File of a Psycho
About Victoria
Ring Name: Victoria
Birth Name: Lisa Marie Varon
Ht/Wt: 5'8", 136
Hometown: San Bernardino, CA
WIW Record: 01/02/00
WIW Achievements: Signed with WIW, got assigned to Meltdown
Apparently I was wrong last week in my prediction that Victoria would win the match. That little inflatable doll, Candice Michelle won. She defeated our favorite psycho diva, and if I know her, she just won't have that. This week, she'll be in yet ANOTHER divas battle royal.. how original! This time I won't make any predictions.. we'll just see how it goes.
Just inside the curtains of the backstage area, our not-so-favorite Vixen is seemingly getting ready to face the WIW fans for the first time outside of a match. Like always, Todd is standing by her, trying to coach her in the ways of the elusive in-ring promo, but she won't hear a word of it. She just cuts him off mid-sentence.
[[ the vicious vixen - victoria ]]
Todd, just hush, okay? I know what the hell I'm doing. I've done in-ring promos before, and I need no help from you, no matter how much you wanna give it.
[[ the meltdown interviewer - todd grisham ]]
I know, but this isn't like the WWE, Victoria. These people are worse. Just imagine yourself going into the old ECW crowd, then amp it up a couple of notches. It's that bad.
She nearly laughs at his over-reacting at the situation. Shaking her head slightly in disbelief, she does a few more stretches as the crewman comes by and tells her she has two more minutes before they introduce her. Nodding absently, she puts her hands on the back of her waist and bends backwards, popping the bones and muscles in her back to ease some of the tension; a movement that gives Todd a rather nice view. As she straightens up, she sees his stunned expression and pops him upside the head rather lightly.
[[ the vicious vixen - victoria ]]
Get your eyes off me and your mind out of the gutter, Grisham. Once it makes a summer home there, there's no getting it back out.
He looks away, blushing.
[[ the meltdown interviewer - todd grisham ]]
[muttering under his breath] Oh, it has a summer home.. and a fall home.. and a spring home.. and ---
[[ the vicious vixen - victoria ]]
[cutting his muttering off] What?
[[ the meltdown interviewer - todd grisham ]]
Oh, um, nothing... don't worry about it. So are you sure you're ready?
She hears her music start and the fans begin to buzz around the arena, getting out of thier seats to see who it is. Looking at Todd, she shrugs.
[[ the vicious vixen - victoria ]]
Guess I gotta be. [She ruffles his hair likes he's a little boy.] Later, Grisham.
Bouncing a couple of times, the camera switches to Lillian in the ring, who has a mic and is ready to announce her to the crowd.
[[ the little latina - lillian garcia ]]
Making her way to the ring... standing at five-foot-eight and wieghing in at one-hundred and thirty-six pounds... hailing from San Bernadino, California... she is the WIW's Vicious Vixen... she is... VICTORIAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Victoria makes her way through the curtains and she can hear the boos from the fans over her music, which doesn't really surprise her. Grinning wickedly, she walks all the way down to the ring and gets in before doing her usual taunt on the ropes. Stepping down after a minute, she walks over to the ring announcer and borrows her mic, waiting for the crowd to calm down. Once they do, she begins to speak her mind as she always does.
[[ the vicious vixen - victoria ]]
Oh, don't think I missed that. Not for one second. You all were booing me like I'd killed John Cena or something. [The boo her even louder.] See? You try to hide it, but you hate me. You hate me probably more than you hate Simon Cowell on American Idol! [They boo again.] You know what, though? I don't care. I don't care one damn BIT about what you think of me. Ya know WHY? Cause you people don't MATTER! That's right.. you're nothing but asses in the seats and money in our pockets. We could care less what you think. Now.. on to the real reason I cam out here. My match this week. I'm in ANOTHER damned battle royal with those little twigs you call women. More specifically, Christy, Candice, Layla, Katie, and Beth. Five women I couldn't give a damn about.
The fans cheer for the divas mentioned, but boo Victoria. Typical. She just ignores this and goes on.
[[ the vicious vixen - victoria ]]
Next up...
First off, Christy. The little redheaded ho that jumped ship to TNA. Now you all might be wondering - provided you have a brain, that is - why do you keep bringing up TNA? She was in the WWE, too. Yeah, for what? Five seconds? The total time I coulda just went in there and wiped all of the damn diva hos out with one punch? Pathetic, Christy, really. You didn't really move on to much, did you? Two new clients, a crappy ass gimmick, and a singing voice that could top nails on a chalkboard as the most annoying sound ever. Just stay out of this one Christy, and try your luck some other day.
The fans boo and one is heard saying "You're not wanted here either!" A few fans laugh at that, but she keeps her cool and continues.
[[ the vicious vixen - victoria ]]
Last... just because I don't feel like Layla's important enough to mention again...
Then there's Katie... weird ass British Katie and her so called brother, Paul. Now correct me if I'm wrong, Paul, but aren't you the one that tried to be Jack Sparrow back in the WWE? Yeah, with the screwed up outfit and the out of place accent. You know, you may be native to the British accent and language, but even Johnny Depp does it better than you... and he's from Kentucky. That truly is sad.. sadder than Candice... but do you know what's absolutely pathetic? The fact that you have to resort to screwing your sister in order to get laid. I have never seen you with another woman other than her, and that's got me worried. Do you have issues in bed that only your sister can know about and still love you anyway? Whatever the issue, I'm sure you people are going 'Why are you attacking Paul and not Katie? You're against her, not him.' and you're right. I am.. but the thing you people fail to notice is that in order to get to one, you have to go through the other.. and Paul is her ever present weak spot.
She tosses the mic down and static is heard as it hits the canvas just before her music starts up again. Giving a stern look to the camera, she walks out of the ring and up the ramp to the back, ignoring the fans as usual. Will she indeed win this one? Only the results of this week's show can say for sure. Tune in to see.