To the people of CWF:

It is to my great disappointment that I must say this. But effective immediately, the Classic Wrestling Federation will be closing its doors forever. You all know the history of what's been going on with late cards and only myself administrating. It has simply become too much of a burden on time for me to not only run the fed, which I have done a miserable job at, but to also roleplay. It was intended for me to have stepped down as Co-President a long time ago to concentrate on roleplaying and leave match writing to dedicated people, but no card writers were found to replace Mark and I. Another reason is that I am moving on with life, as is Mark and Jericho and others. So as with life, some things need to be left behind.

I have no plans for opening a new fed. Greg Johnson is a man with a lot of talent and could have run things, but he chose not to. I wish things had turned out differently. Now I don't know if there is something that has happened to keep him from coming back, but given that he has done this in the past it is difficult to give him the benefit of the doubt. He is still a friend of mine and the one guy who really keeps my on my toes when it comes to roleplaying. I'll miss that.

Storylines that are being dissolved from CWF can be picked up in a fed that Wrec Hannibal has reopened. The site can be found here:

There were a lot of great moments in this era. Maniac returning to do battle with Jericho. The Chiron Cross/Blood feud that prompted Magnus Thunder's return to the ring. Paul Blair capturing the CWF World Heavyweight Title and holding it for a record time. So many to list, but you all know which ones are good. I've been with CWF for most of its seven eras. Nine years with superstars like Steve Dart, Chemical X, Pledge Allegiance, Triple X, and many others. I am going to miss this fed. I wish things had turned out better.

So, it is with deep regrets and a yet a sigh of relief that I am no longer carrying the CWF burden. As of today, the Classic Wrestling Federation has closed its doors. This is not to say that there won't be any reunion events, but as an ongoing fed it's over.

    I, on behalf of Mark X, wish you luck in all your future endeavors. Be kind, be courteous. Be absolutely sure of what you believe, because there aren't any second chances once we kick the bucket. I will hopefully not loose contact with any of you in the future. So take care friends. And God bless.


Zebulon C. Rogers

CWF Co-President, Resigned