August 26th, Hamilton, Ontario Canada
The show opens with "Coming Undone" by Korn playing while we see images of Tommy Purr, The Moose, Frank Merritt, Krayne, Halloween Jack, 6Pac Dudley, Gerard Angelo, Myst and Rated R before we head to ringside where Leech is set to call the action?
Leech - Oh I am not a commentator tonight. No, I bring you the first televised edition of "We Mock It" and tonight's edition is from the hallowed halls of BLPW where I have seen the future and it is Dustin Walters. Enjoy the following.
We see a video with Leech doing a voiceover.
12:30 AM
Trenton, New Jersey
Some “drinking establishment”
We see the man of the hour…or half hour I guess sitting at a table all alone
nursing a bottle of Jack Daniels that is now half full (Dustin sees the bottle
this way). He takes one big swig of the bottle and with haggard eyes he fishes
into his back pocket and pulls out a wad of 20’s plunking 2 down on the table
and starts to leave the bar. The music in the apartment overhead annoys Dustin
but no one else seems to mind it…
Leech: You know you're in a shitty bar when it's quiet enough to hear music in
an apartment upstairs over everything else in the bar.
“One two baby dog…yeah my mama you be looking good, see
you wanna play with a player from the hood. Yeah I got it like that. Big snoop
dogg with the lead pussycat…”
As soon as Dustin steps outside of the bar, he eyes the bouncers on each side of
the doors, watching a street with a few scavengers looking for food out of trash
bins near by.
He continues to hear the loud music being played and it is really starting to
bug him right now. He looks at the bouncer on his left, and then the one on his
Leech: He starts to get an erection.
He takes one long drink finishing up the bottle and then
suddenly, before the tanked guards can realize it, he smashes his bottle over
the head of the bouncer on the left. The one on the right immediately runs over
to knock him down but Dustin shoves him away with the force of his hand.
Leech: Remember kids, Dustin's so manly he can defeat you with the force of his
hand, not by actually hitting them.
An empty syringe falls to the ground as the bouncer looks
on in horror. Dustin starts breathing heavily and seething.
Leech: He gets to the point that he cannot withstand himself anymore. He quickly
bends the bouncer over and gives him a bouncing of his own.
Foam starts to form at the base of his mouth and he tears
off his overcoat to reveal a huge set of arms that could probably crush anyone.
He walks over to the cowering body guard who in a pathetic attempt to save
himself, turns a knife on him and makes jabbing motions at him as if he is going
to stab him. Dustin picks this up and dodges the first jab, grabbing the guards
arm, he picks him up and tosses him to the ground with a thud.
Dustin: I live on pain. I feed on the weakness of others. One man’s loss is my
gain. Those who oppose will never know. I was bred for the satisfaction of the
G8 leaders. I was supposed to be cloned and shipped out to Canada, England,
Russia, Japan, France and the other three with me staying in the USA but those
scientists made a mistake.
Leech: They shipped the Burger King mascot instead.
They made me too powerful. And they will pay for what they
did. Only a select few escaped and are under the USA protection program. I will
hunt these men down. They want to create evil to fight evil. I never wanted to
be a part of their testing but once I said no, they drugged me and turned me
into something I didn’t want to be. I never wanted any part of the experiment. I
just needed some quick cash.
Leech: He tried to sell his body which just resulted in a currency worth less
than food stamps.
I was bred to the satisfaction of George W. Bush. He built
me, like he built this country.
Leech: He built this country? Oh shit, I just now realized it... The US is
entirely made out of legos!
But he never expected to turn this washed up wrestler into
a masked fighting machine.
…….Dustin shakes his head
Dustin: Michelle please, if you are watching this, and I hope you are. Please go
get help.
Leech: I cannot find the car keys.
The drugs are controlling me every day and the time I get
on my good side when I change is the only time I am able to think of you. I love
you and I never meant to leave you, but I had to do something to pay the bills.
Dustin: Oh he’s gone again Michelle. You will never see your horrid husband
again. I have taken 95% control of him and I will not relinquish any of it! Say
goodbye to your husband…FOREVER!
Leech: Muahahahaha!
With that Dustin laughs as he leaves the screen. We fade
out but then go directly to a different scene.
Phoenix, Arizona
9:00 PM
6287 Lemont St.
We fade in to see a woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, sexier curves than I-66
and a smile that blinds Stevie Wonder. She is watching TV as outside night
starts to invade the western sky. She looks out and then back at the TV when.
Door: Knock! Knock!
Leech: The door's telling a knock knock joke, this is overflowing with irony.
