[ The scene opens up to a messy penthouse in the heart of south beach, Miami. A hotel on Collins Ave, to be exact. Jimmy Stryker is seen sitting on the edge of the bed wearing a pair of plaid boxer shorts. As a beautiful red head quickly gathers her clothes. He sits rewinding a cam-corder, laughing. ]
Jimmy Stryker: "Awe, get real baby. You know that you that facial."
[ The woman looks at Jimmy. She wipes her face, and the shiny stubstance off her left side. ]
Woman: " Fuck you, Jimmy."
Jimmy Stryker:"What again? hell dont' act like you didn't want it. but a second round? I'm game..but this time you have to let me, fuck you from behind, and cum on your ass."
[ The woman puts her clothes against her body trying to cover herself. She slaps jimmy in the face. ]
Jimmy Stryker:"Fucking chill, bitch."
[ The woman rushes out of the room. She slams the door on her way out. Jimmy takes the tape out of the cam-corder, and holds it up. He yells to her..]
Jimmy Stryker:"what? You don't want your keep sake?"
[ Jimmy stands up, and rests the tape on the top of the tv laughing.]
Jimmy Stryker:"Eh, not like she was that good."
[ Jimmy walks over to the chair in his room, and takes his jean off of it. He puts them on, and sits in the chair. ]
Jimmy Stryker:"Now what?"
[ Jimmy looks at his watch. He shakes his head. ]
Jimmy Stryker:"What the fuck? Fucking Kasey is late. I bet Brandi's got him trying on dresses or makeup....Hell why doesn't she just get Carson to do that. I mean it's not like, he's never done it before."
[ Jimmy puts his head back, and sighs. ]
Jimmy Stryker: "Ah, wonder if Carson misses the good ole' days?"
[ Jimmy laughs, just then he hears a knock at the door. Jimmy gets out of the chair. He grabs a white hoody, he puts it on, as he turns the door knob. On the other side is Brandi's assistant, Kasey. Jimmy looks at Kasey disgusted. ]
Jimmy Stryker:"Where the fuck were you man?"
[ Kasey walks by Jimmy, and sits at the table. ]
Kasey:" I was suppose to pick up Brandi at the airport, but she caught an earlier flight. And now she's home with Rick."
[ Jimmy laughs ]
Jimmy Stryker:"Right....I'm sure their naked by now."
Kasey:" Jelous or something Jimmy?'
Jimmy Stryker: " Hell yeah, I am. C'mon Brandi James, is fine. Not to mention what I've seen from that tape Hunter Davis gave me before he left. Fuck man, You should have seen the ways that woman can bend. Shoot, no wonder Rick beat the hell out of Mike when he insulted Brandi. I would too if I was getting laid like that."
Kasey: "But didn't you have a chick up here?"
Jimmy Stryker: " So?...."
[ Jimmy pauses, he goes to the mini-bar, and grabs two beers. He tosses one to Kasey.]
Jimmy Stryker: "Shit, man...did you want a piece of that action?"
[ Kasey turns red, almost in shock. ]
Kasey:" ummm, nah... you mean?"
Jimmy Stryker: " Yo, it's not like I loved the woman...hell, I don't even remember the bitches name... I would have left if you wanted to hit that."
Kasey:" ummm, it's cool Jimmy."
Jimmy Stryker:"Eh, it's just as well, the bitch wasn't that good anyway. You, know, just sorta layed there like a cold fish."
[ Kasey laughs. ]
Kasey: "You're fucking insane Jimmy."
[ Jimmy laughs..]
Jimmy Stryker: "Shit, Kasey...next thing you're going to tell me is that women should be cherished and all that bullshit? Man, I think Brandi made you soft."
[ Kasey shakes his head no. ]
Kasey: " Nah, Brandi's always telling me to grow a pair of balls."
Jimmy Stryker: "She's right....What you need is to hang with the J-man for awhile. I'll get you drunk, make you mean, and get you laid."
[ Jimmy pats Kasey on the shoulder.]
Jimmy Stryker: "Stick with me man, You'll get laid."
[ Kasey shrugs, and looks at his cell phone. Jimmy notices and looks pissed. ]
Jimmy Stryker: "Exspecting a call?"
Kasey: " Nah, not really....it's just that."
[ Jimmy begins to mock Kasey. ]
Jimmy Stryker:" It's just that...ummm, Brandi may call Jimmy. After Rick fucks her to death she may need a cup of water."
[ Jimmy stands behind Kasey, and wacks him across the head. ]
Jimmy Stryker: " Be a man, God Dam it ! "
Kasey: " I am !"
[ Jimmy stands infront of Kasey, and shoves his shoulder. ]
Jimmy Stryker: " NO, You're Brandi's bitch boy...Hell that makes you no better than Cody Carson. Shit that's some company I wouldn't want to be in if I were you."
[ Kasey hangs his head, knowing Jimmy is right. ]
Kasey: "She's my boss, and well...Now that Rick."
Jimmy Stryker: "You're afraid of Rick?"
Kasey: "Hell yeah ! You saw what he did to his own brother. That's a sick mother fucker, if he's going to do that kind of thing to his own brother."
