December 30th, 2006

"Iron Man" by Black Sabbath plays as Arizona comes out onto the stage with a smile on his face, already looking smug before the last show of 2006 has even started. The crowd starts an "Arizona sucks" chant while he stands there and simply nods his head, looking around at the fans who apparently dislike him as much as ever. Arizona then makes his way down the ramp towards the ring before he rolls himself under the bottom rope and then quickly gets to his feet, a microphone already in hand.

Arizona - Last week, I showed all of you what I can do when I took Mark Simms apart. I injured him for trying to get in my way and now I stand two weeks from becoming your new CWA champion when I break that chump Noah Skanes in half. The only issue I am having is a simple one. No one back there presents a challenge to me. No one is worth my while.

He pauses and the crowd boos him some more.

Sammy Jo Johnson - It isn't exactly a love fest towards Arizona here, is it?

Steve Blake - These fans know what they hate.

Arizona - See, I didn't see the point in a proper opening to the show tonight since I own this damned show. Last week I proved that. I took a has been and set him aside. Tonight I stand here with no one left to shove aside. I am unstoppable! Anyone can come out here right now and suffer Mark Simms' fate tonight!

As Arizona laughs, we suddenly hear "All Hallow's Eve" by Type O Negative and Surgeon leads Orlock onto the stage where the crowd greets the wide eyed freak with loud cheers. Orlock looks into the ring with his soulless eyes and then starts down the ramp with Kindred now coming out behind him, a grin on the sick man's face while Orlock portrays no emotion as usual. Arizona backs himself into the farthest corner and it's clear he wants no part of this.

Arizona - No, I was challenging a wrestler. Orlock here is no wrestler! Orlock is some side show freak not meant to be inside the ring! Surgeon, you are a complete failure who has sinned against nature more than any man could without being damned for eternity. Just take this freak out of here. I am challenging wrestlers! No wrestlers will dare face me tonight! I am unstoppable against men! Orlock is no man! I cannot be defeated by any mortal man!

As Orlock steps over the top rope into the ring, we hear the opening chord of "Mine Teil" by Rammstein and the lights turn red. Arizona starts slamming the microphone into his forehead as Vesuvius steps out onto the stage with Xandra at his side as the two of them get a very loud ovation. Vesuvius nods his head to the music as he makes his way down the ramp and then he smiles and looks back up the ramp to the stage. Stage hands are bringing out what appears to be a cauldron. It turns out Vesuvius has a microphone as well.

Vesuvius - Arizona, you're a complete and total ass. I should know. I am one myself. The difference is I have been the world champion time and again and you simply will never get there. I challenge you to a cauldron match. The winner of this match between you, me and the freak is the one who stuffs one of their opponents into that cauldron there.

Arizona - You're a sick man.

Vesuvius - You're stating the obvious. You accept or admit defeat?

Arizona - I'd love to stuff both of you in there, lock the lid and boil you both alive. It would raise the average IQ around here and make this place a lot more handsome than it is right now.

Vesuvius rolls himself into the ring and Arizona attacks him with kicks to the back of the head as referee Mark Davis is quickly sent out to call this match to the delight of the crowd as the bell sounds.


Arizona stands Vesuvius up and whips him into the corner buckle before he then takes a vicious clothesline to the mat from Orlock. Orlock then grabs Arizona around the throat and seems set to give him a choke slam to finish this in record time. Arizona instead kicks Orlock in the gut, then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Arizona then charges into the corner towards Vesuvius who raises his knees and catches Arizona in the chin with them. He then gives Arizona a series of rights anf lefts to the jaw before he then whips him through the ropes and out to the floor.

Sammy Jo Johnson - We won't see much technical wrestling in this match.

Steve Blake - Three monsters of this company are going at it at once here. This is quite the impromptu match.

Vesuvius drops and rolls himself out to the floor and then he starts trading punches with Arizona while Orlock is seen slinking his way out to the floor and slowly making his way to Vesuvius and Arizona. While the two men brawl, Orlock grabs them both by the hair and then rams their heads together five times while the crowd cheers. Orlock then tosses Arizona into the guard railing before he does the same to Vesuvius. Surgeon is then seen explaining to Orlock what he needs to do while pointing at the cauldron on the stage.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Orlock is so unpredictable. There is no telling if he can follow this command.

Steve Blake - People mistaken Orlock for being stupid, but he isn't. He knows what he is doing. He just takes a few moments longer to figure some things out which can cost him.

