January 22nd, 2008

It's a packed house as we get ready for the first edition of Overdrive since Battle of the Warriors one week ago. The crowd cheers as "Coming Undone" by Korn plays and we see images of Jack Spade, Tommy Purr, Frank Merritt, Max Cameron, 6Pac Dudley, Bombshell, Halloween Jack and Garth Rivers before we head to ringside where Henry Lesher and Ricky Simms are ready to call tonight's action.

Frank Merritt vs. Steve Hawkins

"Cowboy" by Kid Rock plays as Steve Hawkins is led towards the ring by his wife Jennifer. The crowd gives him a warm response as he reaches ringside and then makes his way up the ring steps and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He is testing the ropes when Frank Merritt rolls into the ring behind him with no music or fanfare. He isn't even dressed to wrestle.

Ricky Simms - Oh, this doesn't look good.

Henry Lesher - Any show that starts with Frank Merritt looks great, Rick. You're wrong.

Frank gets to his feet as referee Mark Davis calls for the bell to get things started. Frank has a few words with Steve Hawkins and then smiles. Hawkins looks towards the fans as Frank holds out a wad of money to him. Hawkins motions to ring announcer Kelly Buchanan for the microphone.

Steve Hawkins - Fans, this is amazing. Frank Merritt, the monster of the CWA, is asking me to take five thousand dollars to throw tonight's match. I am stunned and really don't know how to react to such an offer. I feel all confused and torn up inside about this, I really do. There would appear to only be one way to respond to being asked to leave the ring with the money in my hands.

Steve tosses aside the microphone and appears ready to strike Frank. Instead, he takes the wad of money from the CWA's monster and then drops and rolls himself out of the ring to the floor. He hands the money to his smiling wife and they head up the ramp while the fans boo Hawkins' decision tonight.

Ricky Simms - I don't see why this decision upsets anyone. Hawkins is a selfish man.

Henry Lesher - Hey. he's bright as well. He just made an extra five grand and didn't have to take a beating from Frank Merritt.

Ricky Simms - The fans are voicing their feelings on this matter. They are not happy.

Henry Lesher - Happy fans don't pay Hawkins' bills.

The Kannon Open Invitational

As Frank is declared the winner and then leaves the ring, "Money" By Pink Floyd plays as Mr. Rivers walks with his Bodyguard Kannon. The fans give a negative response to the arrival of the two. Kannon and Mr. Rivers step in the ring while Mr. Rivers asks for a microphone. Ingee Shmelky is seen at ringside. He rolls himself into the ring, no music heard to mark his arrival. The fans cheer him, but it is muted somewhat by their belief he is about to be destroyed.

Mr. Rivers - Okay Ingee all you have to do is survive for three minutes and the thousand dollars is yours.

Ingee- I don't have to beat him..

Mr. Rivers - No, just don't be beaten before the time runs out and the money is yours. I am feeling generous today so I will give you five thousand dollars If you can last three minutes.

Mr. Rivers steps out of the ring holding a briefcase which contains the money. The referee calls for the bell and the clock as the match begins. Ingee Charges at Kannon delivering a clothesline across Kannon's chest but Ingee fails to even budge Kannon. Ingee runs back at the ropes to try for a second attempt to knock over Kannon. This time though Kannon pushes Ingee back with enough force to make him to roll right to the outside of the ring. The ref starts to haze kannon about pushing him outside the ring as Mr. Rivers sneaks around to stomp on Ingee a few times before rolling him back into the ring. Ingee slowly gets back to his feet and starts yelling at Mr. Rivers on the outside.

Ricky Simms - Stupid move to turn his back on such a big opponent in Kannon.

Henry Lesher - Isn't everything Ingee does a stupid move? It started with his birth.

Mr. Rivers tells Ingee to watch his opponent instead of him as Ingee turns around right into a running big boot to the face from Kannon. Mr. Rivers laughs as he tells Kannon to finish him off. Kannon lifts Ingee to his feet then picks him up in a crucifix powerbomb. Kannon stalls for several seconds to walk to the center of the ring before driving Ingee down on the back of his head. Kannon Folds Ingee up in a pin 1.. 2.. 3 Kannon beats Ingee with over a minute to spare.

Ricky Simms - He calls that the Death Row Driver.

Henry Lesher - I have had washroom breaks longer than that match.

Kannon exits the ring and starts making his way up the ramp while we see Halloween Jack coming out onto the stage. He has a microphone in hand.

Halloween Jack - This marks two straight weeks that some poor Shmelky has taken a beating and no one wants to stand up for them? Hey, Kannon, you want a challenge?

