[Still black and white photos of Summer Smash.]

[Chemical X raises his arms in victory after winning a gauntlet match to become the number one contender for the National title.]

[Blood costs Chiron Cross the Mid-Atlantic title, with Dan Lynch walking out of the event still the champion.]

[“Golden One” Jeff Jericho and Lu Yen reveal that they were on the same team the whole time, and completely mangle a helpless Maniac inside the cell.]

[Ricky Chambers defeats Onyx to become the number one contender for the Mid-Atlantic title.]

[Paul Blair defeats Mike Sloan in a quick match that saw Blair become the number one contender to the CWF World Heavyweight championship.]

[Paul Blair reveals his corner man to be Triple X – together, the two cripple Maniac and destroy Mark Xamin, tossing him off the top of the cell and then BlairKicking a steel chair into his skull for the win – Paul Blair earns himself a spot in the CWF Hall of Fame.]

[Tyrone Walker defeats long time friend and ally, Eric Dane, to become the CWF World Heavyweight champion – but his reign as champ is short lived, as Blair exercises his number one contender clause to have his title shot right then and there, stealing the win with help from Triple X and Jeff Jericho to become the CWF World Heavyweight champion for the second time.]

[Fade out.]

[The Sunday Night Brawl logo fades into the screen.]

[It shatters into thousands of pieces and blows away like dust in the wind. When the pieces are cleared off the screen, we are faced with an overhead view of the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut. Pyrotechnics explode at the stage, sending the already electric crowd into a frenzy.]

[We cut to the commentator booth, where Teddy Turnbuckle and, as always, “Beautiful” Bobby Crane, sit ready to call the action.]

TT: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Hartford, Connecticut for the fallout of Summer Smash! Yes, it’s another edition of the CWF’s Sunday Night Brawl, and last Sunday night in Jacksonville, Florida, things sure as hell got interesting around here…

BC: It was fair to Blair! Blair is the new CWF champion of the world! What a victory for GPW!

TT: Ah yes, GPW…and if my sources were correct, you’re no longer employed by the CWF…you’re employed by Jeff Jericho’s GPW! Are you insane?!

BC: That’s right, you pencil necked geek…I know what’s what, and with the CWF World Heavyweight title in the possession of GPW, and with the return of Triple X to GPW…only an idiot would remain employed by the CWF, Teddy! It’s a sinking ship!

TT: Well that is extremely debatable, Bobby…Mark Xamin has been backed into a corner countless times before, and every time, he’s found a way to win…

BC: Not at Summer Smash! Blair destroyed him! Ha!

TT: Think big picture…

BC: Big picture? The big picture is, Mark Xamin and Maniac aren’t even here tonight because the GPW snuffed them out and they’re holed up in some second rate hospital here in Hartford!

TT: Both of them were transported to Connecticut early last week so that they could be in town for Brawl in the hopes that they would be medically cleared to be here tonight…but I have been told Maniac will absolutely not be here tonight, and Mark Xamin won’t be back for a long, long time…

BC: GPW always gets the job done! And tonight, Paul Blair gets inducted into the CWF Hall of Fame…and that is most definitely fair to Blair!

TT: If I were Paul Blair, I’d be looking over my shoulder for Tyrone Walker, Bobby…after last week’s flagrant screw job, you better believe Walker will have revenge on his mind here tonight…and it looks like Jeff Jericho is wasting no time here tonight, the Golden One is on his way out here!

A New Voice . . .

[“Play the Game” by Motorhead hits, and the fans erupt into boos as “Golden One” Jeff Jericho steps out onto the stage and smirks at the legions of haters in the crowd. Wearing a golden suit and sunglasses, he struts down the aisle and climbs through the ropes, grabbing a mic from the timekeeper. He holds the mic up to his mouth, but has to pause as the crowd’s boos becoming deafening.]

TT: Jeff Jericho is a hated man…

BC: But look at that suit! It’s pure class, and believe me, it cost him a pretty penny…

TT: I guess the sunglasses came with it, huh? The suit is damn near blinding, I guess he needs those ridiculous glasses…

BC: Shut up, you idiot…I can’t wait for you to hear this announcement…let’s just same I’m going to enjoy this.

TT: {sighing} I can only imagine.

[The crowd finally quiets down long enough for Jericho to begin.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: I would appreciate it if you pathetic, preppy, classless Connecticut snobs would shut the hell up for just a damn second so I can make an important announcement….

[The crowd boos fervently, chanting “C-W-F!” much to the chagrin of Jeff Jericho.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: You idiots can chant for the CWF all you want, but last Sunday at Summer Smash…the GPW killed the CWF!

[The crowd gets louder.]

TT: That is absolute propaganda and Jericho knows it!

BC: Shut up, jackass!

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: And tonight…I’m putting yet another nail in the CWF’s coffin. You see, for years and years, we’ve become accustomed to a certain voice over the airwaves…some would say a certain man has become the “voice” of the CWF…

BC: Here it comes, Teddy…get ready for this, it’s great news!

[The camera zooms in on Teddy Turnbuckle’s face – it’s blank, with a hint of worry in his eyes.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: You know who I’m talking about… {he spins around to face Teddy Turnbuckle} don’t you, Teddy?

[Teddy Turnbuckle wishes he could turn invisible – or at least, his body language would suggest as much.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: You see, Teddy…you’ve called all the big matches, haven’t you? You were there at Summer Smash ’98 when Shadow Maxx won the CWF World Heavyweight title…you were there at Season’s Beatings ’98 when Jimmy Blast and Maniac battled to a time limit draw…you were there at Super Card 2, 3, and 4…you’ve called them all!

[The fans begin to chant “Teddy, Teddy, Teddy!”]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: But there was once a man who you worked with…a man from whom you learned everything you know. But as time went on, the CWF got sick of running a three man booth, and this man got squeezed out in favour of you, Teddy Turnbuckle. This man was thrown out onto the streets by Mark Xamin because of you, he was left with no job and no money to feed his family! Well tonight, Teddy…I’m going to return the favour!

[The crowd buzzes.]

BC: I told you you’d enjoy this! Ha!

TT: Oh come on…this is ridiculous…

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: You see, this is no longer the CWF’s Sunday Night Brawl….the CWF is dead! This is GPW Sunday Night Brawl, and that makes me the boss, and that means I call the shots! Teddy Turnbuckle…YOU’RE FIRED!

[The crowd explodes into boos.]

[Teddy Turnbuckle slumps his head and buries his face in his hands. His bottom lip quivers as Bobby Crane knocks the headset off his head and shoves him away from the booth.]

BC: Go on, hit the bricks, you two bit hack!

[Teddy Turnbuckle makes the long walk up the ramp, tears welling up in his eyes.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: Now hold on, Teddy…it’s not quite over yet. See, I want you to meet the man who’s life you destroyed…this man was a wreck! But thanks to Golden Productions Wrestling, he has a job again and he’s back on his feet. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you the new GPW play by play man….LARRY ROBINSON!

[The fans boo as former CWF commentator Larry Robinson steps out from the back in a golden suit with “GPW” etched across the jacket pocket. He walks over to Teddy Turnbuckle, who hangs his head, obviously devastated by his firing.]

BC: It’s gonna be so great to have this guy back, he’s the best, people! He taught Teddy everything he knows!

[Robinson shoves Teddy. Teddy rubs his shoulder and backs off – he’s not the toughest man you’ll meet, after all. Robinson begins to berate him, and then slaps him across the face! Teddy falls down, holding his cheek in pain…Robinson shakes his head at him and begins to stomp on his viciously. Security rushes out to save Teddy, who is helped to the back holding his ribs. Robinson fixes his hair and adjusts his tie before making his way down to the commentator’s booth and joining Bobby Crane.]

BC: Welcome back, partner! Ha!

LR: Great to be back, Bobby…and may I say you are looking absolutely dashing this evening, you haven’t aged a bit over the years!

BC: Why thank you, Larry…it’s a pleasure having you back, now we can show these idiots at home how a real announce team does its job!

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: Ah yes, and even though that long overdue upgrade to the commentator’s booth was huge…I’m not done yet!

[Jericho pulls a remote of some sort out of his jacket pocket and holds it up for the crowd.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: This device here will officially turn CWF Sunday Night Brawl into GPW Sunday Night Brawl! So take a good long look, you idiots…this is the last time you will ever see an arena dressed up like the CWF again!

BC: And it’s about time, I say…

LR: No doubt about it, the CWF needs to be put to rest…what a horrible organization this is, things will be so much better in GPW.

BC: {kicking his feet up on the desk, content} Yes they will, Larry…yes they will.

[Jericho pushes a button on the remote. Instantly, the CWF ring apron is covered by a GPW ring apron. The CWF banners hanging from the rafters are covered by GPW banners. Golden fireworks explode at the entrance ramp, and a GPW logo appears on the CWF…err, GPW-tron. The crowd begins to throw garbage into the ring.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: Welcome to the grand opening of Golden Productions Wrestling! And tonight, we have a great show lined up for you, because GPW never disappoints!

[He says these words with conviction, almost as if to mock the CWF fans in attendance.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: Tonight is Paul Blair appreciation night!

[The fans boos turn to a damn near riot, as expletives are shouted loudly at Jericho.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: Shut the hell up, you spoon fed gold diggers! At Summer Smash, Paul Blair did the impossible, and he defeated not one, not two, but three men in one night!

LR: That’s true, he did…

BC: Paul Blair is better than Superman.

LR: Maybe even Batman.

BC: Very true. He’s Blairman.

LR: I’d buy that t-shirt.

[The crowd becomes violent, throwing empty beer bottles at Jericho. Security swiftly surrounds the guardrail with full riot gear on.]

BC: I think these fans really like Jericho….they seem to be taking a liking for GPW, wouldn’t you say?

LR: Oh, absolutely.

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: It’s only fair to Blair that he be recognized for the phenomenal superstar that he is! And that’s why tonight, I will induct him into the CWF Hall of Fame, forever etching his name in stone on the CWF’s history…right before I officially declare it dead and induct Blair into the GPW Hall of Fame as well! Haha!

BC: Ha! That Jeff Jericho sure does give the people what they want…

LR: That’s why he’s the number one business man in wrestling.

BC: Touché.

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: Now I’m not one to deprive the little people of an opportunity of a life time….so here’s an invitation to every single man on the CWF roster. Listen up, and listen good! You can abandon the sinking ship known as the Classic Wrestling Federation, and you can sign a Golden Productions Wrestling contract right here next week! All you have to do is walk into my office and sign the dotted line, and all the perks of being a GPW member will be yours!

LR: Groundbreaking!

BC: Jeff Jericho is an innovator!

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: Now I have some…shall we say, “business” to attend to. So you diehard GPW fans enjoy the show, and please, feel free to be a little more vocal, this isn’t a library!

[Obviously sarcastic with his last comment, the crowd violently boos Jericho as he drops the mic and walks up the ramp, smirking at the crowd one last time before disappearing behind the curtain.]

BC: That man is the humanitarian of the year, by far! I mean first he gives you your job back, then he puts the CWF out of its misery, then he dedicates the entire show to Paul Blair, and then he offers every CWF wrestler a GPW contract!

LR: No doubt about it, that man is a saint. But GPW fans, we have to take a commercial break….whups, did I say commercial break? I meant to say a Blairmercial break! We’ll be right back!

BC: Little bit rusty?

LR: It’ll wear off.

