Chilliwack, BC... as always

As always, CWA's Warriors is coming to us from the packed Prospera Center and the crowd seems a little antsy as they get ready to watch another incredible CWA event. They cheer when the cameras come on as the lights come up and then we see the opening credits while "Over the Hills and Far Away" by Nightwish plays, this week showing images of Vesuvius, Noah Skanes, Scavenger, Tough Eagle, Sammy Jo Johnson, Corina, Kelly Buchanan, Terminator, Bruce Miller and Steve Hawkins before we head to ringside where Steve Blake and Ricky Simms are again ready to call this week's action.


"Naked Cousin" by PJ Harvey plays as Chastity leads Athena and Ophelia onto the stage where ring announcer Jan Hawkins declares them to be the new Glamour Girls. The three of them then quickly make their way down the ramp while the crowd gives them a rather mixed reaction. Chastity then pulls herself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring before Athena and Ophelia then take their place in their corner. Their music then fades and we hear  "Whatcha Waitin' For" by Gwen Stefani and Sammy Jo Johnson leads Stacey Diamond and a returning Lacy Brown onto the stage where they get a loud ovation from the crowd.

Ricky Simms - It's been a long time since Lacy appeared inside a CWA ring.

Steve Blake - I think it's fantastic to have so many returning stars to this company.

Sammy leads Stacey and Lacy down the ramp and then the three of them discuss who should start the match. It's Stacey Diamond who then pulls herself onto the apron and then leaps over the top rope into the ring where referee Casey Braun then calls for the bell. Stacey Diamond and Chastity trade rights and lefts as the crowd cheers the start of tonight's action.  Chastity then backs Stacey into the corner and gives her a knee to the ribs and then another before giving her an arm drag to the middle of the ring. Chastity then applies a sleeper hold on Stacey while the crowd starts a chant for the very popular yet rarely seen Diamond. Chastity maintains her hold despite the cheering crowd. Stacey reaches for the ropes while refusing to submit to the hold. Stacey then gets to her feet and then backs herself into the corner, sandwiching Chastity in the corner and forcing the break of the hold. Stacey then turns and gives Chastity a series of knee lifts to the chest and then gives her a double under hook back breaker before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Chastity.

Ricky Simms - It's good to see the Glamour Girls are forming again to some extent.

Steve Blake - They are highly successful in the CWA, for sure.

Stacey pulls Chastity to her corner and then tags in Lacy Brown who the fans are also happy to see tonight. Lacy enters the ring and then she and Stacey pick Chastity up and gives her a double atomic drop before giving her a double side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Lacy then goes for the pin. 1...2... Chastity rolls a shoulder out. Lacy then stands Chastity up, whips her off the ropes and Chastity ducks a clothesline and then does a shoulder roll to her corner where she tags in Athena. Athena charges into the ring and trades punches with Lacy. Athena then eye gouges Lacy and then backs her into the corner buckle and then gives her a monkey flip back to the middle of the ring. Athena then stands Lacy up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a dropkick to the mat before she goes to the corner and starts to climb the ropes. Sammy Jo has a few words for Athena and Athena starts arguing with the Women's champ.

Ricky Simms - Athena is allowing herself to be distracted here.

Steve Blake - That could prove costly against a veteran trio led by the champ.

Lacy gets to her feet inside the ring and Athena goes for a flying body press only to have Lacy side step it and Athena crashes to the mat. Athena then appears to have lost her breath while Lacy starts putting the boots to her, bringing a cheer from the crowd. Lacy then stands Athena up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor. Lacy then drops and rolls herself out to the floor as well. Athena gets to her feet quickly and starts trading punches with Lacy Brown. Lacy then rams Athena's head into the ring apron before rolling her back into the ring. While Lacy rolls herself into the ring, Athena crawls to her corner and tags in Ophelia. Ophelia charges into the ring and gives Lacy a standing dropkick. Ophelia then applies an abdominal stretch on Lacy, looking for the submission.

Ricky Simms - The Glamour Girls are very good at knowing the right moment to tag. They don't stay in there too long and risk exhaustion.

Steve Blake - I have said many times that the women who wrestle for the CWA are second to none and they prove me right every time.

Lacy refuses to submit when she is asked by the referee. She then starts to reach for the ropes with her free hand. Sensing that she will be unable to reach the ropes, Lacy starts to power out of the hold. Ophelia senses that things are going wrong and she releases the hold, knees Lacy in the side and then gives her a scoop slam to the mat. Ophelia then gives her a knee to the forehead and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Lacy Brown. Ophelia shakes her head as she then stands Lacy up and whips her off the ropes. Lacy catches Ophelia off guard with a springboard flying body press and then she rolls to her corner and tags in Sammy Jo Johnson. Johnson quickly scales her way to the top rope and then lands a somersault leg drop across the chest on Ophelia and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! The veterans score a mild upset over the Glamour Girls!

Ricky Simms - Great win for Sammy Jo, Lacy and Stacey. It's back to the drawing board for the Glamour Girls.

Steve Blake - Sammy Jo is a forgotten star in that no one takes her seriously. Maybe moves like that will open a few eyes. That girl has had some serious talent waiting to come out.