Woman: Who is it?
2nd woman’s voice: Its Chantal.
Leech: Chantal who?
Woman: Coming.
The woman gets off the couch and walks to the door. She opens it and there is
her friend Chantal.
Chantal: Sorry Michelle.
There is a gunshot and then Chantal falls face first into the house. A hole
smoking in the top left of her back. Behind her are 5 men in lab coats with semi
automatic machine guns.
Scientist: Why…hello Michelle.
Michelle: What do you want?
Leech: To do all sorts of sexual experiments to make you,
Scientist: Come with us.
Michelle: Or what?
The second and third scientists fire a whole round into Chantal.
Leech: Wow, they fired one WHOLE round. It took three men to fire a single shot.
Scientist: That will happen.
The 3 scientist hand cuffs Michelle and escorts her to the back of their van as
The first scientist faces the camera.
Scientist: Dustin Walters.
Leech: I am your father.
I believe we have something you want. Am I wrong? We know
the people you love. We know what makes you and breaks you. We have a serum to
help control the effects of your mood swings…we will be at the next Epic and
give you the serum for Michelle. We fear for our lives here and your path of
destruction. We will be glad to give you both these things at the next epic.
Don’t find us, we’ll find you!
Leech: So let me get this straight. They kill someone on T.V, tell everyone
where they are going to be, and the only protection they have is just saying
"Don't find us" ? It's the perfect crime, the cops won't even look for them now!
And with that we fade out wondering, will Dustin give up
his power for Michelle? Or will bitterness and rage beat on?
Watch the next Epic. Check you local listings, unless you have illegal
satellite…in that case, go to hell!
Leech: No.
We then head back to ringside where Henry Lesher and Vigilante are set to call the action this week.
Henry Lesher - That was terrible. Why did we broadcast that?
Vigilante - Well, since the talent that is Dustin Walters is so grand...
Henry Lesher - He has the talent of a drunk goldfish.
The opening bass chords to “Animal I have Become” by Three Days Grace thumps through the speakers while the arena is blanketed in green floodlights. Frank storms out from the back after about fifteen seconds to silver and green pyros erupting at the edge of the stage on each side of the ramp. While the pyro’s are erupting, Frank flexes and roars before swaggering his way to the ring with Destiny on his left side and Chilli on his right. In a single bound he leaps onto the ring apron before entering the ring by pushing the top rope down and stepping over it. Frank again flexes and roars in the center of the ring while green pyros explode from the ring posts. Meanwhile, on the outside of the ring, Destiny applauds Frank and blows him a good luck kiss. Frank then grabs the microphone from Kosmic Kitty. He then smiles for the camera and points to his T-shirt which reads "You're My Bitch."
Frank Merritt - See, tonight was going to be my first match inside this ring in a long time. It's a crying shame I found Halloween Jack before this show started and dealt with him while Leech was tearing into Dustin Walters. Show the people what happens when you mess with Frank Merritt.
The camera shows Halloween Jack backstage, out cold and bloody, lying across a bench in the locker room. Frank laughs as he sees the destruction that has been left in his wake.
Frank Merritt - See, this is what happens when a person crosses me. Now, speaking of crossing me, I have some business with a certain Trey Walker. Walker, I don't like you and you don't like me. Next week is Outrage and I am looking at that week as the one where I will bury your sorry ass. I didn't get my street fight tonight. My temper got the better of me. Next week, I'll wait. I'll wait to end your career early, Walker. If I don't get an answer from you tonight, you won't make it to Outrage in one piece.
He tosses the microphone back to Kosmic Kitty and then exits the ring and heads up the ramp.
Vigilante - Halloween Jack just got the same treatment from Frank that he gave Vesuvius a few weeks ago.
Henry Lesher - Frank is a God among men. Of course, there are few men in AW.
As Frank Merritt heads for the back, we see Bombshell entering the building backstage. She is headed off by 6Pac Dudley.
6Pac Dudley - Last night was fantastic.
Bombshell - What the hell are you talking about?
6Pac Dudley - *smiles* I like this. You're playing ignorant to it, too.
Bombshell - If my husband sees me with you right now, he'll beat the holy hell out of you.
6Pac Dudley - He's probably picking a fight with a referee or a valet or something.
Bombshell - Just leave me alone.
6Pac whispers something into Bombshell's ear, slaps her on the ass and walks away laughing. We then head back to the ring.
