Some of you people wonder where I’ve been so much, but what none of you realize is I come and go as I please in this federation and not have to answer to anyone. You ask how this came to be. It’s pretty simple. I JUST DO IT. What is the boss gonna do, fine me? Come on now, like money is really an object for me after so many years in this business; being paid for beating the shit out of kiss asses like you people. Maybe he will suspend me. Now there’s an option. Suspend the future of this company. Piss him off more then needed. Or how about this, maybe he will fire me. That will look oh so good for him when ratings start to drop when one of their name stays in the federation disappears without a viable excuse. Can we say NWR Extinction?
So here I am, back again looking to dismantle yet another so called NWR Superstar. With a roll of the proverbial dice, it seems that Kalil Fucking Blackburn has won this honor. Hooray! It seems the big wigs up in management just can’t seem to find a decent fucking opponent for yours truly. I mean seriously. Drusilla? Kalil Blackburn? What’s next; a chance for Darion Steel versus the stage roadie? There’s a match for the ages. Looks like I may have to buy Mr. Freytag a copy of Federation Booking for Dummies.
So Kalil, you’re the lucky punk that got the thumbs up this time around. Lucky you. You not only have to step into the ring with a true master of the craft, but you get to go toe to toe with a man, not only bigger then you, but a man that doubles your IQ and has probably forgotten more about this business then you will ever possibly know. How does this make you feel? Are you afraid? Nah, you seem to brain dead to be afraid of such prowess. Do you feel intimidated? Probably not. You seem way too cocksure and arrogant to let something let a beating intimidate you.
So what will it take to crack the hard shell that is Kalil Blackburn? Haha, I can’t hold a straight face when saying something like that. So what will it take? Maybe a nice shot at that New Wave Title of yours. Would that do it? Aww wait, I forgot. Kalil doesn’t like to put up his title. Oh sorry, I mean the boss doesn’t like putting his title on the line. That’s a shame. I’m sure that chunk of gold would look nice draped over my shoulder, glistening in the morning sunlight. But alas, for now, it’s not meant to be, but I do warn you though Mr. Blackburn. Keep that belt nice and clean. Someday I will get my chance to rid you of that pesky gold…and maybe, just maybe, show NWR what a true champion is.
I get bored, tired and restless pretty quickly, and as Kalil will find out this coming Distortion, that is never, and I stress NEVER, a good thing. So after I dispose of him, I plan on playing a little game with everyone else. If he’s lucky, Kalil won’t have to participate. Don’t go thinking I will give it away just yet. Soon enough though everyone in NWR will understand just what kinda games I like to play, and EVERYONE will understand exactly why this can be a bad, bad, BAD thing.
Kalil, you are about to walk into the lions den. Make sure you don’t have a single open wound on your body, for the smell of blood will only rile this beast up. Come Distortion Kalil, it’s time for a TRUE star to shine. Don’t forget some pain medication and tensor bandages. You are gonna fucking need them.
The day is cool and crisp. The sun, which is shining brightly in the sky doesn’t help with warming anything up. People walking around the outside of the Mall Of America in Bloomington Minnesota are all bundled up in thick winter jackets, gloves and scarves. Their breath can be seen bellowing from their covered faces like smokestacks on a factory.
Inside the halls of the massive four story mall, many customers and patrons scramble about, hopelessly in search of that perfect Christmas gift. In the center of the mall, a rollercoaster rumbles over the tracks surrounding mini Santa’s Village setup. Kids are laughing and having a good time as the parents sit and watch, wondering just how much this day is gonna cost them when all is said and done.
Up on the fourth floor of the mall, a familiar face walks out of the Sam Goody’s store carrying a small plastic bag. Darion Steel takes the bag in his hand and inserts it into the inside pocket of his jacket. He stops in the middle of the hallway and looks around. He notices a tiny internet café down the way. He walks into Streams N’ Beans, and sits down at the first available computer he finds. He opens Internet Explorer and logs into his Hotmail account. He searches through the seemingly endless amount of junk mail, and checks his in box. He sits back in the chair with a puzzled look upon his face.
