Danny immediately drags Zero over to the ropes. Then goes over to the handcuffs. Eve tries to pull Zero out of the ring. Danny tosses the handcuffs over towards Zero's head. He slides out. He walks right over to Eve. Who has a frightened look on her face. Eve backs up to the security rail. Danny kisses her cheek. She runs away as soon as Danny turns his back. He looks under the ring. Monroe pulls out a lead pipe. He climbs back in the ring. Zero has still not moved an inch. Monroe pokes Zero with the pipe. No movement at all. Danny lays the pipe down and switches for one pair of the handcuffs. He lifts Zero's right leg. Unlaces his boot. Proceeds to cuff his ankle to the top rope. He repeats the action on the left leg. Danny asks for a mic.
Monroe:Hey, look what I've made a pinata? Marcus, grab a sixer and get down here. I'll give you first swing. The Outcasts are a joke. Here is one of their own. Strung up and not a single one of them have come out to save him. Yeah, a real tight knit group you have there. The reason Zero is strung up here is a simple one. Duff, Cannon, Gia, EW, Dumbface, WC your whole crew underestimated me.
Danny gets into his best Ichiro stance. The fans cheer for the cheesy posing. Showtime makes his way down the aisle with a six pack of Sam Adams. Five empty and one half gone in his hand. Monroe takes a full swing. *Crack*
Monroe:What no candy? This is the worst pinata ever. And you couldn't of saved me one beer, asshole.
Showtime finishes off the last of the Sam Adams. He sets the empty beers on the ground. He snatches the lead pipe from Monroe.
Showtime:I figured if I drank, the whole ninja thing would seem cooler, I was wrong.
He does the Ken Griffey Jr. batting stance. Not as big of crowd reaction but still some remember and cheer. He swings *Crack* Now, there is matching impressions on Zero the human pinata. Zero coughs and a little blood trickles from his mouth. Nemesis makes his way down to the ring. Monroe runs off the ropes and does a sliding dropkick to the face of Zero.
Monroe:Oh master of the shadows teach me your secret ways. God, Periel brings them up dumb. As I stand here watching Nemesis go buck wild on you with that lead pipe. I kind of feel bad. Then I remember how much better then I am of you. And all that guilt fades away.
Nemesis grabs the lead pipe and smashes the nose of the helpless Zero and for good measure two quick strikes to the groin. The blood immediately starts gushing out of Zero. And he grunts out in pain.