Oasis is sitting in a hotel room. There is a woman sitting on his lap. She is wearing T-shirt that says "Blood will Be Shed" and wearing tight blue jeans. She climbs off him. You can tell she is from India. Now Oasis is walking towards her and hugs her good-bye. She leaves the apartment. Oasis goes into the bedroom.
You know Gangrene it surprises me to see you being conceited like this. I thought you were better than some of the other wrestlers in the JWA. Believe me if I could persuade President Chadman to make it a hardcore match it would have already of happened. He just didn't think it was necessary. That gives you an advantage. An advantage you better take to the fullest extent. You see I have to try to retain the hardest title to retain. I was gonna enter the World title battle royal but, I figure this was gonna take all of my time and energy to prepare for. You see when I can't rely on my natural instincts I rely on what my mentor taught me. He taught me how to wrestle with 90% of the world and come out on top. The only way you will beat me is if you are in the top ten percent of the world which doesn't seem plausible after I saw you against Mega. You looked sloppy to me. I got Mega at the top of his game and you got sloppy seconds. I know you aren't going to make mistakes like that against me. If you do your in real trouble.
Oasis puts in a tape labeled Vengeance in the VCR across from the bed. He fast forwards it to the Mega-Gangene Match.
You see Gangrene you are not a scientific master. That is why I will take you to the next level. Are you ready? Well, since you want to be Custard so badly I decided you can be the great general. I will the Sioux tribe if you don't mind. While we are picking parts I will be Rocky and you can be Clubber Lang. I will be Buster Douglas and you can be Iron Mike. I think I've given you some fairly good parts. If you don't like it too damn bad. Your stuck in a losing role. As you can see here I am scouting every move you did in the match against Mega. There better be something a little bit better than this if you want the strap around my waist. Now you think I am gonna have a huge hospital bill. I might but, you will beat me at that. If I go down hard I usually take someone down with me. This time it is going to be you. I am sorry you have to be hurt in the process but you want something that belongs to me. I will always be able to achieve greatness. Will you? This may be your only chance I hope you don't blow it. You see I am going to use all my talents to defeat you. Well, no one may respect me but, there is some people you just have to respect. This brings me to another subject.
Mass Carnage, an icon of the hardcore world. Presently in the JWA. Also will be appearing Fall From Grace 3. I have always enjoyed your work. Unlike some people I give the more respect than any other man in the JWA. Maybe in the world. You see Mass Carnage has a reputation to back his ass up. I do not. Many others here don't. He has consistently been one of the most hardcore wrestler in the world. Of course I know there are some wrestlers who beat him just not many. You see MC is so great that I don't dare bad mouth him. There some in the JWA who I should advise to watch out because he is one lethal man.
Magee finally thought enough of himself to show his face. Well, the fact of the matter is a got the title and you got Juicy. Hmm. Oh, I don't need to be blond to get babes. I prefer intelligent women. You know the kind that can actually have a conversation with. Well, it is pretty obvious that you won't get the World title because your not World title material. Maybe that Trans-Atlantic belt if your lucky. I may have not beaten you up but, I do remember you receiving an Ice Breaker from that nobody Don Mega. You were out. I like challenges and he was the only challenge in the ring. I am not only gonna prove that I am ten times more better than you but, I will show you that you are nothing more than a Surfer Boy.
Wildwing. You are a little too arrogant for your own good. You see if I entered the Battle Royal I would not only come on top but, I would deliberately throw your ass out. You come out here and say shit that no one takes seriously. Now you are gonna find out why you'll never be anything but, a piece of rail road tin. I am sick of this jackass.
Magee you think I was done talking about you. No way I got a lot more to say. You will never be able to climb out of your brothers shadow simply because you aren't as talented as him. You are just another man trying to prove something but, can't get over the hump. You see I tried that and it didn't work. I tried lots of things that didn't work. You got to know where your going. That is down the drain into the sewer with the rest of those mutant rats. Come on now, if I was dwelling on the fact I didn't beat you and you didn't beat me crap. Wouldn't you think I might try a new approach. Seriously, I am just sick of you and your big mouth. You talk all this shit and what is gonna back it up. Juicey, Yeah of course you can't win your own battles that is why Juicey hangs out with you. A two on one is the way to do things. Another man with that gang mentality. Well, Magee I'll catch you on the greasy side.
Mr. Arrogance Bryan Mercy. You can say you are the greatest athlete and all this bull shit that you want but you me and the wall know the truth. That in all your self promoting you aren't that good. You can't be that good. Your trying to say you are the Michael Jordan of Wrestling and that is just not true. You haven't proved yourself worthy of that crown. You see I proclaim things that are mostly true. You not only didn't get a bullseye but you missed the entire target. You seem to be too cocky for your own good. Now when I get a chance I will knock you around like the silly little girl hiding behind all that Greatness bull shit. That's all for now.
Don't respect me now, and find out what I'm all about.