BC: Don’t worry about it, happens to all of us.

*Blairmercial Break*

Paul Blair’s CWF Debut
September 20, 1998.

("The GOLDEN ONE THEME" blares over the PA but no GOLDEN CONNECTION. X-RATED keeps looking towards the back when "The Ruler" Paul Blair and the "Golden One" Jeff Jericho attack T-MONEY and MAC DADDY From behind)

TT: THE GOLDEN CONNECTION!!! THE GOLDEN CONNECTION!! And BLAIR has just thrown out MAC DADDY and he and MONEY have been elimanated!! X-RATED is gone!!

Later in the night.....

("The RULER" PAUL BLAIR comes to the ring wearing tights that say "The Ruler" on them and a red shirt that reads "The Man, the Myth, The Legend".)

TT: He look's ready does this RULER of the WORLD from the great state of OHIO!!

("The X-RATED" theme by Puff Daddy blares over the PA and people cheer as 2BAD and his main side dish 2HOT come out and 2BAD runs to the ring..then the lights go out!!) TT: The lights are out..the lights are out!!! Now there on...OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! DART is hanging from a rope by his injured neck!!! REG is at the end of the rope!! 2BAD is trying to get DART down....BLAIR KICK!!!! BLAIR KICK!! The cover




BLAIR WINS the right to fight T-MONEY!!!

The Champ is Here . . .

[Cameras go to the parking lot where a limo pulls up with license plate Ruler1 on it. Out steps Earl and Elmo who get some assistance from the local security in making sure the entrance is clear. There is already red carpet laid down all the way into the building. A few moments later, out steps Robin Cradle who helps open the door for the World Champ. Blair hands the title to Robin and she places it over her left shoulder. Blair steps out of the limo and grins.]

PAUL BLAIR: Oh yeah. This is going to be a great night! I can feel it. The CWF is finally Fair to Blair!

[Blair motions for the other two girls who are in his limo to come out. They start spreading flowers down on the ground behind Blair as he is walking. The entire group goes inside. Blair has a big smile on his face.]

LR: And the greatest wrestler alive has entered the building!

BC: It’s such a great thing to see Blair walking around with that title, knowing he earned it all by himself with absolutely no help from anybody!

LR: It sure is, that’s a champion we can all be proud of!

BC: It’s time to call your first match, Larry! It’s been so long, I can’t wait to hear you back in action!

LR: Now let’s be fair, Bobby…it’s not just you, it’s millions of fans around the world that are waiting in anticipation to hear the master do his thing.

BC: I stand corrected.

Larry Tact vs Black

Parking Lot Brawl

BC: It's time to go to the parking lot, Larry! The match has just started!

[The view switches to the parking lot where Black and Larry Tact are staring each other down. They lock up, and Black pulls Tact over to one of the cars. He attempts to slam Tact's face in to the hood of the car, but Tact blocks it. Tact slams Black face first in to the hood then clotheslines him.]

LR: Tact with a clothesline! He picks Black back up and suplexes him on to the hood of the car!

BC: Tact is taking the early advantage here, Larry.

[Tact approaches Black, but Black nails him with a right to the face. Black rolls off of the car and begins delivering right hand after right hand. He lifts Tact off the ground and runs him spine first in to another car. Black runs towards Tact, but Tact counters as he lifts Black in to the air and drops him chest first on to the hood of the car.]

LR: It looked like Black was going to mount some sort of offense, but Tact was able to stop that from happening! Now it looks like Tact is digging inside the car.

BC: And look what he has, Larry! It's a two by four covered in nails! Tact viciously swings down at Black, and Black barely moves out of the way!

LR: It looks like those nails have the board stuck in the hood, and Black takes advantage as he dropkicks Tact in the back of the head!

BC: Well, Black lucked out as he rolled out of the way from that swing! Black is now slamming Tact's head repetatively in to the hood of the car!

[Black grabs a hubcap lying on the ground and nails Tact in the back of the head with it. He quickly throws Tact to the ground and makes the cover.]

LR: Black has the cover!



















And Tact kicks out!

BC: That was a close one!

LR: Black has found a crowbar, Bobby! Black is waiting for Tact to get up.

[As Tact gets to his feet, Black begins to swing the crowbar. Tact kicks him in the gut, and drops him with a DDT. He grabs the crowbar and begins choking Black with it on the ground. Gabriel watches on in horror as Black's face begins turning red. Black swings at Tact with a forearm shot knocking Tact off of him.]

BC: Great move from Black there. Black is getting to his feet, as is Tact! Tact runs at Black, drop toe hold!

LR: That was painful looking! Black just used a drop toe hold to smash Tact's face in to the passenger side window of that car!

BC: Black grabs Tact, mule kick! Tact just hit Black with a low blow, and Black is down!

[Tact stumbles over to the hood, and pulls at the two by four. He finally gets it loose as Black begins to get to his feet. Tact swings the two by four nailing Black in the chest with the nails.]

BC: Black is hurt! Tact just smacked Black with that two by four covered in nails!

LR: Black is bleeding from the chest after that one! Tact lifts Black up and applies an abdominal stretch!

BC: Look at that blood! Tact has everything in his control right now, Larry!

[Tact lifts Black up and drops him with the StretchPlex. He picks Black back up, then grabs the two by four. Black quickly kicks him with a low blow and grabs the two by four. Tact quickly recovers and dropkicks the flat end of the board in to Black's face. Black stumbles back. Tact grabs him, and attempts to whip Black in to a car, but Black reverses it.]

LR: Black needed that reversal! Tact is resting up against the car now! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!

BC: That was just evil! Black just hit Tact with a running big boot, shattering that passenger side window! That was amazing!

LR: Black makes the cover!



















Tact with a kickout!

LR: How did he kick out after that?!

BC: I'm not sre, but this match is going to continue!

[Black places Tact's upper body through the broken window. He grabs Tact's legs, and slingshots him face first in to the roof of the car. Black pulls Tact out of the car and smashes him face first in to the rear window. He lets Tact drop to the ground.]

LR: What is Black thinking here? He's actually inside the car!

BC: It looks like he popped the trunk! Possibly looking for more weapons?!

[Black picks Tact up and slumps his upper body in the trunk. He grab ahold of the trunk lid. He begins to pull it down, but is met by a shot to his jaw from a set up jumper cables.]

LR: OH MY GOD! That would have killed Tact!

BC: Luckily Tact was able to connect with that connector for those jumper cables! Both men are now bleeding!

LR: Tact with another shot to the jaw with that connector! Black looks like he's out on his feet, Bobby!

[Tact takes one more swing nailing Black in the mouth with the connector.]

LR: Wait a minute, who the hell is this?!

BC: That's CWF's new hire, Ginsu! He's attacking Black!

[Ginsu slams Black face first in to the tail light of the car as Tact looks on confused. Ginsu lifts Black up, and drops him throat first on the edge of the trunk. Gabriel screams in the background as Ginsu stomps away at Black.]

BC: Tact can't believe it! He had the upper hand, and this Ginsu came out and is now beating the hell out of Tact's opponent!

LR: Ginsu lifts Black high above his head! NO! He just used Black like a lawn dart, and launched him at that rear windshield!

BC: Black is hurt, Larry! And what the hell is Ginsu thinking of doing now?!

[Ginsu walks over to the hood of the vehicle, and climbs up to the car's roof area. He grabs Black off of the trunk and drags him to the roof. He lifts Black high in to the air and drops him with a devestating brainbuster.]

BC: Black is out, Larry!

LR: And Ginsu is smiling as he walks away! Listen to Gabriel scream!

[Tact looks at Ginsu as he walks away, then looks back at Black. He climbs on top of the car with Black, and begins to pick him up. Gabriel rushes over and begins pleading with Tact to just end the match.]

LR: Gabriel is begging Tact to just finish the match!

BC: Can you blame her?! Black is in no condition to fight back at this point!

[Tact hesitates, then makes the cover.]

LR: Tact has the cover, and I'm pretty sure that this one is over!




















BC: Ginsu has cost Black this match tonight!

[Tact begins walking away as he looks at the carnage. EMTs rush to the scene and carefully help Black off of the car. An indent is seen where Black's head made impact with the roof. The EMTs roll Black on to a stretcher.]

LR: It looks like Black will be taking a ride in the ambulance after that vicious attack!

BC: I don't think that this Ginsu and Black feud is anywhere close to over!

LR: Well it’s time we get a look at another new face here in the CWF/GPW...I hear he’s impressive, too...

Oh, Canada!

[The scene starts with the Canadian National anthem playing in the background. Clips of the beautiful country of Canada are played. There are children laughing and families playing together. The Maple Leaf flag then becoming the centre of the scene.]

VOICE OVER: This is what Canada is all about. Love, family, well being and peace.

[A man is flexing his muscles and looking very pleased with himself. He is waving the Canadian Flag. The anthem quiets down.]

VOICE OVER: This is what Kris Lewis is all about patriotism, real life and making the world a better place!

[Kris chuckles to himself and then stamps the flagpole into the ground. He stops and looks into the camera.]

KRIS LEWIS: You could be just like me…good looking, have a great physique, charms men would kill for. It’s easy, all you need is self discipline, a good diet and oh yeah…

[Kris then pauses and points to the flag.]

KRIS LEWIS: …and you need to be Canadian!

[Kris then starts to laugh again and starts waving the flag.]

VOICE OVER: A real “Canadian Icon” has arrived!

[The camera then fades out as Maple leaf flag appears on the screen with the words “Coming soon” written in the gold letters in the middle of it.]

LR: A new Canadian wrestler! Interesting…

BC: Kris Lewis is gonna be great! Think of all the great Canadian CWF wrestlers…Jeff Jericho is from Toronto, you know!

LR: That’s true! I bet Kris Lewis would be a great addition to the GPW ranks, if he can be even half as good as Jericho is!

BC: For sure! Hey, Kris! Take the hockey puck out of your mouth and come take advantage of the “golden” opportunity that every CWF wrestler will have next week! Join GPW! Ha!

LR: Well it’s time for our next match, as GPW’s own, Lu Yen, takes on “All That” Jason Collins!

Lu Yen vs “All That” Jason Collins

[We cut to the ring.]

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...

[“Turning Japanese” by the Vapors begins to blare throughout the arena. Mr. Klein and his henchmen step through the curtains followed by Lu Yen who is wearing what appears to be a steel mask. Yen's bald head is covered in what appears to be ashes. As he drops to his knees, the pyro explodes and the fans erupt at this strange man.]

Announcer: Hailing from Nagasaki, Japan! He weighs in at two hundred thirty two pounds, THE JAPANESE FREAK, LU YEN!

[Mr. Klein and his henchmen lead Lu Yen down the ramp towards the ring. Mr. Klein walks up the steps and enters the ring. Yen rolls under the ropes and immediatly climbs the ropes in the corner. He tilts his head left to right as if trying to understand why the fans are cheering him. Klein stands in the center of the ring pointing his hands towards Yen. Yen hops off the ropes and begins to warm up for the match.]

BC: Well, Yen showed his true colors at Summer Smash, Larry.

LR: That's right, Bobby. He made the smartest decision in his career, and became a member of GPW, the organization that I proudly work for!

[“Survival Of The Sickest” by Saliva blasts throughout the arena as most of the fans rise to their feet. Jason Collins and Sienna step out from the curtain and onto the stage. The pair stand side by side and look around at this capacity crowd. JC smiles then he drops down on one knee and raises both arms in the air, flexing his muscles whilst Sienna is stood behind him with her arms also raised into the air. Pyro then goes off to left and right of both parties.]