Orlock grabs Arizona by the hair and slowly walks him around the ring. Arizona then lands a series of elbows to the ribs on Orlock to break free and then gives him a kick to the back before slamming his face into the steel ring steps. Arizona then places Orlock in a headlock and gives him a bulldog to the floor. Arizona then starts pulling Orlock up the ramp, though it is slow going when you're pulling a seven feet tall man. Vesuvius makes his way around the ring quickly and starts trading rights and lefts with Arizona on the ramp which means Orlock has been freed. Vesuvius then ducks a right from Arizona, spins him around and gives him an atomic drop. Vesuvius then turns Arizona around and sets for a DDT, but Orlock pulls the feet out from under Vesuvius and then starts to choke him with both hands.

Sammy Jo Johnson - As I suspected. this is basically a street fight.

Steve Blake - There is nothing wrong with a street fight. I won plenty of them in my day.

Arizona gets to his feet and watches as Orlock chokes the fallen Vesuvius. Arizona then waits a few moments before he shoves Orlock right off the ramp and down to the concrete floor where he lands in a heap. Arizona then picks Vesuvius up and gives him a power slam onto the ramp. Arizona then pulls Vesuvius up the ramp to the stage where the cauldron sits open. Arizona stands Vesuvius up, but Vesuvius gives Arizona a head butt and then ducks and gives him a back drop right into the cauldron, causing the referee to call for the bell as Xandra rushes to her man and embraces him. We also see Kindred helping Orlock to his feet on the floor. Mark Davis raises Vesuvius' hand as the crowd cheers and Arizona throws a tantrum inside the cauldron which was apparently filled with what we hope is gravy. Vesuvius heads backstage.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Vesuvius accepted Arizona's challenge and then he won the match.

Steve Blake - He let Vesuvius name the stipulation. I think that did him in.

Backstage we see Myst doing sit ups in her locker room. Kathy Smith then enters the picture.

Myst - What do you want?

Kathy Smith - I want to wish you luck tonight with Cordelia.

Myst - Right before your brother attacks me again, right?

Kathy Smith - I had nothing to do with that.

Myst - Prove it. Make me believe you.

Kathy Smith - How do I do that?

Myst - You're a smart girl. You'll think of something.

Kathy retreats from the room and we head back to the ring.


"Pour Some Sugar On Me" by Def Leppard plays as "Lovely" Lorenzo Cortez steps out onto the stage, drawing the cheers of the crowd. Lorenzo then starts making his way down the ramp, but he is attacked by Caleb Knox and the two start trading punches there. Caleb then ducks a right from Lorenzo and then gives him a kick to the gut and then gives him a gut wrench suplex onto the steel ramp. Caleb then puts the boots to Lorenzo while the crowd boos him. Caleb then drags Lorenzo to ringside and then stands him up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring where referee Francis Clarke then calls for the bell to make this match official. Caleb goes for the pin. 1...2... Lorenzo rolls a shoulder out in time.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Caleb wants to make an example of Lorenzo tonight, the man who will team with Dan Jalldoff to try and take the tag belts from Caleb and Gravity at Battle of the Warriors.

Steve Blake - Lorenzo is a tough man. Few have taken him seriously in his career and many have paid the price.

Caleb stands Lorenzo up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Caleb then lands a leg drop across the throat of Lorenzo and again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Lorenzo Cortez. Caleb has a few words with the referee in regards to the speed of his count and then stands Lorenzo up, whips him into the corner and charges in for a shoulder block only to take raised knees to the chin from Lorenzo who then gives Caleb a vicious knife edge chop that knocks him down to the mat before Caleb rolls himself out of the ring. Lorenzo follows him and gives him a series of double axe handle smashes across the back. Lorenzo then stands Caleb up and slams his face into the ring apron ten times while the fans count the shots. Lorenzo then rolls Caleb into the ring before rolling himself in where he goes for the pin. 1...2... Caleb kicks out.

Sammy Jo Johnson - It looks like Caleb is learning how tough Lorenzo really is.

Steve Blake - Hey, it is a known fact that Lorenzo has the nickname "Lovely" to throw people off. It has always worked. Some wrestlers cannot stand having nicknames that make them sound week. He banks on it.

Lorenzo stands Caleb up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick back to the mat. Lorenzo then stands caleb up and whips him into the corner buckle before giving him a series of shoulder blocks. Lorenzo then gives Caleb an overhead belly to belly suplex to the mat where he tries for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Caleb Knox. Lorenzo then stands Caleb up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a hip toss to the mat. Caleb manages to land on his feet, gives Lorenzo an elbow to the throat and then gives him a fireman's carry into a slam to the mat. Caleb then gives Lorenzo a knee to the forehead and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Lorenzo. Caleb then stands Lorenzo up, whips him off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat.

