January 27th, 2007
It's a packed house in Prospera Center as Chilliwack gets set for another edition of CWA's Warriors. We hear "Breathe" by Swollen Members featuring Nelly Furtado as we see images of Shannon Skanes, Noah Skanes, Bruce Miller, Samson, Vesuvius, Arizona, Terminator, Myst and Blair Drake before we head to ringside where Sammy Jo Johnson and Steve Blake are all set to call the action tonight. Before they can get started, "Dirt On the Grave" by Black Label Society plays and Jack Carter steps out onto the stage by himself this week. The crowd boos him and starts chants of "You suck" while he makes his way down the ramp. He then pulls himself onto the apron and steps through the ropes into the ring with a microphone in hand. Jack Carter - I have to say that last week was a bad week for Brotherhood of the Damned. See, we admit we were caught off guard. This week, no one takes me down. This week, someone feels the slap and moves along. This title belt over my shoulder is the RWF hardcore title. Steve Blake - What company is that? Sammy Jo Johnson - Beats me, but I guess we are supposed to be impressed. Jack Carter - See, I have held this hardcore belt for years. I defend it everywhere and no one has ever taken this off of me. This week, I will take on any challenger that you throw at me and I will retain this title belt. The CWA isn't that tough and I am out to prove it. Let's see who takes me on. There is a pause as Jack smiles. He rolls his eyes and waits a few moments longer before he starts to speak again. Jack Carter - See this? Now this entire company is backing down. The RWF hardcore champ is too much for the CWA. I am making fools of you all and I... Jack is interrupted as "Secret Separation" by The Fixx starts to play and announcer Steve Blake gets up and takes off his headset which draws loud cheers from the crowd. Steve then climbs onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He yanks the microphone from Jack's grip. Steve Blake - If someone has to shut you up, it may as well be me. See, you're a no talent bum who has lost that title belt more times than anyone can count. You just support yourself and carry that belt which means nothing to anyone except you. You have made your joke of a career off pretending to be main event when you're less than the Shmelky Brothers. Tonight, you get schooled by me. Steve drills Jack in the head with the microphone and referee Mark Davis is there to call for the bell. Steve Blake vs. Jack Carter Steve Blake whips Jack off the ropes and then gives him a spine buster to the mat. Blake then stands over Carter while the fans cheer him on. Blake grabs Carter around the throat, then picks him up and gives him a choke slam to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2...3! Steve Blake, the CWA announcer, defeats Jack Carter with Carter not so much as getting a punch in. Blake then grabs the RWF hardcore title belt off the mat and rolls himself out to the floor. He then hands the title belt to a young fan in the front row before he heads back to his broadcast position. The referee helps Jack Carter out of the ring and he starts to limp his way towards the back. Sammy Jo Johnson - That was impressive. Steve Blake - Nah, I just had to shut him up. He was giving me a headache. Sammy Jo Johnson - Mission accomplished. Steve Blake - Don't pat me on the back too much. It was just Jack Carter, not a real wrestler. While Carter is taken backstage, Shannon Skanes steps out onto the stage while "Deep" by Nine Inch Nails blasts throughout the arena. Shannon looks at Carter and laughs and then starts down the ramp. He also has a microphone in hand and, as he pulls himself onto the apron, he starts to speak. Shannon Skanes - Now that we have the comedy stylings of Jack Carter out of the way, let's get down to business. *steps through the ropes into the ring* Two long weeks ago, Stan Smith and two cowardly lions from the past had the nerve to attack me. I want the three of them out here right now to damned well try it again and see what happens. Let's go guys and see just how tough you really are. Shannon throws the microphone down and then we hear "You Could Be Mine" by Guns N Roses and Terminator, The Killer and Stan Smith all charge out onto the stage and down the ramp. They then all slide into the ring and quickly get to their feet. Shannon gives Terminator a right hook that sends him down to the mat, then does the same to The Killer before he whips Stan off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. He then gives Terminator a super kick into the corner and then whips The Killer into the corner where he collides with Terminator. Shannon then gives The Killer a German suplex to the mat, but he is down and Terminator starts putting the boots to him. Smith quickly gets to his feet and starts putting the boots to Shannon as well. No sooner has this happened and we then see Bruce Miller and Noah Skanes charging into the ring. Smith and TKO see them coming and then duck their way out of the ring. Sammy Jo Johnson - Sensational Seven members coming out to make the save and chase of Smith and his new goons. Steve Blake - These guys are in for a world of hurt. The three toughest wrestlers in the CWA are inside that ring and they aren't known for losing fights. Smith spits towards the ring and leads Terminator and The Killer up the ramp. We then fade to The Ghostly Figure in the gym, doing chin ups for a few moments before he faces the camera. Ghostly Figure - People are counting the days until my return. I'm sure you're not anxious to see me are you Gravity? I'm sure your sins of the past few months are ones you want to keep close to you and not have to admit. I'll make you wish you had never been born, Gravity. My career is not ending because some overgrown child decides he wants to put me out of commission. No, I have a long career ahead of me yet. Gravity, you knocked me down but you never took me out. Soon, I'll be back inside a CWA ring and I will deal with you in the only way I know how. My career doesn't end. I end careers. Take a moment and listen for the ticking of the clock, the one about to strike midnight. Enjoy the time you have left. Figure then laughs before he resumes his chin ups and then we fade back to the ring.