Announcer: Making his way to the ring! From Beverly Hills, California! He weighs in at two hundred fourty five pounds! He is “ALL THAT” JASON COLLINS!

[Several seconds later, Collins gets up off his knees, and he and Sienna head down the aisle towards the ring. They arrive at the steel steps. Sienna stays outside the ring and leans on the apron as Collins turns left and faces the cameraman. He looks in to the camera and checks to see if his hair is okay. He then climbs up the steps and enters the ring. In the ring he moves over to the nearest turnbuckle and climbs it, raising both arms into the air once again. He flexes his muscles and then kisses his left bicep before climbing down and leaning up against the turnbuckle. Sienna stands on the outside applauding.]

LR: We have GPW's Lu Yen facing off against the new CWF rookie. I hope Collins has medical insurance, because he's gonna need it!

BC: I will give Collins credit, Sienna is definitely a sight to see. Although I have yet to see her face.


BC: There's the bell, and the two men lock up.

[Yen takes the advantage as he pushes Collins in to the ropes. He quickly lets go and delivers a high roundhouse.]

LR: What a kick! And Yen has a smile on his face as Collins looks at him stunned!

BC: Collins tackles Yen, and begins pounding at his face! Collins is pissed!

[Collins stands back up and begins stomping at Yen as Yen tries to cover his face. Collins grabs Yen to pick him up, but Yen pokes him in the eyes.]

BC: What a brilliant move by Yen!

LR: That's why he's GPW, Bobby!

BC: Damn right! Yen backs Collins in to the ropes and hits him with a knife edge chop. Yen with an irish whip, and he catches Collins with a spin wheel kick!

LR: Yen makes the cover!





















And Collins kicks out!

LR: I think that was a slow count, Bobby.

BC: I agree. Someone needs to get a new referee out here!

[Yen begins to choke Collins as the referee counts.]

LR: What is the ref doing?! He's not choking him, he's just making sure that Collins can breathe!

[Yen releases the hold. He taunts the crowd, then bounces off the ropes and drops a knee on to Collins' skull. He quickly makes another cover.]

BC: Yen has another cover after that devastating knee drop!





















Collins gets his right shoulder up!

LR: Yen just needs to keep concentrated on Collins. He has this match. Collins is nothing, Bobby!

BC: Yen picks Collins back up and whips him in to the ropes. Collins with the whip reversal! Diving lariat!

LR: No! Come on Yen!

[Both men lay on the ground as the referee begins to count.]
































LR: Come on, Yen!












LR: Yen is back to his feet!

BC: But so is Collins! Collins knocks Yen down with a clothesline! And another!

LR: Yen is back to his feet again, and Collins lifts him to his shoulders!

BC: It looks like the Reality Check!

[Yen struggles and slides off of Collins shoulders. He quickly slides out of the ring, as a smile comes to his face.]

BC: Yen was able to escape what could have been his end, Larry!

LR: Yen has done the smart thing here, as he waits on the outside taking a breather!

[Yen begins to walk around the ring as the referee starts his count. Collins slides out of the ring and stalks Yen from behind. He grabs Yen by the head and smashes him face first in to the ring post. He then rolls Yen back in to the ring.]

LR: Where the hell was the referee on that one?! That was an illegal move by Collins!

[Collins climbs to the apron as Sienna cheers him on. He climbs to the top rope and give the crowd a quick taunt. He dives off the top for an elbow drop, but Yen rolls out of the way.]

LR: Yen rolled out of the way! The Japanese Freak is slowly starting to get to his feet!

BC: Collins went for a high risk move, and he came out on the losing end!

LR: Yen picks Collins up, LU DRIVER!

BC: That is an evil move!

[Yen smiles at Collins who lays on the mat motionless. He looks out at Sienna who seems worried. Yen climbs to the top rope. He dives off and nails Collins with a moonsault.]

BC: H-Bomb! That was the H-Bomb!

LR: It doesn't look like Yen is done though! He wants to distribute more punishment, GPW style!

[Yen goes to pick up Collins, but quickly notices Sienna on the apron. Apron signals for Yen to come to her, and he quickly abides. The referee checks on Collins as he starts to get up, and Sienna quickly slaps Yen. Yen turns towards Collins and is quickly met with a boot to the gut.]

LR: JC CUTTER! It can't end like this!

BC: Collins has the cover!





















Yen has a foot on the rope!

BC: Collins picks Yen up and quickly plants him back on the mat with a back body drop!

LR: It looks like Collins is going back to the ropes!

[Collins climbs to the top rope again and dives off drilling Yen in the chest with a devestating elbow drop. He picks Yen up again and whips him in to the corner. Collins climbs to the second rope and begins to punch Yen in the face.]

BC: Collins is pounding the hell out of Yen in the corner!

LR: Yen is in trouble, Bobby!

[Yen hits Collins with a low blow then drops him with a powerbomb from the corner. Yen gets his feet on the top rope as he holds the powerbomb for a pin.]

LR: Yen has the pin!





















And Collins somehow kicks out!

BC: That should've been over, come on ref!

[Yen picks Collins up and drops him throat first on the top rope. He bounces off the ropes and nails Collins with a big boot. He quickly drops down for the cover, and grabs a handful of tights.]





















Collins kicks out!

LR: This guy needs to learn to stay down!

BC: Yen looks pissed! He picks Collins up and whips him in to the ropes. Drop toe hold! He has Collins in position for the Yen Drop!

[Yen bounces off the ropes. He goes for the Yen Drop, but Collins moves out of the way sending Yen to the outside.]

LR: No! He missed! Yen is down on the outside, and the ref is checking on Collins in the ring!

BC: Yen needs to get up, Larry! He can't lose this match!

[Yen slowly gets up on the outside as Collins begins to get to his feet on the inside. Yen slides in to the ring, and swings at Collins. Collins blocks the punch, and nails Yen with a right.]

BC: Collins with a right! And a second one! He pounds the hell out of Yen's face as he backs him in to the ropes. Collins with a whip!

LR: What a lariat! Yen quickly gets back to his feet and is met with another lariat! It looks like Collins has a second wind!

BC: Collins grabs Yen's legs, maybe looking for the Cali Lock! Yen is struggling! And he kicks Collins off of him!

[Yen gets to his feet, but Collins connects with a boot to the gut. Collins attempts an irish whip, but Yen reverses it. He pulls Collins back towards him and connects with a high roundhouse to the temple.]

LR: Yen with an amazing kick, and Collins is stumbling!

BC: Yen hits the ropes, NO! Collins caught him and has him on his shoulders! REALITY CHECK!

LR: NO! That's not right! Yen had him!

BC: Collins has the cover!






















BC: How did that happen?!

Announcer: The winner of this match, "ALL THAT" JASON COLLINS!

LR: We have to see a replay of that!

[The replay begins to play. Yen nails Collins with a high front roundhouse, and Collins begins to stumble backwards. Yen bounces off the ropes and attempts a clothesline. Collins ducks down and lifts Yen to his shoulders. He drops him with the Reality Check and quickly makes the cover for the three count. The view quickly goes back to the ring.]

BC: What a debut for Collins! But I still have to say that he got lucky in this one! Maybe he’ll sign a GPW contract next week and really make himself a star! Ha!

Paging the Good Doctor . . .

LR: What’s this we’ve got here? Hey look!

BC: Awww isn’t that sweet, Mark Xamin and Maniac all nice and snug in their little hospital beds.

[We cut to a shot on Mark Xamin and Maniac’s hospital room. Maniac rests on the far end of the room, his head heavily bandaged and an intravenous tube in his arm. Closest to us is Mark Xamin, who lays on his bed heavily bandaged, his arm in a sling, his leg elevated, and an intravenous tube in his arm as well. He looks very distant, probably due to the amount of pain killers the man must be on.]

[A doctor walks in with a mask on his face and a clipboard in his hands. He stands over Maniac.]

DOCTOR: How are we doing?

MANIAC: How are we doing? We’re doing quite shitty, thanks for asking.

DOCTOR: You’re badly concussed, what do you expect?

MANIAC: I expect to be out of here by next week…are you watching this shit?

[The zoom in on Maniac’s mini TV, situated above his bed. Sure enough, he’s watching Sunday Night Brawl.]

MANIAC: I can’t let Jericho run the show like this…I need to be out of here by next week, so do your damn job and heal me, you idiot.

DOCTOR: I’m afraid I can’t do that.

MANIAC: Yeah? And why’s that?

DOCTOR: Well…because, that wouldn’t be in the best interest of GPW, now would it, you son of a bitch?!


[The doctor removes his mask to reveal…]

LR: JEFF JERICHO! It’s Dr. Jeff Jericho and he comes bearing unorthodox Western medicine!

BC: He’s a good doctor, I’m tellin’ ya…I had a paper cut the other day…he slapped a bandaid right on it, good as new.

[Jericho smashes the clipboard over Maniac’s head, breaking it in half! Maniac thrashes in his bed but is defenceless as Jericho goes to town on him, pounding him in the head and reopening his wounds suffered at Summer Smash. Xamin frantically calls for help, but Jericho walks swiftly over to him and smashes a bed pan over his head! Xamin is old cold, and Maniac is a bloody mess. Jericho leans in real close to Mark Xamin.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: You see, Mark…you can’t cheat death, and just like you, the CWF is on its deathbed after a crushing blow at Summer Smash…and now it’s time to finish what Blair and Triple X started…

[Jericho walks over to Maniac and injects something into his intravenous…Maniac screams as nurses and doctors rush into the room to tend to him, and Jericho, dressed as a doctor, rushes out of the room, unnoticed. With the disturbing hospital scene now a chaotic scramble to get Maniac and Xamin the medical attention they desperately need, we fade out.]

LR: Well Jericho has a different way of working than most doctors.

BC: Absolutely, but he’s a genius…he’s an innovator, the world just isn’t ready for his medical methods just yet…

LR: Well Maniac and Xamin don’t look like they’re in the best of shape to say the least, but it’s time for another Blairmercial break, stay with us!

*Blairmercial Break*

Fear of the Dark
October 11, 1998

Joined in progress: T-Money vs Paul Blair for Unified Title

BC: Now wait a minute here comes Steve Dart.....Dart drops kicks the ladder and OHHHHHHHHHH....it landed on the head of T-Money!!!!!!!! Dart drop kicked the ladder on to T-money....Blair fell to the outside!!! The crowd is going nuts as Dart walks away from the ring....Money is out and hurt. Blair is back in the ring...he is cut of his right eye. Dart picks the ladder up of a lifeless T-Money and begins to climb up it....Blair is there he has got the title and he WINS!!!!!! Blair was able to pull the title down!!!!!!!!! Blair wins!!!!!! Blair wins!!!!!! We have a new Unified champion!!!!! Wow what a match!!!

Sam Banx is Coming . . .

[The camera rolls...from a distance we see a man shrouded in mystery; he appears to be lifting some incredibly stupid weights...although from this distance we are not sure what he is lifting exactly. Behind him we can see two huge fans...spinning and spinning, letting only a little bit of light through. Little bits of dust float around in the small amount of light shining through. Still...the man continues to lift the weights, the small amount of light only enabling us to see a very small extent of his body.] [The camera pans in a little and stops half way...ee can now make out a little bit more of him.]

