Our own
personal Armageddon.
This is
where it gets dicey.
2 Hell
you're too scared to believe in...
DIRTY GOD Mike Bessette... You know I've been waiting for you--you know that right? It is no coincidence that you're here. Certainly no coincidence that you're a member of No Cash Value. We've been waiting for the end of the world, you've been watching for it, I've been pursuing it. You sir simply serve as my voice to the masses. You warn them of my second coming. You know now what comes next Mike Bessette. You will be there finally face to face with your own undoing and you will cry apocalypse. You will not walk out of Heaven 2 Hell the same man you were walking in. Everything will change. I wish to get a rise out of you, I wish to spell it out for you. You had purpose Mike, in your predictions. You had purpose in the fact that you could warn us all but all you have done is proven yourself as the "boy who cries wolf." You insult everyone with your behavior and yet don't see the chicken scratch on the walls of that pit you have fallen into. "The prophet must die for the prophecy to come true." Self fulfilling. Michael the Prophet is ready for his new life in a realm of the unspeakable. He wishes to wallow in his inclination that he is living on borrowed time. I'm going to give him the unspeakable, and prove to him that he is indeed living on borrowed time. "Keep those who wish to betray you on a very short leash." This is true for you, Prophet. Your selfishness only leads you to your own prophesized end. Do you realize the ego you exude by the simple fact that you think you can even fathom what the end will be like? You assume it's biblical or spiritual. You choke on the people that point it out as you swallow them. You're deep throat. You're no prophet. "You merely play one on TV." Michael the False Prophet will walk the gate between Heaven and Hell and he will expect to be judged. But there will be no bible nor religion there for him. He will remain the only one who knows of his true sins. No one will come to chastise him. He will merely be accepted through due to the way he lived his life--blatantly and completely self absorbed. To think there could be someone more pretentious and self absorbed in this match than Jaxx, right? It's true. This man, Mike Bessette, the False Prophet... He's a shell... A shell filled with guilt masquerading as egotism. When you cross over to the other side Mike, there won't even be a whisper. "No one will remember your name." Are you prepared to face inevitability? Are you ready to face Shane Clemmens? Don't worry pal, I'll cap you off real nice.
wake up inside Mike Bessette’s bedroom. He’s sitting on the edge of his
bed holding a gun. Tears streak his face. He’s rolling the chamber of
the revolver steady down his leg and sniffling. Beside him on the bed
stand are empty bottles. He’s really a sight… You can tell the gun ways
heavy in his hand.
DIRTY DOG Fight One Xperience has seen many lovely ladies grace the ring. So many you lose count. Some come and go but the one that seems to stick is Serenity. How could you speak of Serenity without a kind word? Really? Even I can see that. She is the jewel of Infamous and one of the finer personalities on our shows and on promo television. She's got wit, timing, humor, brains and many other specialties. Though this entire time Fight One has taken young Serenity Becker for granted. Just like the United States took security for granted before the attacks of September Eleventh. Fight One does not realize what they really have in this young lady. "You never think to find out before it's too late." She's above so many of you, looking down and you still think you're above her. Mike Bessette and Nicholas Jaxx both marginalize her in the same way they marginalize Bronwen. They don't see Serenity or Bronwen like I do. They don't realize that Serenity represents the future of this sport. When Bessette and Jaxx are forgotten has-beens, the fans will be watching Serenity entertain. They will see the future of this sport which is firmly wrapped around Serenity's finger. To get more trite, she has this gig by the tail. "Nicholas Jaxx only sees himself. Mike Bessette, likewise." Serenity knows what's coming but not in a pseudo spiritual way like Mike Bessette. She doesn't make assumptions of greatness--following in the foot prints of Nicholas Jaxx. No. She sees the opportunity, the danger, and the true importance of this match. Jaxx and Bessette wish to be blind to this? So be it. I'm always ahead on trends. Serenity would appreciate that. Yeah. I think Calvin Peirce put it best when he said "Serenity for the win." because he's another guy who doesn't go blind in the face of intimidation. Jaxx and Bessette are both so scared of what Serenity represents but they pretend it isn't happening. They, just like so many of you take Serenity for granted. Don't say I haven't tried to warn you. Serenity will be forced to take the role of the sacrifice. The example to all of you to appreciate a good thing while you have it. Think about what's become of Fight One Xperience and think about how you could have avoided it when Serenity falls from Heaven 2 Hell. Think about what it means--the simple fact that Serenity made it to this level while everyone seemed to want to look the other way. Now you're forced to face it. Heaven 2 Hell, like her group, will live in Infamy. Don't fear this though Serenity... Let them fear you... You will make an example out of Jaxx and Bessette when I make an example out of you. I'd say what I'm thinking but you'd call me Tyler. Think about it. How can we have Heaven 2 Hell without destroying beauty? Hmm? We can't let that happen. We're going to the ends of the Universe and I don't know if we're ever coming back. "Come fly with me, come fly away."