March 10th, 2007 Chilliwack's Prospera Center is again packed and anxious to see the action as Overdrive takes to the air. We then hear "Coming Undone" by Korn as we see images of Scavenger, Vesuvius, Noah Skanes, Corina, Kathy Smith, Sammy Jo Johnson, Steve Hawkins, Tough Eagle and Orlock before we head to ringside where Ricky Simms and Steve Blake are once again set to call tonight's action.
"All Hallow's Eve" by Type O Negative plays as Orlock and Kindred step out onto the apron, led by The Surgeon. They make their way down the ramp slowly as the fans boo them. They pay no attention to the fans and Orlock pulls himself onto the apron and then steps over the top rope into the ring while Kindred takes his place in his team's corner. Their music then fades and we hear "My Way" by Limp Bizkit and Noah Skanes steps out onto the stage with Bruce Miller to a loud ovation from the capacity crowd. They then make their way down the ramp, giving fans high fives as they reach ringside and then Bruce pulls himself onto the apron and steps through the ropes into the ring while Noah takes his place in their corner and their music fades while referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - Two members of Vesuvius' crew are facing two leaders of the Sensational Seven to open tonight's show. Steve Blake - This should be a really close match. I like Noah's spirit in this though and Bruce Miller is a true legend in this business. Orlock moves in and locks up with Bruce Miller. Orlock then shoves Bruce into a neutral corner and then kicks him in the ribs repeatedly while the fans start a chant for Bruce. Orlock then gives Bruce a hip toss to the middle of the ring and then places him in a full Nelson before he has a chance to collect himself. Seeing his partner in trouble, Kindred rushes into the ring and clotheslines Bruce to the mat which breaks the hold. Bruce slowly gets to his feet and Orlock is already back up. Orlock gives Bruce a head butt and then rakes his eyes along the top rope. Orlock then gives Bruce Miller a fall away slam to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bruce Miller. Ricky Simms - Kindred's clothesline put a damper on a fast start by Miller. Steve Blake - Orlock and Kindred are monsters. The fact they are getting tag team title shots in two weeks means that the current champs are in for a serious test. Orlock stands Bruce up, pulls him to his corner and then tags in Kindred. Kindred steps over the top rope into the ring and then he and Orlock give Bruce Miller a double vertical suplex to the mat. Kindred then stands Miller up, whips him into a neutral corner and then gives him a spear in the corner before pulling him to the mat and going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bruce Miller. Kindred then stands Bruce up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Bruce Miller ducks it. Bruce then gives Kindred a series of punches to the jaw and then whips him off the ropes before giving him a dropkick to the mat. Bruce then rolls to his corner and tags in Noah Skanes. Noah enters the ring and picks Kindred up over his shoulder and runs him head first into the corner buckle. Ricky Simms - The tide just turned. Steve Blake - Oh, Surgeon knows his boys are in trouble now. Noah stands Kindred up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. Noah then signals to the crowd that he is ready to end this, but then he takes a chair shot to the head from Orlock and the referee calls for the bell. Bruce Miller dropkicks Orlock right over the top rope to the floor and then he puts the boots to Kindred as he rolls out of the ring and the announcement is made that the Sensational Seven members have won by disqualification. Ricky Simms - I get the feeling these guys were just sent out here to soften up Noah heading into his title shot. Steve Blake - That would appear to be the case. As soon as the former champ hit the ring, he got the chair shot and it was a brutal one. As Orlock and Kindred are led to the back, we look at Tough Eagle who is sitting in the middle of the woods, next to a bonfire. There is war paint on his face and he looks as sour as we have ever seen him look. Tough Eagle - Jake Strong, you were once a friend of mine. I remember when we first met backstage at a CWA show and I thought you were a headstrong man with a solid future as long as you controlled your ego. Now, you did that and we became friends. We became good friends, tag team partners and we even shared holidays with our families. We broke bread together often, Jake. You were not Scavenger. I was not Tough Eagle. It was Jake and Gene going bowling, fishing, hiking and generally being close friends despite our very different personalities. Eagle stands and looks skyward, letting out a long sigh. Tough Eagle - I always knew there was a chance you would turn. I always knew that there was a chance our friendship would end on a sour note. I just never had any nightmare as bad as this. My niece, Lauren, is your wife. You have now shown me twice that means nothing to you. Family means nothing to you. Lauren has asked me to step aside. Lauren asked me to stay out of this. Jake, you then attacked her. You attacked my family and now.... there will be no mercy for you when we next meet. I had you down last week and then I allowed myself to be distracted. That will not happen again. He then sits back down next to the fire and starts to hum to himself as we fade away from this scene and head back to the ring.
