People Mentioned:Read and Find Out
Location:Salem,Massachusetts Carved in stone on twin headstones were my parents names Penny and Rob Rayne, loving parents, and underneath that a popular passage from Psalm 23 was carved as well, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil,for you are with me;your rod and your staff,they comfort me." I smile as I read it. The bible was far from something I admired but I felt my father was watching over me from somewhere and it was comfort during the hard times. i could not find it in myself to love my mother however, she just put me through so much, she put her own selfish needs over my happiness and well, i could not find it in myself to love my mother after all that. A tear trickled out of my eye as I thought about my father and all he had done for me throughout my life, how much he gave up to make sure my life was worth living. Why did he have to die, why did my mother have to be asuch a selfish cow, why did she have to be a lousy drunk after I left. I couldn't help thinking this was somehow my problem too, If I hasn't left she wouldn't have become poor and a drunk, but what would have happened if I had stayed, my father would gave been miserable, and my mother would probably have been a rich drunk. I sigh and sat Indian style in front of my fathers headstone. I rub my fingers along his name and let another tear trickle from my eye. I shake my head, I had so many emotions running through me right now, guilt, despair, agony, I was just a mass being of emotions and no way to let them out. Crying didn't seem to be the thing to do right now, that wouldn't solve anything. I needed to, I don't know, kick something, beat the living hell out of someone, I needed to get my anger out, let these dark emotions just leave my body, but like usual I would just keep them inside and harvest them when I just couldn't take them anymore. My attention was pulled away from my fathers grave when I heard some rustling behind me. My head slowly turned to the side as a grin spread across my face, perhaps I would get to harvest all these feelings on someone after all. i wondered if this person was trying to be conspicuous or not, the rustling was slow, but I could easily hear it, not to mention the shadow was pretty prominent.
You know if you want to sneak up on someone, you should do it properly.
I turn my head fully now to look at the person behind me. It was a man, he was tall, rather built, really handsome, his hair was dark, light in some places and rather messy,some scruff going, and wearing worn out jeans that had rips up the whole leg and a white button up shirt. He had the most amazing blue/green eyes I had ever seen, and he really didn't seem the type to walk into a graveyard at 12am. I smirk knowing he defiantly was the type, I'd know those blue/green eyes anywhere. I raise my brow, either surprised or impressed, i wasn't sure how I felt about him right now.
Wow you really grew into your body now didn't you Darrius.
How'd you know it was me?
You're still as big a geek as you were in high school
I smirk and than chuckle as I see the insulted look on his face
It was mostly the eyes though, the same eyes you had in high school... What are you doing here?
Oh you know, I like walking through the graveyard once in a while, makes me feel dangerous
I laugh at this now, what a dork.
No really, what are you doing here?
Don't believe me? Yea your right though, I heard you were back in town and knowing that you probably didn't change much, I figured I'd find you here.
So you came to find me, how sweet.
Just making sure you were ok and shit, not like I care or anything.
I smirk and shake my head slightly and look back to the headstone.
So did he die instantly?
I ask him this important question without even looking away from my fathers name. He walked up beside me and knelt down beside me and nodded his head
The doctors said he went pretty fast, he didn't feel pain for long, your mother did however, she lived for two days after the accident.
Still have some resentment towards your mother hey?
If there really is a hell, that's where she would be. I hate that women, it's her fault my father is gone now, it's her fault I never got to see him for nearly 7 years, and it's her fault my life is a mess. I have been to jail like a hundred times for beating the crap out of people. The cops at the station back home know me by name now. They don't even bother to read me my rights anymore just haul me in give me a slap on the wrist,give me my free meal and send me on my merry way the next day.
That's the Jess I know.
oh god please don't call me that.
Damn just when I thought I was the only one allowed to call you that, don't feel so special anymore.
I shake my head and push him over now as he laughs.
You are such a dork Darrius.
So I have been told. Guess old habits don't die fast.
So you still live in this little shit town?
Yea, hoping to get out there in the world somewhere soon, guess I am just too attached to this place to leave.
Easier to give up than you think. You just need a ticket out that's all
Yeah, ticket out would defiantly help in the process. unfortunately not always an easy thing to get.
What if I had a ticket out for you?
I'd call you a liar first of all
Gee thanks Darrius, appreciate the mode of confidence there.
Look I know you are an amazing girl and shit Jess but getting me out of here is hard to believe
Stop calling me Jess, and really Darrius I have a way out for you. I wrestle now, for a company called WWEAR, going to Paris after I leave here. You could come with me.
You are asking me to travel the world with you? What's the catch?
No catch, I just know what it's like to be stuck here, and well it's a great opportunity for you. Besides I am really alone there, I could really use an old friend
I knew there was a catch
He smirks and I roll my eyes. I push myself off the ground and look down at Darrius, he really did grow into his body, the boy was fiiine I really couldn't believe it.
Come on you dork, lets go get a coffee, that is if Milly's is still around.
Oddly enough that's the only place still open here from the original Salem.
Gotta love all that stupid development shit.
he nods as we walk from the graveyard as the scene fades
I am seen sitting in a dark hotel room, only candles were lit. I am smiling into the camera, all mysterious and sarcastic
So here I am again my third match here in WWEAR and I am to face Maryse Ouellet, Layla London and once again Kylee Chae. How fun this shall be, I get to face a barbie doll, a little girl that thinks she's goth, with a dead skunk on her head and a glamour girl, how fun, so far most of the girls, sorry lets make that all of the girls I have fought here so far have been just that, girls. Girls that need to suck it up and make an appearance and beat it out like the rest of us, so far the only one to do this was Layla, the glamour girl, the one that seems most likely to cry after she broke a nail, so let me focus my energy on her. Hello Miss London, or is it Mrs? Who cares, your marital status has no effect on me anyway. So the only diva I have any sort of respect for so far. First match here I had two ladies that even have enough respect for the company to make an appearance, doesn't really surprise me, they wont cut here anyway poor Kylee wont have much to fight for after this week in France, she wont last much longer here. As it goes for Maryse I have better things to worry about than some barbie doll that obviously thinks she is too good to even grace us with her appearance, damn French Canadians never had any real respect for anyone. So Layla back to you, I know you really didn't have anything to say about our match, you have some issues you are dealing with, and I understand that but you really need to focus no matter what your issue is just a word of advice really, take it however you want. I can honestly say I am looking forward to meeting you in the ring though, I don't know why,I just am, maybe it it's the fact I want to break someones face, or perhaps I am looking forward to taking on someone who actually poses a challenge to me, minus Kalani, but I could care less about that two bit whore. Anyhoo, this week i get to face someone that I have actually seen outside of pictures that is. How amazing is that, I actually feel honored, i feel pumped, I can't wait to thrill some french people, but not in the naughty way cause ain't no one seeing me in some stupid French Maid outfit, the bosses can kiss my perfect ass on that one. Do I look like a girl that would be caught dead in something like that? Hell no, the rest of you can do what you like, thrill the fans with your goodies and fall prey to what most women do in the wrestling business today, I wont be another statistic in these games, ha i'm not like everyone else, I like my individuality , although it seems I don't really have that to myself anymore , considering since i've gotten here about 3 or 4 more diva's signed thinking they have what it takes to be "goth" and crazy. The funny thing is, it's just a fashion statement to them, a personality change, being a rebel in their eyes, to me, it's who I am, who I always will be. i wont sell out and become what other people want or expect me to be. I wont just be another pretty face, I am going to make a statement here, and I am going to start with you three in Paris. See you soon, au revouir for now
I smile coyly as the scene fades out.
Darrius Torre
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