Trey Walker vs. Hoshi Yakamoto
"My Way" by Limp Bizkit plays as Trey Walker comes out to the cheers of the crowd. He makes his way down the ramp, giving fans high fives as he makes his way towards the ring. He stops at ringside and looks around at the fans in the front row as if looking for someone in particular. He then climbs onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He then tests the ropes while his music fades and we then hear "Surfing With the Alien" by Joe Satriani and Hoshi Yakamoto starts making her way towards the ring, the crowd giving her a slightly louder response than they gave to Trey Walker. Bart Phillips is close behind her as she leaps onto the apron and then leaps over the top rope into the ring. Referee Casey Braun calls for the bell and the two of them lock up. Trey then shoves Hoshi into the corner and then gives her a clothesline as she steps out of it. We then see Frank Merritt coming out from the back and standing on the stage which draws boos from the crowd.
Vigilante - He was just out here. This is ridiculous.
Henry Lesher - God among men.
Trey stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a backdrop to the mat. He then turns and spots Frank on the stage and tells the referee to get him out of here. Casey shrugs and says he hasn't done anything. Trey shakes his head and stands Hoshi up. Hoshi gives Trey a jawbreaker and then pulls the feet out from under him and places him in a quick figure four leg lock while Frank is seen laughing from the stage while Destiny and Chilli flank him on either side now. The three of them then start talking about the match inside the ring and clearly they are all mocking Trey. Inside the ring, Trey is reaching for the ropes.
Vigilante - Trey needs to put Frank out of his mind, as difficult as that might be.
Henry Lesher - I'd say. He knows he can't beat Frank.
Hoshi struggles to hold Trey still while Trey reaches for the ropes. Trey lunges and manages to grab the bottom rope and Casey Braun forces the break of the hold. Hoshi gets to her feet, pulls Trey to his feet as well and then whips him into the corner buckle. She then gives him a shoulder block in the corner. Trey answers with a knee lift to the face on Hoshi and then gives her a scoop slam before giving her a leg drop across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Hoshi kicks out. Trey then stands her up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a dropkick down to the mat. Trey then climbs the ropes to the top. Frank takes a few steps down the ramp and Trey sees this. Trey has a few words for Frank and then readies himself on the top, then leaps off for a flying elbow smash on Hoshi, but she rolls out of the way in time and Trey crashes to the mat.
Vigilante - That's why he needs to forget Frank.
Henry Lesher - Frank won't allow that.
Hoshi gets to her feet, then starts putting the boots to the downed Trey Walker. Hoshi then stands Trey up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a round house kick that sends him backwards into the ropes. Trey stumbles and falls through them and out to the floor. Frank starts marching down the ramp. We then see Halloween Jack coming out from the back with a steel chair in hand. He clocks Chilli with it and charges at Frank. Frank turns and takes a chair shot square to the forehead and falls backwards to the steel ramp while security rushes out to break this up. At ringside, Trey gets to his feet and takes a baseball slide from Hoshi. Hoshi then rolls Trey into the ring. Hoshi rolls herself into the ring and then climbs the ropes. She lands a 450 somersault onto the fallen Trey and goes for the pin. 1...2... Trey gets a foot on the bottom rope.
Vigilante - Trey manages to avoid defeat there.
Henry Lesher - He isn't in there with Frank yet. Frank will destroy him.
Hoshi stands Trey up while we see Destiny making her way to ringside, the crowd booing her. Inside the ring, Hoshi whips Trey off the ropes and he ducks a clothesline and then gives Hoshi a reverse neck breaker. Trey then gets to his feet and looks to the crowd for his second wind. He then sees Destiny at ringside and leans through the ropes, telling her he accepts Frank's match. Destiny then looks to blow Trey a kiss, but instead blows salt into his eyes. An oblivious Hoshi then rolls him up into a school boy. 1...2...3! Hoshi gets the win thanks to a salty interference by Destiny.
Henry Lesher - Frank just beat Trey without even being near the ring!
Vigilante - Salt to the eyes make the difference. Hoshi and the referee didn't see it.
Backstage we see Yakamoto Takashi pacing in the locker room. Wyatt Gibson then enters the picture. He looks concerned.
Wyatt Gibson - I'm sorry, but there's no sign of Black Lightning or Total Darkness.
Yakamoto Takashi - No, don't want to hear that. I need a match.
Wyatt Gibson - Well, that's the thing. Next week you were going to team with Kira or Miki or whoever to face Freak and Harmony and no one has heard from Delirium for some time either.
Yakamoto Takashi - Tag team titles are mine.
Wyatt Gibson - *sensing he is in great physical danger.