MAN: I bet 'ya'll wondering who I am yeh?, Well.....I guess this is a good time to find out, what 'ya'll think eh?

You see baby, I am the single handedly the most dangerous and aggressive son of a gun to enter your eye line. My name is Sam Banx....and yeah! I don’t need hype to make a debut, I don’t need fame, I don’t need nobody!! I take care of business my way...which is of course the good way! So 'ya'll better get ready for what’s about to come in stock!

[The camera pans in again, this time clearly making Sam’s presence visible.]

SAM BANX: Just look at me baby! I can talk the talk, I can walk the walk....just look at me! I've got it all baby...I got the coolness, I've got the calmness and your damn right sure I've got the cockiness baby.....yeah that’s right the 3 C's are heading your way! Ohhh and it ain’t gonna be pretty...well not as pretty as me anyway.

[Sam slams the weights down on the floor with great force...the camera than pans directly into Banx's face.]

SAM BANX: You see...when you step in the ring with me, give me a good look in the eye, tell me what you see...and I can guarantee you they show...

[The camera then very slowly starts to zoom out from Sam.]

SAM BANX: Pain!, Aggression!, Pleasure!, Destruction!.......and one more thing, for all the boys in the back.....THEY SHOW A CHAMPION.....which is what I am, so 'ya'll just gonna have to deal with it baby.

[Sam then struts right up to the camera.]

SAM BANX: So ya'll want a little reminder of what I just said?

[Sam then with no remorse powerfully super kicks the camera...the camera falls to the hard concrete floor on its side. And all we can see are bottom half of Sam walking...]

SAM BANX: Ya'll just witnessed something eh!

[Sam leaves the room, slamming the door with a thundering crack leaving a mark, a message, a point that will get people thinking.....a new era has begun.]

[The camera fades out.]

BC: I like that guy! He appreciates good looks, so I’m sure he’ll be in awe when he meets me, “Beautiful” Bobby Crane…

LR: That’s one man who you know for sure won’t hate you because you’re beautiful.

BC: He’s gonna go a long way, Larry! Sam Benx is going to pretty this place up a little!

Angus vs Tony Floyd

LR: Tonight is ruled by GPW! Sensibility has returned, and with a vengeance!

BC: We have an amen on that! From me, Bobby Crane, GPW Evangelist!

LR: Our next competition, and perhaps our next victims, are two slummers for Xamin that think they're gonna get gold!

BC: Ham-and-eggers unite! Let's go to the pen, er, the ring.

[“Open Your Eyes” by Alter Bridge chugs into the air to a huge pop. Stage pyro shoots into the air like the fourth of July.]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! Making his way to the ring, weighing in at three-hundred forty-six pounds, from Hell, New Mexico....TOOOOOOOOONY FLOYD!!!

Looking back I clearly see
What it is that’s killing me
Through the eyes of one I know
I see a vision once let go
I had it all

[Tony Floyd makes no hesitation in greeting as many fans on his way to the ring. Floyd steps over the top rope into the ring, raising his arms to the crowd's cheers.]

LR: They go crazy for these people, Bobby. Crazy! And yet the smallest iota of a brain cell could tell you that Mark is scraping the bottom!

BC: I must say it truly is heaven to be in this sound booth. I have a voice of reason speaking wonderful glittery words of truth!

[“Exploder” by Audioslave rockets through the PA. The audience let's go a good ear-splitter as Abby Grace emerges from the entry followed by Angus. They stride down the ramp and step into the ring. Abby takes her place on the outside.]


LR: And they're off! The two big horses have locked up but Floyd has the strength advantage here. Whoa! Angus just slapped Floyd right across the face! Both men are going tooth and nail! Floyd with MANIACAL RIGHTS AND LEFTS! Angus with HARD-EDGED CHOPS AND A FEW RIGHTS OF HIS OWN! Neither man yielding! Floyd with the upper hand now as Angus begins to feel the beating. Angus in a headlock now but a few sharp elbows to the mid-section gets Floyd to loosen up the reins and Angus goes for a full-arm dragon twist. He puts a leg over the arm of Floyd quick as a cat and delivers some good hard shin kicks to the face!

[Floyd pushes through the blows and catches Angus' leg, pushing him right to the mat with authority! Floyd picks Angus off the mat and smacks him with a big Russian uppercut and Irish Whips him to the ropes. Angus comes off the ropes and ducks a huge clothesline and bounces back with a heavy kick to the chest sending Floyd to the mat!]

BC: That one had to hurt, humanoids! Floyd rising to his feet now as Angus plants a bell-ringin' axe kick to Floyd's melon, but Floyd remains standing! He charges Angus who tries to shift his momentum away but fails and goes to the mat. Floyd tacks on some mounted punches and covers...1........2........kickout by Angus! Floyd picks him off the mat and Irish Whips him to the ropes and lays on a big boot to the face and Angus eats the canvas! Once gain Floyd picks off Angus and picks him up for a body slam. No! Angus slips over Floyd's shoulder and hits a neckbreaker!

[Floyd holds his neck in pain, Angus capitalizes on his with a face clutch. The ref comes over for a tap but doesn't get one. Angus picks off Floyd and unleashes a barrage of palms strikes and chops to the neck that sends Floyd back into the ropes. Angus runs off the ropes and delivers a clothesline to send Floyd to the outside. Down on the mat now, as Floyd slowly rises to his feet, Angus comes off the top turnbuckle for a missile drop kick but Floyd simply pushes him away!]

LR: I think we're starting to see some potential GPW in these boys now! Floyd takes the dazed Angus off the mat and slams his head into the apron. The ref is at the eight count but Floyd throws Angus into the ring and slides in to unleash a few stomps on Angus. Floyd pulls Angus off the mat. He heaves him onto his shoulder, looks like a Fire Thunder AND IT IS! Angus is covered!














[Floyd gets to his feet and runs off the ropes for a leg drop but Angus rolls out of the way. Both men on the canvas, both struggling to their feet, Angus manages to kick Floyd in the back of the knee. Angus gets to his feet first and puts Floyd in an armbar submission. The ref asks for a tap but Floyd powers out and gets to his feet. Angus is thrown to the ropes and gets hit with a spear. As Floyd pulls him off the mat, Angus punts him with a boot to the gut and takes Floyd down with a jawbreaker.]

BC: Whoo hoo! Soft foods for a week! Angus must have had quite the trainer to withstand what Floyd has dished out to him tonight! Floyd's holding his jaw but manages to get to his feet. Angus charges and gives him a big ol' taste of CUT 'N' SHOOT!!! Floyd is really hurtin' tonight! Angus with a cover!













.kickout by Floyd!!!

BC: This is amazing! These Xamin-hired buffoons aren't all bad! Angus once again pulls Floyd off the mat and rocks him with a knee to the head! OH MY! Floyd has gone nuts! He's rip-roarin' mad! He lifts Angus up by the neck and rocks him with a two-handed chokeslam! Angus if flat on his back! Floyd doesn't cover! He takes Angus off the mat and powers him into the turnbuckle!

[Floyd reaches behind Angus and takes off the turnbuckle padding. He boots Angus in the stomach and sends him home with THE EXECUTIONER! Angus is writhing in pain and holding his back. Floyd whips Angus to the other turnbuckle, and goes for a spear but Angus miraculously dodges. Floyd falls against the turnbuckle favoring his left shoulder. Angus on his knees uses the ropes to get to his feet and lets loose on Floyd with the MIGRAINE. Angus goes after Floyd and sets him up for a reverse suplex, looking like the END OF ALL, but Floyd fights it with all he's got left. Floyd uses his downward momentum to reverse the suplex into a reverse T-Bone suplex.]

LR: Floyd signals for the Bomb From Hell! He peels Angus off the mat and gives him another boot! Will he get him!?! YES! HE GOES TO TOWN WITH THE BOMB FROM HELL! Angus is finished! Floyd with the cover!













Announcer: Here is your winner...TOOOOOONY FLOYD!!!

BC: I don't believe it! Guys with twice the muscle have fallen under what Floyd unleashed in that ring, but up til now Angus took it like a man!

LR: Indeed, and Floyd has beaten him! What a match for both of these men! GPW would be hard-pressed to find two tougher men than these!

BC: Wait a minute! Floyd is getting Angus to his feet! What's he gonna do!? Oh, no. Come on!

[Floyd puts out a hand to Angus who, although dazed, shakes it and leaves the ring with the same steely gaze he came in with.]

BC: Saps!

[Angus and Floyd leave the ring to an ovation from an appreciative crowd, and we cut to the commentators booth.]

BC: That was sickening.

LR: Indeed it was, it totally ruined what was otherwise a pretty good match. Shaking hands? This isn’t a lovefest, this is GPW Sunday Night Brawl!

BC: Exactly! I’m so glad Teddy Turnbuckle is gone, you’re so easy to work with!

LR: Well I try…and hey, here we go! Here comes the man who made his triumphant return at Summer Smash last week!

Warning: Rated XXX

[“Don’t Tread On Me” by Metallica blasts out and the fans all erupt into a state of pandemonium as they know that the self proclaimed “biggest mark in the biz” is about to step foot into a CWF arena once again. Flashes of images of Triple-X throughout the years in the CWF quickly flash across the screen until they become so quick that you can barely see them. At this point the screen goes black save one giant red X in the middle of the screen and out steps Triple X from behind the black curtains. The crowd erupts once again, this time at a deafening level. X steps onto the stage and flexes his arms as he has been doing since the mid 90s in the Classic Wrestling Federation as the pyrotechnics display of red colored Xs go off behind him. He begins to make his way down to the ring and slides in after mingling with the fans for a few minutes outside the ring.]

LR: What an honor it is that this guy is with us, GPW!

BC: Leave I know! He’s like a 42 time CWF Champion, he can do what he pleases!

[Triple X is decked out in the GPW black t-shirt that is tucked into his blue jeans and he sports a pair of black Nike shoes. He pulls his hair back and flexes for the crowd one more time before bringing the mic to his mouth to speak]

TRIPLE X: CWF, let me know if you like seeing the biggest mark in the biz standing in a CWF ring once again!

[The crowd once again is on their feet and showing Triple-X the love.]

TRIPLE X: Exactly what I thought. But ya know what? I didn’t come back for you all! I didn’t spring back up at Summer Smash in the corner of Blair and Jericho for you minimum-wage earning, marking out fans! I came back because I can’t leave MY federation hanging in the wind while some half-wit who calls himself the “Black Jesus” wears the CWF World Title. That title that was attached to my name how many times?

LR: It’s what it’s always been about for him - himself. He will never change! That’s what I love about him!

BC: That’s what makes him as cool as he is! Ha!

[Triple X mockingly begins counting on his fingers how many times he has won the CWF World Title as he uses up all his fingers. He shrugs his shoulders as he speaks again over the chorus of boos he is now hearing.]

TRIPLE X: I forget. Maybe I’m getting a little senile or old. [he laughs] Nah, the only senile or fossils I’ve seen around here are Maniac and Xamin.

[The crowd yells at the mention of those two names.]

TRIPLE X: Oh yeah, where are those two at these days? Hospital still? [ he laughs] Don’t worry, Mark…you can send me the hospital bills. I’ve got more than enough cash to go around. Hell, doesn’t it make you kind of sick that you are sitting in a hospital bed right now wallowing in more self-pity as you know your next meal is coming through a straw and your next shit is going to be in a bedpan? I wonder. [he pauses] Actually I could care less about you, Xamin. Blair disposed of you and showed you why the management should stay behind a desk and not get in MY domain.