While Sammy Jo leads her team backstage, we look to a dark stairwell in the building somewhere and we see Ghostly Figure rocking and looking skyward in nearly perfect darkness. He says nothing to the camera, but we can hear him mumbling to himself as he rocks there. He then slowly stands up, takes a deep breath and then makes his way past the camera, shoving the camera man aside while he makes his way towards his destiny and we head back to the ring.

Inter-Continental Battle Royal
#1 Contender to be Crowned for a shot at Steve Hawkins' belt

"Coming Undone" by Korn plays as the fifteen men in this battle royal pace inside the ring, Ghostly Figure being the last one to step over the top rope into the ring. The crowd cheers as the bell sounds and the mayhem begins. Right away, we see Deep Freeze and Tough Eagle teaming up to attack Terminator and The Killer. They land vicious knife edge chops on the dreaded tag team, driving them backwards to the ropes. On the other side of the ring, Ghostly Figure has Stan Smith grabbed by the throat and Smith is pleading for mercy. He is then bailed out as Ben Grogan chop blocks Figure to the mat. Smith then thanks Grogan by giving him a knee to the jaw before he has a chance to stand up. Jon Shocker is also seen brawling with Samson in one corner while Scarecrow is locked up with Arizona in a battle of two strong men.

Ricky Simms - This battle is huge. I hope they reinforced the ring.

Steve Blake - I have to agree there. There is a lot of weight in there for this one.

Deep Freeze misses a clothesline on Killer who ducks it and then he gives Freeze a backdrop to the floor where the referee declares him eliminated. Freeze argues the call from the floor while Killer and Terminator now double team Tough Eagle. Dan Jalldoff then evens the odds with a double axe handle smash to the back on Killer and then sends him out over the top rope to the floor in a surprising early exit for one of the favorites. Killer pulls himself back onto the apron where Jalldoff gives him a wicked forearm that sends him back to the floor. Security then grabs Killer and starts dragging him towards the ramp, his night over.

Ricky Simms - Freeze and Killer are both gone already.

Steve Blake - That surprises me, especially Killer. It should be quite the challenger that emerges from this mess.

Ben Grogan stands Ghostly Figure up and takes a head butt from Figure. Figure then whips Ben over the top rope, but Ben manages to land on the apron and keeps himself off the floor. Ben then drops and rolls himself back into the ring. Ghostly Figure is then attacked from behind by Arizona with a series of double axe handle smashes to the back. We then see Scarecrow charging at Figure and Arizona with the plan to toss them both out. Instead they duck him and Scarecrow flies over the top rope to the floor, meaning his night is over.

Ricky Simms - Three down, only twelve left in this battle for a shot at Steve Hawkins' belt.

Steve Blake - Scarecrow really blew it there. That could bug him for weeks.

Jon Shocker whips Samson off the ropes and ducks his head for a backdrop, but Samson instead kicks Shocker in the face and then gives him a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Shocker then stands Samson up, whips him off the ropes and this time gives him a spinning heel kick that sends him down to the mat. Shocker smiles, but that smile fades when Ben Grogan gives Shocker a shoulder block and then a clothesline over the top rope and out to the floor. Grogan then poses to the camera on the floor and tells us that this is almost too easy only to be thrown out to the floor by Syckle. Grogan throws a fit on the floor and tries to get back to the ring, but security holds him back.

Ricky Simms - Grogan did a good job to take Shocker out, but then he got cocky.

Steve Blake - It doesn't matter which Grogan twin fight. It seems ego is the weakness of both men.

Stan Smith grapples with Tough Eagle in the corner, trying to shove him over the ropes, but the big man isn't budging. Fixxxer then tosses Smith out over the top and then gives Eagle a high five as the two continue to work together, despite the stipulation of this match. The two of them then target Syckle and start taking turns landing knife edge chops to the chest on him. Syckle answers with a knee lift to the gut on Tough Eagle and then the same on Fixxxer before he rams their heads together. Syckle then whips Eagle into the corner and then charges in for a vicious knee lift that knocks the wind out of Eagle. In the opposite corner, we see Clayton Fear battling Arizona. Arizona blocks a punch from Clayton Fear and then gives him a backdrop over the top and down to the floor.

Ricky Simms - Great action as we are down to the final eight.

Steve Blake - These matches turn fast, down from fifteen to eight.

Arizona then turns and takes a vicious forearm to the jaw from Fixxxer who then whips Arizona off the ropes and misses with a clothesline as Arizona ducks it. Arizona then gives Fixxxer a knee lift to the ribs and then whips him into a clothesline from Terminator. Terminator then picks Fixxxer up and dumps him out to the floor. Terminator then takes a series of double axe handle smashes to the back from Syckle. Syckle tries to dump Terminator over the top, but Terminator holds onto the top rope and manages to keep himself inside the ring. Syckle then takes a knee to the kidney from Arizona who then dumps the big Russian over the rope and out to the floor.

Ricky Simms - Another favorite goes out and we are down to six.

Steve Blake - This is totally wide open. Any of the remaining wrestlers could win it.

Tough Eagle attacks Arizona and gives him a series of knee lifts to the gut and then gives him a gut wrench suplex to the mat before Samson then gives Eagle a kick to the face. Samson then slaps Eagle across the face and then stands him up and heads for the ropes. Ghostly Figure then grabs Samson by the hair and then tosses him over the top rope to the floor. The crowd cheers as Samson flips out on the floor and then he is finally dragged away from the ring by security personnel.