Darion: I don’t get. I just don’t. Where the hell could be be?
The patron to his right perks her ears up. She looks over at him and notices his demeanor. She decides not to say anything and turns back to her terminal. He deletes all of his unwanted emails and logs out. He sits staring at the screen for a few moments, pondering his next move. He begins typing again, this time in Google. The woman next to him looks back once again, this time catching Darion’s eye. He tries to ignore her, but to no avail as she stares at him. He turns and looks at her.
Darion: Is there something I can help you with?
Woman: Oh shit. Uhm, I’m sorry. No I’m fine.
Darion: What do you need? You seem interested in me typing or something.
Woman: I’m sorry. Just you look so damn familiar and I can’t seem to shake it. Have we met before?
Darion: I doubt it. I’m not here often. I’m only in town for a short stay.
Woman: Hmm, I’m not sure then. You seem puzzled.
Darion: I guess. Just wondering why I haven’t heard from a friend of mine. I haven’t heard hide nor hair from him in like four or five days. Kinda concerns me. The longest he hasn’t talked to me in years is a few days. This is kinda pushing it for him.
Woman: If you don’t mind me asking, then why would you be searching through Google?
Darion: Well honestly, I was kinda looking for any news paper articles pertaining to something about him, but I don’t know any newspapers around here, so I’m kinda lost.
The woman slides her chair over beside him, looking up at him as she is considerably shorter.
Woman: Man you’re a big one aren’t ya.
Darion: What can I say? I liked my vegetables as a kid.
The woman chuckles as she reaches for the keyboard. Darion watches as she types in the internet address for the Star Tribune newspaper. She looks back into his eyes.
Woman: Anything else you need?
Darion: Well, the internet really isn’t my thing. I’m lucky if I can check email without causing problems.
Woman: I’ve got some time. What you need to look for?
Darion: Well, see if you can find anything about any unexplained arsons or anything in and around the Twin City area.
The woman looks at Darion with an eyebrow cocked.
Darion: It’s probably better that you don’t ask.
Woman: I was kinda thinking the same thing.
She starts typing away while Darion sits back and watches, once in awhile turning enough that he can check her out. She notices this but only smirks and continues to search.
Woman: There doesn’t seem to be anything like that here, which is kinda odd for the Cities.
Darion sits back and looks at the wall.
Darion: Then where the hell are you Pete?
Woman: Pete? Wait. Pete as in Darknesss?
Darion: Uhm yeah.
Woman: You’re Darion Steel.
Darion: Last time I checked. How the hell did you know that?
The woman opens another Explorer window and types in another URL address. Up comes a New Wave Rage fan site. She clicks on a couple links, and brings up the newest show card. Under it, there are many different posts dedicated to said card.
Darion: What the hell?
Woman: I’m a big fan of NWR, have been since it opened. I found this site a few months back and instantly joined. There is everything in here, from what’s going on on the next card, as you can see, to backstage gossip and whatnot.
Darion: That’s kinda creepy if you ask me.
Woman: Why?
Darion: Well by the looks of this site, you guys know more then we do, and we are in the fed.
Woman: It’s neat. You should check it out sometime.
Darion: May have to, but for now, I’m still looking for Pete.
The woman clicks on a few links, sending her to chat forums and such, looking for some clue as to where Pete has vanished to.
Woman: Nothing. No one has said ANYTHING about this. It’s like he just up and vanished.
Darion: See, I’m use to him taking off, but this is too much. I gotta go find the little Houdini.
The woman logs off and closes the windows.
Woman: Would you mind if I told everyone that I met you on here. I think they would get envious.
Darion: Sure, why not. If you could, could you see if ANYONE has heard anything in the rumor mill and let me know?