Instead of walking towards Jack, Kannon instead jumps off the side of the ramp and tells Jack he isn't going to fight him. Garth Rivers pats Kannon on the back and has a few unkind words for Halloween Jack.

Halloween Jack - That's right, run from a fair fight Kannon. Destroy some hundred pounder inside the ring and ignore me.

Jack then heads down the ramp and rolls himself into the ring to check on the fallen Ingee. We then see a camera backstage where Adam West is watching all of this unfold and he is merely shaking his head. We then go to another area backstage where Crystal Braun is with Dante.

Crystal Braun - Dante, it would appear that your opponent tonight hasn't shown up.

Dante - This is what's wrong with the CWA. Frank Merritt pays off that coward cowboy instead of fighting me. My opponent stays home rather than take a beating from me. This is what we have come to? I am a legend in that ring, Crystal. I have been the champ. I have managed the champ. I have guided and developed champions. No, I won't stand by and watch this continue. Maybe I need to take my aim at someone who is getting too comfortable with their place in this company.

Crystal Braun - Who might that be?

Dante - I am not going to spell it out, Crystal. I am just going to act. That seems to be where the CWA is lacking now. No one acts anymore. They talk a lot and then fail to act when they are challenged. Kannon is another shining example of everything wrong with this business. Then, Halloween Jack is the hero? Where was he when that albino was getting whipped around the ring? No, there are no heroes in this company. There are nobodies. I will expose them all.

Crystal Braun - You appear to be challenging the entire locker room.

Dante - I might do that. After all, if I did, I doubt anyone would actually show up.

Kira Yakamoto vs. Lady Eagle

"Misery Business" by Paramore plays as Kira Yakamoto comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. She then makes her way down the ramp towards the ring and then jumps onto the apron before she leaps over the top rope into the ring. She then tests the ropes while her music fades and we hear "Rise" by The Cult and Lady Eagle comes out to a reaction far more mixed than in her initial match a month ago. She seems down as she makes her way to the ring and then makes her way up the ring steps and then steps through the ropes into the ring. Referee Casey Braun asks her if she's okay and then calls for the bell after Rachel nods.

Ricky Simms - Rachel still seems out of it after what Hawkins said about her last week.

Henry Lesher - Hey, so she's a slut. Has she looked around the divas locker room? It's hardly unique.

Kira moves in and locks up with Lady Eagle. Lady Eagle then shoves Kira into the corner buckle and then gives her a series of shoulder blocks before giving her a knee to the gut and then a double under hook suplex to the mat before she goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kira. Lady Eagle then stands Kira up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a sidewalk suplex to the mat where she again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out again by Kira. Lady Eagle then stands Kira up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor before she drops and rolls herself out to the floor. Lady Eagle stands Kira up and gives her a knife edge chop to the chest. Kira answers with one of her own and then gives Lady Eagle a clothesline to the floor and then starts putting the boots to her.

Ricky Simms - The tables have turned right on the floor here.

Henry Lesher - Oh, I don't care. No one cares. This is a bathroom break match. In fact, tonight's event is great for people with bladder control problems. They will miss nothing.

Kira stands Lady Eagle up and whips her shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Kira then rolls Rachel into the ring before rolling herself into the ring. Kira applies a sleeper hold while lady Eagle struggles against the hold. Rachel reaches for the ropes and fails on the first attempt. She then balls her hands into fists and lunges a second time, this time managing to force the break. Lady Eagle then gives Kira a knee to the ribs and then uses the ropes to finish getting to her feet. Lady Eagle then starts trading punches and kicks with Kira Yakamoto. Lady Eagle then rakes Kira's eyes along the top rope and then whips her into the corner buckle where she gives her kicks to the ribs.

Ricky Simms - Good back and forth action here.

Henry Lesher - I want this to end.

Lady Eagle then gives Kira a snap mare to the middle of the ring and then gives her a knee to the back. Lady Eagle stands Kira up, whips her to the ropes and misses with a dropkick when Kira dodges it. Kira then jumps to the top rope while Eagle gets to her feet. Kira leaps off and lands a flying cross body on Lady Eagle and hooks the tights as she goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Kira Yakamoto gets the win over Lady Eagle this week.

Ricky Simms - Shortcut taken by Kira, so Rachel might be wanting revenge.

Henry Lesher - Rachel Eagle is a has been who never was. There is a lot of that going around in the CWA.

Kira rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp while Lady Eagle realizes she has lost her match tonight. We then head backstage where Frank Merritt is with Ray Dees.