Ricky Simms - Great to see Samson out of this match.

Steve Blake - His father didn't bail him out tonight.

In one corner of the ring we see Tough Eagle strangling Dan Jalldoff while Terminator starts exchanging punches with Ghostly Figure. Arizona then takes advantage of their distraction by ramming their heads together. Arizona then picks Figure up and slams him to the mat and then gives him a leg drop across the throat. Arizona then poses for a booing crowd before turning and taking a vicious head butt from Terminator. Terminator then whips Arizona off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat while Ghostly Figure then slowly gets to his feet. Tough Eagle ducks a right hand from Dan Jalldoff while this is all going on. Eagle then gives Jalldoff an atomic drop and then flings him over the top rope and out to the floor.

Ricky Simms - The final four remain, Terminator, Tough Eagle, Ghostly Figure and Arizona.

Steve Blake - It's a pretty impressive group.

Tough Eagle goes to Terminator, stands him up and whips him off the ropes and then gives him a spear to the mat. Ghostly Figure then stands up Arizona and takes a punch to the throat from Arizona who then whips Ghostly Figure over the top rope and out to the floor. Arizona then turns and starts brawling with Tough Eagle. Terminator gets to his feet behind Eagle and then sets himself for a spear. He starts to charge and Eagle moves out of the way, causing Terminator to spear Arizona to and over the ropes to the floor. Terminator looks stunned at what just happened and then Tough Eagle whips him over the top rope to the floor and the referee calls for the bell.

Ricky Simms - Tough Eagle wins and gets a title shot next week!

Steve Blake - Hawkins will welcome the challenge, I'm sure.

Tough Eagle poses inside the ring while "Wild Hearted Son" by The Cult plays and the crowd cheers. We then look backstage where Gravity and Caleb Knox were watching the match on the monitor.

Gravity - At least Ghostly Figure lost. Maybe he'll go home.

Caleb Knox - Look, we have agreed to team with Anarchy against the Sensational Seven tonight. Figure is not our prime concern.

Gravity - The Sensational Seven? They're either washed up or they weigh next to nothing. We'll run them over.

Caleb Knox - You know, I have heard that all week from Vesuvius. I have a belief things won't go that way.

Gravity - Who's side are you on?

Caleb Knox - You know where my loyalty lies. I am just saying we had better not take the Seven lightly, especially in a Rumble. They won a lot of those in years past.

Gravity - Right, years past.

Gravity shakes his head and walks away while Caleb lets out a heavy sigh. We then return to the ring for our next big match of the evening.

The CWA Diva Gauntlet 2 : Hardcore Rules

The crowd cheers as Missy makes her way down the ramp and announcer Jan Hawkins lets the fans know that Diva Gauntlet 2 is up and the winner will get a shot at the Diva title. If Corina wins, she names her number one contender. Missy steps through the ropes into the ring and then takes a few deep breaths. We then see Robyn Connor making her way down the ramp towards the ring which also draws a loud ovation from the crowd. Robyn then rolls herself under the bottom rope into the ring and referee Casey Braun calls for the bell to get the action officially underway.

Ricky Simms - No rules, anything goes as the divas battle it out tonight.

Steve Blake - It's another massive match for what I think is the most competitive division of women in wrestling history. We had six divas inside the ring to start the night and this Gauntlet will feature another ten.

Missy and Robyn start brawling while the crowd cheers, Missy tripping the feet out from under Robyn and sending her to the mat. Missy then pulls on Robyn's hair and slams the back of her head into the mat. Missy then stands Robyn up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor. Missy then drops and rolls herself out to the floor and then puts the boots to Robyn before she then pulls a table out from under the ring. Missy then stands Robyn up and Robyn answers with a series of rights and lefts. Robyn then picks Missy up and slams her onto the table and then gives her a series of punches to the head. Robyn then climbs the ropes in the corner right to the top. Robyn launches herself to the table, Missy rolling herself off the table in time to avoid the diving Robyn. Robyn crashes to the floor where Missy then rolls her over for the pin. 1...2...3! Missy picks up the first win by eliminating Robyn Connor!

Ricky Simms - The sister of Myst impresses early in this match tonight.

Steve Blake - Nice first elimination as Robyn went for the high impact move too early and Missy made her pay the price for it.

Missy gets to her feet on the floor where she is attacked by Sugar. Sugar gives Missy a clothesline to the mat and then grabs a chair from ringside. Sugar slams it across the back of Missy and then slams it into her ribs before tossing the chair back into the crowd. Sugar then stands Missy up and rolls her into the ring before rolling herself into the ring. Sugar then boot chokes Missy, using the ropes for extra leverage. Sugar releases the choke and then pulls Missy to her feet. Sugar whips Missy off the ropes and then gives her a dropkick back down to the mat before Sugar rolls out to the floor and then she pulls a kendo stick out from under the ring apron.

Ricky Simms - Sugar is usually the eye candy for Lorenzo Cortez, but she is proving herself tonight.

Steve Blake - Hey, this girl always got physical to help Lorenzo out, so this doesn't really surprise me.