"Gold Dust Woman" by Hole plays as Kathy Smith leads her unlikely tag team partners, Kelly Buchanan and Xandra, towards the ring. The three of them get a solid ovation from the crowd. Kathy and Kelly high five fans while Xandra stays in the middle of the ramp and seems less friendly towards the crowd. The three of them then all jump onto the apron. Kelly leaps over the top rope while Kathy and Xandra step through the ropes into the ring. The three of them then discuss strategy as their music fades and then we hear "Without Me" by Eminem and Mary Sanderson leads her partners Ariel and Laurie Smith out to a few catcalls, but outside of that a very negative reaction from the crowd. They then make their way down the ramp, none of them looking away from the ring as they are clearly focused on the task at hand. They stop at the foot of the ramp and discuss which one of them will start. When Sanderson sees that Xandra will start the match for her team, Mary volunteers to start for her team and she slides under the bottom rope into the ring which allows referee Grace Mayers to call for the bell. Sammy Jo Johnson - All six of these women were involved in the Battle of the Warriors match for the Diva title. Steve Blake - The buzz since then has been how well these ladies did inside the ring. Sanderson and Xandra lock up in the middle of the ring. Mary then gives Xandra a head butt that sends her into the corner and then gives her an eye gouge followed by another head butt. Mary then places Xandra's throat over the top rope and chokes her with it while the fans start a chant for Xandra. Mary then whips Xandra off the ropes and gives her a backdrop to the mat and then lands a leg drop across the throat on Xandra and goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Xandra. Sammy Jo Johnson - This is the first time we have seen Mary since Battle of the Warriors. Steve Blake - And she is still completely out of her mind. Mary stands Xandra up, whips her off the ropes and Xandra ducks a clothesline and then she goes to her corner and tags in Kathy Smith. Kathy enters the ring and lands a series of knife edge chops to the throat on Mary, then whips her into a neutral corner and then gives her a clothesline to the mat from there. Kathy then gives Mary a leg drop across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Mary Sanderson. Kathy stands Mary up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a dropkick to the mat. Kathy then gets to her feet only to take a dropkick to the back from her own sister Laurie which draws the boos of the crowd. Sammy Jo Johnson - Laurie isn't know for being a great sister or sportsman. Steve Blake - That's an understatement. Kathy struggles to get to her feet and takes a series of knife edge chops to the chest from Mary Sanderson. Mary then places Kathy in a headlock and then gives her a bulldog to the mat before tagging in Ariel. Ariel jumps to the top rope and then lands a splash on the still downed Kathy and hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kathy and Ariel slaps the mat. Ariel then stands Kathy up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a shoulder block that sends her back down to the mat where she again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kathy. Sammy Jo Johnson - Kathy is taking a lot of punishment tonight, but she refuses to be pinned for the three count. Steve Blake - She is one of the toughest ladies I have ever seen. Ariel stands Kathy up and whips her off the ropes. Kelly tags the back of Kathy's shoulder, but Ariel doesn't see it. Ariel then tags in Laurie Smith. Laurie steps into the ring, places Kathy in a headlock and then takes a vicious clothesline from Kelly Buchanan who then stands Laurie up and gives her a vertical suplex that she turns into a brain buster and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! The team of Kelly, Kathy and Xandra are the winners! Sammy Jo Johnson - Ariel and Laurie both missed Kelly being tagged in and the veteran diva smelled blood and gets the win tonight for her team. Steve Blake - In a match that could have gone either way, Kelly outsmarts the opposition. As Mary Sanderson and Ariel argue over the loss, Kelly, Kathy and Xandra high five each other on the floor and then start up the ramp towards the back. We then look to the parking lot where Shannon Skanes is with Noah and Bruce Miller. The three of them are smiling. Shannon Skanes - It never ceases to amaze me just how stupid people are. Stan, Terminator and Killer are all veterans of the ring and they should know better. You can't take me out with a pearl harbor attack. Bruce Miller - I am amazed at the lack of intelligence displayed by them all. Terminator knows damned well he can't beat us. Killer knows damned well he peaked in 1985. Stan Smith knows damned well that he is never