When we last saw Oasis he just got finished talking about the three rubs.

Then, there is Banshee well you better sprawl on your knees and thank your lucky stars that you aren't up against me. You see Banshee I have this special skills in the ring. Flair had it. Hogan had it. Merrix had it. And now I have it. You see there is only one man in the JWA who has gold around his waist. Is it Malibu? Hell No! Is it Mega? Fuck No! Who could it be? Oh yeah. It is me. You see Banshee your just another bat hanging from the rafter to me. Just another man trying to hide what he has failed to do in the past. I don't know you very well but, I do think you can wrestle ok. Your not the greatest yet your not the worst. The only reason you call my belt a little trinket is because your jealous. Your jealous like a high school boyfriend. You see you can't have it so it make fun of it. Now you said I was incompetent. Well, if I am incompetent then how would I be able to walk around this fed wearing gold. Yeah that sounds incompetence now. Well I don't think your worthy enough to be said in same breath Oasis breathe Banshee. I can't help but say that you are not the man you think you are. Trying to intimidate me. Hahaha. You won't be able to do that. I fear no man. Especially one in such low stature to me. You see Banshee on your best day and my worst you would still get humilated. This not a laughing matter. Banshee you can't call your own shots in the JWA. I heard rumors one of the big MoA guys are coming over here. You won't be top dog. I used to like MoA. Then I saw that you joined. You not only don't carry your weight. You make others carry more. This not what I would look for in a stable mate. You just aren't the kind of person who makes the stable great. There have been great leaders and then there have been those whose names no one knows. Welsh you are one of those no namers. Braham you make me sick when you mention the names of such promising young stars like Pistol Pete Varga. Yeah right your right he sucks this just to make sure your paying attention. If you think that your any better you gotta another thing coming. You see Banshee there is only a couple of men I give respect to. One is Mystyk, who just happens to be leaving. This is a sad thing. At least on match of hers will happen. Not anyone to respect. Not anyone to ally myself with. Justice was the reason I joined but, now I am fighting for myself. To prove to the world that I am as good as the best. Banshee you and I will go toe to toe and when that happens you will find out the Prince of Waves is riding on a new wave. Everyone who tries to ride gets washed up.

Gangrene, Mr. Dystopia himself. Well you challenged me to a match. You wondered why I did not answer. Well, lately since last Thursday Night I haven't had time to do anything. You see I was busy with advertisements, photo sessions, and of course my choice of personal models You seem to have me all wrong. I'm not just another underling that will let sneaky snakes like you come in here and insult me. For I am the man who beat Mega and outlasted Magee. You see Dysto man I have heard enough of your crap. Trying to say that your superior to me and other wrestlers. If you had a brain you would know that I am your superior. You can't stand that people are better than you. I am probably Banshee, Magee is maybe even Mega. You think this is a smart thing to say. I am going to find a way to meet all my enemies. You just happen to be the next man to get on the list. Gangaloid you have not seen me at my best. I am still improving each and everyday. You will see that I'm the man who makes dreams happen and create the worst nightmares of your life. You make fun of my home. You shouldn't hell you wouldn't if you lived there for at least two weeks. You wouldn't be able to get food. You probably be looking like those people in National Geographic. You see Gangy that if you want the best all you have to do is listen to what I have to say. You have to beat Mega. Then report back to me for your next directions. What a peasant? You see you mean nothing to me. You see I am the master you are the slave so start crawling. You schmuck. I'm going to give you a Dystopia upside the head. Yeah, not because I can because I'm sick of your mouth. If I don't shut you up who will. I don't know. Gangy you aren't nearly as tough as you think you are you might have a big mouth but does that mean you are good? No. Does that mean you can fight? No. You see No one has a bigger mouth than me. Hell, If you think its hard to shut me up now just wait til I get caffenine in me. I don't care about the TV title as much as the World my ultimate goal. You see I would forfeit my belt if I had a chance at the World strap. You see Gangrene when I entered the JWA I was in it for the Extreme matches. I heard that they have some wild matches. Then when I got here I saw there was limited competiton. Hell, I attracted most of the fans in Pittsburgh. I am just making this place greater every minute.

Now Mr. Magee or should I say Mr. Excuses. You know if it was one on one you would have had no chance in the ring with me. You see Magee I don't like you at all. It makes me sick listening to your voice. Your retched face should be put under a mask. The only thing good about you is the when you leave the arena. Malibu you talk to Banshee like a true professional. Insulting what he is. Now there is a respectable quality. What you don't think I'm sincere? Fine don't. You see Magee if you can tell when I'm lying and when I'm telling the truth. You might be tougher match than I thought but until that day comes you better hope we don't cross paths again. Magee you better know that I'm the best man in this field until proven otherwise I will keep claiming this. Magee you are nothing more than a rich piece of urine soaked trash. No one likes anything that is urine related. You can say what you want but, in the record books there will always say that Oasis defeated Malibu Magee and Don Mega. That is something you can't change. Here is a suggestion head back to Malibu. Your looking a little pale. Oh, you thought you saw me coming around the corner. Scared are you. I don't blame you. If I was in your shoes I would look behind me every three seconds. Juicey isn't always gonna be around and soon as he is off duty. I will kick it in high gear. Showing you who is a marked man and who is the assassin. That must be a happy thought. Thinking of me as the assassin and you as my next target. I don't really anything else to say about you.

In closing I would like to say that Mega, Magee, Gangrene, and Banshee will have something in common. They will have...

...their blood shed.