Sugar rolls herself back into the ring and quickly gets to her feet. She then starts drilling Missy across the back with the kendo stick while the fans boo her. Sugar then stands Missy up, whips her off the ropes and then catches her across the throat with the kendo stick, taking her back down to the mat. Sugar then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Missy to the shock of Sugar. Sugar shakes her head and has a few unkind words for the referee. Sugar then stands Missy up, whips her into the corner and then misses with a splash in the corner when Missy rolls out of the way and then she rolls Sugar into a school boy roll up. 1...2...3! Missy eliminates a second diva to move ahead.

Ricky Simms - Missy is taking a lot of punishment, but she has survived the first two falls in this match.

Steve Blake - No one can doubt her toughness from her record in AW.

Missy then gets to her feet and takes a clothesline to the mat from a charging Ariel. Ariel then puts the boots to Missy while the crowd starts a chant for her. Ariel then stands Missy up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a knee to the gut that sends her into a somersault through the air to the mat. Ariel then stands Missy up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor. Ariel then smiles as she takes a few steps back. Missy gets to her feet and turns and takes a flying body press through the ropes to the floor. Ariel then goes for the pin on the floor. 1...2... Missy kicks out.

Ricky Simms - Ariel cannot believe it and, frankly, neither can I.

Steve Blake - Missy is refusing to allow herself to be pinned in this match.

Ariel reaches under the ring and pulls out a second table. She then sets it up over the rubble from the first table and then stands Missy up. Missy catches Ariel with a knee to the gut and then gives her a series of forearm smashes to the jaw and then picks her up and gives her a power bomb through the table. Missy then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Ariel has been eliminated and the fans cheer as Missy moves on.

Ricky Simms - Missy might want to stop winning if she wants to wrestle past tonight.

Steve Blake - I must agree. She can't be in good shape now and it won't get any better as time goes on.

Missy slowly gets to her feet and is then met with a chair shot to the head from Mary Sanderson. Mary then stands Missy up and rolls her into the ring and then rolls herself into the ring, the chair once again in her hand. Mary stands over Missy and then brings the chair down across her back. Mary then sets the chair in the middle of the ring, stands Missy up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a drop toe face first into the seat of the chair. Missy then collapses to the mat and Mary smiles while the crowd boos her. Mary then tosses the chair out of the ring and then goes to the ropes in the corner. Mary climbs to the second rope and then leaps off and lands a leg drop across the back of the neck on Missy before rolling her over for the pin attempt. 1...2...3! Mary Sanderson finally eliminates Missy who showed up ready for a fight tonight.

Ricky Simms - There is no shame for Missy tonight in this loss.

Steve Blake - I would not call this a loss. Missy is a champ and should get a title shot for her efforts.

Mary bows to the booing crowd and then leans back against the ropes while we see Kristen Burren making her way down the ramp. She gets a positive reaction and even pauses to check on Missy as she is helped to the back. Kristen then makes her way up the ring steps and then steps through the ropes into the ring. Kristen takes a step towards Mary who is reaching for something in the back of her tights. Mary Sanderson then throws salt into the eyes of Kristen Burren before she then gives her a series of forearm smashes to the jaw. Mary then picks Kristen up and slams her to the mat and then gives her a knee drop to the forehead and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kristen Burren which brings a cheer from the crowd.

Ricky Simms - Kristen will be wrestling blind from here, I guess.

Steve Blake - Mary is one of the nastier divas we have and she's proving it tonight.

Mary stands Kristen up, whips her off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Kristen ducks it. Kristen then gives Mary a reverse neck breaker to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Mary Sanderson. Kristen then stands Mary up, still trying to improve her vision by wiping her eyes. Kristen then whips Mary Sanderson into the corner where she gives her a series of shoulder blocks while the fans cheer. Kristen then knees Mary in the stomach and then gives her a double under hook suplex to the mat where she again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out again by Mary Sanderson. Kristen then rolls herself out to the floor and grabs the kendo stick that had been used earlier in the match. Kristen then rolls herself back into the ring where Mary greets her with an eye gouge. Mary then stands Kristen up, whips her off the ropes and Kristen ducks a clothesline and takes a swing with the kendo stick. The swing misses and Mary then gives Kristen a Rock Bottom to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Kristen Burren has been eliminated.

Ricky Simms - Well, Kristen was game but Mary was more underhanded.

Steve Blake - She's one of the best female wrestlers I have ever seen, though I don't care for her much as a person outside the ring.

Mary gets to her feet, but she is clearly starting to get tired as we see Julie Sweet making her way down the ramp. Mary Sanderson grabs the kendo stick from the mat and holds it behind her. Julie then rolls herself into the ring, gets to her feet and takes two vicious shots to the forehead with the kendo stick and then one to the back of the neck before Mary Sanderson gives her a DDT to the mat. Mary then rolls herself out of the ring and shoves the camera man aside as she grabs a chair from the front row. She folds it and slides back into the ring and then places the chair on the mat. Mary then picks Julie up and gives her a power slam onto the steel chair and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Mary sanderson makes quick work of the rookie Julie Sweet.

Ricky Simms - Mary is showing she will stop at nothing and she bloodied Julie Sweet here to make her point.

Steve Blake - Julie may be badly hurt. She isn't moving.

Mary laughs as medics rush to the ring with a stretcher in hand. Mary then puts the boots to Julie before giving her a leg drop across the throat and then she rolls Julie out to the floor while the boos of the fans get louder. Mary then bows to the crowd and blows them a kiss. We then see Laurie Smith making her way down the ramp with a chair in one hand and a chain wrapped around the other. Mary sees her coming and her smile fades while the fans cheer Laurie Smith for the first time in recent memory.