[ Jimmy smirks]
Jimmy Stryker:" I guess...I can almost admire that side of him."
[ Kasey looks at his cell phone once again. Jimmy rolls his eyes, and grabs it from him.]
Jimmy Stryker: " You need to get laid in the worst way, Kasey...Now repeat after me. I'm taking the night off."
Kasey: " But Jimmy,,,,I....."
Jimmy Stryker:" Do it ! fucking grow a sack....Now say it...."I'm taking the night off."
[ Kasey stands up, and grabs the phone from Jimmy. He looks at it, and places it on the table, then shouts at the top of his lungs. ]
Kasey: " I'm taking the night off....~!~"
[ Jimmy laughs, and high fives Kasey who looks like a huge weight has just been lifted off his shoulders. ]
Jimmy Stryker: " Fuck Yeah, man...that's what I'm talking about ! "
[ Kasey smiles and takes a deep breath. ]
Kasey: "That sort of felt good."
Jimmy Stryker: " You bet your ass it did. It will feel even better when you're fucking a chick that you don't know the name of, and better yet...don't care what her name is."
Kasey: " I think so.."
Jimmy Stryker: "Trust me man, it will."
Kasey: "We're not staying out late, are we?"
Jimmy Stryker: " Nah, just till the sun comes up."
[ Jimmy grabs his hotel room key chuckling. As Kasey has a worried look on his face. ]
Kasey: " what about Adonis?"
Jimmy Stryker:"Kasey....I don't even want to think about that fudge packer."
Kasey: "Jimmy....he's..."
Jimmy Stryker: " A strange fucking queer, that is in desperate need of a beating. I mean look at the gay matches they've put me in against him. Paddle on a pole, now a fucking tuxedo match. Fuck, those are matches you put air headed no talent vallets in. I know Adonis is light in the shoes, but man, I can handle so much more."
Kasey:"He beat you last week though."
Jimmy Stryker: " Did you really think I'd paddle some dudes ass? Get real man."
Kasey: "And this week?"
[ Jimmy nudges Kasey's shoulder.]
Jimmy Stryker: " Oh, I have a plan already going through my head, but I'll tell you later....Right now, I'm in the mood to go find some hot, drunken sluts."
Kasey: " Alright Jimmy, but I wouldn't."
Jimmy Stryker: " Kasey, don't worry dude....Let's just think about getting you laid."
[ Jimmy opens the door to the hotel room. He walks out with Kasey, as the door shuts the scene fades. ]
Match Talk:
Adonis what is there to say about you? I mean something that hasn't already been said by the boys in the back. Well other then the fact no one wants to be around you. I can't believe you were ever even allowed to walk through these doors. Upper management was truly desperate the day they hired you.
"...aren't you forgetting someone?"
"I didn't forget Adonis, I just don't want to mention him in the same breath with my name or anything that may excite him...Gee almost makes you wonder why I'm bothering, since it seems if the fucking wind blows the wrong way he gets a hard on.. Despite all the current bitter history we have had, Adonis is possibly the only man I have respect for in this federation. Freak or not, Adonis is a lot like me; he speaks his mind and refuses to kiss executive ass to get to the top. He and I are currently in the same position; we are talented and deserving of the Main Event slots, but the staff just aren't willing to give them to us, in our places is that jack ass The Rumbler???? ..."
"And they say MY frustration is unjustified."
"What is unjustified is Rumbler's spot in the "big" matches, and his newly found ego.."
"...On Top on that Cody Carson is our World champion.."
" That is a joke that makes me laugh at any given time of the day. "
"Saying you are the World champion use to be an honor."
"Yes, saying that used to mean something, but since the championship has been held by that no talent peon...Cody Carson.. my farts have more weight than that statement."
"I know what people are thinking."
"They think I'm Rude, self centered."
"After all, I am the best looking guy in this place.. I should be content, right?"
"You must have me confused with someone with little talent, and ego. I am above Adonis...he's self proclaimed fudge packer, hell I'm above nearly everyone in this dam place. I am Jimmy Stryker for god sakes. Now don't get me wrong, I am happy to be giving a chance to show the rest of you jackass what I can do. but I am not happy with the position I am in, and why should I be? A tuxedo match? I am better than that...Do you think, I want another man stripping me down? Fuck you! I wanted that just as much as I wanted that fucking paddle on a pole match."
" I deserve better."
"But like I said before; I'll accept these pointless matches. I'll just go out there and win them without taking it out of first gear."
"But do not expect me to be happy about it."
"I refuse to put on some act and smile as I my talent is being wasted on unworthy opponents."
"The way I see things is you need to earn the right to face someone as talented as me, and Adonis have done nothing to earn their shot against me."
"What has Adonis...the foot boy...done to deserve the honor of going up against me? The only thing he has done is prove that he's a freak...lets be honest here - that isn't exactly the hardest of tasks."
"His victory against me wasn't impressive, Would you want your ass hit by a paddling queer?."
"Adonis...doesn't deserve this match"
"You're pathetic - why should I waste my breath on you? It's not like you'll put any effort forth in this match eithe. Get your ass back to the moutain, you call home you piece of shit."