going to be the kind of superstar he would need to be in order to best any of us. Noah Skanes - Smith, you're just another whiner and tonight the Sensational Seven's three leaders will hit that ring and take the three of you wanna-bes down in rapid fashion. Shannon Skanes - It will mark the second generation of my family that has ended Terminator and my newest example of why Stan Smith should just retire already. You've proven you're not the star you claim to be at Battle of the Warriors and now you're out to prove you're able to fall further. Bruce Miller - And I hope Sam and Ben Grogan are watching this because those punks are still on my radar. I am on my way back to the top in this company and I will be damned if I will allow something like what has happened to simply slide. This will not slide. I am a CWA legend and the two of you will learn to respect me. Shannon Skanes - Tonight, the S-7 will once again prove our dominance. The lesser stars of this company will again be left scratching their heads and wondering where the hell they went wrong. Noah Skanes - See you guys soon. We then head back to the ring.
"Angry Again" by Megadeth plays as Deep Freeze comes onto the CWA stage to a rather mixed reaction. He pays the fans no mind as he marches down the ramp and declares to the camera that he is set to win tonight and start his trip back to the top of the wrestling business. Deep Freeze pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He tests the ropes while his music fades and then we hear "All Hallow's Eve" by Type O Negative and Kindred is led onto the stage by The Surgeon and the two of them make their way down the ramp, Surgeon smiling and telling the camera that the twin towers of the CWA are about to destroy everyone in their way. Surgeon then takes his place at ringside while Kindred makes his way up the ring steps and then steps over the top rope into the ring. Referee Mark Davis then calls for the bell. Sammy Jo Johnson - This match will test the strength of the ring, two men over three hundred pounds inside this ring. Steve Blake - This could steal the show tonight. Freeze locks up with Kindred. Kindred then shoves Deep Freeze into the corner buckle. Freeze answers with a punch to the gut on Kindred and then gives him an eye gouges before pulling his feet out from under him. Freeze then goes for an ankle lock on Kindred, but Kindred kicks him into the corner buckle. Freeze then puts the boots to Kindred, but Kindred manages to kick Freeze away from him and Kindred then uses the ropes to get to his feet. Kindred and Freeze then start trading rights and lefts. Kindred backs Freeze into the corner where Freeze lands a knee to the gut on Kindred and then slams his head into the corner ten times before landing a side Russian leg sweep on him and then Freeze goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kindred. Sammy Jo Johnson - Pure power from these two wrestlers. Steve Blake - Freeze is a lost soul out there. He needs to make a stand against people like Samson because he doesn't suit the bad guy role at all, not at this point anyway. Freeze stands Kindred up, whips him off the ropes and then ducks his head for a backdrop on Kindred. Instead, Kindred gives Freeze a knee lift to the chin and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Kindred then chokes Freeze with both hands for a few moments before releasing the choke and standing him up. Kindred then whips Freeze off the ropes and gives him a shoulder block to the mat while manager Surgeon watches and applauds from ringside. Kindred then goes to the ropes and climbs to the second rope. Freeze gets to his feet and ducks out of the way as Kindred goes for a clothesline and instead catches only air with it. Kindred crashes to the mat where Freeze then applies a cross face chicken wing on his fallen foe. The referee checks for a submission, but Kindred refuses to give up. Sammy Jo Johnson - Kindred has come a long way from the silent monster who teamed with Damien a few years back in the old CWA. Steve Blake - He is a well rounded wrestler, though many people don't believe that. He just doesn't have long matches to show what he can really do in there. Kindred manages to snag the bottom rope with his foot and that forces the break of the hold. Kindred then pulls himself out to the floor and Freeze follows close behind. Freeze chop blocks Kindred to the floor and then applies an ankle lock submission hold on Kindred. The referee shouts at Freeze to get back into the ring as we see Samson rushing down the apron and the crowd boos. Samson has brass knuckles on his hand and he strikes Deep Freeze in the chin with them and then he drills Kindred in the back of the head with them as the referee declares the match a no contest. A laughing Samson then escapes through the crowd. Sammy Jo