Ricky Simms - Kathy's little sister came here to fight.

Steve Blake - Laurie won't be intimidated or caught off guard like Julie Sweet was. That poor girl never had a chance to get going at all. Mary Sanderson mauled her.

Laurie makes her way up the ring steps and then steps into the ring with Mary who looks frightened. Mary raises her hands and shows she has no weapons and asks Laurie to drop what she's holding. Laurie nods and smiles, but then drills Mary with a fist wrapped in a chain and then drops Mary with a chair shot to the side of the head. Laurie then drops the chair and then wraps the chain around Mary's throat and asks her how she likes it. The referee checks for a submission. Instead, Mary eye gouges Laurie to break free and then she rolls herself under the bottom rope and out to the floor. Laurie drops and rolls out to the floor after her, the chain still wrapped around her hand. Laurie turns Mary around and then takes a jawbreaker from Mary who then goes for the pin on the floor. 1...2... kick out by Laurie Smith. Mary then tries to pull the chain off the fist of Laurie, but finds that she has a death grip on it.

Ricky Simms - This match just keeps building and I still have no clue who will win it.

Steve Blake - It's a tough call, for sure.

Mary stands Laurie up and takes a punch to the side of the head from Laurie with the chained fist, dropping her like a rock to the floor. Laurie then wraps the chain around Mary's neck and then wraps the chain around the guard railing and partially hangs her. Laurie then lands body shots with vicious punches and then a series of knee lifts to the ribs. Laurie then frees Mary so she can go for the pin. 1...2... Mary rolls a shoulder out. Laurie stands Mary up and rolls her into the ring before rolling herself into the ring as well. Laurie then goes to the second rope and waits for Mary to stand, then clotheslines her to the mat with the chain before she goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Laurie Smith eliminates Mary Sanderson, drawing a cheer from the crowd.

Ricky Simms - Laurie wasn't getting bullied out of this match and she destroyed Mary Sanderson tonight.

Steve Blake - I can't get over the tactics of these divas tonight.

Laurie gets to her feet and takes a clothesline from Corina who has charged into the ring. Corina then picks Laurie up and drops her on the top rope, the rope catching Laurie's throat and her head then snapping back before she falls to the mat. Corina then puts the boots to Laurie Smith and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Laurie Smith. Corina then stands Laurie up, the chain finally falling off Laurie's hand and onto the mat. Corina whips Laurie into the corner buckle and then gives her a monkey flip to the middle of the ring. Corina then rolls herself out to the floor and reaches under the apron and then pulls out another table. Corina then slides the table into the ring and then rolls herself back into the ring. Laurie gets to her feet and takes a vicious super kick to the chin from Corina. Corina then picks Laurie up and again drops her onto the top rope, again her throat catching on the rope and her neck snapping back before she hits the mat.

Ricky Simms - Corina is at her vicious best tonight.

Steve Blake - I really have no idea where Corina's mean streak came from, but it's impressive.

Corina sets the table up while Laurie struggles to catch her breath. Corina then grabs Laurie by the hair and then gives her a kick to the ribs and then gives her a belly to belly overhead suplex onto the table, sending Laurie right through it and down to the mat. Corina then boot chokes Laurie Smith and smiles towards the crowd, who are clearly not in favor of her anymore. Corina then reaches down and tears off Laurie's T-shirt and then starts strangling her with it. Corina picks Laurie up in the choke, spins her around and then lets go and smiles as she sails across the ring. Corina then puts the boots to Laurie and tells the camera she is the only diva worth watching in the CWA.

Ricky Simms - Corina sure has got quite the ego these days.

Steve Blake - Ever since she got that title, she has changed.

Corina then turns her attention back to Laurie and tears off her tights. Corina isn't satisfied there and kneels over Laurie and pummels and tears at her. We then see that Laurie's nose is bleeding and she is topless on the mat when Corina goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Corina has eliminated Laurie Smith!

Ricky Simms - She wasn't satisfied with just beating Laurie. She had to try and make an example of her.

Steve Blake - That's the way she has been lately.

We then see Kathy Smith entering the ring and grabbing the chain off the mat that her sister Laurie had used earlier. Corina turns and takes a right hook from a chain wrapped fist that belongs to Kathy Smith. Kathy then whips Corina off the ropes and then gives her another punch to the forehead with the chained fist. Kathy then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. She then leaps off and lands another chain wrapped punch to the forehead on Corina and then screams that no one messes with her sister and gets away with it. Kathy then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Kathy Smith makes quick work of Corina and gets the win and the title shot!

Ricky Simms - Kathy apparently is defending Laurie now.

Steve Blake - Hey, Kathy and Laurie Smith have had their fights, but that's sibling rivalry and Kathy just watched Corina strip and humiliate her sister. She reacted as we would expect and Corina should have been keeping track of who was left to enter this match. Kathy runs in, uses the chain and gets the win. She's full value for it, too.

Kathy exits the ring and tells the camera that she is the next Diva title holder. She then makes her way up the ramp towards the back while the fans cheer. We then see Cody Anderson walking down a city street, clearly filmed long before the show started shooting tonight.