Yakamoto Takashi - Tell you what I'll do. You square off next week with Total Darkness and the winners are the new AW tag team champions. If Delirium want the titles so bad, they can come back and fight for them.
Yakamoto Takashi - *nods* Agreed.
Wyatt then exits the locker room before Takashi has a change of heart and decides to tear the GM to pieces.
Kathy Smith vs. Bombshell
"Gold Dust Woman" by Hole plays as Kathy Smith comes out to the cheers of the crowd. She makes her way down the ramp and even stops to sign an autograph for a young male fan wearing an AW T-shirt. She then climbs onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring where she talks to referee Francis Clarke while her music fades. We then hear "I Am the Body Beautiful" by Salt N Pepa and see Bombshell making her way out onto the stage to the opposite reaction that Kathy got. Bombshell then runs down the ramp, slides into the ring and starts trading rights and lefts with Kathy while the referee calls for the bell.
Vigilante - These two ladies wasting no time in getting this brawl going.
Henry Lesher - They are still wasting my time, fast or not.
As Kathy and Bombshell brawl against the ropes, we see Gerard Angelo making his way down the ramp. He doesn't look impressed. Inside the ring, Bombshell gives Kathy a hip toss to the mat and then places her in a grapevine submission hold. She sees Gerard there and smiles at him, but he can only manage a smirk in response. Kathy tries to power her way out of Bombshell's hold on her. Bombshell releases her, stands her up and whips her into the nearest corner. She then charges into raised knees from Kathy who then gives Bombshell a clothesline to the mat. Kathy then gives Bombshell an elbow smash across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell as we see Gerard pacing at ringside.
Vigilante - I wonder what's up with Gerard there.
Henry Lesher - I really don't care.
The camera shows that Gerard is holding a T-shirt while he paces. It's balled up so we can't see anything other than it's black. Inside the ring, Kathy stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a dropkick to the mat. Kathy then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. Kathy leaps off and manages to land a knee to the chest on Bombshell from the top and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell. Kathy then pulls Bombshell to her feet, whips her off the ropes and both women clothesline each other to the mat. Gerard then rolls himself into the ring and starts talking to Bombshell.
Vigilante - Gerard's really pissed.
Henry Lesher - Maybe he found out his wife is a whore? I mean, it's a theory.
Bombshell starts pulling herself to her feet and is talking back to Gerard. Kathy, meanwhile, has rolled the other way and is using the ropes to get to her feet. Bombshell stands and Gerard unfurls the T-shirt, revealing that it is a 6Pac Dudley T-shirt. Bombshell looks stunned and shakes her head. Gerard screams at her that he found this in her gym bag. Kathy grows tired of watching this and charges at the couple. Bombshell side steps Kathy's charge and Kathy clotheslines Gerard over the top rope and out to the floor. Bombshell rolls Kathy up for the pin, hooking the tights and using the bottom rope for added leverage. 1...2...3! Bombshell gets the win and then rolls herself out of the ring to the floor. Gerard has already jumped back to his feet and rolls himself into the ring and then wraps the 6Pac T-shirt around Kathy's throat while Bombshell looks like she is still in shock at ringside.
Vigilante - This is a mess. Gerard has snapped.
Henry Lesher - Oh yeah, Gerry is an angel. We have all heard the rumors about him and...
Vigilante - Stop it right there, Doc. You'll get us fired.
Gerard continues to choke out Kathy while Francis Clarke looks for aid in getting Gerard out of here. Shannon Skanes charges out from the back, a chair in hand. Behind him are Joe Davidson and Steve Blake on a dead run to the ring as well. The three of them slip into the ring and Gerars Angelo slides out of the ring and then escapes into the crowd, leaving his wife behind him. Bombshell shakes her head and sees that the 6Pac T-shirt is laying on the floor at ringside. She picks it up and charges up the ramp towards the back.
Vigilante - As the AW Turns.
Henry Lesher - Turns my stomach, you mean.
Backstage we see Ray Dees with Big Chief Tough Eagle. The crowd cheers when they see him on the big screen.
Ray Dees - Eagle, it's good to see you here tonight. What brings you out?
Tough Eagle - You know, Ray, I have been watching a lot of wrestlers in AW lately. I don't miss an Insurgence, unless something bad happens at the casino. I have to clean up the mess every damned time. Like this one time...
Ray Dees - Is there anyone you have set your sights on?
Tough Eagle - There's one weasel I really want a piece of. Next week, I want to challenge that man to a fight at a casino I know of outside Buffalo.
Ray Dees - At a casino?
