Christian Cage, one of the most popular superstars of all time. The man known as "C2" and the "Suntan Superman" is the originator of Cageamania and the first World champion in the second inception of CWF, becoming the first 3 time CWF World champ since then. He has also held the CWF International title, LaW Intercontinental title, iWa World Tag Team title, NEW International title, XWF US title, XWF Canadian title, XWF Xtreme title as well as being 3 time LaW World TV champ and 4 time LaW World Tag Team champ. Cage has also been a part of The Odinist's Fellowship and one half of the Canadian Connection with former CWF star Joel Kurtiss. Lately Christian Cage held the CWF Tag Team titles along with fellow Talent Inc member Dark Rayne and won back the World title from Faith at the Highway to Hell PPV in June 2005.