Cody Anderson - The Sensational Seven is a washed up concept. I have heard that a lot lately and yet, no one has got rid of us. We are all still kicking. Now, there is a generation gap between a majority of the members and Shannon Skanes and Brice Miller. We admit that and yet, that kind of leadership and experience can hardly be considered a negative. This week, the CWA resurrects and old CWA stand by. The first CWA rumble was in 1987 which was well before that other company conceived such an idea. Now we get to watch another great Rumble and the Sensational Seven will show the wrestling world that the new Anarchy Inc. is not going to be any more dominant now than they have been in past history. The Sensational Seven are very current, very capable and actually quite unimpressed with the members of Anarchy Inc. Tonight is our night.

Cody then walks passed the camera and we fade back to the ring.

CWA Rumble


"Mine Teil" by Rammstein plays and the lights in the arena turn red as the members of Anarchy Inc. and their partners for tonight make their way onto the stage where the crowd greets them with the usual boos. None of them pay any attention to this as Scavenger and Vesuvius lead the way with Caleb Knox and Gravity staying a little ways back and Caleb for some reason tells the camera that he and Gravity are not members of Anarchy Inc.

Ricky Simms - Caleb seems antsy tonight.

Steve Blake - Caleb seems to be the only one of these seven who realize what they are up against tonight. It is scary to think he is the only one on his team not blinded by ego for a change.

Ricky Simms - I never thought I would see that happen.

Steve Blake - I am amazed that Everest is out here with these guys after the battles between himself and Vesuvius not long ago. It's not like Everest had a nice word to say about him.

Ricky Simms - Okay, so fir fans who do not know the rules to a CWA Rumble, it's simple. Each team starts with an equal number of members, but there is no tagging in or out. The members of the team not involved stand at ringside and function as lumberjacks of sorts. When one member of the team is eliminated, that team sends the next member into the ring until one team is out of members.

Steve Blake - I remember taking part on a few of these myself and they are tense.

Six members of the Anarchy team take their place at ringside while Caleb Knox is sent into the ring to start the action in tonight's huge main event. Their music then fades and we hear "The Memory Remains" by Metallica plays as Bruce Miller and Shannon Skanes lead the Sensational Seven out onto the stage, all seven members wearing the red and blue tights that the stable used as their colors back in the 80s. All of them have their name on the right leg in white lettering and Sensational Seven written in white lettering on the left leg, the shorts portion of the tights blue while the pant legs are red. The crowd cheers as six members take their place at ringside and Bruce Miller steps into the ring to start things off for his team.

Ricky Simms - Bruce looks intense and Caleb looks stressed. These two have feuded many times over.

Steve Blake - The thing with these matches is, you are in there until you are the final winner or you are eliminated from the match.

Bruce locks up with the reluctant Caleb Knox and then shoves him into the corner. Bruce then gives Caleb a series of punches to the side of the head and then gives him a hip toss to the mat. Bruce waits for Caleb to stand and then gives him a series of knife edge chops that drive him into the corner. Bruce then gives Caleb a bell to belly overhead suplex to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Caleb Knox. Bruce then stands Caleb up, whips him off the ropes and Caleb ducks a clothesline and then gives Bruce a knee to the gut and then a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Caleb then stands Bruce up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the mat. Caleb then gives Bruce a leg drop across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bruce Miller. Caleb then stands Bruce up, whips him off the ropes and goes for a backdrop, but Bruce instead gives Caleb a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Bruce then stands Caleb up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a knee to the gut that sends him to the mat. Bruce then headlocks Caleb and gives him a bulldog to the mat and then rolls him over for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Caleb Knox.

Ricky Simms - Great start to this match so far.

Steve Blake - Hey, when you start with two great wrestlers like these guys, you expect this kind of action.

Bruce stands Caleb up, whips him off the ropes and then both men clothesline each other to the mat. The crowd starts a chant for Bruce Miller while the other Sensational Seven members on the floor slap their hands on the mat to get him back to his feet. On the four count, Caleb does a kip up to his feet. He then stands Bruce up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a dropkick when Bruce manages to grab the ropes. Bruce then picks Caleb up, carries him to the corner and then climbs to the second rope before he gives Caleb a spinning power slam from there and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Caleb is out of the match!

Ricky Simms - Great show of strength there by Bruce Miller and Caleb is out!

Steve Blake - That was amazing to watch.

Caleb is rolled out to the floor by the referee as Orlock steps up onto the apron and then steps over the top rope into the ring. Orlock stares at Bruce who takes a step back. He now has to face one of the Anarchy giants. Bruce moves in and tries to chop block Orlock, but Orlock shoves Bruce away before he can make contact. Orlock then grabs Bruce around the throat and looks ready to hit a choke slam. Orlock stands Bruce up and Bruce gives Orlock an eye gouge and then whips him into the corner buckle. Bruce climbs to the second rope in the corner and starts raining down punches to the head on Orlock, but Orlock manages to shove Bruce down to the mat which draws a cheer from the Anarchy Inc. team at ringside.

Ricky Simms - Orlock just has so much power. The guy scares me.

Steve Blake - He scares pretty well anyone he faces inside that ring. You have to get passed that and knock him off his feet. If you're not intimidated, that's half the battle right there.