Xamin, you thought that after all that time away from the CWF when I was carrying the promotion on my back with MY blood, my sweat and my tears that you could walk back in with your pal, Maniac and run things? You thought that a few years had passed and the so-called “plagues” of the CWF in Jeff Jericho, Paul Blair and Triple-X would be gone? Think again pal, we’re lifers. We ARE the CWF. To think otherwise…well, it’ll get you what it got Mark Xamin, Maniac and Tyrone Walker.

[The crowd boos XXX again.]

TRIPLE X: Keep the boos coming. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.

[More boos.]

TRIPLE X: See, even you twits listen to every single thing I have to say.

[More boos.]

TRIPLE X: Think about it…who else could come back in his first appearance with the CWF in this era and single handily decide the fate of the CWF World Title without even being in the match? Only the biggest mark in the biz! And rest assured, Triple X is back, and you better hide the women and children, Xamin…because I’m here to bury the CWF for its own damn good, and GPW got a whole lot stronger.

[The crowd explodes into boos as “Play the Game” by Motorhead hits, and Jeff Jericho walks out from the back in his golden suit, followed by two officials carrying what seems to be a large box covered in a black drape. The fans pelt Jericho with garbage as he climbs through the ropes and shakes Triple X’s hand. Jericho then slides out of the ring and pulls a table out from underneath the apron, sliding it into the ring and climbing back inside the set it up. The officials place the box on top of the table, and Jericho grabs a mic.]

LR: Looks like Jericho made it back from the hospital in time to enlighten this crowd once more!

BC: He comes and goes as he pleases, he’s the GPW owner!

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: Last week at Summer Smash, Triple X, you proved to the world once again that you are without a doubt, the biggest mark in the biz!

[The crowd boos louder.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: You proved that you are GPW through and through…you bleed gold! Now, we not only have the CWF World Heavyweight championship…and after Chemical X gets through with Jimmy Sartyr later tonight, we’ll have the CWF National title as well…and let’s face it, that’s academic. But I have a little surprise…you see, Triple X without a title around his waist is like Easter without the damn bunny…titles just belong around your waist, and that’s why, after careful consideration….I hereby declare you, Triple X, the honorary GPW World Heavyweight champion!

LR: Bravo! Bravo! What an excellent choice!

BC: Triple excellent, you might say! Ha!

[Triple X beams as Jericho removes the drape from the box, and reveals the GPW title in a glass case. He removes the lid, and holds up the title for the crowd to see. They boo relentlessly, insulted by the mockery the GPW has made of the CWF all night. Jericho fastens the belt around Triple X’s waist, and XXX drops to his knees and raises his arms in the air as if he’s just been through the match of his life to get the title.]

BC: What a tremendous accomplishment by Triple X…

LR: Absolutely, just one more notch on his belt.

[Uh, yeah. Triple X takes the belt off his waist and drapes it over his shoulder, patting it and laughing at the crowd as Jericho continues.]

“GOLDEN ONE” JEFF JERICHO: The GPW promised to make an impact, and none of you believed it…well seeing is believing, assholes!

[Jericho drops the mic and they head up the ramp. Triple X raises the GPW title above his head when he reaches the top of the stage – an unpopular action, as the crowd gets louder. They retreat behind the curtain before the crowd gets out of control.]

LR: What a historic night! A new GPW champion has been crowned!

BC: This is great! Paul Blair and Triple X are both champions! And after tonight, Chemical X is going to bring the CWF National title home to GPW! The CWF is on its deathbed, ha!

LR: And it’s time for another Blairmercial break, GPW fans! We’ll be back!

*Blairmercial Break*

November 15, 1998
Paul Blair vs Jimmy Blast for CWF World Title

TT: And it's MAIN EVENT TIME here on BRAWL and here comes "The Ruler" of the CWF...PAUL BLAIR!!

(Paul Blair comes out to big time boos as he taunts the fans as he goes to the ring..)

TT: BLAST attacks first!! Jimmy said he as gonna' be more ofa 90's style champion and look at the WORLD CHAMP go!! DDT and BLAST is rockin' ths place!! LEG DROP and JIMMY is in control..

BLAST goes to the TOP ROPE..ELBOW and he hit..but he landed wrong and both wrestlers are down..and here comes JERICHO..NO NEMESIS from behind..they are fightin" Through the damn crowd!! BLAST is up and he drags BLAIR to the ringpost..RING POST FIGURE FOUR!! Oh my..But BLAIR kicks at BLAST and JIMMY hits the RAILING!! BLAIR to the outside...And Blast has been busted open..Blast is still on his feet..He greets BLAIR with a boot to the stomach..NECK BREAKER by BLAST and these two athletes are showing the world what the CWF is all about!! BLAST rolls BLAIR back into the ring..BLASTER!!!! It's over 1..........2......thr..No foot on the rope!! BLAIR put his foot on the rope..BLAST is up..he's begining to get frusterated...He throws BLAIR off the ropes...JERICHO is back out here...BLAIR KICK on BLAST..BLAIR hooks the leg...




And we HAVE A NEW CWF WORLD CHAMPION!! JERICHO is in!! JERICHO and BLAIR are battling..BLAST gets out of the ring..he has a chair..Oh my..He just layed out BLAIR and he lays out JERICHO!! REMEMBER these three guys will wrestle for the CWF WORLD TITLE in two weeks at BATTLE TO SURVIVE!! See you on ATTITUDE!!

Dan Lynch [c] vs Blood

Non-Title Match

LR: Welcome back fans, to what has become the greatest show on earth! GPW Sunday Night Brawl!

BC: That's right, you ham-and-eggers! I couldn't have said it better myself. GPW has everyone here by the cojones! And we own your soul!

LR: Be careful Bobby! We're not supposed to be biased!


Announcer: The following non-title match-up is scheduled for ONE FALL! Making his way to the ring, from Charlotte, North Carolina...

["When All Is Said And Done" by Trapt erupts in the arena as the lights go out. A red tint flows through the arena, as Blood walks out to the entrance area. He stands below the videotron, head ducked down. He slowly raises his head and his arms as flames blast off from both sides of him.]

Announcer: He stands six foot four inches tall, and weighs in at two hundred fourty five pounds! He is the self proclaimed future of the CWF, BLOOD!

[The flames die off, and Blood continues his walk down the ramp. The crowd boos as he steps up on to the apron, and enters the ring. He walks over to the corner, and climbs to the middle turnbuckle. He looks around at the crowd for a minute, then climbs back down. His music fades out as the lights return to normal.]

Announcer: And now, making his way to the ring...

[“Sex, Love, and Money” by Mos Def thumps into the Civic Center. Out walks Dan Lynch, flaunting his title and himself to a mixture of cheers and boos.]

Announcer: From Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 240 lbs... DAAAAAAAN LYYYYYYNNNNNNCH!

[He slingshots into the ring from the apron. The ref takes the belt from him.]

LR: Blood from behind with an elbow strike! The bell has rung and we are underway! Dan Lynch back to his feet now who throws some hard rights but Blood takes everyone of them! Blood on the offensive with an eye rake and an elbow smash to Lynch. Blood picks Lynch off the mat and Irish Whip to the ropes...Blood and Lynch on the rebound as Blood goes for a cross body but Lynch rolls! Blood hits the mat and Lynch bounces off the ropes to deliver a HUGE DROP KICK TO THE HEAD as Blood tried to stand. Lynch takes to the mat with Blood, locking on a full Boston Crab! Blood reaches for the ropes...the ref breaks the hold. Lynch flaunting to the crowd now, but BLOOD'S ON HIS FEET!!! SUPER KICK!!! Lynch goes down!

[Blood rushes Lynch into the Blood Lock, but Lynch reaches the ropes just in time. He picks Lynch off the mat and slaps on a standing chicken wing submission, but Dan delivers a low blow to Blood!]

BC: Blood is in male labor now! Lynch covers...1........2........kickout!!! Lynch picks off Blood and hits him with a snap suplex! Lynch quickly to his feet and comes back with a leg drop! Lynch now with a reverse facelock! He's taking Blood out any way he can! Blood powers to his feet, big elbow to the breadbasket and a REVERSE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Blood picks Lynch off the mat and hits the BLOOD LUST! He goes for the cover!












kickout by Lynch!

[Blood picks off Lynch as he struggles to his feet, hitting Dan with a few hard chops then whips him to the turnbuckle. Blood takes a run and drives a running roundhouse kick into Lynch's chest. Lynch staggers forward and falls to his knees. Blood kicks Lynch in the head and picks him off the mat. Blood sets up for a suplex but blocks it with a Small Package!












kickout by Blood!

LR: Lynch springs to his feet on a second wind. Blood's on his feet who attempts a lock up but Lynch refuses...Lynch with an eye gouge and a kick to the stomach. STO!!! LYNCH IS ON FIRE!!! Lynch picks Blood off the mat and sets him on the top turnbuckle! Lynch goes to the top. SUPER DDT!!! Blood is in serious pain! Lynch takes bounces off the ropes and drop kicks Blood out of the ring! It looks as though Blood may be injured. The ref goes to the outside to check on him. WAIT!!! HERE COMES RICKY CHAMBERS!!! LYNCH'S BACK IS TURNED!!! RICKY HITS HIM WITH CANADIAN CHAOS! Blood just saw what happened!!! He speeds into the ring as Ricky leaves! Blood wraps up Lynch in the BLOOD LOCK!!! He's in the center of the ring! NO ESCAPE! THE REF GETS A TAP!!!


Announcer: Here is your winner...BLOOD!!!

[Lynch and Chambers stare each other down as Blood makes his way to the ramp where Chambers is. Lynch is making threats from the ring.]

BC: Great...another male hugging contest? He gives Chambers a high-five handshake. What the heck!

[In the blink of an eye, Blood boots Chambers in the gut with and hits the Blood Lust. He drags Chambers down to the ring and throws him inside.]

LR: Lynch goes bonkers on Chambers!!! There's no stopping these two! Blood looks back and laughs! HERE COMES CHIRON CROSS!!! HE NAILS BLOOD WITH A YAKUZA KICK!!! He gets Blood up off the ramp! What's he going to do? HAMMERFALL!!! Blood is out! Totally out! Security as usual comes too late! Chiron has already made an escape up the stage fixtures and into the shadows! EMT's come to get Blood on a stretcher. Don't go away folks!

Ricky Chambers vs Chiron Cross vs “The Dark Horse” Mike Sloan

Triple Threat Cage Match

LR: Well after that chaotic encounter between Dan Lynch and Blood, we’ve got a triple threat cage match! Ricky Chambers is going to climb into a steel cage with Chiron Cross and Mike Sloan, and the winner of this one gets to pick the stipulation for their match at Fall Fever!

BC: That’s right Larry…Mike Sloan’s Fall Fever opponent has yet to be named, but we know that Chiron Cross will be going one on one with Blood, and those two hate each other with a fiery passion…and we also know that Ricky Chambers will challenge Dan Lynch for the Mid-Atlantic title, so the winner of this match here can claim a huge advantage in his Fall Fever match, because he can choose stipulations that cater to him!

LR: And you have to wonder if it’s just a matter of time before all three of these men come to their senses and sign on with GPW , so this could be their last match in the CWF!

BC: That’s an excellent point. It’s so refreshing to work with someone who knows what he’s talking about.