Sammy Jo Johnson - This is a tough one to call at this point.

Steve Blake - Lorenzo looks pretty good for a guy who hasn't wrestled on his own inside a CWA ring for some time.

On the four count from the referee, Caleb kips up to his feet. On the five count, Lorenzo does the same and then he winks at Caleb. Caleb takes a wild swing at Lorenzo, but Lorenzo ducks it and then gives Caleb a German suplex to the mat, stands him up and gives him another. Lorenzo then stands Caleb up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a boot to the chest that sends him back to the mat. We then see Gravity stepping through the crowd at ringside and he calls out to Lorenzo.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Here comes bas news.

Steve Blake - This is the problem with the tag champs. They don't believe in a fair fight.

Lorenzo has a few words for Gravity and then actually spits on him while Caleb gets to his feet behind him. Caleb charges and lands a vicious spear to the back of Lorenzo and then rolls him into a small package, using the ropes for added leverage out of sight of the referee. 1...2...3! Caleb cheats out the win this week.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Another steal for the tag champs this week.

Steve Blake - Battle of the Warriors should be a big challenge for Lorenzo and Dan Jalldoff. Taking the belts off these guys will be no small task.

As Caleb exits the ring and high fives his tag partner on a job well done, we look backstage and see Crystal Braun with Steve Hawkins who has the Inter-Continental title over his shoulder.

Crystal Braun - Steve, you are once again the I-C champ of the CWA. Now we understand you have signed a match for Battle of the Warriors?

Steve Hawkins - Samson challenged me after last night's show went off the air and I accepted. Of course, Zack McCracken wants in on it just because he thinks it will help him win back Felicity.

Crystal Braun - What do you say to critics who point to Zack's terrible record and state he doesn;t deserve the shot?

Steve Hawkins - Zack is not a factor, but I would not have him walking around here saying I ducked him. I will take him apart and then I will rip Samson's head off.

Crystal Braun - Has anyone seen Felicity this week?

Steve Hawkins - Does anyone care? She never managed anyone who went anywhere.

Crystal Braun - Good point. Best of luck to you, Steve.

Steve Hawkins - Thanks, Crystal. I plan to destroy two men in two weeks and maintain my standing as the greatest man to ever hold this title.

Steve exits the picture and we return to the ring.


"Beautiful Stranger" by Madonna plays as Zack McCracken comes out onto the stage and he bows before the crowd. They give him a mixed reaction as he makes his way down the ramp with a smile on his face. He then rolls himself into the ring and motions for the microphone.

Zack McCracken - Felicity, I know you are watching. Tonight I will win this match and you will be mine again. I am on my way to being the new Inter-Continental champ to prove to you what the power of love can do.

He tosses the microphone back out of the ring to the floor. We then hear his music fade and "Moskau" by Rammstein starts to play as Syckle comes out to the cheers of the crowd. Syckle flexes his muscles towards the camera and then makes his way down the ramp quickly while Zack stands inside the ring with a silly grin on his face. Syckle makes his way up the ring steps, then steps through the ropes into the ring. Zack nods his head as referee Charley MacAdam calls for the bell.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Zack's delusions are going to get him killed.

Steve Blake - No arguement here. He's about to get his head taken off.

Zack motions for a test of strength with Syckle. Syckle looks confused and then looks to the fans who tell him to go for it. Syckle shrugs and moves in, locks fingers with Zack and then Zack kicks Syckle in the ribs twice. Syckle doesn't move and shows no sign of pain. This causes Zack to start pleading for mercy. Syckle starts to smile and then releases the hands of Zack and gives him a big boot to the chest that sends him into the corner buckle. Syckle then winds up and whips Zack into the opposite buckle and then gives him a vicious spear to the mat when he staggers out of there. Syckle then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Syckle makes quick work of Zack McCracken.

Sammy Jo Johnson - This result surprises no one.

Steve Blake - It may surprise Zack who almost appeared to think he was going to win this match.

Syckle rolls himself out of the ring to the floor and then marches him way up the ramp while we see Felicity watching the action from the locker room, a smile on her face. Samson enters the picture.

Samson - It looks like the Russian idiot beat me to him.

Felicity - *running her nails down Samson's chest* No, you see, there is something you have to do for me in two weeks. You win that title belt and destroy Zack, then I will be your official manager.

