February 5th, 2008

It's another capacity crowd as we get set for another exciting edition of Overdrive. The crowd is on their feet as we open with "Coming Undone" by Korn and we see images of Alexis Luciano, Steve Hawkins, Tommy Purr, Halloween Jack, Jack Spade, Frank Merritt and 6Pac Dudley before we head to ringside where Ricky Simms and Henry Lesher are ready to call tonight's action.

Kannon Invitational

"Money" by Pink Floyd plays as members of Business Inc in Mr. Rivers, Kannon, and Kira Yakamoto make their way out. The crowd boos and jeers as Mr. Rivers carries a black brief case as he struts towards the ring with Kira and Kannon. Mr. Rivers grabs a hold of a mic and rolls into the ring with Kannon.

Mr. Rivers - Okay Halloween it's plain and simple this week all you have to do is survive three minutes with Kannon and you walk out with ten grand. Which I isn't happening anyways because Kannon is the most dominant force in the CWA.

"Down With the Sickness" By Disturbed plays as Halloween Jack comes down the ramp with a purpose as the crowd cheers him on. Mr. Rivers rolls out of the ring as Halloween Jack slides in. The Ref calls for the bell as Jack and Kannon begin trading punches. Kannon eventually gets the upper hand starts nailing Jack with hard rights. Jack quickly goes for a eye rake to avoid anymore punishment. Jack delivers a couple back hand chops before whipping Kannon off the ropes. Jack greets Kannon's return with a dropkick. Kannon staggers back as Jack follows connecting a spinning neckbreaker.

Ricky Simms - Halloween Jack is looking impressive tonight.

Henry Lesher - With money on the line I would be too.

Halloween Jack climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Kannon to rise to his feet before leaping. Jack goes for a double axe handle, Only to caught by Kannon and driven down into a spine buster. Kannon backs up as Mr. Rivers tells him to finish it. Jack slowly rises to his feet as Kannon charges with running big boot. Jack ducks the boot and snaps Kannon down into a DDT.

Ricky Simms - Well that's the two minute mark.

Henry Lesher - Good this almost over then.

Kira Yakamoto leaps on the apron and starts to distract the ref as Jack is setting Kannon up for a finish. Mr. Rivers sneaks in the ring while the ref is distracted. Jack catches Rivers within the corner of his eye and turns around to greet him but Mr. Rivers blasts Jack in the head with the briefcase and rolls out of the ring. Kira jumps off the apron and the ref turns around to see Kannon lift Halloween Jack up in a two handed choke. Kannon sits out slamming Jack down in two handed choke lift bomb and rolls on top for a pin 1.. 2.. 3 Kannon wins with only seconds to spare.

Ricky Simms - Halloween Jack was so close and If Mr. Rivers didn't interfere!

Henry Lesher - I can't believe a brief case knocked him stupid.

Mr. Rivers starts to laugh as he reveals the contents of the brief case to the crowd. Six bricks fall out of the brief case and onto the floor. Kannon and Kira meet up Rivers as they all laugh at the downed Halloween Jack while they make their way to the back.

Ricky Simms - This is not going to go over well with Jack.

Henry Lesher - Well, if he has any usable brain cells after that, no.

Backstage we see Crystal Braun with Lady Eagle.

Crystal Braun - Rachel, tonight you make another attempt to prove yourself against Alexis Luciano.

Lady Eagle - Look, I am going to prove to the world that I am....

She stops talking when Steve Hawkins appears in the frame, a smile on his face.

Steve Hawkins - No no no, my dear, you will fail. Your ability to prove yourself is lacking. You're no one in my world and you do not deserve to be a star in the CWA.

Lady Eagle - And what have you done lately?

Steve Hawkins - I have done a lot more than you. I stood toe to toe with Jack Spade and I proved myself to be a better man than Frank Merritt. You've been a curtain jerker the whole time. You are a waste of time.

Lady Eagle - I'll prove it to everyone, even you Steve.

She storms off and Steve winks at Crystal before he heads off in the opposite direction and then we return to the ring.

Max Cameron vs. Daniel McCoy

"Hell's Bells" by AC/DC plays as Max Cameron is expected on stage. Instead, he and McCoy come out in a brawl already. The crowd cheers as they watch Max and Daniel exchange rights and lefts. McCoy then knees Max in the gut and then gives him a power bomb onto the steel stage. McCoy then pulls Max by the hair down the ramp towards the ring.

Ricky Simms - Well, this is quite the action before the match has even started.

