Fade in. We're wrapped in a blanket of darkness as we stare down an open road. Illuminated in blue light, the street is devoid of any activity or movement upon it. The stars and moon in the sky shed more light onto it, as the buildings that surround it on either side cast their shadows. The camera sits still, as someone appears to walk out of the darkness at the end of the street, where it is too far to see any detail. He comes closer, as a trailing black coat drifts behind him with each step. Getting closer, we hear the gravel under his feet and see the features of his face. He stops dead in his tracks and tilts his head back, taking in a long whiff of the night's air. He squats down and places a hand on the gravel, running his hand over the rough texture as he looks at the ground. He continues to slowly feel the ground, as his head turns up towards the camera. With piercing brown eyes, he stares into the lens and he speaks.

Jimmy Stryker : All too often, we are... graced with a wrestler, or a set of wrestlers, who claim to be either from the streets or the future of professional wrestling. You know the types, the next world champions. Somebody who thinks that, because they grew up and give you their "tough life" sob story, or in a rough neighborhood, that they should lay claim to being a "badass" from the "mean streets." Or because the federation that hatched their career had as much talent as Moe, Larry and Curley would have a chance taking anyone off the street and defeating the Los Angles Lakers in a game of basketball. Well in the Shaq and Kobe kicking ass glory days that is. All too often, this shameless attempt at creating an intimidating portrait is painted... and more often than not, that portrait is proven to be a fraudulent rip-off of something that came many, many years before it. Recently, one person came into the AWA claiming she is something that she is not and thinking that she can hang with the top people in this business. Unfortunately for Cyprus, she will find out that she has stepped into a world that she really knows nothing about. She has yet to defeat anyone of substance...Gee one win against Skylar Black...forgive while I pretend to be scared, Cyprus is nothing more than mid-card talent.

She is just another in a line of losers that hooked up with Cody Carson that serve as card fillers. As for me, I'm a man on a mission to bring back pride to the AWA Championship but what do I get? A God damn useless woman! I know they had to make SOMEONE face me. The crowd needs their weekly dose of Jimmy. Seriously Maxwell was Cyprus the best you can do? Hell this sickens me that I have waste my time this way. I'm sure this amuses Lexus and her simple mind since now we have the latest and trashiest woman of the world to face yours truly. Is Cyprus someone I should worry about? No, she reminds me of other opponent against me as week after week they are fed to the hungry lions in the coliseum as the jubilant patrons watch on with a glimmer in their eyes. Oh, but it's not just the audiences each week that are rejoicing at the goings on of this imbecile. No... each woman and man in the back wants to see the destruction of the biggest eyesore that the AWA has right now.

Let's take a look at the facts, shall we? We've got Cody Carson and his latest whore Cyprus Lolita...oh excuse me girls that lose their virginty to Carson cant be whores. Gimme a fucking break...the woman makes me dry heeve by just looking at her... If you buy this chick was a virgin waiting for Carson to be her first then your "insane in the membrane". You'd have to be to hook up with Cody Carson. Carson Your so fucking tough to attack a non wrestler behind his back. Yeah you know I'm talking about Mike Youngs little brother.... Gee Cody I kept forgetting to tell you.. I'm fucking impressed. . And this is the man who expects his bitch in heat to beat me ? Cyprus is supposed to follow your leadership? If that's the case I will be World Champion quicker than you think and well after retirement age. Its funny how the blind leads the blind. How can you help Cyprus out Carson, when at best your a sad son of bitch at best. and all you've done in your glorius reign was fuck up the AWA in the first place.

Now Cyprus before you start bitching that this has nothing to do with Carson, you're wrong. This has everything to do with him. He holds a title that demands respect and honor. He has yet to display either of those two qualities. Instead all that title has been for him is a cherry popping, pussy busting prop. Chicks dig shit like that..even if the World Champion is a fuck up like Carson.

I digres....The point is when you hook up with a "paper champion" you have to deal with the backlash. Fools Upper management were to allow Mike Young to just drop the title to him...still pisses me off. Although I suppose it doesn’t matter, who runs the AWA as long as Jimmy is here to save your pathetic asses once again. Seems to me, that you have started on your losing quest my dear and you didn't even realize it. After last weeks win I bet your feeling pretty damn good about yourself. Defeating AWA's "good girl" Skylar Black... Don't let it get you over excited...this week your wrestling actual competition ..Thanks to yours truelly, I am one again forced to carry yet another persons ass. Saturday night, I step into battle with an insignificant Carson toy.. with intent to destroy. Maybe AWA is truly dragged down by people like Cyprus, or maybe she is just a natural horrible athlete. Regardless, someone is going to have one Hell of a time writing the obituaries for Cyprus Lolita on Monday afternoon.

I suppose I could try and delve into AWA and Cyprus Lolita separately, but I'm afraid I'd have nothing to talk about. Since being here in the AWA, they’ve done the same thing together over and over and over again. And I'm not talking about the behind-closed-doors relationship that Brandi James and Rick Young share. The one thing that people like Cyprus Lolita have done together since hitting the scene is absolutely sucked.