Diva ladder match Ricky Simms - The ladder is inside the ring and the first one to retrieve the contract hanging above the ladder will join Corina and Kathy Smith in the Diva title match in two weeks at Backdraft. Steve Blake - We have the censors all set as well as each time a woman climbs the ladder and fails to retrieve the contract, they have to remove an article of clothing. Kelly Buchanan and Corina were co-winners the last time we saw this format. Ricky Simms - It certainly pushes the CWA ratings up and gets the fans into it. The crowd cheers as the four ladies involved in this match make their way to the ring and then they take their places in all four corners. All four are wearing red T-shirts and black shorts, embroidered with the CWA logo and both are available on the CWA web site. The bell sounds and Missy starts brawling with Cordelia Parizi while Kelly and Julie trade shots. Missy whips Cordelia into the ladder, knocking it over and it then rests on the top rope. Kelly then smashes Julie's face into the ladder and then gives her a German suplex to the mat. Missy picks Cordelia up and slams her to the mat and then Missy kicks Kelly Buchanan in the side of the head before tossing her over the top rope and out to the floor. Ricky Simms - Missy appears to want this one bad. Steve Blake - She is making quick work of the opposition in this one. Missy sets the ladder under the contract and then takes a chop block to the mat from Julie Sweet. Julie then tosses Missy through the ropes and out to the floor and then she starts up the ladder towards her title shot. Cordelia Parizi then starts up the other side of the ladder and she reaches the top at the same instant as Julie and they start trading punches. Missy climbs the ropes in the corner, leaps off and dropkicks the ladder, knocking both Julie and Cordelia off the ladder and right out to the floor as they both clear the top rope. Missy then sets the ladder up again, but she takes a kick to the gut from Kelly who has now returned to the ring. Kelly then gives Missy a power bomb to the mat while both Julie and Cordelia are forced to remove their T-shirts before they return to the ring to continue the fight. Ricky Simms - Last time out, we had two women reach a certain point and decide that the title wasn't worth the humiliation. Corina and Kelly continued to the extreme and both won the match, but Kelly never held it solely. That must eat away at her a little. Steve Blake - Oh I can imagine that it would. She was so close to getting the title and yet Corina never lost her grip on it despite the many challenges. Kelly attacks Julie as she comes back into the ring with a spear to the mat. Cordelia then plants an elbow to the gut on Julie and then gets to her feet where she starts trading punches with Kelly Buchanan. Cordelia then gives Kelly a series of forearm smashes to the jaw and then whips her into the corner buckle where she then gives her a series of kicks to the gut. Cordelia then picks Kelly up and tosses her into the arms of Julie Sweet, sending them both to the mat. Cordelia then takes a standing dropkick from Missy that sends her through the ropes and out to the floor. Missy then starts up the ramp towards the contracts. Cordelia then reaches for the ladder and starts up after Missy. Cordelia then tosses Missy down to the mat and then she opts to start up after the contract herself. She is then knocked off the ladder when Julie Sweet leaps off the top rope and gives her a shoulder block off the ladder to the mat. Missy takes off her T-shirt and Cordelia removes her shorts before she gets to her feet. Ricky Simms - The censors had better be alert here. Steve Blake - This is what separates those who really want the title from those who just want to fight. Missy takes a standing dropkick from Julie Sweet. Cordelia then picks Julie up and tosses her over the top rope and out to the floor. Cordelia is then dumped over the top rope and out to the floor by Kelly Buchanan. Kelly then stands Missy up, whips her face first into the ladder and then gives her a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Kelly then rights the ladder and starts to make her way towards the contract. Cordelia rolls into the ring and starts up the ladder on the opposite side from Kelly. Cordelia again manages to reach the top at the same time as her opponent and she and Kelly start trading punches. Missy is then seen climbing the ropes in the near corner and she leaps off and kicks the ladder over, knocking both Cordelia and Kelly onto the ropes where they both become entangled. Julie Sweet then rolls into the ring and takes a clothesline right back out to the floor by Missy. Missy then starts to make her way up the ladder while Kelly takes off her T-shirt and Cordelia rolls herself out to