Johnson - What the hell was that all about? Steve Blake - Samson must want attention and hitting these two monsters will get him attention. Sammy Jo Johnson - The crowd is hating it as this match is thrown out tonight. Steve Blake - No choice for the referee as neither man would have been fully suited to continue this battle. As medics rush out to check on the fallen duo, we see Scavenger sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking a valley. He sighs loudly and we see Tough Eagle in the distance, looking over the valley with a pair of binoculars. Scavenger - It would seem that we are at an impasse. See, Vesuvius took me out a couple of weeks ago and it ticks me off a little and yet... it makes me wonder. See, I have my wife and my daughter at home. I have enough money to live on until I die. I am capable of living my life out any way I want to and never wanting for anything. I guess what I am saying here is maybe.... maybe it's time for me to leave wrestling. Maybe twenty years is enough. Eagle and I have been hiking and backpacking all over the wilderness and it's been great. Lauren and the baby are around, too. I guess you could say I might have something to thank Vesuvius for. Maybe I can thank him for showing me that I am just not the wrestler I once was and I can move on with my life. The CWA was great to me for a long time. I have no intention of putting myself in the path of harm again, not for a long time. Fans, it might just be time to retire the chair, the plant and the craziness. It might be time for the final exit of Scavenger. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a hike to continue. Scavenger starts whistling as he walks away and heads off after Tough Eagle, Lauren now visible up ahead with the baby carried on her back. The sun is out. It's a beautiful and crisp winter day. Maybe it's a perfect time for retirement. Maybe this is the end of Scavenger.
"Beautiful Stranger" by Madonna plays as Zed and Zack McCracken step out onto the stage wearing jackets that pronounce them to be "Team Z" and the crowd gives them a mixed reaction as they then make their way down the ramp. Zack then pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring while Zed takes his place in the corner. Their music then fades and the crowd cheers as "Space Lord" by Monster Magnet plays and Olivia Maine leads Blair Drake and Steve hawkins out onto the stage. The former tag team champions smirk as they then make their way down the ramp while Zed and Zack discuss strategy. Sammy Jo Johnson - This is a mismatch. Steve Blake - I am floored that Zack is out here again after the horrible defeat he suffered last week at the hands of Hawkins here. Is he really that convinced that he can win gold and get Felicity back? Blair and Steve step up onto the apron and Zack slaps Steve Hawkins across the face. Blair laughs and backs away while Steve simply looks shocked that he would have the nerve to do that. Steve steps through the ropes and referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Steve moves in and locks up with Zack. Zack then thumbs Hawkins in the eye, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a backdrop to the mat while Blair Drake takes his place in their corner. Zack then stands Hawkins up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Sammy Jo Johnson - This is odd. Steve Blake - I guess Zack came here to fight tonight. Zack drops and rolls himself out to the floor where Hawkins is catching his breath. Hawkins then gives Zack an upper cut to the jaw and then whips him shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Hawkins then gives Zack an atomic drop on the floor before rolling him into the ring and then rolling himself into the ring as well. Hawkins then stands Zack up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a clothesline to the mat before tagging in Blair Drake. Drake steps into the ring and then puts the boots to Zack. Blair then stands Zack up, whips him off the ropes and Zack ducks a clothesline and then gives Blair a series of rights and lefts that have little effect as Blair shoves Zack to the mat and then gives him a knee drop to the forehead before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Zack McCracken. Sammy Jo Johnson - Again, at least Zack is putting up a fight. Steve Blake - I must admit this is the best he has looked in a long time. Blair stands Zack up, whips him off the ropes and Zack ducks a clothesline and then lunges to his corner and tags in Zed. Zed steps through the ropes and then starts trading rights and lefts with Blair Drake. Blair gives Zed an elbow between the eyes and then gives him a face buster to the mat. Blair then stands Zed up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a cradle suplex into a pin attempt. 