LR: Thanks, partner!

[We cut to the ring.]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match will take place inside a steel cage!

[The crowd roars at this announcement.]

Announcer: To win the match, you must either climb over the cage and to the floor or exit the cage through the door. Both feet much touch the floor in order to be declared the winner! There will be no pinfalls and no submissions!

BC: This could be an ugly one…

Announcer: Introducing first…from Calgary, Alberta…weighing in at 230 pounds…RICKY CHAMBERS!

[The crowd roars as “Your Stories, My Alibies” by Matchbook Romance hits, and Ricky Chambers steps out from the back in his ring attire. As he makes his way down the aisle, Dan Lynch races out from the back and nails him from behind with the Mid-Atlantic title!]

BC: Ha! Here comes the sex, love, and money machine for some revenge! That’ll teach you to stick your nose in Dan Lynch’s business, Chambers!

LR: Lynch shoves Chambers into the guardrail and clotheslines him into the crowd!

[Chambers is mobbed by the crowd but security quickly restores order. Lynch climbs over the guardrail and pulls Chambers up, and the two brawl through the crowd! Neither man takes a decided advantage, but they brawl all the way to the backstage area and out of sight!]

LR: Well it looks like this one just became a one on one cage match!

Announcer: Introducing second…from Mobile Alabama…weighing in at 245 pounds… “THE DARK HORSE” MIKE SLOAN!

This is because of what you did to me....

[The airy, hollow voice penetrates the p.a.system.]

This is what I become.....

[The voice is close to being recognizable, but at the same time it is unknown to us.]

My pain will become yours.....

[A dark figure is produced on the screen. Bright white lights flash behind him, illuminating his figure. And the first bass and acoustic riff begins to sound out.]

#You take a mortal man, #

[His blond hair on top is only a fraction of an inch long. You can see the places where he has been scared from multiple battles in his life.]

#And put him in control #

[His head begins to lift, so slightly that the only thing that is produced in the time is the top of a spike that comes from his eyebrow.]

#Watch him become a god,#

[A scar runs from his forehead lateral to his left ear. It is so slight, because of the time and money that was spent to reduce the size.]

#Watch peoples heads a'roll #

[The first thing that is recognizable, the blue eyes. They hold more emotion than the face itself. They were once caring, but something has taken all that away. They are full of disdain and contempt now.


[The spot lights area towards the entrance ramp. The crowd jumps to its feet to see him again. The chorus hits the pa system and about that time a stray light catches a glimpse of the man we once knew far away from the ring, in the crowd. Standing like a monster, scared of nothing, he makes his movements to the ring. ]

#Just like the Pied Piper

Led rats through the streets

We dance like marionettes,

Swaying to the Symphony...

Of Destruction #

[His attire features two new things. He has donned a black shirt that states, in red lettering, Respect is not earned; It's Taken. The second item is a pair of thigh length, spandex shorts. Across the back it states, T D H. Down his left thigh the word that is stated is Scorned. Down his right thigh is the word, Disrespected;. A black towel covers his head so that no one can know who this is, if the piercing and the eyes didn't tell you who it was then you will have to wait.]

#Acting like a robot, #

[He makes his way to the ring side area, he places one foot on the step and reaches out his hand and grabs the ring post.]

#Its metal brain corrodes. #

[He pauses for the fans and then makes his way up the steps.]

#You try to take its pulse, #

[He walks the outer edge of the ring and places his back against the ropes and waits.]

#Before the head explodes. #

[As soon as this line hits his head launches back and the covering it tossed off. Revealing to the world that this man is Mike Sloan. ]

#Explodes... #

[The chorus hits again as he makes his way into the ring.]

#Just like the Pied Piper

Led rats through the streets

We dance like marionettes,

Swaying to the Symphony...

Of Destruction #

[He leans over and picks up his towel and hangs it on the far right turnbuckle.]

#The earth starts to rumble #

[The red insignia, TDH, is embroider into it also.]

#World powers fall#

[He pulls his torso out of the shirt and tosses it to the floor.]

#A'warring for the heavens, #

[He places his back against the corner and stretches his back over the ropes, popping every vertebrate there.]

#A peaceful man stands tall #

[He stands a man with nothing to lose and everything to gain from this point on.]

Announcer: And his opponent….

[The lights flash rapidly. "They All Fall Down" by Grits thumps the air and the lights stabilize as Chiron Cross emerges onto the stage. He snaps is arms to the rhythm of white pyro shooting into the air and gives the "I Love You" sign.]

Announcer: From the Streets of The City, weighing in at two hundred and thirty-five pounds…CHIRON CROSS!

[He walks with intensity down the ramp. Climbing the steps and onto the apron, Chiron steps into the cage and removes his black leather trench coat and mirrored shades. The cage door slams shut behind him with a clank.]


LR: This one is underway here, as two CWF losers prepare to tear each other apart all for the glorification of their own egos!

BC: Well put!

[Cross and Sloan circle each other. Sloan leans in to lock up…Cross side steps him and hooks him from behind around his waist for a belly-to-back suplex! Sloan back to his feet, but Cross sends him twisting 360 degrees in the air with a vicious clothesline! Sloan back up again, and he ducks another clothesline! He comes back at Cross looking to connect with a superkick, but Cross ducks and leaps onto Sloan as he turns around with spinning headscissors! Sloan slams his fist into the mat in frustration.]

LR: And it looks like the tree hugging hippy is dominating the over rated slug…

BC: It’s so hard to tell which one is which when you describe them like that…they both have so much in common!

[Chiron walks over to him and pulls him up…he goes to whip him to the ropes, but Sloan blocks the attempt, grabs Cross by the head and tosses him into the side of the cage! The cage rattles as Chiron’s head bounces off of it and he stumbles back…Sloan grabs him again and tosses him into the side of the cage once more! This time he grabs him on the rebound and grates his face into the steel…Chiron groans in pain until Sloan releases him. Chiron falls to his knees and Sloan rears back and boots him in the face, sending him to his back.]

LR: Looks like the “Dead Horse” has taken control of this one…

BC: Dark Horse, you mean?

LR: I know what I said.

BC: Ha! You’re the greatest commentator in the history of the universe.

LR: Well, I don’t like to be cocky about it, but….yeah.

[Sloan whips him to the ropes and lifts Chiron up for a spinebuster, but Cross is able to hang on, and he flips over Sloan’s back and brings him down for a crucifix pin!]

BC: What is that idiot doing? There are no pinfalls! Ha!

LR: See, you won’t find boneheads like that in GPW.

BC: Absolutely not, Jeff Jericho won’t tolerate mediocrity!

[The ref taps Cross on the shoulder and reminds him that there are no pinfalls in this match. Chiron wastes no time complaining and immediately gets back on Sloan, kneeing him in the back of the head and pulling him back to his feet…he backs Sloan into the corner and drives his shoulder into his abdomen several times, and then sets him up on the top turnbuckle. Chiron climbs up to meet him, and hooks him in…]

LR: SUPERPLEX! Man oh man, four hundred and eighty pounds of humanity crashing off the top rope and to the mat below!

BC: And these two fools are going to pay the price if they want to win their choice of a stipulation for their match at Fall Fever!

[Sloan arches his back in pain as Chiron begins to climb the cage…Sloan blacks out the pain and rushes to his feet, running to the side of the cage and scaling it using his momentum…he grabs Cross from three quarters of the way up the cage and SLAMS him down with a powerbomb on the way down!]

LR: Wow, impressive! Not bad for a CWFer…

BC: That was picture perfect, but Sloan and Cross are both down now!

[Sloan, still reeling from the superplex from the top rope, and Cross, now hurt from the powerbomb off the cage, are both laid out. Slowly, Sloan begins to stir, dragging himself inch by inch towards the cage door! The referee opens the door for him and he gets himself half way out before Cross darts up and grabs his foot, desperately trying to pull him back in…Sloan is fighting it though, reaching for the ringsteps to use as leverage to pull himself out. Cross won’t allow it though, and with a sudden surge of energy, he pulls Sloan back into the center of the ring and the door is locked shut. Sloan slams the mat in frustration as Cross slowly gets back to his feet.]

BC: That was close, this was almost over and we could have moved on to something more exciting.

LR: You’re telling me…this is a complete snoozefest, who wants to watch this crap when we could be watching Paul Blair being inducted into the Hall of Fame instead?!

[Cross pulls Sloan up and boots him in the gut…Sloan keels over, and Cross hooks him in…]

LR: HAMMER FALL! He nailed him with the Hammer Fall and Sloan is done like dinner!

BC: And Chiron is going to walk out of that cage with ease….hey, wait a minute! Ha!

[As Chiron begins to climbs through the door, someone slams it shut right on his head! We pan around to reveal…Blood!]

LR: Chiron had this one in the bag, but Blood slammed the door shut on that real quick! And it looks like Chiron is busted open!

BC: Serves him right for wasting our time with this stupid match…

[Cross falls back, unconscious, and Blood shoves the referee out of his face and climbs through the door and into the cage! Blood goes to work on Cross, ramming him head first into the cage repeatedly…Cross swings wildly at him as his equilibrium fails him and try as he might, he can’t stay on his feet…and with a wild swing that misses, he spins around and crashes to the mat, trying to crawl into a corner desperately as the blood pours down his face and into his eyes, blocking his vision. Blood grins at him evily and charges in at the corner! Chiron gets a boot up though and sends Blood staggering back….again Blood charges in, and again Chiron gets a boot up! This time as Blood stumbles back, Chiron explodes out of the corner with a clothesline that sends Blood to the mat, flipping backwards upon impact and landing on his stomach!]

LR: And Chiron won’t go down easy here…delaying the inevitable, I would say.

BC: Oh definitely, it’s all academic now…Sloan is starting to come back to consciousness and Cross is focused in on Blood! Hey, wait a minute!

[Suddenly, out from the top of the ramp comes Dan Lynch and Ricky Chambers, still brawling! The crowd erupts at their appearance, and they brawl all the way down to ringside! Sloan tries to exit the cage via the door, but Chambers apparently still has his heart set on winning this match despite the brawl with Lynch, and he slams the door on Sloan’s head! Lynch quickly jumps back on Chambers and whips him into the ringsteps!]

LR: This is insanity!

[Back in the cage, Blood and Chiron are going at it tooth and nail…Blood gets the upper hand and knees him in the gut…and he lifts him up high above his head…and tosses him into the cage! But wait! The cage breaks off its hinges and swings around to the outside with Chiron clinging to it! It nails an unsuspecting Dan Lynch and sends him crashing to his back on the arena floor! Chiron leaps off the cage and to the outside, both feet hitting the floor for an accidental victory!]


Announcer: Here is your winner….CHIRON CROSS!

LR: Cross got a lucky victory, and Blood isn’t happy about it!

BC: Fluke!

[Blood, steaming mad goes out after Chiron! Meanwhile, on the outside, Chambers is pounding on Lynch, who is reeling from the cage wall slamming into him unexpectedly. All four men brawl furiously!]

LR: Absolute pandemonium here in Hartford!

BC: It’s time for another Blairmercial! Ha!

LR: Stay with us, folks…we’ll be right back as security tries to restore some order to this chaos!

*Blairmercial Break*

Paul Blair vs Jeff Jericho for World Title
December 12, 2000

TT: Why hasn't the ref thrown this match out yet! All I can say is the winner of this match deserves the world title! Jericho grabs Blair again and throws him back into the ring. JJ steps in and swings up against the ropes and nails Blair with a running swan dive! JJ with the pin 1… Blair throws his shoulderup! Jericho looks up angrily and gets to his feet.