the floor and decalres that she is out of this match. Ricky Simms - Cordelia refuses to remove her bra and continue, so we are down to three. Steve Blake - It's wide open and any of the remaining divas could win this. Kelly catches Missy's foot and manages to pull her off the ladder and then Kelly starts up the ladder while Missy has to remove her shorts. Julie Sweet starts up the other side of the ladder and then meets Kelly at the top and they trade rights and lefts before Kelly thumbs Julie in the eye. Kelly then shoves Julie off the ladder but she loses her balance as the ladder shakes and she falls right into the arms of Missy who gives her a spinning power slam to the mat. Kelly takes off her shorts and gets to her feet in time to take a round house kick to the chest from Missy. Julie removes her shorts and gets to her feet and also takes a round house kick from Missy who stands in the middle of the ring and nods while the fans cheer her on. Ricky Simms - Missy is in control here. Can she get the title shot? Steve Blake - There is no doubt in my mind that any of these three women could win this match. Kelly gets to her feet and then gives Missy and eye gouge and then gives her a snap suplex to the mat. Kelly then gives Missy a leg drop across the throat and then Kelly gets to her feet and she sets the ladder underneath the contract. Kelly then turns and takes a clothesline to the mat from Julie Sweet. Julie then starts up the ladder towards the contract. Missy sees her heading up the ladder and then grabs it and pulls it over with both hands. Julie craches to the floor, clearing the top rope for the second time in this match. Missy then sets the ladder up under the contract again only to take a vicious clothesline to the mat from Kelly Buchanan. On the floor, Julie looks skyward for a moment, then removes her bra and rolls herself into the ring. Ricky Simms - Welcome to blurred vision, home viewers. Steve Blake - That takes a lot away from the experience. Julie starts brawling with Kelly. Kelly thumbs Julie in the eye and then gives her an atomic drop that sends her through the ropes and back out to the floor. Kelly then stands the ladder up and starts up the ladder after the contract. Missy then starts up the ladder beneath her. Missy then climbs beneath Kelly and then gives her an electric chair to the mat. Missy then takes off her bra and gets to her feet while Kelly does the same. Missy starts up the ladder while Kelly starts up the other side. They reach the top and then Kelly thumbs Missy in the eye and then gives her a vertical suplex off the ladder to the mat. Ricky Simms - Kelly appears to have snapped again. She intentionally took herself off the top of the ladder there. Steve Blake - I am not complaining. Missy gets to her feet and then places Kelly in a headlock, both women now nude. Missy gives Kelly a DDT to the mat and then gives a charging Julie Sweet a drop toe hold face first to the mat before she then kicks Julie right out of the ring to the floor once again. Missy then starts up the ladder and then reaches for and grabs the contract. She falls back to the mat and the referee calls for the bell while Missy clings to the contract. She then rolls herself out to the floor where a staff member wraps her in a towel. Ricky Simms - Missy proved tonight she will go to any lengths to wear gold in the CWA. Steve Blake - That makes the diva title match very interesting indeed. Corina has the deck stacked against her. As the towel-clad Missy starts for the back, we see Shannon Skanes with Ray Dees outside of CWA headquarters. Ray Dees - I understand that you have a small announcement to make. Shannon Skanes - Well, I am very proud of this company and I am proud of the moves we have made since I came back here in December. I am proud to announce that we will be bringing you a new CWA magazine every month and that it will feature some great news, fantastic behind the scenes material and it will have two editions. Ray Dees - That sounds ambitious. Shannon Skanes - The first edition of the magazine will feature Vesuvius, Scavenger as well as Tough Eagle. The centerfold of the magazine will be none other than Missy. One edition will feature her in a bathing suit and the other will be the one that's geared towards adults and she won't be wearing the bathing suit. Ray Dees - That sounds a little risky. Shannon Skanes - Look, some companies want to ride that line between family entertainment and bringing adults to the show. We are going to do both at once. Why should I sell off our divas to another magazine for publishing nude photos? We can do that here and it will make us some serious cash which then goes back into the company. Ray Dees - I like your thinking. Shannon Skanes - I thought you might. Let's get back to the ring!