Tough Eagle - Yes, are you deaf? I said a casino. See, wrestling is fine for the young, but I don't want to just have a wrestling match. I want a fight. Next week, I challenge Krayne to a casino fight.
Ray Dees - Krayne is a dangerous man.
Tough Eagle - Are you saying that I am not dangerous?
Ray Dees - Of course not.
Tough Eagle - I'm glad, because I would have had to put your head through that wall there. I'll see Krayne next week or he'll see me. He had better accept this challenge.
Eagle walks away and the crowd cheers him before we return to the ring.
Rated R vs. 6Pac Dudley
"Southtown" by POD plays as 6Pac Dudley makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. The crowd gives him a warm response and he is wearing a Bombshell T-shirt. He tells the camera he put on the first thing he found on his floor this morning. He then takes the shirt off and tosses it into the crowd before rolling himself into the ring. 6Pac jumps onto the second rope and poses once for the fans. He then jumps down and his music fades away. We then hear the opening chords of "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R steps out onto the stage, the crowd giving him a loud chorus of boos.
Vigilante - I could have predicted Hamilton would really hate Rated R, with him going against the hometown boy 6Pac tonight.
Henry Lesher - Hamilton smells like feet.
Vigilante - No, that's you.
Rated R mocks the fans while he makes his way down the ramp. This enrages 6Pac who drops and rolls out of the ring and then starts trading punches with Rated R at ringside. The two of them brawl against the guard railing while the fans start a chant for 6Pac. 6Pac then slams Rated R's head into the steel ring steps, then 6Pac gives Rated R a fall away slam on the floor. 6Pac follows that up with a leg drop across the throat of Rated R, then stands him up and rolls him into the ring. 6Pac rolls himself into the ring and referee Bruce Miller calls for the bell to make the match official. 6Pac stands Rated R up, whips him into the corner buckle and then stands on the second rope and rains down punches to the forehead and face on Rated R while the fans count them off. He reaches ten before Rated R grabs 6Pac around the waist, pulls him out of the corner and gives him an inverted atomic drop. 6Pac then gives Rated R a face buster and then rolls him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Rated R.
Vigilante - If Rated R doesn't get his act together, his night will be over early.
Henry Lesher - Not going to happen.
6Pac stands Rated R up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. 6Pac then waits for Rated R to stand before leaping over the top rope and landing a flying cross body on Rated R that sends him falling into the guard railing. 6Pac then stands Rated R up and tries to whip him into the steel corner post, but Rated R reverses it and sends 6Pac into the steel post shoulder first. Rated R then picks 6Pac up and gives him a shoulder breaker. Rated R rolls himself into the ring to break up the count and then rolls himself back out to the floor. Rated R puts the boots to 6Pac, focusing on the shoulder. Rated R then stands 6Pac up, wraps his arm around the nearest corner post and twists it while 6Pac screams in pain. Rated R releases the hold before the five count and then rolls 6Pac back into the ring. Rated R rolls himself into the ring and applies a front wrist lock on 6Pac.
Vigilante - Rated R is working over that injured right shoulder of 6Pac here.
Henry Lesher - This is where Ryan shortens careers.
6Pac gets to his feet and eye gouges Rated R. Rated R then gives 6Pac a knee lift and then wraps his right arm around the top rope. Referee Bruce Miller threatens to disqualify Rated R and gets a sneer from the former AW champion. Rated R then releases the hold on 6Pac and then gives him a snap mare to the mat before applying a grapevine submission hold on 6Pac. 6Pac refuses to submit here as we see Gerard Angelo once again making his way down the ramp. The crowd again greets him with boos. Rated R releases 6Pac, stands him up and whips him into the corner buckle. Rated R then charges for a clothesline, but 6Pac ducks it and gives Rated R a drop toe that sends him face first into the corner buckle. 6Pac then gives Rated R a series of knee lifts and then throws him through the ropes and out to the floor. 6Pac drops and rolls himself out of the ring and then finds himself face to face with Gerard. 6Pac smiles. The two of them have words while Rated R gets to his feet. Rated R picks up a chair and wields it as if to drill 6Pac with it, but instead he catches Gerard on the shoulder with it as 6Pac steps out of the way. 6Pac then slams Rated R's head into the apron and then rolls him into the ring. Gerard picks up the chair while Rated R receives a talking to from referee Bruce Miller. Gerard drills 6Pac across the back with the chair twice and then rolls him into the ring before throwing the chair aside. Rated R wastes no time in picking up 6Pac and giving him the Restricted and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Rated R gets a Gerard Angelo aided win tonight.