Samson - And if I choose not to have a manager?

Felicity - *laughs* I think you'll find I can be very persuasive when I want to be.

Samson - How do I know this isn't a set up?

Felicity - My dear Samson, you got set up last week when Hawkins and Scarecrow put you out. You need to prove yourself on the grandest stage of them all and I know you'll succeed.

Samson - Don't screw me over, Felicity, or I will treat you the same as I would any wrestler inside the ring. You'll be lucky to walk again.

Felicity - You're such a flirt.

Samson exits while Felicity is seen grinning to herself.

Sammy Jo Johnson - She is up to something.

Steve Blake - That much is clear.


"Bonecracker" by Shocore plays as Blair Drake and Stan Smith step out onto the stage. The two of them are arguing as they make their way down the ramp, Olivia Maine close behind them as they get set for their second tag match together in the same number of weeks. They reach ringside and Blair rolls himself into the ring and tells Stan that he will start the match. Stan just shrugs and then tells Olivia to stay out of his way tonight. Olivia backs off a step or two, but appears to be unimpressed with Stan's threats. Stan then steps up onto the apron and their music fades and we hear "My Way" by Limp Bizkit and Noah Skanes and Shannon Skanes come out onto the stage to the loudest cheers we have heard so far tonight.

Sammy Jo Johnson - The father and son team that is known as Absolute Power reunites tonight.

Steve Blake - And I don't see Stan and Blair being on the same page at all tonight. They know they will fight each other in the triple threat match with Shannon Skanes at Battle of the Warriors, so this is going to get nasty here.

Sammy Jo Johnson - The two leaders of the Sensational Seven here in what should be an incredible match.

Shannon steps onto the apron and opts to start the match with referee Mark Davis calling for the bell. Shannon and Blair start trading punches and kicks in the middle of the ring, matching each other move for move. Blair then eye gouges Shannon, whips him off the ropes and goes for a back drop. Shannon instead headlocks Blair, turns it over and gives him a swinging neck breaker to the mat. Shannon then stands Blair up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a round house kick to the jaw.  Shannon then pulls Blair to his corner and tags in son Noah. Noah, the CWA World champion, then steps into the ring. The father and son team then gives Blair a double vertical suplex to the mat. Noah goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Blair Drake.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Blair has to get it together. You cannot allow the Skanes family to get into sync.

Steve Blake - No argument there. Blair has been a tag champ many times, but he has never tagged with Stan Smith before last week so that is a disadvantage for him.

Noah stands Blair up, whips him off the ropes and Blair ducks a clothesline and then gives Noah a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. He then stands Noah up, whips him into a neutral corner and then gives him a series of kicks to the chest. Blair then pulls Noah to his corner and tags in Stan Smith. Stan enters the ring and they then whip Noah off the ropes and gives him a double clothesline to the mat before Stan goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Noah Skanes. Stan then stands Noah up, whips him into a neutral corner and then goes for a shoulder block, but Noah side steps it. Noah then gives Stan a tilt a whirl backbreaker to the mat.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Again the momentum swinging in favor of the father-son duo.

Steve Blake - Keep this in mind as well. Noah and Shannon have fifteen world title reigns between them. That counts for something.

Noah stands Stan Smith up and pulls him to his corner where he tags in father Shannon. Shannon and Noah then whip Stan off the ropes and gives him a double face buster to the mat. Noah then exits the ring while Shannon lands a series of punches on the downed Stan Smith while we see Steve Hawkins coming out from the back and starting down the ramp. Shannon stands Stan up, whips him into a neutral corner and then gives him a backdrop to the mat from there as Hawkins reaches ringside.

Sammy Jo Johnson - What is Hawkins doing out here?

Steve Blake - I am wondering if this is a sign that Stan Smith's night is about to get a lot worse.

Hawkins makes his way over to Blair Drake and calls out to him. Blair nods his head and drops off the apron. Inside the ring, Shannon stands Stan Smith up only to take a thumb to the eye from Smith. Smith then rushes to his corner only to find no one home. Smith rolls himself out to the floor and stands between Blair and Hawkins. He order Blair into the ring. Blair looks around for a moment, then he shrugs and rolls himself into the ring. Stan Smith then pulls himself onto the apron, but only for a moment. Blair grabs Stan around the neck and gives him a snap mare into the ring, then gives him a knee to the square of the back. Shannon Skanes then picks Stan up and gives him a slingshot suplex into a cradle pin attempt. 1...2...3! Shannon and Noah win as Blair betrays Stan Smith. Blair then exits the ring and heads to the ramp with Steve Hawkins at his side and a happy Olivia Maine walking behind them.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Team SOB is back and Stan Smith pays the price.