Henry Lesher - McCoy is a tool. I am amazed he's even in the CWA.

McCoy stands Max up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. He then stands max up inside the ring and whips him off the ropes while referee Mark Davis calls for the bell to get the action officially underway. Max ducks a clothesline and then gives Daniel a series of forearm smashes to the jaw that send him into the corner buckle. Max then gives Daniel a hip toss to the middle of the ring and then a kick to the back of the head for good measure. Max then stands Daniel up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the mat. Max then goes to the ropes and quickly makes his way to the top rope. He leaps off and misses with an elbow smash from there when McCoy rolls himself out of the way and right out to the floor. It is there that he takes a vicious chair shot from Tommy Purr which causes the referee to call for the bell. Tommy lands another chair shot across the back on McCoy while security rushes out to try and separate the combatants.

Ricky Simms - Well, Tommy ruined this one.

Henry Lesher - No, he saved us from watching it. Once again, Tommy Purr is the true wrestling hero.

Ricky Simms - Whatever.

As security rushes out to split everyone up, Max Cameron exits the ring and is clearly not impressed with Tommy Purr's interference as he attacks Tommy with a series of double axe handle smashes to the back while security tries to hold him back as well. While this plays itself out, we head backstage where we see Ray Dees with Adam West and Shengee Shmelky.

Ray Dees - Shengee, we have not seen you since Battle of the Warriors.

Shengee Shmelky - Yo yo yo, I be here yo.

Adam West - What Shengee means to say here is that he regrets sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

Shengee Shmelky -  Yo, I can speak for me yo.

Ray Dees - Trouble in Shmelk world?

Adam West - This is just a family thing, really.

Shengee Shmelky - I watched what Kannon did tonight yo. Dat ain't cool yo. Jack, man of Halloween, I be there for ya bro.

Ray Dees - Uh, I am sure he would appreciate that.

Shengee Shmelky - It's all about Flava yo!

Adam West - No, there is no Flava.

Shengee Shmelky - Next week, yo, Flava is gonna be in da house.

He walks off and Adam and Ray both shake their heads while we head back to the ring.

Tommy Purr vs. Halloween Jack

The security members are still trying to straighten this mess out and Tommy is at ringside having a shouting match with Max Cameron when we hear "Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed and a bloodied Halloween Jack comes out onto the stage. He appears slightly dazed, but he's coming out for his match tonight regardless.

Ricky Simms - I am not sure Jack is in any shape to fight tonight.

Henry Lesher - He's never in shape. I am surprised he showed up at all tonight.

Jack marches down the ramp while Tommy Purr argues to the referee that he isn't ready for his match. He can't say anything further as Halloween Jack gives him a series of rights and lefts to the chin. Halloween Jack then whips Tommy shoulder first into the steel ring steps while Max Cameron and Daniel McCoy start brawling on the ramp. Jack rolls Tommy into the ring and then rolls himself in, allowing the referee to call for the bell and make this match official while Jack goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr.

Ricky Simms - Jack wanted the quick win there.

Henry Lesher - It's the only hope he has.

Jack stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat followed by a leg drop across the chest and then he goes for the pin again. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Halloween Jack then stands Tommy up and whips him into the corner. He goes for a shoulder block in the corner, but Tommy side steps it and then gives Jack an elbow to the back and then gives him a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Tommy then gives Jack a series of punches to the forehead, trying to take advantage of the earlier brawl he had where he took the briefcase shot. Tommy then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick back to the mat. Tommy then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He poses for the crowd there and then dives off, landing a closed fist to the forehead on Jack before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack as the crowd appears split on who they are cheering for here.

Ricky Simms - Jack is hurting here.

Henry Lesher - And Tommy is the perfect wrestler to exploit his weakness.

Tommy sits Jack up and places him in a sleeper hold. The referee checks for a submission, but Jack shakes his head and refuses to give up even while it appears that he may be fading. His head lowers while his hand reaches out. He pulls himself with one hand and lunges with the other, managing to snag the bottom rope to force the break. Jack then rolls himself out to the floor in hopes for catching his breath. Tommy rolls himself out to the floor and starts giving Jack knife edge chops to the chest. Tommy then whips Jack shoulder first into the guard railing. Tommy follows that up by rolling Jack into the ring and then himself where he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Halloween Jack.

Ricky Simms - Again, the fighting spirit in Halloween Jack continues.

Henry Lesher - He's a real hero. He'll have brain damage, but he's a hero. He'll be the bravest intensive care patient ever.