Woman: I’d love to. How shall I contact you.
Darion grabs her binder and flips it to the first page. He takes the pen out of his inside pocket of his jacket and commences to write.
Darion: Here is my email address. If you hear anything, please email me.
Woman: For sure I will.
She grabs her binder and takes out a card from inside. She hands it to Darion.
Woman: Here is my email address as well, and my cell phone number. Call me anytime...
She stutters slightly
Woman: Uhm... if you hear from him so I can post it.
Darion smiles coyly and looks down at her.
Darion: I will.
He leans down and kisses her on the cheek. She looks up at him with glazed eyes and a grin on her face. Darion stands up straight and looks at the card.
Darion: Thanks for the help Ashley.
She smiles and blushes.
Ashley: You are very welcome. I hope you find him.
Darion: So do I darling. So do I.... Who knows what kind of shit he is getting himself into?
She chuckles as he turns and walks out of the café. She falls back into her chair looking out the front window as Darion disappears from out front. She turns around and immediately logs into the fan site with a smile on her face.
Darion wanders down the hallway and stops in front of the Sony store. He looks at the flat panel screen television on the inside of the window. It’s running the NWR Distortion spot. He sees the Darion Steel Versus Kalil Blackburn card match. He only smiles again, turns, walks away shaking his head.
He walks to the elevator, pushes the button and waits. He notices posters on the wall close by advertising the upcoming Distortion at the Target Center.
Darion: Man, it’s everywhere.
The elevator door opens. A Few people get off as Darion stands there and waits. He enters when everyone is off. The door closes behind him. He leans against the wall and looks up at the numbers as the slowly count down.
Darion: Well the hell could you be man? Between you disappearing and this match Kalil coming up tomorrow night; I don’t have a clue where to even begin.
Darioin: Should I look for you first or deal with Kalil?
Darion: Should I train now, or what until you come wandering in with handcuffs and your Zippo in tow?
Darion: Fuck! Sometimes I hate you!
With that, the door of the elevator opens. Darion walks out once again into the bustle of the mall crowd, listening to the children scream and laugh from the rollercoaster and Santa’s Village area. He looks around as a few people climb into the elevator behind him. The door closes and the numbers begin to rise again. He stands there a moment and looks around, as if to look for something that surely isn’t there.
Defeated, he turns to his right, and starts to walk out of the mall, passing a jolly old man in a red suit walking towards the center of the mall. Darion only shakes his head and continues out the door.
Darion: Fucking Christmas!
He walks out of the mall, turns to his left, and vanishes into the crowd of pissed off customers and patrons walking in and out of the mall. Fade to black.
So Kalil, you think you have what it takes to knock a man of my stature down? Do you really think you have the gonads to pull off yet another upset win? They say lightning never strikes twice in the same spot. If this is true Kalil then you are in for a rough, ROUGH night.
The ball is in your court right now kid. I’ve waited and waited to hear from you, but haven’t seen or heard a peep. I know you aint scared to get in the ring with me; your testosterone level just won’t allow it. If not, then what is it? You can’t be too busy to come forward with words of wisdom from the Mighty Blackburn. You can’t deny everyone else here in the federation the laugh attacks they have when you speak. That would just be down right rude. You don’t wanna be rude now do you?
I can’t wait around forever. After this match with you Kalil, I’ll be on my way to bigger and better things once again. Where will you be? Ah yes, in the back shining that pretty little belt for me. You and I both know that we will meet again someday in that ring, and the stakes will be much, MUCH higher the next time around, but unfortunately for you, the outcome won’t be that much different. I guess the only real difference will be that I’m letting you walk out of the arena under your own accord this time around. Whatever you do, don’t expect this kind of generousity the next time we find each other in the ring. You have something that not only do I want, but something everyone knows, I DESERVE. Rest up kid, come Distortion, it will be the last bit of peaceful slumber you get for quite some time.