Steve Blake - It looks like they won't be working together to defeat Shannon Skanes in two weeks either. Watch for this to get more intense, if that's possible.

Shannon and Noah head up the ramp and we look backstage where Lydia Parizi is seen walking into Myst's locker room.

Myst - What is it now? I need to lock that door.

Lydia Parizi - You also need a partner. Your match with Cordelia just became a tag match. You're up next, by the way.

Myst - You girls are such cowards. I am ready, though. Bring it on.

Lydia Parizi - You'll wish you never interfered in our business last week.

Myst - I just wish you used a breath mint tonight.

Lydia storms off and Myst looks off camera.

Myst - You were right. Let's go.


"Uninvited" by Alanis Morissette plays as the Parizi sisters step out onto the stage and the crowd greets them with boos. They stand on stage and lock arms, bow towards the audience and then start to make their way down the ramp towards the ring. They stop at ringside and debate about which one of them will start the match. Lydia agrees she should get things started and she rolls herself into the ring while Cordelia takes her place on the apron. Lydia then tests the ropes while their music fades and then we hear "Place For My Head" by Linkin Park and Myst walks out onto the stage with her body double Missy and the crowd cheers. As they make their way down the ramp, Kathy Smith comes out as well and is trailing them as they make their way towards the ring.

Sammy Jo Johnson - If these three align, they could dominate the women's division.

Steve Blake - They have aligned before.

Myst pulls herself onto the apron and ducks a punch from Lydia and then gives her a shoulder block through the ropes. Myst then steps into the ring while Missy takes her place in the corner and referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell to officially start the match. Myst locks up with Lydia. Lydia shoves Myst into a neutral corner. Myst then kicks Lydia in the gut, then picks her up and gives her a power bomb to the mat before going for the quick pin. 1...2... Cordelia breaks it up with a kick to the back on Myst. Myst then stands Lydia up, whips her off the ropes and then misses with a clothesline when Lydia ducks it. Lydia then places Myst in a headlock and gives her a bulldog to the mat before she opts to try for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Myst.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Near falls both ways already in this one.

Steve Blake - I have heard rumors about when Kathy and Missy will tie the knot, but there hasn't been anything official on that.

Sammy Jo Johnson - I tried to find that one out myself, but they just aren't talking.

Lydia stands Myst up, whips her into her corner and Cordelia gives Myst a punch to the jaw. Lydia then tags Cordelia into the ring. The two Parizis then whip Myst into the opposite corner. Lydia then drops to all fours and Cordelia uses her as a springboard to land a splash on Myst. Cordelia then picks Myst up and gives her a vertical suplex to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Myst. Cordelia then stands Myst up, whips her off the ropes and misses with a dropkick as Myst holds onto the ropes. Myst then does a shoulder roll to her corner and tags in Missy while Kathy is shown applauding on the floor. Missy clotheslines Cordelia down and then backdrops a charging Lydia. Missy then stands Lydia up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor. Missy then turns her attention back to Cordelia who quickly moves from a kneeling position and cuts the knee out from under Missy. Cordelia then applies an ankle lock submission hold on Missy.

Sammy Jo Johnson - This match is another close one between people who care little for each other.

Steve Blake - That's what this game is all about.

Missy refuses to submit to the ankle lock while Kathy starts a chant for her and the crowd quickly backs her up. Missy reaches for the ropes while Cordelia shouts at her to give up. Missy then lunges a second time and manages to grab the bottom rope. The referee forces the break and Cordelia is clearly not impressed. Missy then rolls to her corner and tags in Myst. Myst enters the ring and ducks a wild punch from Cordelia and then gives her a series of rights and lefts before pulling the feet out from under Cordelia. She then turns her over and applies the Mystifyer. Lydia tries to charges into the ring, but Kathy grabs her feet and won't allow her to interfere. Cordelia reaches for the ropes, but realizes she is too far away and she taps out, causing the referee to call for the bell.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Kathy makes certain Lydia can't make the save and Cordelia is forced to tap out.

Steve Blake - Nice work there and the Parizis will have to think of something else if they want revenge.

As Myst leaves the ring and shakes hands with Kathy, we head backstage and see Sam Grogan with Ray Dees.

Ray Dees - Sam, this is the first time we have seen you since the switch you pulled two weeks ago.