1...2...3! Team SOB are the winners as Blair finishes off Zed. Blair rolls himself out of the ring where he high fives Steve Hawkins and then Olivia Maine before they start towards the back. Inside the ring, Zack McCracken looks down on his partner and shakes his head. He then leaves the ring without offering to help Zed up. Sammy Jo Johnson - Zed didn't quite have the fight tonight to stand toe to toe with Blair Drake. Steve Blake - I am surprised the match took that long though. As this wraps up, we take a look at a board room with Myst at the head of the table. Myst - I am now running Anarchy Wrestling. I would love to have the time I need to be the women's champion, but I am going to have to vacate my title belt. Next week on Extreme Warriors, the CWA will move towards naming a new women's champion. Just know this. Whoever wins my title is holding it for me. I will be back to reclaim it as my own and that could happen sooner than you might think. We can now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
"Naked Cousin" by PJ Harvey plays as Chastity and Ophelia, the original Glamour Girls, step out onto the stage where the crowd gives them a mixed reaction. The two of them talk as they make their way down the ramp towards the ring. They stop at ringside and then talk some strategy while their music fades away. We then hear "Let's Go All the Way" by Sly Fox and Corina and Athena step out onto the stage, Corina holding her diva title high as she then leads her partner down the ramp while Chastity takes her place inside the ring, opting to start the match. Athena then pulls herself up onto the apron and steps into her corner while Corina hands her title belt to the timekeeper. She then pulls herself onto the apron where Chastity greets her with a clothesline that sends her back to the floor. Sammy Jo Johnson - It looks like Chastity is here for a fight tonight. Steve Blake - Again, the women of this company prove they are not without substance there. Chastity rolls herself out to the floor and then turns Corina around only to take a knee to the chest from Corina who then gives Chastity a series of forearm smashes to the gut and then rams her face into the ring apron before rolling her back into the ring. Corina then pulls herself onto the apron, then springs to the top rope and then enters the ring while placing Chastity in a headlock and dropping her to the mat with a tornado DDT while referee Grace Mayers calls for the bell to make this match official. Corina goes for the pin. 1...2... Chastity get a foot on the bottom rope. Sammy Jo Johnson - The toughness goes all through this roster. Steve Blake - Women are equal to men in depth and I believe will be equal in billing as the rivalries grow. The crowning of a new Women's champ will only help that along. Corina stands Chastity up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a dropkick to the mat. Corina then tags in Athena and Athena drops an elbow across the back on Chastity and then goes for the pin. 1...2... again Chastity kicks out. Chastity then reverses the pin and hooks the tights for an added advantage. 1...2... Athena kicks out and Chastity tags in her partner Ophelia. Ophelia steps through the ropes and lays the punches to the side of the head on Athena. She then stands Athena up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a backdrop to the mat. Ophelia then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. Athena stands, turns and takes a flying round house kick off the top rope from Ophelia who then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2...3! Ophelia gets the pin on Athena and then quickly leaves the ring and embraces Chastity before the two of them start towards the back. Sammy Jo Johnson - Chastity and Ophelia have a lot of experience as a tag team. It worked for them tonight. Steve Blake - Experience will work for you any night. Good little match there and Ophelia gets a little push from that result. I again say that I am very impressed with our women's division and I think it's the best in the world. Sammy Jo Johnson - You won't get any argument from me on that one. As the victors celebrate and the defeated try to figure out what went wrong, we look backstage where Deep Freeze is trashing his locker room. We then see Calvin Kool stepping into the picture. Calvin Kool - Having a bad day, are we? Deep Freeze - Samson thinks he can use me as an example! I want him inside that ring next week! Calvin Kool - Is this the best way to express that? Deep Freeze - What business is it of yours? Calvin Kool - You know, I can pull some strings and get you a match. Deep Freeze - Tell you what? Get me the match and then you and I can talk. Until then, stay the hell out of my business and my locker room! Calvin Kool - You have yourself a deal, Mister Freeze. Calvin exits and we head back to the ring for tonight's main event.