"Mouth" by Bush plays and the crowd cheers as Fixxxer steps out onto the stage. He is half way down the ramp when Samson attacks him from behind and gives him repeated double axe handle smashes across the back. Samson then picks Fixxxer up and slams him onto the steel ramp and then poses for the booing crowd. Samson then stands Fixxxer up and then gives him a side Russian leg sweep to the mat and then Samson gets to his feet and continues to make his way to the ring. He casually rolls himself under the bottom rope into the ring where he poses again. Samson just shakes his head and then leans against the ropes and smiles towards the dazed Fixxxer. Ricky Simms - If it involved true courage, Samson avoids it like the plague. Steve Blake - The man is really a coward. In the months he has been here, he has never met a shortcut that he didn't like. Fixxxer staggers towards the ring and then pulls himself onto the apron. Samson greets him with a series of forearm smashes to the jaw and then gives him a snap mare over the top rope into the ring where the referee can finally call for the bell to get this match officially started. Samson places Fixxxer in a sleeper hold and screams at him to give up. The referee checks for a submission, but Fixxxer refuses to give up and then he fights to get to his feet. Samson releases Fixxxer and then gives him a knee to the gut which doubles him over before giving him a knee lift to the face. Samson then rakes Fixxxer's eyes along the top rope. Samson then whips Fixxxer into the corner buckle and then charges in for a shoulder block, but Fixxxer manages to get out of the way in time to avoid it. Ricky Simms - Fixxxer is finally getting a chance to get on track in this one. Steve Blake - This is usually when Samson gets himself disqualified or his father Goliath shows up. Fixxxer gives Samson a series of knife edge chops to the chest and then gives him a head butt that sends him down to the mat. Fixxxer then gives Samson a fireman's carry into a side slam to the mat and then lands a knee to the forehead on Samson before he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Samson. Fixxxer stands Samson up, whips him off the ropes and then both men clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting them both down while the fans start chanting for Fixxxer. We then see Vesuvius coming out from the back and starting to make his way down the ramp which draws boos from the crowd. Ricky Simms - This is bad news. Steve Blake - The CWA champ is all about bad news. Fixxxer pulls himself to his hands and knees on the four count and then starts landing punches to the side of the head on Samson. Samson then thumbs Fixxxer in the eye and then gives him a head butt. Samson gets to his feet and grabs Fixxxer by the hair. Fixxxer lands a series of punches to the gut on Samson and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Fixxxer then spots Vesuvius at ringside and has a few words for him and then spits on the CWA champion. Fixxxer tells Vesuvius to back off and then gets caught in a roll up by Samson who then hooks the tights. 1...2...3! Samson takes full advantage of the distraction and gets the win over Scavenger's little brother. Vesuvius exits ringside with a smile on his face. Ricky Simms - Never let Vesuvius get to you or defeat will follow. Steve Blake - It is easier said than done, but it is true. As Samson leaves the ring with his arms raised in victory, we see Steve Hawkins outside in the sunshine, in a spot that clearly was taped earlier today and apparently on a ranch. Hawkins has a length of rope in his hands and a smile on his face as he looks towards the sunny sky above. Steve Hawkins - In two weeks, I face Tough Eagle in a classic battle of cowboys and Indians. Of course, Gene and I know it's more than that. We know we are fighting for the chance to go after a man who needs to be hung from the nearest tree. You see, I am not a hero by any means. I am not going to be the man who kisses babies and plays up to the fans, but I have my limits and I see that some men don't. Hawkins hops off the fence and quickly ties the length of rope into a noose. Steve Hawkins - You see, if you give a man enough rope he will hang himself. Scavenger is on a power trip and has clearly hung his morals, his beliefs and his very soul from the nearest tree. The thing is, he's too