Tommy stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a spear to the mat. Tommy then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack who then reverses it into a small package pin attempt on Tommy. 1...2... Tommy manages to kick out. Tommy kips up to his feet. Jack kips up to his feet. Tommy goes for a super kick, but Jack ducks it and then gives Tommy a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Jack then stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a spine buster to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Tommy rolls a shoulder out. Jack stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a round house kick that sends him back down to the mat. Jack then looks ready to end this one and signals that towards a cheering crowd. He then spots Mr. Rivers charging down the ramp and faces him as he slides into the ring. As he starts brawling with Jack, Kira Yakamoto slips into the ring behind Jack and then clocks him across the back of the head with the briefcase yet again. Jack drops and Rivers smiles as he then exits the ring while the referee calls for the bell and signals to the back for medics.

Ricky Simms - Business Incorporated targeted Halloween Jack earlier tonight and have now done so again.

Henry Lesher - It looks like they took him out. Jack will be gone for another six months at least.

Ricky Simms - I wonder if we'll actually see a pin tonight.

Henry Lesher - At least we're seeing violence.

While medics rush to the ring to attend to Halloween Jack, we look backstage where Charley MacAdam is with Shannon Skanes.

Charley MacAdam - Shannon, it has been chaos tonight.

Shannon Skanes - I hate to think of what these people might do next week.

Charley MacAdam - What happens next week?

Shannon Skanes - It's Valentine's Day next week, Charley. We would be remiss to ignore it. Next week we will have a free for all. We will see if love can conquer all.

Charley MacAdam - Not bloody likely.

Shannon Skanes - The CWA roster can show me that next week then. It's forgive and forget week.

Charley looks confused as Shannon exits the shot and we head back to the ring.

Lady Eagle vs. Alexis Luciano

"Rise" by The Cult plays as Lady Eagle comes out onto the stage and receives a mixed response from the crowd. She makes her way down towards the ring and even stops to sign a picture for a young fan in the front row. She then pulls herself onto the ring apron and steps through the ropes into the ring and she then leans back against the ropes while her music fades and then we hear "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven and Alexis Luciano comes out to a mixed response as well. She quickly makes her way down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope into the ring before jumping to her feet. She has a few words with Rachel while referee Casey Braun calls for the bell to get things started. The two women then lock up and fight for the early advantage.

Ricky Simms - These are two very promising CWA divas.

Henry Lesher - If you say so.

Alexis shoves Rachel into the corner and then gives her a series of kicks to the chest before she then gives her a snap mare to the middle of the ring. Alexis applies a standing side headlock. Rachel then backs Alexis into the ropes, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a shoulder block that sends her down to the mat. Rachel then gives Alexis a knee drop to the forehead and then goes for the early pin. 1...2... kick out by Alexis. Rachel then stands Alexis up, whips her off the ropes and misses with a big boot when Alexis steps out of the way, leaving Rachel hung up on the top rope. Alexis then pulls Rachel off the top rope by the hair while the referee warns her of a possible DQ. Alexis releases the hair, then whips Lady Eagle into the corner buckle and then gives her a backdrop to the middle of the ring from there while we see Bombshell coming out onto the stage. Alexis spots her and has a few unkind words for her.

Ricky Simms - Bombshell isn't locked away tonight and clearly Alexis thinks she can take her and Lady Eagle on at the same time.

Henry Lesher - Well, she's probably heard guys in the back talking about taking them both on at once. She just misunderstood how they meant that is all.

Alexis turns her attention back to Rachel and gives her a series of knife edge chops to the chest. Rachel answers with an upper cut on Alexis and then gives her an inverted atomic drop before whipping her through the ropes and out to the floor. Rachel then waits for Alexis to stand before she launches herself over the top rope and onto Alexis with a flying body press. Rachel then stands Alexis up and whips her towards the steel corner post only to have Alexis reverse it and Rachel's shoulder gets wrapped around the unforgiving steel. Alexis then slams Rachel's face into the steel ring steps before rolling her back into the ring.

Ricky Simms - Rachel briefly had the advantage.

Henry Lesher - She'll never win a match. Look, Hoshi beat her. I mean, come on now. Hoshi beat her.

Alexis rolls herself into the ring and then she starts boot choking Rachel while holding the top rope for added leverage. She releases the choke, stands Rachel up and whips her into the corner where she gives her repeated kicks to the gut. Bombshell starts making her way down the ramp towards the ring and Alexis sees her coming. Alexis has a few words for her and the two start arguing. Rachel rolls Alexis into a school boy pin. 1...2...3! Rachel gets her first CWA win.