Vigilante - Ger screwed 6Pac over in front of his hometown fans!
Henry Lesher - Oh, Ryan was going to beat him anyway. Gerry just gave him an excuse for it.
Vigilante - I think it's garbage, just like a lot of the things I see happening in AW.
Henry Lesher - What are you going to do about it? You're retired.
Vigilante - Sometimes I wonder about that.
Rated R exits the ring and starts for the back while Gerard stands over 6Pac. He tells him that he will regret crossing Gerard. Gerard then knees 6Pac below the belt and then places him in a choke hold. We then see Joe Davidson entering the ring from one side and Steve Blake entering from the other. Gerard senses they are there and scrambles out of the ring and races back out through the crowd while Joe and Blake attend to 6Pac.
Vigilante - Where the hell did this feud come from? I mean, Bombshell appears to have some explaining to do or does she? Innocent until proven guilty, right?
Henry Lesher - Not in this business.
Backstage we see Halloween Jack, a bandage on his forehead, with Crystal Braun.
Crystal Braun - Jack, tonight Frank Merritt attacked you and then you came out after him. Does this distract you from your overall goal?
Halloween Jack - Frank and I will tangle soon. I can promise you that. Right now, I have a certain CWA champ to deal with. See, that title should have been mine years ago. I have been around this company for years and have watched as people like Tommy Purr get the title while I sit and get nothing.
Crystal Braun - Well, you've had a lot of time off.
Halloween Jack - You're not calling me lazy, are you?
Crystal Braun - No, I'm just saying...
Halloween Jack - You're just like the rest of them, making excuses for why I am not the champ. Moose, I know you're watching this. Next week, I will humble you. I will make you humble.
Crystal starts to snicker.
Halloween Jack - What's so funny? Did I say something amusing?
Crystal Braun - No, not like that. See, Sheik was...
Halloween Jack - I don't care about the Sheik. You're part of the problem, too, not taking me seriously. You're the same as the ownership here. Next week, I will cure the problem. Moose, I will be the man to make you humble right in front of thousands in Buffalo at Outrage!
Jack walks away while Crystal stifles a laugh. She shakes head head and walks off in the opposite direction.
Tommy Purr vs. Psycho Soldier
"Dead By Dawn" by Deicide plays as Psycho Soldier comes out onto the stage head banging. He then charges down the ramp and slides into the ring, still head banging to his music. He leaps onto the second rope in the corner buckle and head bangs for the crowd who are warming up to this man more every week. He then jumps down to the mat and we hear his music fading, then "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives starts to play and Tommy Purr starts making his way towards the ring. He holds the AW title high above his head as he makes his way down the ramp and the crowd gives him a hero's welcome. He makes his way around the ring and then hands his belt to the time keeper. He does a double take when Henry Lesher, who is sitting nearby, winks at him. Tommy then steps into the ring.
Vigilante - What the hell was that, creeping out the champ before his match?
Henry Lesher - Tommy's just coy.
Vigilante - He might have a restraining order on you before the match is over.
The bell sounds and Tommy locks up with Psycho. Tommy then whips Psycho to the opposite corner and then gives him an atomic drop before then giving him a reverse neck breaker and then Tommy goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Soldier. Tommy stands him up, whips him off the ropes and Soldier ducks a clothesline and then gives Tommy a series of rights and lefts before then giving him a head butt to the mat. Soldier then lands an elbow across the throat on Tommy and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Psycho Soldier stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a knee to the gut that sends the AW champ flying through the air.
Vigilante - Soldier has impressed me more every week with his ability against the top stars in this company.
Henry Lesher - Tommy will still beat him though.
Psycho Soldier head locks Tommy and gives him a DDT to the mat and then rolls him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Soldier then stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of shoulder blocks before then giving him an overhead suplex to the mat. Soldier then goes for the pin again. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr again. Soldier stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and Tommy ducks a clothesline and then gives Soldier a knee to the gut and then a swinging neck breaker to the mat before Tommy tries for the pin. 1...2... Psycho Soldier kicks out.
Vigilante - Good action here as both wrestlers almost secure wins.
Henry Lesher - Almost counts for nothing.
Tommy stands Soldier up, whips him off the ropes and ducks his head to backdrop him. Soldier instead gives Tommy a knee to the face and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Soldier then goes to the nearest corner and climbs to the second rope and then lands a double axe handle smash across the back of Tommy Purr. Psycho Soldier then picks Tommy up and slams him back down to the mat and then knees him in the head before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Soldier then stands Tommy up and whips him into the nearest corner and then gives him a German suplex to the mat from there. Soldier then stands Tommy up and delivers a second German suplex on him. Soldier again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr.