"Black Number One" by Type O Negative plays as Stan Smith leads Terminator and Killer out onto the stage where the crowd greets them eith loud boos. Killer and Terminator walk side by side behind Stan Smith, Smith smiling the whole way down the ramp to ringside. He then pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring while Terminator and Killer take their place in his corner. Their music then fades and we hear "The Memory Remains" by Metallica and Bruce Miller leads Noah and Shannon Skanes onto the stage. Bruce has a microphone in hand. Bruce Miller - This is quite the fight we are about to have, so we have decided that regular referees simply will not be enough for this. Jon Shocker will watch from outside the ring and inside the ring we will have a man who can take care of himself to keep all things fair. Bruce tosses the microphone aside and Syckle rushes out onto the stage and runs down the ramp, wearing a referee's shirt as he does so. Stan protests from the ring and has words with Syckle when the Russian monster rolls himself under the bottom rope into the ring while Jon Shocker stands at ringside and folds his arms across his chest. Shannon Skanes pulls himself onto the apron, steps through the ropes into the ring and starts brawling with Stan as Syckle calls for the bell. Sammy Jo Johnson - This match should be brutal. Steve Blake - The Sensational Seven are adept at winning matches like this. Shannon and Stan exchange rights and lefts in the middle of the ring while the crowd cheers on the violence. Stan then eye gouges Shannon before raking his eyes along the top rope. Stan then whips Shannon off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat and then a leg drop across the chest before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Shannon Skanes. Stan then stands Shannon up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline as Shannon ducks it and then gives Stan a reverse neck breaker to the mat. Shannon then gets to his feet, but Terminator reaches out and grabs Shannon by the hair and then pulls him into a sleeper hold while referee Syckle threatens to disqualify Terminator's team. Terminator lets Shannon go and Shannon falls to one knee on the mat. Stan then pulls the former CWA champ to the mat and then applies a figure four leg lock on him while the crowd starts a chant for Shannon. Sammy Jo Johnson - Stan is trying to get Shannon to give up in his own hold. Steve Blake - That is the ultimate in humiliation if he makes it happen tonight. Shannon reaches for the ropes, but finds he is too far away from them. He then tries to turn the hold over. He fails on the first attempt while chants of his name get louder. He then manages to turn the hold over on the second attempt and the pressure is reversed. Referee Syckle is then asking Stan if he gives up here. Killer then steps through the ropes into the ring and gives Shannon a leg drop across the back of the neck which breaks the hold and brings Noah Skanes and Bruce Miller into the ring, charging at both Killer and Terminator. Sammy Jo Johnson - The brawl is on again. Steve Blake - Killer and Terminator are again showing they will do anything to get themselves a win tonight. As the referee tries to restore order inside the ring, Shocker watches from the outside as Stan Smith gets to his feet. Stan turns and starts landing double axe handle smashes across the back on Shannon before he has had a chance to stand up. Stan then manages a tag to Terminator and the fans boo as he steps into the ring. Terminator then climbs to the second rope and then gives Shannon an elbow to the shoulder as Stan holds his arm out. As Stan then exits the ring, Terminator applies an arm bar on the weakened Skanes while his son stomps on the apron to get his father back into the match. Shannon then backs Terminator into the ropes, then whips him off the ropes and tries for a shoulder block, but Terminator lands an elbow to the sore shoulder on Shannon and then gives him an eye gouge. Terminator then whips Shannon into the corner buckle and goes for a shoulder block only to miss when Shannon steps out of the way. Shannon then lunges to his corner and tags in Bruce Miller. Bruce enters the ring and lands a right hook on a charging Stan to send him to the mat and then gives a backdrop to The Killer as he tries to attack Miller. Miller then whips Terminator off the ropes and gives him a lariat that sends him down to the mat. He goes for the pin only to move out of the way as Killer tries an elbow. Instead, the elbow smash lands on the chest of his partner Terminator before Bruce then whips Killer through the ropes and out to the floor. Sammy Jo Johnson - And just like that, Bruce Miller is in charge. Steve Blake - The clocks have been set back twenty years as Bruce and Shannon show why they were tag tean champions and damned good ones, too. Bruce stands Stan Smith up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick to the mat. Bruce then tags in Noah Skanes and Noah climbs the ropes. The lights then go out and the crowd seems anxious as we hear a couple of loud thuds. Sammy Jo Johnson - This can't be good. Steve Blake - I am guessing that you're right on that one. When the lights come up, Bruce Miller is down and he's bleeding from the forehead with Terminator on top of him for the pin attempt. 1...2...3! Killer pulls Terminator from the ring where they and Stan Smith head towards the back. We then briefly see Ben and Sam Grogan as the twin terrors disappear into the crowd while the fans boo them and the result that they just caused. Sammy Jo Johnson - Stan and TKO with a heavily aided win this week. Steve Blake - They're going to regret that. Believe me. Bruce will destroy them both. We fade out as Noah and Shannon check on the fallen and bloodied Bruce Miller. So ends another week of Warriors. |