Orlock stands Bruce Miller up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a big boot to the chest that sends him down to the mat. Orlock then lands an elbow smash across the throat on Bruce and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bruce Miller. Orlock then stands Bruce up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Bruce ducks it. Bruce then places Orlock in a head lock and tries for a springboard bulldog, but Orlock shoves Bruce from the top rope down to the mat. Orlock then picks Bruce up and gives him a gorilla press slam to the mat. Orlock then knees Bruce to the forehead and then goes for the pin. 1...2... another kick out by Bruce Miller. Orlock then stands Bruce up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. Bruce then goes to the top rope and then waits for Orlock to stand before giving him a flying shoulder block to the mat and then he goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Orlock is out and Bruce defies the odds!

Ricky Simms - Bruce is once again showing why he has been the CWA champion so often.

Steve Blake - He has cut down two members of Anarchy Inc. so far in an amazing performance.

As Orlock leaves the ring, Vesuvius berating him for not even trying to kick out, we see Gravity stepping up onto the apron and then he steps over the top rope into the ring which causes Bruce Miller to sigh and look skyward. Gravity moves in and takes a series of punches to the gut from Bruce. Gravity then gives Bruce a head butt that drives him into the corner buckle, then Gravity gives Bruce a double under hook suplex to the middle of the ring. Gravity then stands Bruce up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a shoulder block to the mat and then gives him a knee drop to the forehead and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bruce Miller.

Ricky Simms - Bruce is fighting valiantly, but we have to wonder for how long.

Steve Blake - Gravity is just so tough and Bruce has already had to fight off two top notch wrestlers.

Gravity stands Bruce up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a drop toe hold face first to the mat. Gravity then applies a cross face chicken wing on Bruce Miller. The referee checks for a submission, but Bruce is unwilling to give up and the rest of the Sensational Seven is cheering him on from ringside. Bruce tries to power his way out of the hold while Gravity holds him down on the mat with his superior size and strength. The crowd starts another chant for Bruce while Miller refuses to give up here when a lesser man would tap out. The referee checks on Bruce, raising his arm to see if it drops. Bruce keeps his arm raised and then starts giving Gravity punches to the face, though not with a lot of power.

Ricky Simms - I don't know that Bruce will be able to continue much longer here.

Steve Blake - It's dicey for sure.

Bruce tries to get to his feet and Gravity pulls him right back down. Bruce then starts to fade in the hold. The referee looks Bruce in the eyes and then calls for the bell and tells the timekeeper Bruce cannot continue. Gravity drops Bruce who lies motionless inside the ring. Trevor Lang then rolls himself into the ring and helps to roll Bruce out of the ring while never taking his eyes off of Gravity.

Ricky Simms - Bruce just couldn't go through the entire stable himself, but he did quite well.

Steve Blake - No argument there at all.

Trevor Lang gets to his feet inside the ring and Gravity raises his hands and asks for a test of strength. Trevor instead gives Gravity a kick to the ribs and then whips him into the corner and then gives him a snap mare to the mat from there where Trevor Lang applies a sleeper hold on Gravity. Gravity quickly gets to his feet and backs himself into the corner. Trevor releases the hold to avoid being squashed in the buckle and then he gives Gravity a kick to the ribs and then a headlock into a bulldog to the mat. Trevor then rolls Gravity over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Gravity. Trevor Lang then stands Gravity up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a hip toss to the mat that shows some power Lang doesn't often display inside the ring. Lang then applies an abdominal stretch on a reeling Gravity.

Ricky Simms - Trevor is as good of a wrestler as his father was. People forget that Steve Lang was a tag champion, but he also held every singles title in the CWA with the exception of the world title. In fact, he often held more than one title at a time.

Steve Blake - Well, he was just so good technically that you could not counter his moves without him countering right back. He baffled you and his partner, Greg Anderson, was the feisty and nasty one.

Gravity gets to his feet and refuses to submit to Trevor's hold and then gives him a hip toss to the mat in order to break it. Gravity then picks Trevor up over his shoulder and then runs him face first into the corner buckle. Gravity then gives Lang a power slam to the mat and hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Trevor Lang. Gravity then stands Lang up, whips him into the corner buckle and then goes for the shoulder block, but Lang manages to side step that and then Lang gives Gravity a German suplex to the mat and holds his shoulders down for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Gravity. Lang shakes his head and then leaps to the top rope in the corner. Gravity gets to his feet and Lang leaps off and gives him a flying head scissors to the mat into a roll up. 1...2...3! Trevor Lang eliminates Gravity.

Ricky Simms - Good showing here by Trevor in taking out the strongest member of the Anarchy team.

Steve Blake - Well, like we said, he is taking after his father.

Lang gets to his feet and takes a running clothesline from Everest who has entered the ring. Everest then boot chokes Lang while holding the ropes for added leverage. Everest follows that up with a knee drop to the forehead on Lang and then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Trevor Lang and Everest has a few words for the referee on the speed of the count. Everest then stands Lang up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a shoulder block to the mat. Everest then goes to the corner buckle and climbs to the second rope and then gives Lang a double axe handle smash across the back before he then picks up Lang and gives him a slam to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Trevor Lang again while the Sensational Seven members outside the ring applaud.

Ricky Simms - Trevor is being taken to school by Everest here.

Steve Blake - Everest is a really smart wrestler so he won't get taken out as easily as Gravity did a few moments ago.