Sam Grogan - I don't know what you're talking about.

Ray Dees - A look alike rolls out from under the ring and wins the match for you. Of course... that could have been you and maybe the double started the match.

Sam Grogan - You're a biased announcer, sir, and I have no time for slanderous people such as yourself.

Ray Dees - It's hardly slander, Sam. We have it on tape.

Sam Grogan - It's all about trying to discredit me. That's all anyone cares about.

Ray Dees - Okay, about your match with Bruce Miller in two weeks at Battle of the Warriors.

Sam Grogan - Well, that will be right after I win the tournament.

Ray Dees - Well, you would be the best rested winner if you won it that we have ever had.

Sam Grogan - What is that supposed to mean?

Ray Dees - Nothing, I guess. Why have you taken last week and this week off from action inside the ring?

Sam Grogan - Greatness like myself needs to portion out that greatness. I overshadow so many people and...

Cody Anderson enters the picture with his arms folded across his chest.

Sam Grogan - Is there a problem, pretty boy?

Cody Anderson - You and Samson really give second generation stars a bad name.

Sam Grogan - Yo, kid, at least people know my damned name. No one knows or cares who you are. I guess that makes sense since your father never had an identity of his own either.

Cody starts brawling with Sam in the hallway. Cody then slams Sam's head into the wall and then picks him up and slams him down to the floor. Cody then marches up the nearby steps that lead to the stage. He steps out onto the stage as "New Sensation" by INXS starts to play. He then makes his way down the ramp while the crowd gives him a solid ovation. He reaches the bottom and turns as Sam Grogan charges out and the two start brawling at ringside.


Sam Grogan slams Cody's head into the apron and then rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Referee Charley MacAdam then calls for the bell and we have another improvised match on our hands tonight.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Cody, a member of the Sensational Seven, taking exception to Sam's result against Bruce Miller and the fact he clearly has a twin brother.

Steve Blake - He must think we're all blind fools. We saw what happened.

Sam stands Cody up, rakes his eyes along the top rope and then he whips him into the farthest corner buckle. Sam then gives Cody a series of punches to the head while he perches himself on the second rope. Cody then wraps his hands around the legs of Sam and gives him an inverted atomic drop before giving him a clothesline to the mat. Cody then puts the boots to Sam Grogan and then grabs the top rope while using his boot to choke Sam out. He breaks the choke before the referee hits the five count which would lead to a disqualification. Cody then stands Sam up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the mat.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Cody is really quite like his father. He is a good looking wrestler with a lot of high flying skill.

Steve Blake - He has also shown, like his father, that he can hold his own in single matches while he is best suited for tag team wrestling.

Cody stands Sam up, whips him into the corner buckle and then misses with a shoulder block when Sam steps out of the way. Sam then gives Cody a series of double axe handle smashes across the back. Sam then picks Cody up and gives him a power slam to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Cody Anderson. Sam then stands Cody up, whips him off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting them both down. On the five count, Sam uses the ropes to start pulling himself to his feet. Cody then kips up on the seven count and he gives Sam a super kick to the jaw that send him right over the top rope and out to the floor.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Nice move there by Cody, a man who really has the promise to become a top notch star on his own merit and not as a member of a team.

Steve Blake - These generation two stars grew up together. This made them wrestlers, but there are a lot of sibling rivalries that develop as well.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Well, the rumor always was that Sam here was adopted at a very young age. Maybe the twin went elsewhere?

Steve Blake - It's baffling to me as well.

Cody drops and rolls out of the ring to the floor. He then stands Sam up and whips him into the guard railing. Cody then steps in and Sam greets him with a kick to the chest. Sam then steps out over the guard railing and disappears into the crowd. A few moments later, a refreshed looking Sam jumps onto the railing and lands a punch to the face on Cody from there before tossing away what appears to be a set of brass knuckles. Sam then stands Cody up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring where he goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Sam Grogan gets the win tonight.

Sammy Jo Johnson - It looks like another switch here by Sam.

Steve Blake - Well, Sam suddenly has energy, brass knuckles and hasn't broken a sweat? Bruce Miller is going to be fighting a handicap match in two weeks at Battle of the Warriors.

Sam exits the ring and raises his arms in victory, telling the camera that no one can stop him before he then starts up the ramp. We then look backstage where Arizona is with Crystal Braun.

Crystal Braun - Arizona, tonight you called out wrestlers and wrestlers came out.