Henry Lesher - That wasn't fair. Yvonne distracted her!

Ricky Simms - I hate to agree with you, but I have to here.

Henry Lesher - This is wrong, but at least it's over.

Ricky Simms - Alexis Luciano will not take this well at all.

A stunned Rachel leaves the ring and is actually jumping up and down as she has been given the win this week. She then starts to make her way up the ramp while Alexis Luciano has words with the referee about the fairness of the count. We head backstage where 6Pac Dudley is with Ray Dees.

Ray Dees - 6Pac, your ex is wreaking havoc out there tonight.

6Pac Dudley - You know, Ray, she's good at that. It's a shame she isn't good at anything else or maybe we would still be together.

Ray Dees - The CWA owner has announced next week will be forgive and forget week. How do you react to that?

6Pac Dudley - I don't care what that waste of space has to say. All I know is that I am here tonight to destroy Frank Merritt. I came up short last week, but that won't happen again. I am the real headliner in this company.

Ray Dees - Do you have anything to say to Frank Merritt?

6Pac Dudley - Yeah, get ready to get hurt. I didn't come here to wrestle tonight. I am here for a fight.

That said, we head back to the ring.

Frank Merritt vs. 6Pac Dudley

"Counting Bodies Like Sheep (to the Rhythm of the Drum)" by A Perfect Circle plays as Frank Merritt is led onto the stage by Destiny. He gets a loud chorus of boos from the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp. He talks strategy with his long time manager and then pulls himself onto the apron before pulling himself over the top rope into the ring. He then leans back against the ropes while his music fades and then we hear "Southtown" by POD as 6Pac Dudley comes out onto the stage with the Aerial title held high above his head. He then rushes to the ring and slides under the bottom rope into the ring where he then starts brawling with Frank Merritt.

Ricky Simms - 6Pac said he is here for a fight tonight.

Henry Lesher - He has never been very bright. That is exactly what Frank wants every night.

6Pac backs Frank into the corner buckle and gives him a series of rights and lefts to the chest and gut. Frank answers with an eye gouges on 6Pac and then picks him up and gives him a gorilla press slam to the mat. Frank then gives 6Pac a knee to the head and then chokes him while referee Steve Blake counts towards a possible disqualification. Frank breaks the hold before the referee can reach a five count and then Frank stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and backdrops him right over the top rope and out to the floor. Frank looks down at 6Pac and smiles before he steps through the ropes onto the apron. 6Pac stands and turns, taking a bionic elbow between the eyes from Frank Merritt who then picks 6Pac up into a bear hug before running him into the steel corner post, drilling 6Pac's back into the unforgiving steel.

Ricky Simms - The monster is in full control here.

Henry Lesher - 6Pac bit off more than he could chew last week and decided to go with someone bigger this week? He really is stupid, isn't he?

Frank rolls 6Pac into the ring and then he pulls himself onto the apron and looks around at the crowd before he steps through the ropes into the ring. Frank then gives 6Pac a knee lift to the face and smiles as he watches 6Pac fall. Frank then stands on the chest of 6Pac for a few moments before he steps off. Frank then grabs 6Pac around the throat and pulls him to his feet and sets for a choke slam. 6Pac eye gouges Frank and then gives him a series of kicks to the ribs to break the hold. 6Pac then gives Frank a drop toe which sends him face first into the corner buckle. 6Pac then pulls Frank from the corner and gives him a bulldog to the mat before rolling him over for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Frank.

Ricky Simms - Great fight shown by each man here tonight.

Henry Lesher - It's a shame 6Pac is so overmatched.

6Pac stands Frank up, whips him off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting them both down. On the four count, 6Pac starts pulling himself to his feet with the aid of the ropes. On the six count, Frank starts doing the same. 6Pac is on his feet at seven and gives Frank a knee to the face. 6Pac then stands Frank up, whips him into the corner buckle and goes for a boot to the chest on Frank. Frank catches 6Pac's foot and pulls him down to the mat and then pulls him to the middle of the ring where he starts to apply a figure four leg lock. As he turns it around, 6Pac kicks him into the corner and then jumps to his feet. 6Pac kicks Frank in the back. Frank then turns and gives 6Pac a vicious clothesline to the mat as we see Dex Cooper rushing down the ramp. He leaps onto the apron and shouts at Frank.

Ricky Simms - What is he doing out here?

Henry Lesher - Prolonging the agony for 6Pac is my guess.