Vigilante - Don't look now, but the new guy is giving the champ all he can handle.
Soldier then stands Tommy up. Tommy eye gouges Soldier and then whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Tommy then rolls himself out of the ring and then lands a series of knife edge chops to the chest on Soldier. Tommy then whips Soldier shoulder first into the steel ring steps and then he rolls Soldier back into the ring before rolling himself into the ring as well. We then hear "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and see someone step out onto the apron, with his head down. Tommy Purr takes notice as does referee Mark Davis who shouts from the ring at the figure to leave while Rated R slides into the ring behind Tommy Purr. Rated R then gives Tommy a punch to the jaw with brass knuckles, the same ones he used a week ago to defeat Psycho Soldier. Rated R then rolls himself out of the ring and crouches at ringside. Psycho Soldier climbs the ropes in the corner to the top and poses there for the fans before leaping off and landing the Lucifer Storm on the fallen champ and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Psycho Soldier scores a huge upset this week over Tommy Purr.
Vigilante - I don't think Soldier knew what Rated R did there.
Henry Lesher - Tommy got outsmarted. Who the hell was standing in and playing themselves off as Rated R?
Vigilante - Probably one of those BLPW bastards, I figure.
Rated R rolls himself into the ring and is thrown a microphone by Kosmic Kitty.
Rated R - Allow me to enlighten you ignorant and inbred Hamiltonians. Earlier tonight I was challenged in my locker room by Tommy Purr. I was challenged to a match for Outrage next week which will be an I'm Sorry match. He wants me to apologize and admit he was better than me within Youthful Aggression and I want him to apologize for ducking me and for thinking he is better than me. See now I wouldn't accept, but since the AW title is on the line and is rightfully mine.... I accept.
Tommy is on his hands and knees, but Rated R knocks him back down with a microphone shot to the forehead. Rated R then throws the microphone back to his girlfriend and then exits the ring while the crowd boos him yet again.
Vigilante - Looks like we have another big match set for next week.
Henry Lesher - Your powers of observation stun me yet again.
As this mess is cleaned up, we go to Leech who is sitting in a stairwell someone inside the building now.
Leech - Oh, you thought I was done for the night. No, you see I am not done mocking. I am not done making fun of that which would claim to be better than AW. Roll it.
We again see a promo with Leech doing voiceover.
*The three scientists holding
automatic sub machine guns all appear facing the screen.*
Leech: The fourth scientist is standing with his back to the screen and he's
exposing his naked buttucks. He's a rebel.
Sci 1: Hello Dustin. I see you didn't remember to pick up
Michelle and the antidote.
Leech: True love is never forgetting to save your wife from evil sub machine gun
toting scientists. Shame on you!
Instead you went looking for us and we dissappeared
without a trace. Now you have only 1 more week to get the antidote from us
before it wears off.
Sci 2: We can't have you knowing our real identities for primary reasons. When
you tried to find us we made off with michelle and the antidote. So by now I
guess you know where you you punk?
Leech: Did a scientist really just call him "punk?"
Sci 3: We figured that we were at risk by attending last
week's EPIC so we brought the problem to us.
*The camera pans around to show a limp Dustin tied to a chair.
Leech: Jesus Christ, put some clothes on that man!
It then turns back to the scientists. The first one is holding a syringe.*
Leech: If that syringe is to cure his limp state, I'm fucking leaving.
Sci 1: So you want the antidote to get rid of the part we
hate about you?
Leech: Why don't they just kill him? I mean, seriously. They have him
restrained, drugged, and even impotent... The best they can do is inject him
with something? These scientists must be from Tennessee.
*The first scientist walks over to Dustin with syringe and
makes sure it is full before slowly piercing it into his chest.*
Sci 2: You are already 95% trapped in a distant world created by the drugs.
There is no point in putting you back. I hope you enjoy a life of misery!
*When about 60% of the "antidote" is in, Dustin's eyes bulge open as he tries to
grasp onto any breath of fresh air that he can.*
Dustin: .....uhhhhhhhhhh........uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Leech: That sound can mean only one thing, he has to take an Austin Powers piss.
Sci 3: 80%
*With that Dustin headbuts the 1st scientist and tears himself out of the chair.
He pulls the syringe from out of his chest and heaves at the wall where it
Dustin: I don't want to die like this. I want michelle!
*The scientist's run out of the room and lock the door as a female scream comes
from the other side of the door.*
Leech: Unsurprisingly, the scream came from Dustin himself.