*he pauses and tilts his head, then looks back into the camera*

I guess that sort of relates, but I'd much rather not think about that. Now, you may shock the world and actually have something worthwhile to say about this match. You may cut a half decent promo. And in that promo, you might attempt to put yourself over by talking about the accomplishment... you've had in other numerous whatevers that will bore us all. Well lemme clue the reject in on something real quick.. everything that you've done in the past? All of the accomplishments? All of the success you've obtained? All of it is absolutely meaningless to myself, and every other AWA superstar. Anything and everything you've done before you reached this federation doesn't mean a God damned thing to anybody here right now. Everything before us is absolutely amateur, bitch... and everything beyond me?

*he smirks*

Think again, idiots... nothing is beyond me. The AWA is the only thing you need to worry about, because once you've been here, you can move on to none better. Right here, right now... you're stuck in a federation at a time when the talent is at its peak, and where the competition has never been better. And when an absolute fool like yourself waltzes in here and prepares to take the world by storm by a shit match to Skylar ...

*shakes his head*

... uh uh. If you plan of boasting about that shitty victory don't bother. This is the big time, Cyprus. You think you're tough enough to fight with the boys? This is the big dance. This is the only thing that matters... and Saturday night, you find out that this is the only thing that matters to me. I don't take kindly to people like you, people who walk into a place and try to turn heads to get the spotlight when they don't deserve it. In all of my years, I've never bared witness to a bigger disgrace to the AWA in my entire life... but I guess none of that is going to matter after Saturday, right? After all.. you can't be a disgrace wearing a toetag, with a white sheet over top of you, now can you?

Saturday night, bitch... your entire world comes crashing down right before your beady little eyes. You want to talk about your tough life? You want to talk about how Carson and you found your way to each other gag...? Talk all you want about the dear, it will only be for those pathetic people that you've tricked into actually caring about you.. But I guess, if you really want to... you can still find out what it's like to be huddled inside of a cardboard box, trying to shelter yourself from the harsh weather conditions of the city. I suppose, that if you really want to... you can still take that step and know what it's like to truly have to fight for your lives, every day of every week, of every month, of every year. Saturday night, Cyprus, I'm going to issue a reality check. The fun is over, Cyprus. Living in the fast lane? It's going out the window. Your lifes, as you know it, are about to be drastically changed. This blatant mockery of a professional wrestler is about to be exposed as the most flagrant use of misrepresentation the world has ever seen. Saturday night, sweetie... you're going to find out why your little wise tales get old, get stale, get boring... get uncovered each and every time. Saturday night... discover, first hand... why


Jimmy Stryker: Now I suppose you're going to come out here and say the standard things that are supposed to be said in a promo against ME. If you're unclear as to what those are, I'm sure someone has a manual all typed out ready for you to read from to give you some assistance. You're going to agree with the critics that say I should retire, you're going to agree with the naysayers that believe Jimmy Stryker doesn't have it in him anymore, especially after not being booked in many high profile matches. And that's all fine and good. It's nothing new to me. I've heard it all before in many different shapes and fashions. Say what you want, do what you will... you still can't knock this bad ass motherfucker off the top of the hill.

But let me "flip the script" as the cool ghetto kids would say, and let's start looking at you, Cyprus. Why? Why did you come here? Did you run out of money and figure the best way to get some of that back would be to do something Jenna Jameson rivals you at -- laying flat on your back and getting paid for it? Did your ego start to deflate and so you figured you could come here and take on jimmy Stryker in an attempt to bring you some type of glory? So while this may seem to be the most opportune time for you in AWA... you just got unlucky and was put up against one pissed off sunnuva bitch!

Cyprus, you fit into the sport of professional wrestling just about as well as Michael Jordan fit into Major League Baseball. Jimmy Stryker is still at the top of the business dominating people left and right. And Saturday night, I’m going to have just one more piece of evidence that things haven't changed... and that's by me absolutely jack-slapping the bitchness out of your sorry carcass! Don't get me wrong... I've got a bit of respect for you... I really do. Of course, it fits through something about the size of a pinhole, but there's a bit of respect there. I mean, hey, I've got to respect someone that is willing to step into the ring each and every week knowing that she looks like the biggest idiot the world has ever seen.. I respect that, Cyprus.... Someone that is proud to show off that ugly mug of yours in public definitely deserves some respect. That means, though, that I need to focus on this matchup just that much more so I can beat that respect outta you.

[ Jimmy takes a drink from his water bottle, then pitches it off to the side and we see another one come flying across our screen, which Jimmy catches, opens, and takes a drink from before speaking once again... ]

Jimmy Stryker: So this is nothing new for me, Cyprus. But for the convenience for every wrestling fan in the world, though, the reality is that what has happened in your last match is not the exact same thing that will be happening Saturday night. Reality will soon be setting in for you, Cyprus, and you'll realize that there is no chance in hell that you will come out with the win on Saturday night. There is no mystique that comes with the name Cyprus Lolita. The only thing you have coming with it is a good ol' fashioned ass-whoopin', courtesy of yours truelly. Think otherwise?

[ smirks.. ]

You're not Dead Wrong.......

You're just dead.

[ Jimmy smirks at the camera once more before exiting to the right... ]