As Dex has wordsa with Frank and the referee tries to restore order, Rex Cooper slides a chair into the ring to 6Pac. Frank turns and takes a chair shot to the face from 6Pac who then gives Frank another slam over the top of the head with the chair before pitching it back to Rex. Dex Cooper drops off the apron while the referee argues with him. 6Pac gives Frank a DDT to the mat and then goes to the top rope. He lands a 450 splash onto Frank and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! 6Pac Dydley downs Frank Merritt this week!

Ricky Simms - Well, you say a win is a win, Doc.

Henry Lesher - Frank might kill him when he comes to.

Ricky Simms - He said he came here to fight and he fought.

6Pac rolls himself out of the ring and is greeted by the tag team champions, who raise him up on their shoulders and carry him up the ramp. We then see Bombshell on the big screen hanging above the stage.

Bombshell - You look happy with yourself 6Pac. Next week, I challenge you to a match for that Aerial title belt of yours. Let's see how happy you'll be when I take it from you. It will be the second time I have taken you for all you're worth.

She smiles and her image fades while 6Pac smiles and nods. He is clearly accepting of this challenge.

Ricky Simms - Next week, at the forgive and forget edition of Overdrive, we will see Bombshell and 6Pac once again.

Henry Lesher - Oh Lord, shoot me now.

We look backstage where Shannon Skanes is with a security officer.

Shannon Skanes - He's here?

Security Officer - I tried to stop him.

Shannon Skanes - He doesn't have a contract to be here.

Security Officer - I know. I tried to talk to him, but he beat the hell out of me for trying to stop him.

Shannon Skanes - This is the last thing I need tonight.

Shannon storms off and we head back to the ring.

Jack Spade vs. Hoshi Yakamoto

"Poundcake" by Van Halen plays as Hoshi Yakamoto comes out to the loudest ovation that we have heard so far tonight. She then jumps up onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring where she then waits while her music fades and then we hear "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne and CWA champ Jack Spade steps out onto the stage to an even louder ovation as he holds the belt high. He then quickly makes his way down the ramp towards the ring and then jumps onto the apron where he holds the belt high again before handing it to referee Mark Davis who then hands it through the ropes to the time keeper. Jack then steps into the ring and the referee calls for the bell to get the action started.

Ricky Simms - This is tonight's main event.

Henry Lesher - And they wonder why the ratings are so low.

Jack and Hoshi lock up. Jack shoves Hoshi into the ropes and then gives her a knee to the gut before he whips her off the ropes and then gives her a clothesline to the mat. Jack then stands Hoshi up, whips her into the corner and he charges in. She leaps to the top rope and catches Jack in a head scissors before she then brings him down to the mat. Hoshi then jumps to her feet and then gives Jack a series of forearm smashes to the jaw. Hoshi then whips Jack into the corner and gives him a dropkick there. She then gives Jack a monkey flip from the corner back to the middle of the ring.

Ricky Simms - Good pace to start this one.

Henry Lesher - I am happy with that if the end comes faster.

Hoshi stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and he ducks a clothesline and then she comes off the ropes and lands a rolling thunder on Jack before she goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Hoshi then stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a knee to the gut before she then gives him a bulldog to the center of the ring. She again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out again by Jack Spade.

Ricky Simms - She doesn't quite have enough to put him away.

Henry Lesher - That's because she sucks. Haven't you been paying attention for the past two years?

Hoshi stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a dropkick when Jack manages to grab the ropes. He then lands a knee to the forehead on Hoshi before he stands her up and whips her off the ropes. Jack then levels Hoshi with a round house kick to the chest. Jack then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and backdrops her to the mat before he scales the ropes in the nearest corner. Jack then leaps off and lands the Jack of All Spades on Hoshi before going for the pin. 1...2...3! Jack Spade wins the match.

Ricky Simms - He pulled that out of nowhere!

Henry Lesher - Oh, like it's a surprise.

Jack has the belt handed to him by the referee and holds it high. A man slides into the ring behind him. He then taps Jack on the shoulder. Jack turns and takes a knee to the gut and a DDT to the mat. We then see that it's none other than Gerard Angelo! He stands over Jack and holds the CWA title belt in his hands, a sadistic smile on his face.

Ricky Simms - Where the hell did he come from? Is he even under a CWA contract?

Henry Lesher - I'm a doctor, not a lawyer.

Ricky Simms - Tune in next week fans. This should make for a fun ride!

We fade to black on Gerard Angelo holding the CWA title as the referee tries to part him from the gold.