Person: DUSTIN!
Leech: ADRIAN!
*A thick cloud of knockout gas seeps into the room and
forces Dustin to collapse to his knees.
Leech: Sorry about that.
Outside the huge complex we see a helicopter taking off
with a very large trunk, no doubt holding Michelle Davis.*
What was in the antidote? How will Dustin's mood swings change because of this?
find out on epic!
Leech: I'll pass.
We then see Leech again sitting in the stairwell.
Leech - If the fact that doesn't pass as talent here makes us minor leagues, may we forever remain minor leagues. Hey, if you're lucky, you might see me in a wrestling ring again. Don't hold your breath though.
Leech then heads out a nearby door and we head back to the ring.
The Moose vs. Jack Spade
"Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne starts to play as Jack Spade comes out to the cheers of the crowd. He poses on the stage for a few moments while fireworks fly up from either side of the stage itself and into the rafters. Jack then runs down to ringside and high fives fans all the way around the ring before he jumps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. He then tests the ropes while his music fades and we hear "I Feel Alright" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. The Moose reaches ringside and high fives a few fans there wearing Moose T-shirts and then he pulls himself onto the apron. He places his CWA title belt on the ring steps and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. Referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell and the action is underway. The two men circle each other and then move in. Moose shoves Jack into the corner and then gives him a drop toe out of it leading into a sleeper on Jack Spade. Referee Francis Clarke checks for a submission, but Jack isn't willing to give up so early here tonight.
Vigilante - The main event is here and Moose is inside the ring. It was true three years ago and is true now.
Henry Lesher - That's why everyone else left.
Jack Spade reaches for and manages to grab the bottom rope to force a break of the hold and then he rolls himself out of the ring to the floor to catch his breath. Moose then rolls himself out of the ring to the floor and starts landing forearms across the back of Jack Spade. Moose then picks Jack up and gives him a power slam to the floor. Moose then stands Jack up, rolls him into the ring and then rolls himself into the ring as well. Moose heads to the ropes and makes his way to the top. Moose leaps off for a flying leg drop on Jack, bur Spade rolls out of the way in time and Moose lands on his tailbone. Jack then quickly gets to his feet and starts landing knife edge chops on Moose as the CWA champ tries to get to his feet. Jack Spade then whips Moose off the ropes and backdrops him to the mat. Jack then goes to the ropes, makes his way to the second rope and lands an elbow smash to the chest on Moose from there before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Moose.
Vigilante - Jack Spade was always a tough one. I think he's looking better than ever out there tonight.
Henry Lesher - That's because you have no clue what you're doing. If you did, you would be a wrestler and not an announcer.
Spade stands Moose up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a spear to the back. Jack then gives Moose a German suplex to the mat. Jack follows that up by pulling Moose to the center of the ring and placing him in a Boston Crab. Referee Francis Clarke checks for a submission as the crowd seems torn on who they are cheering for. Moose refuses to submit to Jack's hold and pulls himself up from the mat and starts crawling on his elbows towards the ropes. Jack struggles to hold Moose still, but the champ's strength gets him close enough that, on the second lunge, he manages to grab the bottom rope to force the break. Moose then pulls himself out of the ring for a breather just as Jack did a few minutes ago.
Vigilante - Both men wearing the other down in a match that really could go either way.
Henry Lesher - I really could care less.
Moose paces on the floor as Jack Spade rolls himself out of the ring and starts trading knife edge chops with The Moose. Moose then dodges one chop, grabs the arm of Spade and whips him shoulder first into the ring steps. Moose then picks Spade up and gives him a fireman's carry into a side slam to the floor. Moose then stands Jack up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring as well. Moose stands over Jack Spade. The lights then go out. The crowd is buzzing with excitement. Inside the ring we hear a loud slap and a thud. We then hear a second slap and a thud. The lights come on a few moments later with Jack Spade's arm draped over a fallen Moose. The referee is forced to count the pin as he didn't see what happened. 1...2...3! Jack Spade scores the second straight upset over reigning champions! We then see Halloween Jack, standing in the front row with a bandage on his head, applauding loudly.
Vigilante - Jack strikes in a most Dante like fashion here.
Henry Lesher - He's sending a message. That's all he's doing.
Vigilante - He is going to wish he didn't. Next week at Outrage, Moose is going to end him.
We fade to black as Halloween Jack continues his applause and medics rush to the ring to attend to both wrestlers. Seven days from now, he'll find out what consequences are to be paid for this.