Ray Dees - Frank, what happened with Hawkins? Why pay him off?

Frank Merritt - I wasn't aware I had to answer to you, Ray.

Ray Dees - I am just curious what happened out there and why.

Frank Merritt - See, I don't owe you an explanation. I won the tournament last week. I am a millionaire and I can hand out money to people if I want to. If I choose to be generous, that is my choice.

Ray Dees - It's just that we don't understand why.

Frank Merritt - Look, I don't care to explain any further. I am still going to be the champion of the CWA and no one will stop me. How I dispatch of the opposition from week to week is up to me, not you and certainly not up to the fans.

Frank leaves and we head back to the ring.

Halloween Jack vs. Hoshi Yakamoto

"Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed plays as Halloween Jack makes his way onto the stage and he receives a strong ovation from the crowd. He manages a smile and then makes his way down the ramp. He then steps up onto the apron and then pulls himself into the ring before his music fades and then we hear "Poundcake" by Van Halen and Hoshi Yakamoto comes out to the loudest ovation we have heard yet tonight. Hoshi then runs down the ramp to the ring, slides under the bottom rope into the ring and referee Mark Davis calls for the bell as the two wrestlers stand face to face. They lock up and Jack shoves Hoshi into the nearest corner and then gives her a series of knees to the gut. He then gives her a vertical suplex to the middle of the ring before he stands over her and drops an elbow across the throat on her and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi Yakamoto.

 Ricky Simms - This match is off to a strong start.

Henry Lesher - I don't care. I mean, how many of these throw away matches can we have in one night?

Jack stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a backdrop to the mat. Jack then goes to the second ropes, waits for Hoshi to stand and then goes for a clothesline from there. Hoshi ducks out of the way and then gives Jack a clothesline to the mat instead. Hoshi then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick that sends him back down to the mat where she tries for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Halloween Jack.  Hoshi then stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a monkey flip to the center of the ring. Hoshi then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. She goes for a 450 splash from there, but Jack manages to roll away from it. Hoshi falls to the mat while Jack uses the ropes to get to his feet. He then sets Hoshi for and delivers a side Russian leg sweep on her.

Ricky Simms - It's hard to choose who could win this battle.

Henry Lesher - Hoshi doesn't battle. She girl fights.

Jack stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a clothesline to the mat before he lands a knee drop to the chest on Hoshi. He then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi Yakamoto and Jack gives the referee a dirty look. He then stands Hoshi up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor. Jack then drops and rolls himself out to the floor. He stands Hoshi up and takes a jawbreaker from Hoshi. Hoshi then whips Jack shoulder first into the steel ring steps. She then stands Jack up and takes a clothesline to the floor from Jack.

Ricky Simms - These two have taken this to the floor.

Henry Lesher - I want this to be over.

Jack stands Hoshi up and she slams his head into the ring apron. She then rolls herself into the ring as the referee calls for the bell. Hoshi looks confused until ring announcer Kelly Buchanan tells us all that this match is a double count out. Hoshi pleads her case while Halloween Jack rolls himself into the ring and does the same. They argue inside the ring while we head backstage where Crystal Braun is with Max Cameron.

Crystal Braun - Max, tonight you face the man you teamed with last week to try and win the tag team titles.

Max Cameron - You know, I was aware of that.

Crystal Braun - Is there a chance you two will team together again?

Max Cameron - That's a rather stupid question. This is the CWA, the most poorly run organization there is. They could book Jack and I together next week for all I know. Tonight, however, he will lose this match and we'll steal the show.

Crystal Braun - Jack is the champ now. Does that change how you approach this match?

Max Cameron - No, I approach everything the same. Everyone is in my way. he is in my way. I'll use tonight's match to justify my next shot at being the CWA champion.

Crystal Braun - You certainly sound confident.

Max Cameron - I have every reason to be confident. I am Max Cameron. I am a living legend.

He heads off and we head back to the ring.

Max Cameron vs. Jack Spade

"Hell's Bells" by AC/DC plays as Max Cameron comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He looks around at the full arena and nods his head a few times before he starts down the ramp towards the ring. He then pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He tells the camera that tonight's main event is now. He then leans back against the ropes while his music fades and then we hear "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne and Jack Spade comes out holding the CWA title belt over his head for the first time. He shows it to the camera and then looks at his reflection in it with a wide grin on his face before he runs to the ring.

Ricky Simms - Well, I guess he did see himself in the belt after all.