Arizona - That is NOT a blemish on my record! A cauldron match? What the hell is that anyways? Vesuvius is nothing! I am still the number one contender for the CWA title and I will win it from Noah when I get my chance.

Crystal Braun - But Vesuvius did beat you, regardless of the way he did it.

Arizona - You know what? I am sick of the freaks that run around this place and pose as wrestlers! Orlock is a circus freak and is dangerous. Vesuvius is a has been who relies on an old gimmick no one cares about anymore and he's trying desperately to get back to his former glory. The glory is mine. I won my chance when I ran Mark Simms out of town last week. Vesuvius will not take that away from me.

Carl Simms - *as he steps into the shot* I might.

Arizona - Oh, this is rich. One loser brother is trying to defend the other.

Carl Simms - Loser? Hey, pal, I have a CWA title run on my resume. You don't have that. I have been a tag team champion and held the Inter-Continental title as well. How about you?

Arizona - You actually think you can beat me, little man?

Carl Simms - Next week, I challenge you to a match. I'll beat you within an inch of your life, my friend.

Arizona - A Simms beat me? Carl, your father hasn't wrestled regularly since 1985 and he's better than you.

Carl Simms - Then you won't mind signing on for next week.

Arizona - I take pleasure in it. It's your funeral.

Carl then walks away while Arizona laughs and we head back to the ring.


"He's Back" by Alice Cooper plays as The Killer and Terminator, known collectively as TKO, step out onto the stage and draw the cheers of the fans. They are only on the stage for a few moments before Night Dweller and Samson attack them from behind and Dweller pairs off with Terminator while Samson does the same with The Killer. Samson ducks a clothesline from The Killer and then gives him a Rock Bottom on the stage. Samson then turns his attention to Terminator and kicks him in the back, allowing Night Dweller to give him a clothesline to the stage. Night Dweller and Samson then make their way down the ramp while the fans boo them.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Samson is a man with few allies, so he teams with the equally unpopular Night Dweller here to face the reformed team of Terminator and The Killer.

Steve Blake - I have faced Killer and while he may have lost a step since his heyday, I still would not want to face him in a dark alley.

Night Dweller steps through the ropes into the ring while The Killer marches down the ramp with Terminator not far behind. Killer slides under the bottom rope into the ring where Dweller greets him with kicks to the back while referee Jon Shocker calls for the bell. Dweller then stands Killer up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a shoulder block meant to knock the big man down, but Killer does not budge. Killer then head butts Dweller down to the mat and then stands on his chest for a few moments while looking down on him. Killer then steps off and looks over towards Samson who doesn't appear to be in any rush to get into the ring right now. Killer grabs a foot of Night Dweller and pulls him to his corner and tags in Terminator.

Sammy Jo Johnson - TKO will try to keep the action grounded and slowed down.

Steve Blake - And if that works out for them, they have this match won.

Terminator enters the ring and goes to work on Night Dweller's leg, repeatedly dropping an elbow to the knee of Dweller. Terminator then looks towards the fans and they cheer. Terminator pulls Night Dweller to the middle of the ring and then quickly applies a sharp shooter on Night Dweller. The referee checks for a submission, but Dweller refuses to give up here. He reaches for the ropes, but finds they are too far away. Samson looks around for a moment and then he starts to climb the ropes. Samson reaches the top and then launches himself, landing a flying dropkick to the head on Terminator. The referee then forces Samson from the ring while both Terminator and Night Dweller lie motionless inside the ring.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Samson doing whatever it takes to try and avoid losing this match.

Steve Blake - It's quite the egotistical team that he and Night Dweller make. It could work out well for both of them.

Night Dweller rolls towards his corner and reaches for the tag while Terminator starts pulling himself to his feet. Terminator grabs a foot of Night Dweller's but Dweller manages to tag in Samson. Samson charges into the ring and clotheslines Terminator to the mat. He then picks Terminator up and gives him a power slam to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Terminator. Samson stands Terminator up, whips him off the ropes and backdrops him to the mat. He then lands a leg drop across the throat of Terminator and again tries for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Terminator. Samson then stands Terminator up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Samson really showing his strength and talent here against the veteran Terminator.

Steve Blake - He has to keep the pace up or he knows that gives them a chance to take over again.

Samson drops and rolls himself out to the floor. He then slaps Terminator across the face. He whips Terminator shoulder first into the steel ring steps. We then see The Killer making his way around the ring with a chair in hand. He drills Samson across the back with it and the referee then calls for the bell. Night Dweller then rushes around the ring to help Samson away while The Killer checks on Terminator.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Killer's temper causes another disqualification, so Night Dweller and Samson technically get the win.

