I certainly admire and a place I most definately can envision myself being. Pushing myself up the laddar of competition and wanting to go for titles with more prestige.

Genesis I will have the oppertunity to do just that, to focus on my status in this company and looking to push myself to the edge. To want to challenge myself and become someone people will aspire to be.

Now I could go on about how I am the woman champion, but with two other talented females in the ring that title isn't going to help me. Everyone knows I am the woman's champion all they have to do is look at the title history. History doesn't help you retain your title and it certain doesn't guarantee you the win.

Preparing and being focus are the only things that help in being successful come Genesis..I plan on not just breaking barriors but I plan to push through them to begin a future with many more accomplishments to come.

Genesis.the first ppv of the new year will be one for the books...come girls lets show these fans that we're not just eye candy.!

People Involved
Skylar Black and Mike Young

Past/Future Victims
Victims is such an ugly word

Next Match
three way

Thought-provoking Nonsense
"Do you really want to make the baby Jesus cry?"