Everest stands Lang up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a tilt a whirl back breaker to the mat. Everest then stands over Trevor Lang and smiles, then has a few unkind words for the rest of the Sensational Seven. Everest then stands Trevor up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a big boot when Trevor ducks it. Trevor then picks Everest up on his shoulders and gives him a fall away slam to the mat. Trevor goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Everest who then the pins is reversed and Everest hooks the tights on Lang. 1...2...3! Everest gets the pin as the referee misses the grab of the tights by the giant.

Ricky Simms - Everest takes a shortcut to eliminate a game Trevor Lang.

Steve Blake - We are down to five against four and the number are paring down.

Cody Anderson steps up onto the apron and then jumps to the top rope and then lands a clothesline on a surprised Everest to the mat and then goes for the pin while hooking the tights. 1...2...3! Cody Anderson gets a measure of revenge for his tag team partner.

Ricky Simms - Wow, quick thinking and a quick move by Cody Anderson cuts Anarchy Inc. down to three.

Steve Blake - Well, he watched his partner get cheated out of the match and he opted to do the same to Everest. There's the fire he gives his team much like his father did twenty years ago.

Cody gets to his feet and ducks a clothesline from a charging Kindred. Anderson then gives Kindred a round house kick to the chest and then gives him a vertical suplex to the mat. Cody Anderson then stands Kindred up, whips him into the corner buckle and then misses with a shoulder block when Kindred side steps it. Kindred then gives Cody Anderson a pump handle slam to the mat. Kindred then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Cody Anderson and Kindred shakes his head, clearly believing that should have been a three count. Kindred then stands Anderson up, whips him off the ropes and Anderson ducks a clothesline and then leaps onto the shoulder of Kindred and then goes for the victory roll into a pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Kindred.

Ricky Simms - I thought Cody had him with that old school move.

Steve Blake - That was so close.

Anderson stands Kindred up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a backslide into a pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Kindred. Anderson stands Kindred up, whips him off the ropes and goes for a shoulder block, but Kindred doesn't move. Kindred then gives Cody a knife edge chop that sends him to the mat. Kindred then picks up Cody Anderson and then gives him a slam to the mat and then a leg drop across the throat. 1...2... kick out by Cody Anderson and Kindred has a few words for the referee on how he believed that was a three count. Kindred then stands Cody up, whips him off the ropes and then misses with a clothesline when Cody does a shoulder roll under it. Cody then stands in the corner and goes for a dropkick, but Kindred manages to grab his feet and then spins him around and down hard to the mat, Anderson apparently landing on the back of his head where Kindred then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Cody Anderson is eliminated by an impressive power move from Kindred.

Ricky Simms - Cody tried, but Kindred was just too much for him here.

Steve Blake - That was incredible, the way Kindred grabbed his legs in the middle of a dropkick and then gives him a hard airplane spin down to the mat.

Kindred gets to his feet where he is greeted with a series of rights and lefts from Noah Skanes. Noah then whips Kindred into the corner buckle, gives him a series of kicks to the ribs and then gives him a DDT to the mat. Noah then turns to Scavenger and Vesuvius and has a few words for them while Kindred gets to his feet. Kindred charges behind Noah, but Noah ducks the attack and then gives Kindred a kick to the gut and another DDT to the mat where he hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2...3!

Ricky Simms - This is the first time we have seen Noah since he lost the CWA title and he is pumped!

Steve Blake - I don't know which of the two between Vesuvius or Scavenger will enter this match, but neither of them look like they want anything to do with him.

Scavenger reluctantly steps up onto the apron and Noah greets him with a series of forearm smashes to the jaw and then pulls him in over the top rope by the hair. Noah then stands Scavenger up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a snap suplex to the mat. Noah then stands and has a few words for Vesuvius as Scavenger slowly gets to his feet. Noah sets Scavenger up, picks him up and gives him a slingshot cradle suplex into a pin. 1...2...3! Noah has eliminated Scavenger!

Ricky Simms - The kid did it and the crowd is ecstatic. Vesuvius has to step into the ring and answer for his tactics in becoming the CWA champ!

Steve Blake - Scavenger was out fast and Noah is on fire! I can't see anyone topping him tonight. He refuses to lose.

Scavenger rolls out to the floor and Vesuvius heads to the ramp. The referee has a few harsh words for him and starts counting Vesuvius out. Shannon Skanes, Danny Dixon and Jimmy Jack head off in pursuit of the CWA champ. Vesuvius jumps off the ramp and then heads out through the crowd while the fans boo. Noah stands inside the ring and laughs as the referee finishes counting out Vesuvius and then raises his hand in victory. Noah then takes the microphone from ring announcer Jan Hawkins.

Noah Skanes - See that? The Sensational Seven just beat the living hell out of Anarchy Inc. Vesuvius! You're not going to be able to run forever. I am going to get my title back!

Ricky Simms - I believe him.

Steve Blake - Vesuvius might run all the way home to the southern US before he stops to catch his breath, but Noah is right. Vesuvius runs tonight, but he has to defend that title sometime.

Ricky Simms - Well, fans, this was one incredible evening and next week should be just as unpredictable. Join us for the first edition of CWA Overdrive!

Steve Blake - The name change works to save confusion for fans who might see this name and associate it to Battle of the Warriors.

We fade to black with Noah Skanes standing on the top rope and the crowd cheering him on while he poses.