Steve Blake - I can assure you, though, that there are few teams who want to face TKO on any given night.

As Killer and Terminator leave ringside with Terminator favoring his shoulder, we see Shannon Skanes heading for the exit when he is headed off by Stan Smith.

Shannon Skanes - Didn't I kick your ass enough already tonight?

Stan Smith - You managed to sneak your son into our tag team match instead of your wife tonight.

Shannon Skanes - Yeah, you're lucky. She really would have kicked your ass, much more than Noah and I did.

Stan Smith - Then my sister tells me she doesn't want me hanging around with her on account of wanting Myst to be her friend again.

Shannon Skanes - Yeah, you're quite the reject, Stan.

Stan Smith - I am going to destroy you and Blair in that steel cage.

Shannon Skanes - That's quite the theory, but you're a total dick and as much as I hate Blair at times, he is ten times the wrestler that you will ever be.

Stan Smith - Mark my words. 2007 will be my year.

Shannon Skanes - You had better get a new job then, because you're not due for a big year as a wrestler.

Stan Smith - Smart ass.

Stan turns and walks the other way.

Shannon Skanes - Dumb ass.

Shannon heads out through the exit and we head to the ring for our final match of the night.


"Coming Up From Behind" by Marcy Playground plays as Danny Dixon makes his way towards the ring, the crowd cheering him on. He high fives fans as he makes his way around the ring and then climbs up onto the apron before stepping through the ropes into the ring. Danny then leans back against the ropes as his music fades and then we hear "Space Lord" by Monster Magnet and Steve Hawkins comes out, led by his new wife Jan with the title belt raised high above his head. He shows it to the camera and tells us that this title was made for him and him only.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Steve Hawkins is a fighting champion. Tonight he defends his title one week after he won it and not against a push over either.

Steve Blake - Danny is really showing what he is capable of in recent weeks. I would not be surprised if he scores the upset win and then his match with Clayton Fear at Battle of the Warriors would become a title match.

Hawkins stops at ringside and hands his title belt to his wife and tells her he will be back for it in a few minutes. He then climbs the ring steps and then steps through the ropes into the ring where referee Mark Davis then calls for the bell to get the action started. Danny Dixon starts by offering to shake hands with Hawkins. Hawkins smiles, shakes his head and slaps the hand away. The two then lock up. They struggle and push each other into the ropes where the referee asks for a clean break. Hawkins slowly backs away and then retreats to the middle of the ring where they move in to lock up again. This time, Hawkins knees Danny in the gut and then gives him a swinging neck breaker to the mat. Hawkins goes for the early pin. 1...2... kick out by Danny Dixon.

Sammy Jo Johnson - This should be a great one as they both try to get the psychological edge here.

Steve Blake - They are two of the smartest wrestlers that this company has.

Steve stands Danny up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a clothesline to the mat. Hawkins then looks out at his new wife and winks at her. He then drops a knee to the chest on Danny Dixon before placing him in an arm bar. Danny then gets to his feet and backs Hawkins into the corner. Danny Dixon then gives Hawkins a series of kicks to the gut which breaks the hold. Dixon then gives Hawkins a series of knife edge chops to the chest and then gives him a hip toss to the mat. Dixon then lands a split legged moonsault onto the fallen Hawkins from there and goes for the pin. 1...2... Hawkins rolls a shoulder out.

Sammy Jo Johnson - That was close.

Steve Blake - He really could take that title belt tonight.

Dixon stands Hawkins up, whips him into the corner and then lands a shoulder block on him. Dixon then sets Hawkins for and delivers a snap suplex on him before again going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Steve Hawkins. Danny Dixon then stands Hawkins up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the mat. Dixon then stands Hawkins up, whips him into the corner and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. We then see Clayton Fear making his way down the ramp. Dixon spots him and drops and rolls himself out of the ring and charges up the ramp. The two start fighting and the referee calls for the bell.

Sammy Jo Johnson - Well, so much for this match.

Steve Blake - Clayton Fear believes that title belt is meant to be his and he has it in for Danny Dixon.

As Dixon brawls with Clayton Fear, security rushes out to try and break them up.

Sammy Jo Johnson - And so we have reached the end of another show.

Steve Blake - And hatred always seems to be stronger than love in this business.

Sammy Jo Johnson - See you in 2007. Happy New Year everyone!

Steve Blake - Ditto to that.

We fade to black as the brawl continues on the ramp.