Henry Lesher - I understand he spent all week polishing his belt, alone in his hotel room. At least, that's what he tells us he was doing with it.

Jack stands nose to nose with Max, the belt over Jack's shoulder. Referee Steve Blake calls for the bell and Jack hands the title belt to Blake who then passes it through the ropes and out to the timekeeper. Jack and Max then lock up for a test of strength. The fans cheer as Jack has the early advantage, though Max is quick to respond. Max then backs Jack into the corner where the referee asks for a clean break. Max releases Jack and backs away slowly while Jack has a fist cocked in case something happens here. Max stands in the middle of the ring and Jack moves in for a lock up. They then struggle for the advantage and shove one another into the ropes. Max manages to get the upper hand in the corner buckle where he is again asked for a clean break by the referee. Again, Max backs away as asked and the fans seem surprised by that.

Ricky Simms - Max talked a lot this week about respect between himself and Jack Spade.

Henry Lesher - I know. I hear that. That's what we call loser talk.

Jack and Max lock up in the middle of the ring. Jack breaks the lock up with a knee to the gut on Max and then gives him a gut wrench suplex to the mat and then applies an arm bar on Max. Max gets to his feet and then lands a series of knife edge chops to the chest on Jack, breaking the hold and then gives him a knee to the gut followed by a bulldog to the mat where he goes for the early pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Max then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and backdrops him to the mat. He then lands a diving headbutt to the chest on Jack and again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Max then stands Spade up, whips him off the ropes and Jack ducks a clothesline and then gives Max a reverse neck breaker to the mat. Jack goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Jack then stands Max up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a hip toss back to the middle of the ring.

Ricky Simms - This is becoming a pretty good fight.

Henry Lesher - Well, I believe Max has retired twice since the match started.

Jack picks Max Cameron up and slams him to the mat. He then comes off the ropes and lands a leg drop across the throat on Max Cameron before he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Jack stands Max up, whips him off the ropes and then both men clothesline each other to the mat which causes the referee to start counting them both down. On the four count, Jack sits up. On the five count, Max does the same. Both men are then knocked back down as Frank Merritt and Tommy Purr charge into the ring with chairs in hand and start laying a beating on Jack Spade and Max Cameron. The referee calls for the bell, throwing this match out.

Ricky Simms - What a cowardly attack by Tommy and Frank!

Henry Lesher - They are making their claim to the tag team titles. It works for me.

Frank grabs a microphone as Tommy chair shots Max and Jack rolls himself out to the floor.

Frank Merritt - See that? Those are supposedly number one contenders for the tag team titles! Tonight we wanted a piece of the champs, but we haven't seen them! Bring out the champs! Come on guys! Let's see what you're made of!

Frank tosses the microphone down and we see Dex and Rex Cooper charging out from the back and rushing down the ramp to the ring. The four men start brawling inside the ring while security rushes into the ring and tries to split this right up. Security members start falling through the ropes and out to the floor. Frank and Dex choke one another despite the fact security is in between them. Rex Cooper manages to land a right hook on Tommy who answers with a chair shot to the head on Rex Cooper.

Ricky Simms - This is completely out of control.

Henry Lesher - I couldn't be happier. I am so happy.

While security breaks up the melee inside the ring, we look backstage and see Dirk getting ready for his match with Tommy Purr. We then scan across and find Lady Eagle standing with Ray Dees.

Ray Dees - Rachel, you had a minor setback tonight.

Lady Eagle - Ray, I will get my pride back. I will prove myself to everyone, including that idiot Hawkins.

Ray Dees - So what or who is next?

Lady Eagle - It doesn't matter to me.

Ray Dees - Best of luck.

Lady Eagle - I may need it.

She walks off and we head back to the ring.

6Pac Dudley vs. Alexis Luciano

There are panes of glass around the ring. The scaffold has been put up and is ready to be used in this brutal battle. "Southtown" by POD plays as 6Pac Dudley makes his way to the ring. He gets a loud cheer from the crowd and holds his Aerial title belt high. He then makes his way down the ramp and looks around at the glass and smiles before he pulls himself into the ring. He waves to the fans and then hands off the Aerial title to referee Mark Davis who then hands the belt to the timekeeper.

Ricky Simms - This should be a violent match.

Henry Lesher - I sure hope so. Security really ruined a good brawl there just moments ago.