damned stupid to see it. We can see it clear as day. We know what Scavenger was all about and the man he is now needs to be punished. Eagle, you and I both want to bring this man to justice. We both want to hurt him for having the nerve to put his hands on a woman. Whoever wins in two weeks gets a shot at him. How about it? The winner has gold anyway, so that will interest him. It gives us something to fight for outside of the title, too. It makes things a little more interesting. Eagle, in two weeks we will square off and we will fight out the age old race battle everyone expects, but we will fight it with a level of respect that no one sees coming. Fourteen days, Eagle, and I have your length of rope right here. Try not to hang yourself with it. Hawkins chuckles and walks off screen and then we fade back to the ring.
"You Could Be Mine" by Guns N Roses plays as The Killer and Terminator step out onto the stage where the crowd boos them while Stan Smith then follows them out. Stan then trails behind as they make their way down the ramp and then Terminator rolls himself under the bottom rope into the ring while The Killer takes his place in their corner. Their music then fades and we hear "Moskau" by Rammstein ad Syckle and Ghostly Figure make their way out to a huge ovation from the crowd. The two giants then make their way down the ramp, neither of them speaking to one another or taking their eyes off the ring. Ricky Simms - Four big men square off here as preparation for Backdraft. Steve Blake - They had better have reinforced the ring because these guys are pretty damned big. Figure steps up onto the apron and takes a series of forearm smashes to the side of the head from Terminator. Terminator then gives Figure a snap mare over the top rope and into the ring where the referee then calls for the bell to get the action officially underway. Terminator applies a nerve hold on Figure. Figure then reaches back and manages to grab the middle rope which forces the break. Terminator releases Figure and gives him a knee to the spine and then stands him up and whips him off the ropes. He goes for a clothesline, but Figure stays standing and then gives Terminator a vicious head butt that staggers him before giving him an inverted atomic drop and then giving him a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Figure then gets to his feet, stands Terminator up and whips him into a neutral corner. Figure goes for a shoulder block there, but finds no one home as Terminator steps out of the way and then sends Figure's shoulder right into the steel corner post. Ricky Simms - Good back and forth action in this one. Steve Blake - These are four intense athletes, so we can expect this kind of fight from them. Terminator pulls Figure to his corner and tags in The Killer. Terminator then holds Figure's arm up and Killer gives Figure a kick to the ribs and then gives him a knee to the gut followed by a swinging neck breaker to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Ghostly Figure. Killer stands Figure up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Killer then gives Figure a leg drop across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Ghostly Figure. Killer stands Figure up, whips him off the ropes and Figure manages to duck a clothesline and then tags in Syckle. Syckle charges in and lands a series of rights and lefts to the chest on Killer and then gives him a German suplex to the mat. Ricky Simms - The big Russian is in the ring. Steve Blake - He's scary strong and fast, as well. Syckle stands Killer up, whips him into the neutral corner and then gives him a sidewalk slam to the mat. Syckle then drops an elbow smash across the throat on Killer and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by The Killer. Syckle stands Killer up, whips him off the ropes and Killer ducks a clothesline and then tags in Terminator. Terminator charges straight into a spear from Syckle who then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Syckle scores a mild upset over TKO this week. Ricky Simms - Wow, I didn't see that coming. Steve Blake - Syckle is so strong and quick, he can beat you that easily. Syckle and Ghostly Figure high five one another while Killer and Terminator try to figure out what happened and Stan Smith argues that it was a fast count from the floor while fans taunt him. While