BC: This is it, here it comes, and THERE IT IS! Golden One Stunner! Pin 1..2..3!!!!! New champion!! Jericho is the world champion! What a match this was, what a classic match! I have never seen anything like this.

TT: Jeff Jericho is holding the World title and Blair taps him on the shoulder. Jericho spins around and what the hell. The two are shaking hands! What the hell? Here comes TSC, they are going to nail Paul Blair.

BC: NO they are joining in the celebration, what the fuck! Is Blair TSC? Has he become a turncoat and joined forces with Jeff Jericho and the Corporation.

TT: I don't know they have feuded for years, we are out of time see you next week!

A Cryptic Message . . .

LR: Looks like camera's are going in back to check on Blood.

[We cut to the backstage area where Blood is leaving the arena. We hear Larry and Bobby on voice over.]

BC: Blood appears to be leaving the building! I thought he was a tough guy!

LR: Well fans, out the door he goes and...wait a minute! There's a completely trashed vehicle in the parking lot!

BC: It's...that's Blood's vehicle! That SUV looks like it got a wrecking ball dropped on it!

LR: Blood is totally incensed! Now he appears to be looking at some marking on what is left of the roof.

Blood: Chiron...

[Blood runs back into the arena. The cameraman steps onto the ruined fender and gets up high enough to see a huge 'M' torn right into the body!]

BC: What!? Is this “Brother M” here tonight!? Is he even real!?!

LR: Here comes Blood down to the ring with a microphone!

[Blood climbs into the ring and roars into the mic.]

Blood: Cross!!! The time of your demise is fast approaching! You've signed the death warrant, now pick out a headstone because you have invoked pure wrath!!! You can continue to hide behind this myth you call 'M', you can try to best me at my own game, but you will utterly fail! I have tried to be merciful to you...

BC: Oh whatever...

Blood: ...I have warned you and you have not heeded! Mark my words, Chiron, you may not make it Fall Fever!!!

[Blood tosses the mic out of the ring and makes his way to the back.]

LR: Well the Blood and Chiron Cross rivalry just heated up considerably!

BC: Who the hell is “M”?!

LR: I don’t know, but we have the champion of the world standing by!

BC: Woooo!

A Word With the Champ . . .

[Cameras are outside GPW locker room. CWF World Champion Paul Blair and Robin Cradle are walking out of the dressing room, arm in arm. Blair has the World Title over his shoulder as CWF correspondent Walter Taylor goes over to them.]

TAYLOR: Paul, tonight, you have a great honor being bestowed upon you. What are your thoughts...

[Blair cuts him off.]

PAUL BLAIR: Shut up Walter. Don't try and act like this honor was something that Mark Xamin came up with on his own. This honor is something I've deserved for years. Not something that was bestowed upon me. That's why, tonight, Mark Xamin will not be presenting me with this honor. Oh no. My two favorite Hall of Famers will do the honor themselves. Jeff Jericho and Triple X, the only two men in this sport's history who deserve being there as much as I do. So Monkey boy, take your questions somewhere else because I'm not buying the idea that anyone would think that Xamin came up with this “honor” as you call it.

[Walter goes to speak again, but Blair cuts him off before he even utters a word.]

PAUL BLAIR: Shut up, Walter. Didn't you hear me the first time?! Now if you will excuse us, my lady and I would like to go be alone.

[Blair and Robin walk off towards the other end of the hall as the camera goes back to the ring.]

BC: I can’t wait to see Blair inducted into the Hall of Fame tonight! It’s history in the making!

LR: That’s for sure...and I have to say, this is definitely...

Together: Fair to Blair!

BC: Ha!

Jimmy Sartyr [c] vs Chemical X

[We cut to the ring.]

LR: Well it’s now time for the National title match…and Jimmy Sartyr is in tough tonight against the GPW’s own, Chemical X!

BC: For sure! Chemical X has been ready for this one since the moment he won the gauntlet match at Summer Smash! Jimmy Sartyr has been impressive so far, but he’s in over his head tonight…

LR: I would have to agree, Chemical X is a veteran who hasn’t really reached his full potential yet, but he’s entering his prime and what a way to put himself over the hump if he could win the National title tonight and bring it home to GPW!

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the CWF National championship! Introducing first, the challenger….from Brooklyn, New York…weighing in at 279 pounds….CHEMICAL X!

BC: Wooo!

[“Dipset Anthem” by Dipset hits, and Chemical X is showered with boos as he steps out onto the ramp. Clad in black jeans and a GPW t-shirt, he walks to the ring with a purpose – he’s eyes indeed appear to be on the prize, and his focus is obvious just by looking at his eyes. He climbs into the ring and tosses his shirt into the crowd. The fans promptly tear it to shreds. He smirks and turns around to face the ramp, waiting for his opponent.]

BC: He looks ready, Larry! The gold is coming home to GPW tonight, I can feel it!

LR: Me too, Chemical X is sick and tired of being held down, and tonight he’s going to rise up!

Announcer: And his opponent…from Tonbridge, England…weight in at 210 pounds….he is the reigning CWF National Champion….JIMMY SARTYR!

[The crowd erupts as “Crashing Around You” by Machinehead hits, and out steps the ever popular rookie sensation, Jimmy Sartyr. Though he can no longer be considered a rookie after a National title run such as this one, he is still seen as an underdog, a characteristic that has earned him a following. He makes his way down the aisle with the National title around his waist, hops up onto the apron, leaps over the top rope, and salutes the crowd. He removes the belt from his waist and looks down at it. He kisses it before handing it to the referee, who hands it to the timekeeper.]

BC: He’s kissing it goodbye!

LR: Well kid, it’s been a helluva a run, but its time you learned a good old fashioned GPW lesson!


LR: And here we go, the CWF National title is on the line…

[They lock up. Sartyr immediately chops his way out of the lock up, slapping X on the chest and backing him into the ropes. After a blur of chops and right hands, Sartyr whips X to the ropes, but X reverses and as Sartyr bounces off on the rebound, X sticks his knee out and catches Sartyr in the hip. Sartyr flips over and crashes to the mat. X mounts him and delivers a series of thunderous stiff right hands to the temple, and Sartyr is fortunate that the referee pulls X off of him or he may have been knocked out right there.]

BC: Come on ref, let them go!

LR: This is a CWF official, so clearly he must be biased. Sartyr is going to get all the breaks here tonight.

BC: I knew it! I knew something was fishy…

LR: I have a keen eye.

[X goes back to work, whipping Sartyr hard into the turnbuckle – so hard, in fact, that Sartyr flips right over the top rope and to the apron! He stands up quickly, but X clotheslines him down to the outside! Sartyr’s back smacks against the thinly padded concrete floor. X goes out after him and pulls him up…and then slams him back down onto the concrete with a body slam. Chemical X begins to pull some of the padding off the floor. The referee warns him but he ignores it, and looks to connect with a piledriver on the exposed concrete! Sartyr desperately counters with a back body drop, and X hits the floor instead!]

LR: Oh my god, that it flagrant cheating by Jimmy Sartyr using the exposed concrete to his advantage. I’d say disqualify him, but the title won’t change hands unless it’s a pinfall or a submission, so instead, we shall point and laugh at this pathetic tool who can’t get through a match without cheating.

BC: I agree whole heartedly, Larry…Jimmy Sartyr is the scum of the earth.

[X screams out in pain, and Sartyr sits for a moment, taking a breather and composing himself. The, as per the referee’s demands, he rolls Chemical X back into the ring. Sartyr climbs to the top rope and looks to the crowd, who give him a round of applause…he leaps off the top rope looking to connect with a flying elbow drop, but X gets a boot up into the side of Sartyr’s head, sending his neck in the complete opposite direction of his body, and the result is a rather sickening image. Sartyr is out like a light, his neck twisted out of shape.]

BC: Oh my God I’m gonna puke, that is one sick injury right there….

LR: Sartyr went for the high impact move way too soon, and he paid dearly for it! The referee has a tough decision to make…does he throw the match and Sartyr possibly lives to fight another day, or does he keep it going and give Sartyr a chance to retain the title?

[He chooses the latter, and the match continues against the referee’s better judgment. X looks down at Sartyr and chuckles to himself, shaking his head. X drags him into the corner and stands him up. He begins to deliver a series of left and right hooks into Sartyr’s jaw…as Sartyr slumps forward, clearly unable to defend himself and possibly with a broken neck, Chemical X roughly throws him back into the corner, draws his fist back, and drives it into Sartyr’s jaw with three clean shots. Sartyr falls to the mat unconscious.]

LR: THREE PIECE! Chemical X nailed him with the Three Piece and he goes for the cover! We could have a new National champion here!




























BC: The gold has come home to GPW! Ha!

Announcer: Here is your winner, and NEW CWF National Champion….CHEMICAL X!

[The crowd boos as Chemical X, who has barely broken a sweat, has his arm raised in victory and the title draped across his shoulder. He taunts the crowd for a moment, and then looks down at Sartyr. He stomps him in the head once more before EMTs rush out to load Sartyr onto a stretcher.]

BC: Wow, incredible! That match could be considered in MY league!

LR: Chemical X is our new National Champion! He looked to be in fine shape Sunday night at Summer Smash, and looked even better tonight!

[The camera catches Chemical X gazing at the belt, when the lights go out in the arena.]

BC: When will our president pay the bills to these places?

["Exploder" Hits the PA, and the strobes at the ramp flash. Camera cuts to Chemical X in the ring posied for an angry Angus. Pyros hit, as a loud boom fills the arena & echoes.]

[Angus without hesitation marches down the ramp towards the ring, Chemical X ready to attack. Angus slides under and is met with a few stomps, but it doesn't keep him down. He's up on his feet exchanging blows with the new champ... until finally a tired X loses ground & leverage and Angus hits a swift kick to the back of the head, dropping X to his knees.]

[While on his knees, Angus revs back against the ropes and charges straightway for X's head and connects with a viscious kick to the right ear of X... finally laying X out.]

[Angus calls for a mic and stands over a beaten X...]

ANGUS: {heavy breathing} Chemical...consider this... your first warning... it isn't personal...it's just... business.

[Angus picks up the National Championship belt, gives it a minor buff with his shirt and drops it on X's chest and rolls out of the ring.]

LR: Chemical X is a class act, and what a great National champion he’s going to be! And Angus had to come out and ruin his celebration! How cheap!

BC: Damnit, Angus! What gives him the right to attack the champion like that?! You don't mess with GPW, or GPW will mess with you!

LR: Nonetheless, Chemical X is the perfect man for the National title!

BC: Definitely, and he’s GPW through and through! GPW now has the CWF World Heavyweight title, and now the CWF National title! The CWF only has one champion left!

LR: Folks, we’re going to take one final Blairmercial break…stay with us, Paul Blair’s Hall of Fame induction is next!

*Blairmercial Break*

Summer Smash 2005
Blair vs Sloan









Announcer: Here is your winner. PAAAUUULLL BLAAAAAAAAIRRRR!

TT: Here is your number one contender for the belt, ladies and gentlemen!

Later in the night…

Blair vs Xamin

PAUL BLAIR: Now you all must be wondering…what trick does the Ruler have up his sleeve tonight? I’ve heard the names, I’ve heard the rumours about who my corner man is tonight. And Lord knows, the Ruler is never one to disappoint. My corner man is indeed a CWF Hall of Famer…

[The crowd roars.]