6Pac starts to make his way up the scaffold while his music fades and then we hear "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven and Alexis Luciano steps out onto the stage where the crowd gives her a chorus of boos. She shrugs and heads down the ramp and looks up at 6Pac on the scaffold. She pulls herself into the ring and then starts to make her way up the scaffold while the fans cheer in anticipation of what they are about to see. As Alexis reaches the top, the referee calls for the bell and the action is officially underway. 6Pac and Alexis exchange knife edge chops to the chest and then she eye gouges 6Pac and then she gives him a clothesline down to the scaffold. She then lands a series of punches to the head on 6Pac before she stands him up and then takes a thumb to the eye from 6Pac. He picks Alexis up and slams her down onto the scaffold and then gives her an elbow smash across the throat.

Ricky Simms - This will not be a scientific match.

Henry Lesher - Well, 6Pac isn't a very strong wrestler so that makes sense.

6Pac stands Alexis up and tries to whips her off of the scaffold and down to the glass below. Instead, she grabs the metal on the side of the scaffold and stops her forward momentum. She then slams 6Pac's face into the steel railing of the scaffold and then tosses him down to the canvas where he lands with a thud. Alexis stands on top of the scaffold, her hands raised and a smile on her face.

Ricky Simms - She threw 6Pac down, but the winner has to throw their opponent off of the scaffold and through one of the panes of glass at ringside.

Henry Lesher - It is a waste of a really good idea, throwing this idiot and this chick into it. Get Frank and Dante out here!

6Pac gets to his feet and starts to make his way back up the scaffold. He is then knocks off with a kick to the face by Alexis. She then dives off the top of the scaffold and lands a flying cross body press on 6Pac which actually brings a loud cheer from the crowd. Alexis stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a lariat to the mat. She then stands him up and takes a thumb to the eye from 6Pac. 6Pac then picks Alexis up and slams her down to the mat and then he starts climbing the scaffold.

Ricky Simms - This is insane. Someone is going to get injured in this one.

Henry Lesher - I am hoping for both of them.

Alexis gets to her feet as 6Pac gets to the top. She then starts to make her way up the scaffold slowly while 6Pac looks ready to attack her once she reaches the top. She pulls herself up the ladder to the top, crawls onto the top of the scaffold and sees 6Pac charging at her. She raises up and gives him a backdrop off the scaffold and right part the ring and through a pane of glass at ringside. The referee calls for the bell and Alexis smiles as she gets to her feet, short of breath. She then starts making her way down the scaffold.

Ricky Simms - Great showing here tonight by Alexis in her debut.

Henry Lesher - Well, she won me over there. Keep almost killing 6Pac and I will enjoy watching you do it.

Alexis drops to the floor and stands over 6Pac. She then grabs the Aerial title belt from the time keeper and looks at it for a moment before she drops it on top of 6Pac. She then heads for the back while we look backstage where Tommy Purr is with Ray Dees.

Ray Dees - Tommy, you and Dirk have the main event tonight. I was wondering how you plan to approach the new guy here.

Tommy Purr - Honestly, Ray, I am always a little nervous in facing new talent. You just can't tell what they might do.

Ray Dees - I am wondering what's happening here. Dirk was supposed to come out here for a face to face before the match.

Ray heads off from the set and towards the locker room. He then opens the locker room door and we see Dirk lying out cold and apparently in a pool of blood. Ray rushes back to Tommy who is with Mrs. Robinson and Bombshell.

Ray Dees - Tommy, Dirk was attacked.

Tommy Purr - By who?

A masked wrestler rushes out and slams Mrs. Robinson and Bombshell face first to the floor at the same time. He then ducks a wild right from Tommy and starts choking him out with a cross face chicken wing while Ray is heard screaming for security. The masked assailant then drops Tommy and rushes off as Frank Merritt charges into the picture. Frank checks on Tommy while the camera tries to follow the masked man. The cameraman trips and the shot turns to snow. We then go to a baffled Ricky Simms.

Ricky Simms - Some masked wrestler attacked Dirk and then took down Tommy's divas before trying to take out Tommy. I am at a loss.

Henry Lesher - Rated R is back!

Ricky Simms - It's not Rated R.

Henry Lesher - I can't believe he is back.

Ricky Simms - Rated R is far too full of himself to wear a mask.

Henry Lesher - Q is back!

Ricky Simms - Lord, it's not Q. That man was not large enough to be Q.

Henry Lesher - Leech is back and kicking ass!

Ricky Simms - Oh God, this could go on all night. Good night everyone. Maybe next week we'll find some answers to who just attacked Tommy Purr backstage and cost us our main event tonight.

Henry Lesher - Mini Sal?

Ricky Simms - Okay, now you're reaching.

We fade to black on a shot of Tommy Purr gagging for air backstage.