they leave, we look to the backstage area where Ray Dees is with Vesuvius. Ray Dees - V-Man, Backdraft is upon us and Noah Skanes gets his rematch. Do you have any words for him? Vesuvius - Noah, I have always respected you. Hell, that's why I had to pull the rug out from under you when I took this belt away from you. That's why I did what I had to. At Backdraft, I will finish what I started. We don't need Donald Trump to make our match interesting. If we want bad hair inside the ring with us, we can always call your mother. We don't need a lot of bells and whistles. I don't need anything to defeat you either. I am the true CWA champion and it will take a helluva lot to get the gold off my waist. Ray Dees - You sound confident. Vesuvius - Raymond, I am a champion. I didn't get here by being self conscious and insecure. I got here by being the best at what I do. One of the things I am best at is taking shortcuts when necessary to advance my career. It's all about me and Backdraft is all about me retaining my title. Noah, you don't stand a chance. You might be better off finding something else to do with your time. This belt isn't going anywhere. Vesuvius smiles and exits the screen and we return to the ring.
"Fly Away" by Lenny Kravitz plays as Carl Simms steps out onto the stage. The music fades as we see that he and Scarecrow are already brawling with one another. Carl then eye gouges Scarecrow before he then gives him a knee to the gut and then goes for a DDT, but Scarecrow stands and gives Carl a backdrop onto the steel stage. Scarecrow then puts the boots to Carl Simms and then gives him a leg drop across the throat. Scarecrow then stands Carl up and pulls him down the ramp to ringside. Scarecrow then picks Carl up and slams him to the floor and then rolls himself into the ring while Calvin Kool strust down the ramp towards ringside with a grin on his face. Ricky Simms - My son isn't going to lose a match because of this idiot. Steve Blake - Rick, you get involved here and you cost Carl the match yourself. Carl gets to his feet and then rolls himself into the ring where the referee can finally call for the bell while Scarecrow puts the boots to Carl Simms. Scarecrow then stands Carl up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of shoulder blocks from there before giving him a spine buster to the mat. He then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Carl Simms. Scarecrow has a few unkind words with the referee about the speed of the count as he then stands Carl Simms up. Scarecrow whips Carl off the ropes and Simms ducks a clothesline and then gives Scarecrow a reverse neck breaker to the mat. Carl Simms then goes to the ropes and lands a springboard back elbow to the throat on Scarecrow and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Scarecrow. Steve Blake - Your son looks good here, Rick. Ricky Simms - Carl is a much better wrestler than I ever was. Carl stands Scarecrow up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Carl then poses for the cheering fans before he then dives through the ropes and gives Scarecrow a body press to the floor. Carl then stands Scarecrow up and rolls him into the ring and then he goes to roll himself into the ring, but Calvin Kool grabs his foot. Carl then rolls himself out to the floor and stands nose to nose with Kool. Ricky Simms - Not going to watch this happen. Ricky leaves the announce table and makes his way around the ring and then spins Calvin Kool around and starts landing rights and lefts on him while a recovered Scarecrow rolls himself back out to the floor. Scarecrow opts to attack Ricky with a double axe handle smash to the back, but he pays the price as Carl Simms gives him a super kick to the jaw. Carl then rolls Scarecrow into the ring before rolling himself into the ring where he goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Carl Simms scores the win! Steve Blake - Well, Scarecrow decided to attack the wrong Simms and that made Carl angry enough to get the win headed into Backdraft. He appears to be in great shape, so I am really looking forward to this coming event. As Rick appears to be hurting at ringside, I'll close tonight's Overdrive. Tune in for Backdraft and thanks for watching! We fade to black as Carl and Ricky Simms embrace and then raise each other's arms, drawing the cheers from the crowd. |