The Wrestling World Says Hello to CUW
By Anderson Shuman
@1:31 P.M., June 25, 2009
DENVER, COLORADO - Don't blink or you may miss the next professional wrestling promotion.
In a world filled with green and gray promotions cultivating one wrestler after the other yet another graces the soil.
Controversial Underground Wrestling was purchased by multimillionaire and entertainment guru Benjamin Black today for $6.5 million.
Retired entertainer and wrestling promoter Jack Van Horn sold the company after investing in professional wrestling and then losing
a legal battle for a casino purchased in November of 2002. Van Horn lost the case paying an indemnity of $7.5 million after Gerald
P.T. Rousseau sued Van Horn June of 2003 for payment delinquency. Van Horn Industries, Inc. contacted Benjamin Black in 2005 to purchase
the company which had been sitting in a Denver armory facility for five years.
"I have been in the wrestling business for eight years before Mr. Van Horn contacted me," Black said in an interview earlier today. "I
was unsure if I would purchase a company but everything was there, everything, and I did not want to pass this up."
Everything is there. When he purchased the company Black received a ring, a facility, video and audio equipment, and enough utilities
to create an amazing show. Archived were contracts involving human capital such as interviewers and commentators.
"Everything is in line. We're working out the kinks," Black said. "We have a small creative board. We're working on the first show.
However, we have no wrestlers currently signed."
You read that correctly. Black and his "creative" board have been working on the first show, already. Furthermore, they have been putting the
puzzle pieces together without wrestlers in the locker room. Black and company have yet to recruit, scout, or talk to wrestlers around
the industry and plan on doing so. However, without wrestlers in their artillery what is next for Black and Black Enterprises?
"We'll work on signing superstars as soon as we work out legal matters," He said. "I personally would not want to start a promotion without
being perfectly organized. I am a classy, organized and talented person and I'd hate to contradict that."
According to Jennifer McDaniels, Black' attorney and legal advisor, Black has "been in this position before" but there is no mention if it was a
professional wrestling position, or not. For more information on Controversial Underground wrestling continue visiting daily for updates.