TT: Well that narrows the list down a bit!

BC: Shhhh shush…

PAUL BLAIR: My corner man is a multiple time CWF World Heavyweight champion. He is without a doubt, one of the best wrestlers to ever lace up his boots. I’m staring across the ring at one Mark…but this man is the biggest “Mark” in the business!

[The crowd erupts!]

TT: It couldn’t be!

PAUL BLAIR: My corner man is the epitome of greatness…TRIPLE X!


BC: I can! Ha! Blair covers him!









Announcer: Here is your winner… “THE RULER” PAUL BLAIR!

After Main Event…


[Walker gets to his feet and gets low blowed by Blair…and as he turns around, Triple X SUPERKICKS him right on the chin! Walker goes down like a ton of bricks and the fans begin to chant “bullshit”….X gets out of the ring and joins Jericho on the outside…the ref turns around and Blair makes a cover!]

TT: No damnit! No! Not this way!









Announcer: Here is your winner, and NEW CWF World Heavyweight Champion…. “THE RULER” PAUL BLAIR!


TT: Paul Blair and the GPW has absolutely screwed Tyrone Walker! Walker should be the damn champion! This is absolutely unprecedented!

BC: This is fair to Blair! Blair is the champion! Blair is the king of the world, wooooooooooo!

TT: Tyrone Walker got screwed damnit!

Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

LR: We have certainly seen enough of this man here tonight. From the looks of the ring it appears we are finally ready for the induction of Paul Blair into the CWF Hall of Fame.

[ The ring is filled with balloons and confetti, as there is obviously about to be a GPW celebration. Bobby Crane is in the ring with the mic, and a big smile over his entire face. The fans are booing as they know what is about to take place.]

BC: Ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor to introduce to all of you the GPW. First of all, the two men who will be handling this induction. First, from Toronto, On. He has the World Title an incredible 22 times. Former CWF Wrestler of the Year, former CWF Owner, and a member of this very CWF Hall of Fame. He is the "Paragon of Greatness", ladies and gentlemen, Jeff Jericho!!

["Play the Game" by Motorhead hits, and the fans absolutely erupt into boos, showering Jericho with jeers and garbage as he steps out from behind the set and onto the stage. He wears a golden robe with "Golden One" handwritten across the back in red lettering.]

BC: Next up is the 5 time CWF Heavyweight Champion. He was voted greatest CWF wrestler of all time, a member of this very CWF Hall of Game. Ladies and gentlemen, the biggest "Mark" in the business. I present to you, Triple X!!! [ Don't Tread On Me" by Metallica hits. After about thirty seconds of edge- of-your-seat anticipation, every fan in the building absolutely marks out as Triple X steps out from behind the set and onto the stage! He walks down the aisle and stands next to Jeff Jericho.]

[ The two men stand in the ring being equally cheered and booed at the same time. Bobby Crane hands them both a mic ]

JEFF JERICHO: So this is Hartford Connecticut's finest citizens? You are all a bunch of rejects.

[ Fans shower him with boos and neither man can speak for 20 seconds until they quiet down ]

JEFF JERICHO: Thank you for that so inspiring applause. Now we didn't come out here tonight to honor you peons. No, the "Golden One" and the biggest "Mark" came out here to honor the World Champ.

TRIPLE X: That's right. We came out here to honor a true friend - you all know him as the Ruler. So let's get to it.

JEFF JERICHO: First of all coming down the aisle they are from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They have been known as the bumbling sidekicks of Blair's all these years. Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Earl the Taco Selling Guy and Elmo the Janitor.

[Earl and Elmo stand up near the stage and look up at the CWF-tron which is showing some of their greatest moments including Earl selling Tacos in this same arena while Blair is selling his book titled - The Big Book of Blair. Then it shows Elmo cleaning up after Jeff Jericho when he was not feeling good one night. The crowd is cheering for the two bumbling fools as they walk down the aisle and into the ring]

TRIPLE X: Next up we have the woman who caught the champ's eye long ago. She hails from River Falls, Wisconsin. Please give it up for Robin Cradle!!!

[ The fans stand in honor of the First Lady of the CWF. The tall, slender 22 year old comes out to a huge reaction. The CWF-tron is showing various photos of Blair's courtship with the young diva. The fans are on their feet as it is obvious that everyone in BlairVision is truly loved except for the champ himself. ]

JEFF JERICHO: And now for the main purpose of our being here tonight. I give you the man who needs no introduction, but we are going to give him one anyway. 13 Time World Champ, "Ruler" in the ring, "Personification of Greatness", one of only two good things to ever come out of River Falls Wisconsin - the other being his girlfriend. Ladies and gentlemen give it up for.....

[ Jericho and Triple X look at each other and then say his name in unison]


[Boos are heard throughout as a cheezy song starts up and after 20 seconds, out comes the CWF World Champ, Paul Blair!! Blair is wearing the same t-shirt that Jeff Jericho and Triple X have on. It reads GPW: Finally a Fedeartion that is Fair to Blair. Blair has the World Championship over his head and waves it in the air. He slowly walks down the aisle, taking in all the glory. He motions for the crowd to respond and they give him boos. He then walks in the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle with his hands raised. The crowd responds with middle finger salutes and garbage tossed in his direction. Finally he goes to the center of the ring.]

PAUL BLAIR: Thank you guys for being here tonight.

[Blair shakes the hands of everyone in the ring]

PAUL BLAIR: Before we go any further I would like to thank all those who have made this possible from the past, present and the future. As the CWF World Champ it is my duty to hold this title to the standards that have been given to it and its reigns before me. I will do my best to hold myself to those standards. I feel that throughout my career I've lived up to the expectations that every person in this Hall of Fame has given to the world. And so in that regard nothing will change.

There is but one problem here in the CWF. There is NO ONE that is even in the league of myself and the members of GPW. Only the members of my elite group here are qualified to hold this title, and that's why I am so honored to be the one holding it right now. Everyone that the CWF has on their roster besides us - is either too young, too incompetent, or not ready to hold the title any time soon. In fact I am laying out this challenge to anyone in the back there.

[Blair looks towards the back as the others in the ring grin.]

PAUL BLAIR: If any of you back there think you are capable of staying in the ring with me, you just bring it. Because I will show the world why I am the "Personification of Greatness".

[Blair pauses as the fans boo.]

PAUL BLAIR: I have went through everyone here in the CWF. I've beaten Eric Dane, Tyrone Walker, Mike Sloan, and the list goes on and on. Everyone the CWF has placed in front of me has fallen via the Blairkick. And now that this World Title is securely around the only waist fit of wearing it, I don't see any of that changing. I mean how easy is it to fool Team Danger? Eric Dane thought he had gotten the better of me a few weeks ago, but I proved him wrong. Tyrone Walker - ---

[Kill the lights.]

[The dramatic beginnings howl like the wind.]

[The drum beats roll in like thunder.]

[AFI's "Miseria Cantare" storms into the arena. Signaling the arrival of one man.]

#Love, your hate; Your, faith lost; You, are now, one, of us!
#Love, your hate; Your, faith lost; You, are now, one, of us!
#Love, your hate; Your, faith lost; You, are now, one, of us!

LR: Well, this means only one thing...

BC: Oooh goodie, this fag!

LR: He better watch himself or Blair will kick his teeth down his throat again!

[Smoke billows out into the aisle from the entrance way. In the ring Blair, Jericho, and Triple X are all waiting, irate that their little swaray has been effectively broken up.]

#Nothing, from nowhere, I am no one at all
#Radiate, recognize, one silent call
#As we all form one dark flame

[Lights up!]

#Dance in array!

BC: Behind you!! Behind YOOOUU!!!!

[Too late.]



[And he just took out the CWF World Champion and Hall of Famer, Paul Blair with a vicious chairshot to the back of the head, automatically knocking cold The Ruler. Before Triple X can react he is also taken out with a chairshot that sends him reeling through the ropes, out to the floor. Jeff Jericho charges as Walker turns, who side steps him, letting him hit the ropes and then THROWING the chair at Jericho, who catches it in mid-air, but gets the chair dropkicked right into his face at close range by Walker and that also sends him tumbling from the ring in a heap on the floor.]

LR: Tyrone Walker has just single-handedly taken out the World Champion and his entourage in one deft move!

BC: Luck, total luck!

[The fans are going ape as Walker lets loose, further riling them up. He retrieves the chair and strides over to the prone body Paul Blair. Kicking him over on to his back, he looks down on him with disgust, the chair looming as an instrument of destruction.]

LR: Oh no...the man may have beaten Walker at Summer Smash, but this is not right, don't do this Walker!

BC: No, do it! It's the only way Walker can ever beat the Ruler, because he sucks!

[The fans have grown quiet, waiting, wondering, nervously anxious, what will Walker do?]

[Setting the chair down after opening it up, he drags Blair over to the ropes and props him up.]

BC: What the hell is this guy doing?

LR: The odds are, that whatever it is, it's not fair to Blair!

[Walker traps Blair's arms into the ropes, crucifixed as he's slouched against them. Walker grabs the chair and sets it down in front of Blair and takes a seat so he's eye to eye with the Ruler.]

TYRONE WALKER: Wakey, wakey, Champ!

[After being slapped across the face a couple of time, Blair begins to come to and realizes where he is and just how trapped he is. Struggling helplessly a bit as he stares back at the menacing glare of the now former CWF World Champion, Tyrone Walker.]

TYRONE WALKER: I'm sorry to have broken up your little party here, with your two little bitch friends. But hey, I figured you broke up MY party, so fairs fair.

[Blair is audibly heard cussing Walker, who only smirks in response before he continues.]

TYRONE WALKER: Looks like you got exactly what you wanted, didn't you? Just too damn bad that you've ended up getting more than you ever expected, 'cause what you did at Summer Smash, was piss me off!

[Fans pop.]

TYRONE WALKER: You want to test me, Paul? You want to poke this dog with a sharp stick? If what you wanted, Paul, was to get my full, uncompromised attention, then congratulations dude. You have succeeded in that and now...

[He stands up and kicks Blair in the face as he tried to struggle free again.]

TYRONE WALKER: ...now, you'll see why it's not a good to do me wrong, 'cause...

[He closes the chair and Blair's eyes go wide as Walker begins to lift the chair.]

BC: He's going to KILL Paul Blair!!


[Raising the chair up, he brings it down...]

[Crowd gasps in horror...]


LR: Wait...what?!?

[Walker dropped the chair, he faked Blair out!]

TYRONE WALKER: ...next time, I'll end you, Paul Blair and your reign as champion. 'Cause at Fall Fever, you and that title are mine!

[Walker drops the mic and the crowd cheers loud. He leaves the ring quickly as Jericho and Triple X rush back into the ring. Walker stops at the back of the entrance way staring back into the ring at Paul Blair who is now free and irate beyond all belief.]

LR: Damnit! We overlooked this!

BC: …what?!

LR: Walker was technically the champion for two minutes at Summer Smash, so he’s entitled to a rematch! And apparently he’s got one at Fall Fever! Damnit!

BC: But…but…this isn’t fair to Blair?!

[We zoom in on Walker’s face, grinning at Blair, satisfied at ruining his Hall of Fame induction. In the background, we see Blair’s face on the GPW-tron, beat red in anger.]

[Fade to black.]